Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Children’s Toy Closet – P Singles Cases Back Online + Coupon Code
Children’s Toy Closet (CTC) has more of the greatest singles case assortment EVER coming in – warehouse is definitely down to a few cases listed so this might be it?
Order here – there’s also a coupon code (one time use per household) – CP20 which knocks $20 off your total order. You must register an account at CTC to use this coupon.
Yep, TWO Super Chases – Memo Rojas Jr. (Mexico) AND Vitaly Petrov (Russia). And 1 each of: Sir Harley Gassup, Fabrizio, Alex Vandel, Nick Cartone and Suki plus 2 of Otis and Erik Laneley (sorry for the error number 1 above – too lazy to go back and change it).
The other 13 CARS in the case are: 2 Carlo Maserati’s, 2 Miguel Camino’s, 2 Max Schnell’s, 2 Nigel Gearsley, 1 Hydraulic Ramone, 1 Raoul Caroule, 1 RT Sarge, 1 Francesco and 1 McQueen …
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For those who are interested, this case is available once again. 18 left in stock at the time of this post.
Just saw on eBay 3 of the new cars are Chases? That’s a lotta chases in one case!
(MET: Unless it says Super Chase or Chase, it’s not a “chase” … though on eBay … LM with Racing Wheels is HARD TO FIND so it must be true).
Photos of fabrizio, Alex and gassup have card backs saying chase, Met… Your last statement reeks of snark, man… If that wasn’t the intention then I apologize. But tone of language do get lost or misinterpreted in text form and your phrasing there was all sarcastic to me. Just saying…
Ok I guess my decision was made for me, went to order this morning and there isn’t anymore, guess I shouldn’t have waited.
If anyone is on the fence, CTC’s site says 8 cases remain.
Any idea what the LMQ looks like? The listing says winner’s circle McQueen.
(MET: That’s Mattel’s name for LM with Racing Wheel – aka: CARS 2 Lightning McQueen).
Just Got 2 cases , Thank you Metro for the update.
Where is the case listed on CTC’s website? I cannot find anything called Case P…
Tom, I think it was pulled. It was there yesterday and the price was $112 or $118, without the 20% code.
I was just getting ready to order them too! 🙂
He sold them all. He will be listing case B within the next day or so. This case contains RIP. So keep checking his website if interested.
Case is back up, just ordered. Thank you Traver.
Me too, thanks!
Best case ever!
Thanks for the offer Traver!
Case ordered. Admittedly not as thrilling as finding them in the wild…but it’s getting pretty frustrating driving all over only to see the peg-warmers….
Gary, I’m in MD too and I definitely agree….quite the dry spell for cars in MD. this case saves me tons of time and thought….less driving for sure.
You must log into your account, or must register. If you don’t, you will still be able to purchase what is called anonymously. However, you will not be able to use the coupon!
Thank you Traver for selling these to us at a very reasonable price. I bought 2 Cases last night.
Yes, indeed a great price !!! I hope they come way before christmas !!!
This may be too hard to resist. I can donate the extras to our local toy drive, as long as the case ships in time. Any word on when this will actually be available?
(MET: I think these left the warehouse today so most resellers will get them early next week – if you just placed an order, they might not get it until mid next week so to turn it around to you – anywhere from another 2-7 days depending on how far you are from the Ohio-Michigan area … If you can’t wait, just drive there, I’m sure Rob & Traver will meet you at the Dunkin’ Donuts. 🙂 ).
That is exactly what we are going to do. We are going to donate all of the extra cars in the case to Toys for Tots. This case comes out at a perfect time to do something like this. Lets hope some less fortunate kids get enjoyment out of these cars!
What cardback will these singles be on?
They’re on the Porto Corsa cardback
We will see the twin case without the superchases in the wild. Still some cool cars in there
If only we could see these in the wild.