Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 2: Warehouse Find, Case P – 9 New CARS, 2 Super Chase …
It looks like Mattel packed an N & P case for Walmart but Walmart did not want it? Or they did not want to order enough so back to the warehouse it went – available for anyone to order.
So, it looks like the P CASE contains pretty much all of the “missing” CARS 2 Porto Corsa CARS on cards … I don’t believe it’s hype to say this is the greatest case assortment EVER.
Here are the new CARS in this case …
Yep, TWO Super Chases – Memo Rojas Jr. (Mexico) AND Vitaly Petrov (Russia). And 1 each of: Sir Harley Gassup, Fabrizio, Alex Vandel, Nick Cartone and Suki plus 2 of Otis and Erik Laneley (sorry for the error number 1 above – too lazy to go back and change it).
The other 13 CARS in the case are: 2 Carlo Maserati’s, 2 Miguel Camino’s, 2 Max Schnell’s, 2 Nigel Gearsley, 1 Hydraulic Ramone, 1 Raoul Caroule, 1 RT Sarge, 1 Francesco and 1 McQueen …
Yes, hard to believe.
Yea, holy snickey … Can you say, ‘nice freakin’ case?’
Before I forget, CASE N is the TWIN of case P without the Super Chase’s – replacing them are an extra Suki and an extra Nick Cartone … you know, if you’re boycotting the whole Super Chase thing, then ask your favorite reseller for CASE N.
Otherwise, if you want the last two EVER Super Chases, ask for CASE P. Plus 7 other new CARS … yawn, just another boring sealed case of Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 diecast – wake me when there’s 20 Apple CARS in a case. 🙂
So, while Mattel may not have intended us “regular folk” to have access to this case, thanks to Walmart’s “decision,” it is the greatest gift Mattel could give to collectors, to close out the card motif by actually releasing EVERYTHING in sufficient quantity and yours for the asking-ordering. What a concept! Unlike most lines where the last case or leftover in the series gets shuffled off or buried in another country, this is the right way to close out CARS 2 Porto Corsa.
So, it looks like CASE N is available at some Walmart’s – that is why you might find 7 of the 9 new CARS in this case on the pegs but it depends on if your WM is receiving CARS diecast restock.
So, thanks, Rob’s Palace of Disney CARS for gathering up all the info. Be sure to call or email Rob if you would like a case …
These are shipping out in the next few days and should arrive at the end of the week or in the next week to route to you.
« If You Run of Out Things to Do in Vegas: The Chuck Jones Experience | Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: These 2012 UPC’s Are Not the UPC’s of 2013 You Are Looking For … » |

Just saw on eBay all the new cars are Chases? That’s a lotta chases in one case!
Ordered mine @ Children’s Toy Closet. They transfered the money, but I have not receive any confirmation email. Hopeful they still having the case. SOOO NERVOUS!
Ordered mine — My son is getting some new cars for Chrismukah
Uh oh … keyboard is starting to short …. drooling too much … bzzz. … bzzz …. kableeeewwwwweeeeeeeeee lol
I’ll try not to get too carried away in the store. 😉
There are a few left.
Will keep you posted if we are going to get more!
Got mine ordered… first case in years I have ordered!
Got mine ordered.
They sold out while I was placing my order.
Was lucky to get 2 in the second batch of 100, but now they’re all gone too. Thanks Traver so much for everything you are doing to help us collectors out! 🙂
Got my order in on time! Yeah! First time for me also! Can’t wait to get these! Thanks Met! 🙂
Traver, Any chance your going to get anymore cases?
So this means that we will not see Celine Dephare and Acer with Torch on a numberd mainline single Porto Corso Card like Europe has.
And for the super completist Mary Esgocar and Alexander with Partyhat only with the KMart-day assortment number on the back.
By the way: Is there already a name for the New 2013 Cards ?
Suggestion : Themecards !?! 😀
(MET: Yes, it appears that the 4 will only be available in the US as is … as for the naming of the new cards … I think THEMES should definitely in there … like CARS 2013: The Gathering of Themes 🙂 ).
By the way found out that the numbering on the 2013 Cards continues on the 2-packs Met.
Piston Cup themed singles from Case A
1/18 Chick Hicks
2/18 Tow
Piston Cup themed doubles from Case A
3/18 Bob Cutlass & 4/18 Darrell Cartrip (2-pack)
5/18 Mrs the King & 6/18 Tex Dinoco (2-pack)
WGP themed singles from Case A
1/17 LMQ
2/17 Francesco Bernoulli
WGP themed doubles from Case A
3/17 Nigel Gearsley & 4/17 Austin Littleton (2-pack)
5/17 Raoul Caroule & 6/17 Bruno Motoreau (2-pack)
WGP themed singles from Case B
7/17 Miguel Camino
8/17 Rip Clutchgoneski
9/17 Erik Laneley
So we will see if Mattel continues this on the Megasized singles Case A. Especialy for the Mater Theme. (Materhosen, Dracula Mater etc)
Wowza that is an awesome case for sure!!! – I’ll be pre-oredering ours for sure! Thanks for the heads up!
Very nice case… looking forward to adding it to my collection.
Wow, looks like a winner! Too bad the only way this happens is because of bungling.
Frank Fritz bundles; Mattel bungles.
I figured the case of Frostys would be considered the greatest case.
Or the first few final lap cases.
It is the greatest case.
Last two Ultimate chases? What happened too the other chase with the Jeff or Miquel body shape?
I am trying to keep up but seem to be missing out here……
Neat is the new neat?