Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Oversized Deluxe CARS 1 Returning 2013
Here’s the list of CARS 1 oversized Deluxe CARS coming back in 2013 … not too extensive of a list and the basic ones you’d pretty much expect to be back …
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Why are there still flying cars as “deluxe” and not “take flight”?
I can always use another Dustin Mellows; still need to build my custom retro Hudson Hornet hauler…
I dont have any of these exept Mack and Red because way before I found this site I didnt know that Cars 1 had deluxe oversised.
Like many have said. We need Frank and Bessie. this will help many people from paying $100 on ebay.
I definetely don’t see these being peg warmers. Too many newer collectors need them. Like others though I am waiting for a re release of Bessie and Frank. The world needs more of those, many more.
Wait Elvis was a pegwarmer? I have never seen him before, he is a Car I would LOVE to have. The funny thing is I actually found Frank one day and several other cars I needed like Van.
Have you noticed how much plastic in these?
No chance for El Materdoro, I’ll bet.
Otherwise, MATTEL SOS.
Mack, McQueen and maybe Elvis will warm the pegs. These are cool and we sure would like a Bessie and Frank.
Hmn… do need Deluxe Dinoco Helicopter… Anybody else see a peg warmer already like before? I really hope case assortment doesn’t kill this line again like before. I really do hope we can see Frank, Bessie, Chuck, & Brian sometime in this line again. At least Bessie… with that, I’ll be happy.
Dinoco Heli is one I never seen and haven’t got, even though I have a couple each of Frank and Bessie I hope we see them again so ordinary collectors don’t have to pay crazy prices to get them.
Bessie and Frank???
Well, I do still need that Dinoco helicopter. This is great news for new collectors.
Dinoco Helicopter and Mack Semi are in the next case
1 Kabuki Mater
1 Ivan Mater
2 Dinoco Helicopter
2 Mack Semi
I wish the numbers were switched around