Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecasts: Oversized Deluxe CASES A, B & C – 2013
You may want to hold your applause …
New oversized deluxe CARS?
Er, sure …
I take no responsibility for packing these cases …

You may want to hold your applause …
New oversized deluxe CARS?
Er, sure …
I take no responsibility for packing these cases …
Mattel is trying to supply the collectors that missed these. I am glad they are bringing out the old Cars 1 line.
So excited for case B!!!!
Taking new collectors into account, these don’t seem too terrible, except for Mack and LSLMQ. It is too bad that the only new releases are short packed.
Comment waiting moderation…I didn’t say anything except post links to previous Take 5 articles about the attack of the blimps?
(MET: Nothing personal – spam filter only has one setting – on or off – the rest is totally arbitrary … it has blocked my replies so that’s why I only comment inside a comment now. 😉 ).
Thought it was a Mattel Bli(m)p. 🙂
Deep in the archives – the Day the Earth stood blimp still. Or otherwise known as the attack of the blimps (pictures from 2009)
And this post where Mega Al Oft joins pegs with Walmart Al Oft. So redistribute what did not sell well back then. Good show Mattel, we do have long memories.
Thanks for this! So this is like an opportunity to clear out old warehouses of returns…
They might as well finish the Final Lap series as well, since there where many missed out. I think that was their best wave.
At this rate Mattell’s gonna help everyone catch up with Yellow Ramone Chase in Kday 9 cases. These deluxe need a matching Cars 1 single pegwarmer.
Case A 1 each of the 2 new ones and 2 each of the repeats. Case b- No new. Case c 1 new 5 repeats. Mattel has complete morons deciding the assortments.
Hey Mattel do your self a favor and get rid of these clowns. Feel free to get in touch with me whenever you want to get it right.
I’m curious why everyone thinks these are bad? New cars 2 stuff being one a case is a drag, but there seems to be a demand for original cars.
The demand is for original Cars, NOT original pegwarmers.
Haven’t started late, and only trying to play catch up, were those all pegwarmers? Dinoco Helicopter, Dustin, Lightning Storm, and Al Oft? If so, that seems crappy!
Al Oft was a both sizes, small and large.
By the time the Mega AlOft Blimp came out people were so tired of going to Walmart and seeing hundreds of the small blimps languishing for 6 (Six) months on the pegs with no new stock..there wasn’t much interest in the big one on World of Cars in Oct 08. I only bought one of the big Als.
Met: the squirrel on the acorn computer is perfect for this post.
So where are the previous cases for 2012 we haven’t seen in the USA, Mr Squirrel?
Thanks mattel for allowing me to cut down my expenditure.
I have two explicit words for Mattel: “uhhhhh” and “huh?”
Yet another example showing that Cars sell in spite of Mattel, not because of Mattel… the most obvious reason for these case assortments is due to unsold inventory (returns) from earlier cases… next thing you know, we’ll see a case with 6 different Semis that have been released before.
Having recently tried to get ahold of both the Dinoco Helicopter and Al Oft Blimp in Deluxe/Mega sizes, they are going for quite a bit on the secondary market. And I stopped looking for Dustin because of the post awhile back.
Mack is a disappointment sure (and I’d even argue Red, but have you seen one lately? No, it’s all Finn). But Cars 2 deluxes aren’t selling, because of Mattel.
I just watched a two year old ask his mom for Fillmore and Doc at Target yesterday. They ended up getting Aviator Mater from take flight.
I think original Cars stuff can only help these deluxes move off the pegs so we get new Cars 2 items. JMHO 🙂
I don’t think they are that bad.
R U Kidding me…. geesh and Mattel wonders why sales are down with the CARS line.
Donald Trump needs to buy Mattel so he can fire the goofusses who come up with this stuff!