Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Cases Canceled, Now What?
In case you missed yesterday’s post, a lot of cases were canceled – the first question is so what happens to all the new singles planned for cases J, K, L, & W?
It’s just speculation at this point but since newly created cases N & P are going to Walmart, I suspect that to get Walmart back on board the retail train, Mattel offered up the “new” CARS that were in cases J, K, L & W as exclusives to Walmart or at least first to market.* And these were much more enticing to WM than the offer of CARS TAKE FLIGHT CARS so that got dropped like a hot potato.
Since it seems virtually certain they were either in the warehouse or right on the docks, they have now gone to a Mattel distribution where temp workers will start stuffing a WM pallet … again, just a guess but seems the most likely scenario.
Galloping Geargrinder, Nick Cartone & May Esgocar.
Alexander Hugo With hat, Fabrizio, Sir Harley Gassup & Eric Lanely.
Some of these are CHASE but as with CASE G, whether WM gets them as an endcap or as a pallet drop display, there should be multiples of each CHASE.
And in that shipment of 96 to 200 (depending on if it’s boxes, endcaps, sidecaps or a pallet drop …) should contain a large mix of CHASES.
And while these two are not technically new, as numbered CARS, they are technically new … *and mostly first to market.
The rest are obviously re-releases and hopefully – there are not going to overclot WM with CARS 2 LM and Piston Cup Hudson Hornet Sticker LM as we could be back in the EXACT SAME boat in 2 months if they do but of course, that might require learning history to avoid repeating history. :-/
More wacky news to come.
Oh, and what’s going on with the Ultimate Chase – the clues so far seem to point to them being part of the CASE assortment for “2013.” Which starts in late October-early November – so for the Mexico & Russia Ultimate Chase, they should show up later in October …
« Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: You’re Dead to Me – Singles Cases J, K, L, & W | Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Q Singles Case Survives … » |

I like that these will all be in the same place at the same time, per Met’s theory. Should make getting them a little easier.
However, I believe there are just waaaaaaay to many warmers out there and this will only temporarily fix that problem. Mattel is playing with fire with these retailers and they are going to keep getting burned unless they learn their lesson.
Somebody has Case Y on eBay right now containing 2 Gallopping geargrinder.
Disney Pixar CARS 2 Y case 24 count / Galloping GearGrinder / Mattel V2796-999Y
This is all great and stuff, but Wal Mart & mattel have to do something with the same peg warmers that couldn’t sell for $1.97, same old cars nothing new
Maybe just maybe our voices which will probably never be heard by Matty have been heard via the might of WAL MART. This may mean we can all finally get these Cars without having to look on ebay or pay the inflated online prices. Let’s hope and pray.
Well, like anything in the retail business, if there are not enough orders from retailers, something has to give.
Looking forward to ANY new releases ANY way they can get them to us!! :-}
I’m excited about the Walmart only cases, it narrows down my search and I have 4 local walmarts in my area so maybe finding them won’t be a problem. It’s gets old and frustrating having to drive and waste gas going to every store that sells cars in hopes that they will get something new in stock only to see the same old Finns on the pegs, now I can narrow my search to just those 4 stores (one being 2 minutes from my house) so I’m HAPPY!!! :0)
FINALLY Mattel is making more Walmart exclusive releases again! I’ve been getting so frustrated with all the Target and TRU exclusive releases.
Now everyone, before we start ripping our hair out about why this may be so bad, let’s think positive for a moment:
1. There was only 1 of each of the new ones in the Cases.
2. We aren’t getting hundreds and thousands of McQueen anymore.
3. Maybe when these come to Walmart all the new Cars will be 3 or 4 each to a Case.
4. They’re Walmart exclusive!! (this may not help you guys, but I’ve been waiting for more WM exclusive stuff for a long time)
It’s funny really. Why would Mattel create all of these Cases, but then cancel them at last notice? Some Galloping Geargrinder Cases have already been shipped, so I’m guessing the prices will be going up on the few that made it out.
My bright side to this is that it might give stores time to catch us all up with E inted of throwing 5 more cases out there (K, L, M, V and Y)
I believe this may be good news. I was really worried about the now cancelled singles cases continuing to clog the pegs due to being overfilled with more repeats.
I have to believe someone finally got through to Mattel regarding case assortment. Hopefully this means better case assortments going forward.
As for being some new cases being Walmart exclusives- I like it. I always like store exclusives where everyone has a fair chance at finding cars as opposed to people just being able to order 100 cases.
Let’s hope the Super chases go to retail now too. Let the hunts begin!
I guess this is what happens when you let Filmore be in charge of distribution, should probably let Sarge take over 🙂
I wander if this will be like the pallet that Walmart had last year around October which had lots of Shu, Miguel etc. singles and a billion Petrovs. Also wouln’t Target and TRU be upset about this too as their orders for the coming months be placed back at the start of the year or perhaps they have stopped ordering like Walmart appears to have done until now not to mention the independants like some folks here who I am sure will be hurting.
Thanks for the update Met, please keep us informed of the next chapter of 50 very grey weeks of no new cars.
Fillmore can be smart…. 🙂
I’ve said this before, but Harvard Business Review really needs to do a Case Study on the mess that is Mattel.
Why don’t they put them all in 2013,I would rather do that then cancel A buntch of cases.
Dadgum… not good news for those of us who have been waiting for case J from online sources…
Walmart is so hit and miss.
You almost have to get there as soon as they put the new cases out to get the new cars. All the repeats in the case will clog the pegs for months.