Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Kmart CARS Event Day Today – Don’t be Denied – It’s At 9 (AM)!
The in-store event is today! 9 AM! If you’re going, don’t be late!
For old timers who may have missed Day #8 – it’s NO LONGER at 11 AM but 9 AM start time!
Let us know in the comments how your day went.
Hope it wasn’t too crazy …
Supposedly, the BUY 5, GET 1 free offer is still available but I could not any reference to it online or in the circular … anyone?
If you’ve never gone, here’s the BASIC Scoop….
What is the Kmart CARS Collector Event Day?
Twice a year, Kmart stores offer EXCLUSIVE rubber tire racers. You can skip the event and buy an entire case of 24 (see link above). If you prefer not to buy an entire case, the in-store event is later today, Saturday October 21, 2011 at 9:00 AM (your local time).
How Does it Work?
Generally around the toy section, they will set up a table – you will also see some people gathered about (from some to hopefully not too many). At around 9 AM, they will begin letting people draw numbers. The rules are that ANYONE who is capable of physically drawing a numbered ticket is eligible to draw … meaning pretty much anyone from the age of 6 month and up … they will then call out numbers randomly from the draw – if your number is called, the will start to cut open a box for you – you are allowed to select up to 5 CARS in the first go around.
Will I get the CARS I want?
It all depends on what you are looking for and it will all depend on how many boxes the store receives and how many people are drawing tickets. (see banner above for CARS at this event). Now after everyone who has drawn a number has picked their 5, some stores hold additional drawings – other stores just open it up as a free for all.
How early should I go to the event?
OFFICIALLY, they are supposed to draw numbers at 9 AM and in the order of your drawn number. So, you might show up at 8:58 and draw a low number or show up at 8:30 AM and draw a high number.
WARNING – there are stores that aren’t going to follow the official, guidelines so you probably want to show up at least by 8:30-8:45 and scope out the situation … in some cases, you actually have to remind them to re-read their instructions. It’s by the number you draw and not when you begin to line up.
Good luck and have fun.
If you need a store locator – try here.
« Disney Pixar: TV Special “Toy Story of Terror” Coming Next Year | Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Kmart CARS Day #9 SEALED CASES Back Online! » |

If anyone has a rule sheet, I still one for this event. I did get one but accidentally cut through it when I opened the envelope.
Thursday October 25 KMart Somerville, MA
Stopped by to see what was left and they had everything still on the pegs. This included two Marys and one Alexander. So if you missed out and are in Gr. Boston, check here.
In spite of everything, I would like to thank Kmart for not only continuing to host this event, but for pulling it off rather successfully each time. I’m sure it’s not an easy task getting the same thing shipped to every store on time, but they’ve managed to pull it off nine times now.
Thank you Kmart!
Your right John…
Also, lets not forget this is always about the kids….
and with that, lets remember to donate our unwanted Mcqueens etc to children in homeless shelters.
Anyone who has bought Kmart cases from me and wants to lighten their cases getting ready to be shipped and DONATE their mcqueens I will do that for you.
Anyone who wants to send theirs here, please just donate them to your local homeless shelters and save shipping costs.
Went to my Local KMART in Kentucky( I live in Indiana). Got there about 10 of 9 , went to toys and NO ONE WAS there. So I said to myself, (9 or 11). I then spied a guy I knew from previous events and he told me that at event 8 he was the only one! One other guy showed up, it looked like a commercial for AARP ! Any way a worker asked if she could help and we explained what we were there for. She brought out the ONE CASE and we each got a poster and what we wanted from our own personal box. I got one car free thru there BOGO promo so it all worked out
Hello all! Long time lurker here. First time poster. I started collecting during the second wave of Cars 1 lenticulars and got heavy into the Cars Toons series.
Got to my local Kmart in Prince Frederick about 0915, and I was the only one who showed. The had one master case and I had my pick of whatever I wanted. The best part was that (for some reason), I was able to get 8 cars for the price of 4. Not going to complain.
Welcome to posting, Gary in MD. The closest stores to you I hit are Annapolis. Not out there very often though. My Aunt and Uncle live near you in Sunderland.
Thanks! I actually live south of Prince Frederick, but I stop by the Kmart in Edgewater whenever I have business that takes me through Annapolis…
Completely forgot to ask someone to pick me up a set this time…
Does anybody have a complete set of racers for sale ( or a case would be fine too) ?
Shupping would be to the Netherlands but ofcourse all expenses on me:
Thanks in advance for the trouble.
Wilgert aka King of Cars
email sent Wilgert
Went to the Kmart in Plymouth, MI. They had one master case and the clerk had no idea what was going on. Around 9 am an older couple and a family with kids showed up. We finally got the clerk to open the master case and give each of us a poster. Then my friend, who was the only person there with a knife, opened the cases and gave the first case to the family to paw through, then gave one to the older couple, opened one and put it aside, then opened one for me. I got 2 of each except McQueen and went to breakfast. As we were picking through them, the older guy asked me if I knew which ones were “viable”, I assume he meant valuable, but I didn’t tell him anything as I figured if he is collecting based on resale value he can figure that out for himself. Also, as we were picking through a couple of women showed up and joined the frenzy like it was a gold bar give away or something. All in all it went OK, but not because of anything the clerk did, she was totally passive.
Would it be that hard, really, for Kmart to send the rules out ahead of time and the manager make sure the clerk who is running the event understands them?
I flew home yesterday and hit the Pasadena, MD Kmart on the way home from the airport. I had to ask at customer service for the event Cars. They had all the leftovers in a shopping cart in the back room. Why on earth would they not just put them on the shelves?
A text I noticed between my daughter and her boyfriend. “I had fun shopping with my parents after all”. Can you just feel he love? Kmart day was even enjoyed by moody 14 year old girl….
We had a pretty good Kmart day. If my kids and I hadn’t been there on time, we wouldn’t have gotten the cars we wanted. An elderly couple came in about 5 minutes after we were done picking our cars and cleaned them out. They only left the McQueens. I posted photos in the forum. I hope this event continues next year. This was the first one for my youngest daughter. it was BobbyJack’s 6th time at the event!
Wow, I’m missing out all the fun! Oh well… at least I will have a case waiting for me when I get back to Cali!
Does anyone have an extra poster from the event? We are looking for the one inside the master case.
I have your poster my e-mail is
Just realized the k9 cars are all the new “unibody” cars I’ve been reading about, not that my two year knows or cares. Then again maybe he does know, I gave him all the ” shiny cars” when I came home and he went running and came back with the regular version of each and proceeded to show and explain them to me and the wife lol. Not to much gets by little cars nut!
Not sure if anyone posted this yet, but the poster from today’s event is different from KM8. The silver racers at the top are all that’s different. As far as I can tell.
Sir Harley Gassup is corrected and is not looking like he was printed on twice.
I got all the cars I wanted plus two take flight series because I was the only one there
Ugh!!! This has got to be the worst Kmart day! First off, they started the event before 9:00 am and second, they only shipped 1 master case for each store. There were probably about 20 or so adults and kids there; a much larger turn out than the last 4 events. With only 1 case, all the Alexander with party hat and Mary Esgocar were gone with the first 4 people called. I was 7th and even Lewis was gone by the time I could look through the cases. Unfortunately for some, when their number was called, they only have a handful of McQs to pick through so needless to say, most left disappointed since there were not enough to go around. Another collector said his wife was at the other store and they also only got 1 master case as well.
If another Take5er has any extra Alexander, Mary, or Lewis that they could spare, could you please help out a fellow collector??? Email is: souchiro1_spam(at)yahoo(dot)com.
You should at least contact Kmart’s corporate office to lodge a complaint. The official rules clearly state that each person has to pick 5 DIFFERENT Cars. If those Cars were gone after the first 4 people, that means they obviously picked 2 of each, so your store did not follow the rules.
John, thanks they should not only call corporate but if you had issues with any Kmart store that did NOT follow the rules, rude and or bad attitudes, please let me know also as I can send it directly to the appropriate people. They do NOT tolerate this at all.
I think the main complaint should be the quantity of master cases sent to each store…1 really??
I sent your question forward.
Kmart Collectors Day 10 and 11 are being planned but no dates yet.
It used to be impressive to see them wheel out 4 or 5 master cartons, but when the Kmart Associate brought out 1 carton on the cart the other day, it was just like the Stonehenge reveal in “This is Spinal Tap”. The only thing missing was the dancing dwarves.
It seems like their decision was based on not wanting excess inventory sitting around the store rather than making this an exciting Collectors Event. If indeed they are afraid of excess inventory, why even have an event?
I was traveling and went to a Brooklyn, NY Kmart. 2 guys ahead of me, one a collector Dad like me, the other a reseller as he was glad to point out he already pre purchased 2 cases and now restocking. We were the only 3 when they brought out 4 cases. The store followed the rules giving us a ticket each then 5 min on a case each before letting us go in again. Got a set of the silvers and duplicates of Hugo and Mary. Went back to get some juice about 10 min later and all were gone as expected. Good day.
I realize that this is unlikely, but did anyone get an In Store Poster they are willing to part with? This is the OnlY one I did to manage to get from all the Kmart days. There was none in the whole store this time. Either they did not bother to put one up or someone yoinked it before the event even happened.
Otherwise, all went well on my cross border raid. I found all I needed and found Take FLight Mater and Air Hawk LM and the Ransberg set too. Was seriously hoping for a Galloiping Gear Grinder, but no luck there.
None of my local kmarts got any(3 stores) nothing was set up and employees were clueless but that worked for me 🙂 two master cases and me and two other guys. I got master case posters but as far as in store display items nothing at all the manager at the store I was at said they didn’t get anything besides the cases.
Are you talking about the poster that came with the case of cars? If so I have one that you can have if you want.
Nop, the one that is in the store entrance (cardboard) announcing the event.
Thank you for the kind offer but we did get that one. It is the double sided advertising one like the photo at the top of this post we are looking for. 🙂
Oh ok gotcha 🙂 our store didn’t even put up a display poster this time so I can’t help sorry.
Hey Met don’t you know us old timers always get up early anyway. I like the earlier start especially since my son had a basketball game at 11:00. Who wants to wait until 11:00 anyway. That’s almost cutting in to lunch and nap time for us oldies you know.
Anyway our day went smooth. No problems and got what we could.
(MET: I meant old-timer as experienced Kmart CARS buyers but clearly I touched a nerve. 🙂 So, yea, I’m standing on your lawn with my angled baseball cap and carstexting … don’t look too closely as I dropped my walking cane and spilled my herbal tea).
Norridge, IL Cars day went smoothly. There was even 1 other Cars-fan dad this time, unlike the previous 2 or 3 lonely events. 1 guy showed up late with his little girl as I was pulling out to go to work, so as long as the other dude left enough Mary and Alexanders they should be covered. 2 master cases, no coupons. I got 1 of each of Mary and Alexander for my two boys, a complete set (minus McQueen – duh Mattel) for another local T5 member, plus an extra Mary/Alexander to help out anyone in need, so long as mint card is not required. My KMart did a good job, but I find it innane to include so many McQueens in this case when Mattel could easily have included silver Rip to finish the series, and rubber tire Rip to finish the previous unfinished series. This may be my last Cars day since the main Cars fan at our house is moving on to Legos and Star Wars 🙁
…and plastic tire, regular paint Rip to finish the original Cars 2 unfinished racer series. OK I’m done.
We were the only ones there, that was a first and I have been going since day 2, kind of sad actually. I even had to remind them at customer service. They set up the tables and opened up one of the 2 master cases, then handed out tickets to me and my twin 3 year olds. Nobody else showed up so at least it was neat that my twins had their own boxes to go thru. We got 2 of each and they gave us 3 posters. Found some new Take Flights at TRU also, then lunch at 5 Guys after, so a great day for us!
(MET: Sounds like a perfect day that dad arranged. 🙂 ).
It turned out the K-Mart I went to and met with Chuki Mama did not receive any cases because it is scheduled to close (news to me!). I went over to another on Portland Ave. The event was attended by three different groups. One guy and his two kids I have know for years and recognized one other. The guy and kids took for their collection. The older woman was nice and gave me the two non-silver castings to pass on to Chuki. A younger woman, who I have never seen (must be a refugee from Thurston County) had two unopened cases. All during the conversation with the others she did a totally blank zombie like stare, never making eye contact. I think she knew she should have offered to share with a late arrival given the situation at the other store. It is always interesting to me how some people refuse to make eye contact or even acknowledge your existence. I was not asking for anyone to give up any of their treasures, just chatting. I suspect she was a hoarder or a reseller. Somewhat makes me happy I stopped collecting with Cars, The Original. Never like Cars 2. I was able to get a set to pass on (less Lewis Hamilton).
Denver, CO: Had to fly through on my break from work. Got a master carton all to myself. Posters appeared to be the same as last event so I passed on them. Got everything I needed & then some out of the first 2 or the for cases.
My rating for the event: F
It was the first event I went to. Came in just a few minutes behind this other guy, and he took about 8 cases, not even willing to give up one set of cars. Felt like clocking him because he had a bad attitude, but I just kept my cool. On the upside I came out of the store with the whole Take Flight series! 🙂
What a jerk… way to keep a good attitude and make the best out of a bad day! Congrats on the take flight cars!!
Yep, worst Kmart day ever.
Usually I never have a problem getting 2 of each car (1 to keep carded, 1 to open). But not this time. My Kmart only got 1 Master case of 4 cases. There was about 20 people there, none of whom I’ve ever seen before, and I’ve been collecting cars and attending Cars Day since it started. My son had his football game this morning, so I had to do it solo. And of course my ticket is one of the last called to go through the leftovers.
It was so frustrating to watch groups of family members go repeatedly before me. I’m grateful that some of the families had kids that genuinely seemed excited to get them, but I know nobody there was a completist collector like me and most likely HW scalpers. Now I have to either order a case, or get them on ebay.
Heck, I even let a fellow collector who collects Star Wars, have the ONE AT-ST crew that we both have been looking for for several months, as we both had our hands on it at the same time. He then got Mary, Alexander, and Lewis because his number was called early. Thanks for the help karma.
Sent you a PM. Have a few extras if you are looking for some.
Report from Rancho Cordova, CA:
Only 5 people showed up for the event, but there was also only one master case containing 4 cartons of 24 cars available for the event. The store manager told me that he has to report the attendance to corporate and that determines how many master cases are sent for the NEXT event. #8 was not very well attended, and for that one, the store had received FOUR master cases!
I did put together 2 complete sets of 7. From the ticket drawing, I was able to get the 2 Mary Escobars and 2 Victor Hugos from one case (Those were, naturally, the first to go from all 4 of the cases). After the 4 winners had drawn 5 each, the balance of the race cars were put out on the table. They had another drawing for the 3 posters; I also got one of those.Mary and Hugo, by the way, appear to be in standard non-exclusive packages, so they may appear on (other) store shelves later.
The event seemed to play out according to the rules and everyone seemed happy with what they got
However, I think the dismal attendance will not only make the next event less bountiful, but pretty much goes along with the surplus of old inventory at the local KMart, WalMart, TRU and Target stores. There have been isolated sightings of some of the newer cars in this area, but those were literally a flash in the pan. A fellow collector told me he found Galloping Geargrinder at Target last week, but in spite of 4 or 5 trips to Target EACH week, I have yet to see one. For months, WalMart has had dozens of Francescos, TRU has had dozens of McQueens, Target has had dozens of Finns and poor KMart hasn’t had much of anything. Sad commentary for a city which borders on California’s capital city!
Need Geargrinder…have new Kmart cars…anyone want to work something out?
I got a whole case
People at event; 4
They had a whole pile of those coupons at my store, and since I spent more than $50 with my Shop Your Way Rewards card, I got a special $5.00 gift card that is also good the 21st thru the 27th.
By the way, thanks for insulting our intelligence Mattel! Not only did you repeat the Silver Series McQueen in this case, but the back of the card showed the other Kmart Day #8 racers — Francesco, Raoul, Jeff, Carla, and Shu. You could have at least printed up new cards!
(MET: At least RIP wasn’t on it with the famous – subject to availability).
Hey Met,
Hugo and Mary do not have the Kmart Exclusive sticker on them. Are they “exclusive” or just first released? I was surprised to see that neither one was a “Chase”. 😕
KM event box #8 was W7057-999A
Km event box #9 was W7057-999B
Maybe “C” will have Rip?
(MET: Well, we can dream – though no RIP is confounding … Is gold chrome next? Yea, I thought Alex Hugo was a chase but I guess not …).
Awesome, awesome, awesome event. Got there at 9:30AM, nobody around and nothing set up. I asked an employee where was the event at and she said that they had forgotten about it and went back to the stockroom for the table and master cartoon [x1]. Pulls out all boxes [x4] and posters [x3] and said since there is nobody around, just to have a blast with it and sure I did. I picked up x2 posters [1 for me and 1 for my little brother] and the following:
x1 LMQ [for little brother]
x1 Lewis
x1 Miguel
x1 Max
x1 Niguel
x3 Alexander
x4 Mary
Also used the $5 off coupon on Cars 2 toys over $20 😀 Combining that with the B5G1, it was an awesome deal/event. I was there almost and hour, and nobody had arrived. Sad… I really hope these events continued and don’t get cancel.
Hello fellow CARS collectors,
Looks like a pretty good day overall.
I am in need of a store display poster from this event.
If anyone has one and wants to sell, lets talk.
Have a great day!
can email at
A very good event. I managed to get 33 cars for myself and friends. I was one of two and got first pick because the other guy was 5 mins. late. The buy 5 get 1 free deal worked for me but I didn’t know about it until I checked out.
Was not able to make it to the event 🙁
It started out bad but ended up good.I went to the Kmart I went to for day 8,it turned out thatt one was closing,so we left.Then I found another Kmart,went in,found them all,and leaft,I was surprised to find out that Alexanders hat was made of rubber.Overall,I had a great time.
the kmart 9 was very nice. 2 master cases. me and 3 others so it was nice some cases only had 2 lewis and 6 miguel’s. what a nice time this morning. hit the mother load this morning.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy hunting
Got what I wanted today, I had class so I had to send my wife to go to Kmart. Nobody was there, she had to ask for them to pull them out, just like Kmart 8.
Billerica MA KMart
Arrived at 8:59AM. Only ones there. First time at this store for the actual event (usually go to Salem NH). Because we missed the last Cars day and the people at Billerica were nice when we went in the late afternoon, I decided to give it a try.
The young man in Electronics gave us two tickets. He appeared either very tired or still stoned from the night before. A manager came over around 9:10AM and gave the green light. Gave us a poster and they opened two boxes for us. Went through and just took what we needed the Silver Cars, AHugo and Mary. My son was disappointed there was no Silver Rip. We did ask for a second poster (they had three) for his cousin, but the manager who said it was okay and the young man already had forgot she had said it. No big deal, but the future is bleak with kids like this working.
To sum up, we still had a great day together, got what we needed and there is still plenty left for everyone.
I still think they need to come up with some better selections to make this event interesting. There are still tons of characters from Cars 2, Mater Tall Tales, and even Cars Pittys and Haulers that would be cool to get.
To me even the International LMQs would be interesting. It was disappointing this time that Silver Rip wasn’t available, since it would have been a “new” car for my son. I don’t think the young kids care too much about silver or rubber tires, but when they actually play with the Cars, they like all the characters. Just my two cents…
KMart Collector Event Day #9 Statistics & Scorecard
Arrival: 8:56am
Event Start: 8:58am
Master Cartons: 2 – B+
Total Cases: 8 – B+
People at Event: 8 – A+
Cars Purchased: 5 of each except Lightning McQueen – B+
Buy 5 Get 1 Free Sale: Worked without any glitches, we got 5 cars for free – A+
Collector Posters: Received 2, gave one away to a late arrival – A+
Store Sign: Only 1 and we got it – A+
Coupons: No coupons that I could see – F
Overall Score: A-
What does the store sign even look like, none of my kmarts had any
Mine didn’t have any signs up this time either so I was almost a little worried when we walked in.
The sign wood have looked like the picture at he top of this post.
You weren’t by chance at the one in Niagara Falls, were you?
This was my first time at an event, unfortunately the nearest Kmart to my home is 5.5 hours away but I happened to be in Niagara Falls, ON for a conference so I figured what the heck. Had a little delay at the border but got there just after 9am. All that was left was the silver racers but this store didn’t have any Hamiltons (so maybe it was a 2 per case and they got grabbed up quickly) but another gentlemen offered me one of his posters after being told by the Kmart employee there were none left. Drove to another store in Buffalo and was able to get 2 Hamiltons and the other racers that I only got 1 of at the first store. All in all, I’m happy that I got a sets of racer for my each of my boys and was surprised when another TakeFiver pointed me in the direction of a Gorvette/Lassetire pack.
Yes, that was us that gave you the poster. Wish we had known you had little ones you were looking for, we would’ve given you a Mary and Alexander as well.
They will get more enjoyment from the poster than they would from either of those cars, so again thanks to you and your son for giving up that poster.
My score to my Kamrt will be C-
Very bad event this time…only 1 master case for 14 people!!!
Went to another Kmart after that, and they only had McQueen left
I can’t believe how Mattel is ruining these events, collectors want more new stuff and they only send 1 master case to the store (which years later they always had enough), and adding 5 McQueen in each case instead of a Chase or something else…very disappointed!
Blane MN – 15 people for 1 master case. Need Mary and Party hat Hugo.
They did it diffrently this time, the Kmart lady drew 5 numbers but only opened 2 cases (they had 5 minutes to pick) then drew another 5 numbers and opened the other 2 cases, then drew again for what was left. Blane MN
Unfortunately my nimber was drawn 15th of 15 so it was pretty slim pickings at that point. If anyone has a spare Mary and Hugo with Party Hat please let me know (can pay or trade if we have what you need).
Dave (dewing99 at hotmail dot com)
David, did anyone get you your missing cars?
Not yet Kevin, One good guy offered a trade but we don’t have what he needs.
P.S. Found a green pig today if you still need one.
No thanks David I have 3 of each Angry Birds now as it is.
Anyone want to send this great guy one of each of Mary and Alex Kmart cars?
I have 6 angry birds hotwheels, 3 red and 3 green, nice cards, for you whoever sends him one of each.
If you reading this, has an extra Mary and Hugo with Party Hat I will give you a nice discount on 2 SDCC 2013 Or D 23 Convention items next year.
I can set you up if cardbacks are not an issue (didn’t have much time to pick through them). I have one of each of Mary and Alex. No bonuses are necessary as I picked these up with the intention of helping anyone. Send me a PM.
email sent Mike, thanks
Mike, Kevin,
Thank you both so much for helping me out.
Who needs one, you or corey. Either way, someone send me an email at mssilver9 at gmail dot com and i will sell you an extra mary and alexander i have
Thank you for your kind offer. I believe that Mike has a set that he will share with us.
Thanks again.
Went to my usual Kmart for the event and just like the last event I was the only one there with my two kids. They had opened up 4 cases of cars and dumped *gasps* them into a large table with sides. I sorted them all out with the help of the kids. Got 4 full sets and left the rest. I did not see any coupons or any advertisement of any kind that the event was going on. They did have 3 of the 2012 cars 2 posters, but was not sure if it was the same as the poster from the last event. 5 dollar off coupon worked and buy 5 get one free worked but only for the racers.
I decided not to go to this one, but maybe I’ll go sometime during the week. The new Skylanders video gam comes out tomorrow and I want to get as much as possible!
I went into the Cranston, RI Kmart today around 9:30. Didn’t see any sign of the event (likely b/c i strolled in rather late, and they probably had packed it up already), so i asked the service desk. She made a call to the back, and they broke out a fresh case so got to pick through them. Even said they had some more in the back if I needed, but was happy with looking through just the one. They were nice enough to even dig up a poster for my son. Overall, a pretty good day for getting there so late.
1 Kmart in Albuquerque had put the Cars out yesterday, Mcqueens Max and Nigels were the only cars left. 1 Master.
2nd Kmart in albuquerque got one Master, no store poster, and the coupons in the Master Case which as already reported starts tomorrow for 5.00 off.
The Mattel coupon from did get accepted for 5.00 off in addition to the buy 5 get one free.
Only ones there as usual. I got 3 full sets and a 4th Mary Esgocar so I got 3 free Cars. The employee there checked all of the Cases to make sure there was nothing special inside them (was hoping they would secretly pop in a Super Chase!) but there was nothing. The employee even remembered me from the last 2 events so she made sure and got me all I wanted. So it was a pretty great Cars event and Mary and Alex are even cooler than I thought they would be!
K-Mart Day 9 in Riverton, Wyoming was a complete success! Thanks, Dad!
One master case and just my wife and myself as usual. Got what I needed and some posters and the front card sign. No coupons in any of the cases.
WELL kmart….really stinks!! Good thing we left at 8:30 to head to our local kmart 3 minutes away & there is a small handwritten sign that says NO EVENT HERE . I walked up to the manager & said what happened so he says his store never recieved any of the cases.So now its 8:45 and we have to drive 25 minutes away to the next kmart. I arrive at another kmart running into the store & nobody was there. The toy manager brought out 1 master carton & let us take whatever we needed. She did give us a free poster & 2 coupons. The coupons starts Oct 21- 27 ( $5.00 off $40.00)on your next purchase.
About 8 of us there waiting in Rotterdam NY, and I think pretty much everyone got what they came for. The buy 5 get one free offer worked fine. No coupons, but did get one of the big posters. Did not realize that LM was a repeat from the last event, or I wouldn’t have picked him up again. Had a good experience overall.
Has McQueen been the same since day 7? I skipped him on day 8, assuming he was the same but now wondering if we need to get him today.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a copy of the “rules” for the contest. When I called they told me there would be a raffle and that everyone would pick a number. When I got there they said that the guy who got there first was allowed to go through the box and that he had “5” minutes. Is this how they Trr it at any of the other stores?
Scroll up to Met’s post:
How Does it Work?
Generally around the toy section, they will set up a table – you will also see some people gathered about (from some to hopefully not too many). At around 9 AM, they will begin letting people draw numbers. The rules are that ANYONE who is capable of physically drawing a numbered ticket is eligible to draw … meaning pretty much anyone from the age of 6 month and up … they will then call out numbers randomly from the draw – if your number is called, the will start to cut open a box for you – you are allowed to select up to 5 CARS in the first go around.
I just called Kmart and asked them why they did not do the raffle and the manager told me that they “did not understand the concept of the raffel.” Okaaaay.
Poster looks like last time at quick glance.swapped new silver racers for the old ones. Did not see coupons
If anyone gets a rule sheet and or management package, let me know, I would like one for my archives.
I have a rule sheet PM me
my email address is
Complete success got everyone, master case posters, no coupons they were automatically done at register and got the gift card and the free cars too!
I just left the Kmart in Kissimmee Florida. There was only one other guy there. I got Alex, Mary and all of the silver racers, except McQueen. I am on vacation in Florida right now. I found several new cars here at the parks and at Walmart that I was never able to find in Ohio. It is sad that it took a trip to FLorida for me to find anything new!
Nice! What new Cars did you find in Kissimmee/Disney Area??? I live in North Central Florida and have been finding SQUAT for weeeeeeks!! LOLOL shoot me an email with your discoveries!! jestrjef AT hotmail DOT com Thanks!!
you guys should know this by now on the east coast….
kmart said as a surprise they were adding coupons to the master cases
no coupons
I had this on two different customer service calls and even another source that there is supposed to be coupons in these master cases.
Confirmed. 5.00 off 40.00 coupons. SENT Met and BMW a photo of them.
Anyone want a copy if it to post here email me.
can you email me a copy of the coupon please?
Only one there..started a few minutes late becasue they wanted to push it to 11am. not on my watch! I have soccer to coach today!!
got everything I needed and then some..folded posters and store poster, which is double sided and kinda neat…the person running the event offered it to me and also walked me to the registers to make sure the sale buy 5 get one free worked…it did..thanks Will from Kmart in Acton, MA
Just got home, the guy cracked open the cases for us a few minutes early since we were the only one there, Tristan got one of each car except the McQueen and the poster. Another fun Kmart event!! :0)
I didn’t bother going. My kids asked about it but when I told them that there wasn’t going to be any Rips, they kind of lost interest too. Mattel, what is going to take to make Rip?!
QUESTION: I skipped McQueen on day 8, assuming he was the same from day 7. But I see in CAC’s post about case assortment that day 9’s McQueen is the same as day 8. So are there different versions of metallic McQueen?
Thanks in advance! It is not even 6am yet here in AZ, so I still have plenty of time to let the kids sleep in (hopefully) while I enjoy some coffee. We are all very excited, tho!
5 minutes to 9am and I am only one at my store in buffalo area
Which store did you go to? We went to the one on Military Rd in the falls.
Hertel in buffalo. 1 master case, had my run of it all
I thought about taking a drive over to that store since our store usually has a lot of people. Maybe next time we’ll head up that way and meet you there.
Old timer checking in, still kicking, and still excited for Kmart Day like a kid at Christmas!
Once I take my pills and WD-40 my walker, it’s off to Kmart.
John, do not forget to replace the mail box rubber bands, duct tape the arms on the walker, and Doan’s pills… never know when you will need them.
old timer checking in and departing…yahoo!
On my way now.
The center family is up and getting ready, pretty excited! Last Kmart day we were the only ones there I hope it’s the same this year!!! :0)
Another “old timer” checking in. We’ll be leaving soon. Having breakfast out then heading over to Kmart.
Old timers?…. thanks Met, I love you too.
Last Friday I stopped at 3 stores and not one of them had a store poster up… the local store did not this Wednesday evening.
No mention of the buy 5 get 1 free in the ad or online, but there was a sign up on the shelves… I’m hoping that the Kmart 9 Cars are included…
At least 2 people have posted the actual case assortment of their presale cases was:
2 each of Alexander Hugo with party hat, Mary Esgocar, and Lewis Hamilton
4 each of Nigel Gearsley and Max Schnell
5 each of Miguel Camino and the KM8 Lightning McQueen
We’ll see if the store cases are the same… 5 and 1/2 hours to go.