Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2: Retail Situation Tide Changing?
Yesterday, Micro Drifters were found at Target and today, “Hernan E.” sends us pics of CARS Take Flight on the shelves at Target! (thanks, Hernan). Yes, it’s certainly not anything new “new” as these have been out for months – just about exactly TWO MONTHS AGO.
So, are things actually going to normalize – will we actually see released CARS on the shelves within days of release as a “normal” course of action versus it actually showing up at mass market retail a month, two months later or not ever?
Well, report in if you see CARS Take Flight or Micro Drifters at your Target. TRU, retail wise does not account for much since they will take and sell practically anything … not that that’s a bad thing, just not much a barometer reading … kind of being a weather person in SD … 🙂
Target is certainly important, 2 thousand stores and they are not likely to buy regionally so when product starts showing up on the shelves, it’s likely to appear on every Target store shelf.
Now, we just have to wonder what is going on over at Walmart.
They seem to have asked Mattel to clear the shelves of Finn, Mater & Lightning with Racing Wheels. They have had at least two peg clearing sales (one at $.99 and one a few weeks ago at $1.97) but now what? The pegs have remained like this. Presumably the back room has no more CARS (even more Finn’s) – otherwise they would restock. Does your Walmart’s look like this? The Fall plan-o-gram does not seem to be out yet so what’s the plan going forward? CARS keeps its pegs?

My Walmart in Central PA just received the new movie moments! And my TRU has the Take Flight Cars! Almost no singles anywhere though (less than 20 at TRU, and less than 10 at Walmart, NONE at my Target)
Retail in eastern Indiana and western Ohio is not good at all… the local Big Lots has the best selection of diecasts by far – and the singles are $3.00… Next is Family Dollar – they also have the same case (Lewis and Carlo) but they are $5.00 each… as far as the other stores:
Kmart – just got the Micro Drifters but I left them… and our local store just added 24 Kmart 7 Lightning McQueen to the pegs… Finn, Francesco, McQueen, and Jeff Gorvette are the only non Kmart Cars on the pegs.
Walmart – out of 63 singles, over 40 are Finn with a few McQueen and Francesco.
Meijer – out of 83 singles, 80 are Finn, 1 McQueen, and 2 Francesco.
Kohl’s seems to be out of diecast singles.
Nearest TRU and Target stores are almost 60 miles away.
Just got back from vacation up on Lake Erie… 2 Walmart stores had Petrov to go with their Finn… The TRU had the recent cube minus the Victor, Vladimir, and Chase Ramone… One Kmart store had over 2 full cases of the Kmart 8 Cars so I scored a few Chase Celine as well as one Francesco/Francesco Crew Chief 2 pack.
Here’s hoping that TRU stores all get plenty of the return of the Radiator Springs Classic series singles that have shown up in Missouri and Nevada so far.
(MET: Yikes!)
Wal-mart here in PA still has cars from Case A(Most Likely), why won’t they get rid of them!
Sears Grand is working on a new display of Cars 2. Right now they have Hawk McQueen, moon Mater with the shuttle, ans some Micro Drifters. Not sure what else they are going to put out or when. But it was pretty exciting to see some different stuff.
Nothing new here for ages except Take Flights @TRU.
Sorry state of affairs.
Found the same set up at my Target today. Take Flight cars and Colossus with a LM MD. But none of the multi-packs. 🙁
I found the “Take Flight” Deluxe cars @ k-mart as well, but no new singles. I found new movie moments 2 packs @ Wal-mart last week still ringing up w/ the clearance price around $3 I think. I picked up the Acer w/ helmet & Ka-Caeo McQueen 2-packs. I have been checking as many wal-marts as have been able to in hopes that new singles will show up while they are still ringing up $1.97. I haven’t picked any up as of yet, but my guess is that they are getting something new as I have seen Mel Dorado appear @ 3 out of the 5 stores in my area over the past week. Whish I could figure out when they are actually stocking them.
The Walmarts around here are very interesting. I have a couple that are literally EMPTY and a couple more that have just a handful of Finn/McQueen, then a couple that have like 40 Finn. They have remained virtually unchanged for weeeeeeeeeeeks now. :-/
We always talk about Cars being produced in China or Thailand, but I happened to walk by an open door at my local Walmart this morning, and I saw a complete Cars assembly line!
That’s right, they were producing the 2-packs with Zen Master Pitty, Tomber, and Francesco. Fresh stock was being hung on the pegs as fast as they could produce them — it was quite a site to see!
I keep buying out all they put out and return them at other Walmarts in hopes that they’ll restock with some new stuff, but now that I’ve seen what I’ve seen, there will be no more of that.
So if anyone needs ’em, I can get ’em!
My Wal-Mart has 5 full pegs of Finn McPegwarmer and only 1 Francesco that popped out of nowhere. So that leaves 11 Pegs empty and the last new Case that came in was the Mel Dorado one, which every single item in that Case sold out in less than 5 days (except for the 1 Francesco apparently).
2 Packs were completely sold out, but then they decided to be stupid and order 3 more Cases of the same ones we already had. Right now 2 Pegs are full of 2 packs and one is empty.
The Deluxe line is just weird. They weren’t clearances like they should have been so there are 2 Pinions and 4 Submarine Finns, which fill up 2 of 3 Pegs.
Don’t even get me started on Action Agents or Quick Changers. 🙁
My K-Mart got in the Take Flight Case on July 20th, which was a good sign. K-Mart has the best selection of Cars Singles. They are full of 2 Packs (John Lassetire, Fillmore w/ Headset, Zen Master and Tomber) and full of Deluxe (Kingpin and Pinion and Submarine Finn)
K-Marts is selling Cars Take Flight for $6.99.
Yes, my Kmart has an AMAZING selection. It and my second Target are the only places I shop for CARS now.
i saw cars take flight (moon mater wave, not mater and lightning mcqueen hawk) and micro drifters (3 pack, launcher, mack, colossus) at target on monday 7/23.
Target is a good spot, Wallmart not so much.
My Walmart looks the complete opposite.
The pegs are literally OVERFLOWING with LM, Finn, Francesco and Petrov.
The only thing I’ve found at WM that I needed was a Mater and Sal 2-pack.
I have seen the new 2 packs with Acer w/ helmet at one Walmart, but nothing else new near me.