Disney Pixar CARS: Ultimate Crossover Announced (Some Film Called Star Wars)
It’s been teased but now it’s 1:43 scale real …
Presumably only available at the Theme Parks since it’s announced by the theme park group (though they’ll do mail order after a few weeks after they hit the theme parks).
The expression on Luigi – I laugh.
You can find more photos & info at Pixar Post.com – thanks for the heads up!
I will go all out and board the obvious train and say, “It’s a hit!”
Let us know when you see it in the parks!
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Ha Ha, great!
Soo epic!
I just came back from Disneyland and I assure you that they have not been released. The employees had no idea what I was talking about. I also read that these are going to be released in late spring of 2013.
This is really amazing news. Just looked at the original darth mater a couple of days ago and hoped they would release a die cast version for all of us some day and now this…
Consider me putting myself in the line for wishing someone close to a park get me these models. Hell I would even buy him a ticket so he can get me all of them…
And while most of you are lucky twice (star wars and cars) the news they will come 1:43 makes it triple for me 😉
(MET: You won’t have to buy a ticket to the park unless you want to, of course. The first few days/weeks it might only be available in the park but both US parks have “outside” stores plus mail order. I think they know both lines well enough to order plenty of this one. And I’m sure a few T5ers will help out … though come on by for a visit but not until next summer or fall as they won’t be out until then). 🙂
we really need someone to step up and do that
I will have a set of the baseball cards that the disney execs were handing out. my buddy got one.
I am going to Disney World in October. I hope to find these! I’ll send pics if I do.
They are announced for the Spring of 2013, so unless you are extremely lucky, I’m not sure they will be there.
yeah, these are so cool
This is right up there with Chocolate and Peanut Butter!
I am super excited about these and hope that they are out before end of Nov when we go to Dland. I would prefer 1:55 scale, but I will buy them either way.
thanks dude now a trip to the store for a reeses
I am IN..!!!!
we need to find someone near the theme parks to get these for us !!!
Darth Mater I think.
Words can not express how excited I am for these!!! SO CUTE!!!
Here is my initial take:
• Lightning McQueen as Luke Skywalker
• Sally as Princess Leia
• Mater as Han Solo
• Screamin’ Banshee as Chewbacca
• Doc Hudson as Obi Wan Kenobi
• Luigi as C3P0
• Guido as R2D2
• The King as Luke’s Uncle Owen
• Mrs. The King as Luke’s Aunt Beru
• Frank as Darth Vader
• Tractors as Stormtroopers
• Chick Hicks as Boba Fett
• Apple i-Car as Jar Jar Binks
Sniff sniff… Do I smell diecast releases??
“After years of product development for Cars Land at the Disney California Adventure theme park, the group decided it was time to bring these two popular franchises together in a new line of die cast vehicles and pins.”
-from http://tinyurl.com/cdaca2e.
I’m curious at the supposition that these will be 1/43. They have not released those sizes in the parks. The Pirate Mater and Goofy/Micky sets are 1/55 and made by Mattel.
If these are 1/55 I’m all over them.
(MET: The 1:55 Disney theme park ones were listed on Mattels internal list or some rumor would float out … Plus if Mattel was involved, they would have to get an invite or be acknowledged in some way at the press conference … It’s possible but I would say pretty unlikely Mattel is involved …).
“May the farce be with you!” Oh wait, this is real! You guys can grumble about non-canon if you want, but this is an awesome mash-up for those of us that like both toy lines. I am super excited about these! I wonder who that seventh character will be? Any guesses? Doc as Obi-Wan?
My son says Lizzie as Yoda… LMAO So we have a difference in gender, but she is about as crazy as the little green guy!
These are awesome!!! Tell me I am dreaming, punch me Guido, I mean R2!
Nice. These are nothing short of awesome.
I have a friend their now looking for Merch, if any…
he collects SW and I collect cars and we exchange “needs” lists once a week while we are doing toy runs. he is in a different part of new england than I, so we get a really good sense of how the distribution works…I wish one of us were on the west coast though…
whoops…wrong “there”
These look pretty cool, but it is certainly a shameless marketing ploy and not canon.
Cannot be more happy than that!!! . Darth Vader will become reality !!! The cows as Stormtrooper couldn’t be better match!
“The horse power be with you!”
Can’t wait!