Well, what do you know, Micro Drifters might be an actual line now that it has shown up at Target. Walmart might still be a hold out but at least it’s at Target …
“Sean R. AKA PicksOurCars” sends along great pics and his detailed comparison – that the packaging at Target & TRU are slightly different.

The Target packs have cars enclosed flat on the card which allows them to move around a lot.

TRU packs – the cars are enclosed at an angle, and thus remain much more secure.
“The Target packs have a “Try Me! Tilt & Roll!” (green) snipe whereas the TRU ones don’t.”

There’s also a packaging variant …
“The 3-packs containing Chick, Clutch Aid & LM. In the Target pack the loose vehicle that rolls around is LM; in the TRU one it’s Chick that drifts around free.”

Sean also notes:
For what it’s worth I believe the Target packs are only about three weeks older which could indicate a pretty small run. If these do end up taking off or being collected this may be good to look into. Of the four initial 3-packs released it seemed quite repetitive to have the red LM loose twice which may have led them to implement new packaging and switch one to be Chick. For your reference the date stamps on the back of each package are listed below. I thought you might be interested in these differences but don’t know if completists will/are even collect(ing) these.
Chick, Clutch & LM
Target: 1292EAA (LM loose)
TRU: 1512EAA (Chick loose)
LM, Octane Gain & SpareOMint
Target: 1282EAA
TRU: 1512EAA
Grem, Prof. Z & Finn
Target: 1292EAA
TRU: 1512EAA
Gold LM, Holley & Acer
Target: 1292EAA
TRU: 1522EAA
So, there you go, even before much of a release, you have a Target-TRU packaging variant.
Thanks for the great pics and eye for detail, “Sean/PicksOurCars!”
In case you’re curious, there are 4 of the Grem, Prof. Z & Finn; 6 Gold LM, Holley & Acer; 7 LM, Octane Gain & SpareOMint and 7 Chick, Clutch & LM in each Micro Drifters A case.
Amazon has the
Tokyo Track and
Mack – now that the Micro Drifters are out, they are a little more fun. 🙂
I’ve yet to see them at Target but I found the flat packs at TRU about a month ago.
I’ve given up on just about all of our local stores (Rancho Cordova/Citrus Heights, CA) for any new Cars diecast singles, although the peg warmers are a bit puzzling. KMart is stagnant, both before and since the last Collectors Day; WalMart has dozens of Francescos and not much else; Target has dozens of Finns and not much else, ToysRUs has piles of McQueens and not much else and Kohls has had just about nothing at all for several months now.
I’d put the odds of finding an Ultimate Chase here at significantly below the likelihood of a giraffe in an igloo getting hit by lightning for the second time. Okay, I’ll qualify that: “…On a Tuesday!”
Does anyone know the dcpi (or is it dpci?) for the Target 3-packs? Thanks!
I just got a flyer in the mail for Target, it shows the MD Racetrack, $34.99, 087-07-0246
The only place I’ve seen these is at TRU, and ALL the packages are the squared-type, like is shown here for Target. I will say that the angled packaging is much smarter, as is switching LMQ with Chick.
In Los Angeles:
TRU has the hand launcher.
The Colossus XXL and Mack are at the Disney Store.
Target has Mack. (no other drifters)
None of our local stores have them yet but Ill keep looking. The only thing cars at my 2 local targets are action agents (they are on clearance) and some sub Finns. Not even a single or 2 pack at either of them which I hope means good NEW things to come soon!
Spotted them at TRU, even smaller than they look through pictures.
My Target is still full of Action Agents, but they’re on clearance.
Cool! I was wondering when these were sold places other than TRU.
My Kmart got these last week also.
I saw Mack the other day at Toys R Us, and he is TINY, TINY, TINY!!
I wonder how these will roll on the Cars Sorry! game track? At least they can stand-in for the Sorry! game pieces; we love that game. 😎
(MET: The Amazon reviews are the cardboard track doesn’t stay in place? What do you think?).
My kids love the Sorry SLiders game as well. I think these would work AWESOME on that!! :-}