Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 2013 Diecasts: Checklane Short Cards – You Betcha!
I’m not exactly sure who felt there was a crying need for the continuation of the check lane “short cards” program but there’s 10 CARS 2013 singles scheduled for the program and there are a couple of unexpected choices …
You’d expect it to be the foundation characters, but Ramone with Paint Gun & You the Bomb Mater – both are oddball choices. Since both are scheduled for singles releases in the regular singles lineup pretty quickly, these might arrive at the same time??
Hard to say who might even carry these …
The CARS 2 short cards checklane was pretty much one and out so it’s hard to say how much interest there will be for these not in a movie launch year … and pretty much repeating the singles released on regular cards.

I got 6 of the new 2013 release at TRU C.B., Iowa last night. The McQueen and The King are nice and the Sarge is the one line on the hood but the top is the one piece as the true series 1 Sarge is different. The Mater ” You the Bomb ” is kool and it reminds me of Sally with Cone from the ROR Series. Now if they would put two exclusive Cars in the Short Card/Check lane/Lane Mates Series it would put real collectabllity in that Series. I think they are kool and the Jeff Gorvette with Francesco make 2 of the race cars now all they have to do is put Rip on Short Card and have him DAMAGED WoW That would make members find K-Mart / TRU to COLLECT THEM ALL Thebreezz
I could never understand the point of these. The only stores I ever see them at always just have them mixed in with the other singles. I’ve never seen them actually in the check lane.
If You da (the) bomb Mater and paint gun Ramone appear on short cards I’m all over those.
First wave of short cards CARS 2
this is what i have:
something else was out??
Neeeeeeeeeeeeeed all the new short cards ( obviously)
The only Cars 2 singles at our TRU are check lane cards on the pegs in the feature aisle of the store.
Yeah, the TRU I visited twice last week had just restocked and the only new cars in were TONS of the original short cards.
TRU will undoubtedly have these.
My Walmart was the king of checklane cards during the Lenticular 2.0 days, but didn’t carry a single one for Cars 2. I’ll be curious to see if they carry these.
Does anyone know if Ramone w/ paint gun is Union Jack Paint job, or Lime Green?
(MET: The proto was with the Union Jack paint scheme).