Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Next Singles CASE H – Shortest Golden Age EVER
Well, it was nice while it lasted, what was it – a week?
The Golden Age of CARS 2 with the release of CASE G – a case with 4 new releases including three CHASE CARS and the Ultimate Chase FLASH. Man, that was a sweet era age … week.
The next singles CASE H – pretty much puts an end to the Golden Age of CARS.
Like a flash of light or the shift in Earth’s axis turning the Sahara from wetlands to the largest desert on Earth, we too can extinguish the Golden Age of CARS 2 – call it. One week?
Okay, let’s start with the good news. Yes, it looks like EVERY CASE will contain an ULTIMATE CHASE … again. This time, it’s Long Ge – China (Max Schnell body) from the Chinese version of CARS 2. So, that’s nice. If you want an Ultimate Chase, it’s not that hefty of a chase. Just call or email one of TakeFive’s favorite advertisers such as Children’sToyCloset & Rob’s Palace of Disney CARS to order a sealed case.
Well, that’s pretty much it for the good news.
In the decent category, we get 2 of Bindo, the Blue Maserati. Nice but not as nice as getting 3 of a new CAR but it is what it is.
But now it gets hinckey & hairy. Prince Wheeliam is in the case – which on the surface is all good BUT there’s only one in each case and based on the remainder CARS in the case, I can ONLY guess that he is a CHASE CAR now (as everything else is a re-release).
AND this seems to be its one and only release so it looks like Mattel is going back to a case with not only just one “regular” CHASE in each assortment but only 1 to a case of 24 (and not 2).
Hey, wait a minute … just wwaaaaaiitttttt a minute … If there’s only 1 CHASE CAR to a case, how is “regular” CHASE different in quantity from ULTIMATE CHASE which is one to a case?
So, based on the meager facts here, CASE H essentially has TWO ULTIMATE CHASES (Long Ge & Prince Wheeliam) and 1 other new release (Bindo).
Is that right?
Well, it is as of now.
So, what are the plausible scenarios.
A) There is actually NO designation that Bindo or Prince Wheeliam is a CHASE CAR but since they are the only two new CARS in this case (NOT an ULTIMATE CHASE), it’s a guess that the one with only one in the case (Prince Wheeliam) is the CHASE CAR.
B) However, it might be there is only an ULTIMATE CHASE in the this case and no CHASE CAR.*
C) Mattel is still not selling many cases above the 3,000 – 4,000 range so the ratio of Ultimate Chases will remain 1:1 and as a result, every case H contains the ULTIMATE CHASE Long Ge. Whether Prince Wheeliam is an actual CHASE CAR or not is irrelevant because if Mattel does NOT sell more than @4,000 cases, by only offering 4,000 Prince Wheeliam, he is produced and sold like he’s an ULTIMATE CHASE.
D) While there are case assortments for the rest of the year and no further listings for Wheeliam or Bindo, they could change any moment and Prince Wheeliam could appear in the next case, CASE J (there is no CASE I) as Mattel repeated/re-released all the “regular” CHASE CARS in CASE F to CASE G.
E) *If neither Prince Wheeliam or Bindo are designated as CHASE CARS, they could appear in other formats but as singles, a limited release on card if they appear nowhere else.
F) Even as CHASE CARS, for instance, TRU could get another pallet drop with everything in this case except the ULTIMATE CHASE so we could be overflowing with Bindo’s and Wheeliam … we just don’t know.
Ultimately, it may not matter but just wanted to point it out to you as it’s confusing because it’s totally different than the way CASE G was packed. Bindo & Wheeliam could be rare birds or hard to find OR totally easy as they appear in a giant pallet drop at WM … just laying out all the scenarios.
This appears to be Prince Wheeliam’s paint scheme versus the original black color (or colour).
The major stumbling block in this case is the lots and lots of Lightning McQueen with Piston Cup motif and Francesco Bernoulli …
Now I understand wanting to bring back the classic body Lightning McQueen but it might be a little too subtle for people to notice but it does have the Rust-Eze logo nice and large.
For a retail store and re-sellers, outside of LM & Francesco, the “re-releases” actually make it a nice case – as several of the CARS have not been out for a while though apparently Mattel LOVES Petrov.
So what do you think?

Honestly, this is a fairly decent case (apart from the Wheeliam tragedy) because the only single I haven”t found between May 2011 and Case D is Shu, so that’s helpful for me.
And I think the new CARS for Case J are Alexander Hugo and Sir Harley Gassup, because their the only ones with UPC’s yet to be released.
Our area wal-marts full of soame old stuff, nothing moving out even at $1.97, our 2 Targets stores, nothing , blank
I think we should stop trying to understand Mattel and just roll with it these days. Logic went out the window at about the release of Petrov Trunkov.
I can’t see any hope for Cars 2 for a regular collector who buys at stores. Went to two Targets last week that I haven’t frequented in a while. One in Haverhill MA had 74 Finn McMissiles (a new record) along with 18 Finn Hydrofoils along with another dozen or so Tomber/Finn two packs. I went to the Methuen Target and there were only 31 Finns but that was offset by the fact there were 62 Race Team Maters. KMart Somerville had nothing but a few strays Day 8 silver Francesco’s and a rubber wheel Chick Hicks. Nashua TRU still had ten Octane Gain Semis (at full price) availabe the last time I checked. It used to be fun on Tuesdays-go to Target and at least one (if not more new Cars) and then go hunting at other stores on the weekend. Except for the Cars Day 8-every Target WalMart TRU or KMart in the EMass Southern NH looks picked over -leaving nothing but stale product from last year.
This seems pretty good to me. I hate the cases with 8 Finn 6 Mater 5 McQueen and 5 Francesco. One of the major reasons for this being an issue is, people like me didn’t bother getting the main cars as singles because they are in 2-packs with exclusive cars. I used to not care much about repaints, i guess they shortage of new cars for soooo long made it so that they could add a splotch of tar and some bugs on the mouth and i’ll need to have it! I love how Mattel seems to not have a clue at what’s going on here. haha
Am I the only one kind of irked about Wheeliam’s funky pant job?
er, um, ahem, I meant “paint” job.
(MET: I think you’re right on both counts. 🙂 ).
Met poking fun at the royal family? I think you may have blew your shot at being knighted now.
May not be a great assortment but the Chinese racer does look awesome. Nice red color.
There is a Case T scheduled that also includes 1 Prince Wheeliam so I don’t think it will be an official Chase car, but still very rare nonetheless. Could it possibly be a licensing thing where the more they make the more they have to pay to The Royal Family?
Well, I don’t see how Becky Wheelin, Officer Murakarmi and Radiator Springs Ramone can be considered a Chase either since they were produced in so many numbers in multiple Cases but who knows.
If only the stores were getting this cases as fast as retailers!
Mattel must LOVE Petrov. My closest Walmart still has dozens and dozens of Petrov from the Christmas Pallet Drop 6 months ago. This store has not restocked singles since. The dust is accumulating.
I don’t think I will ever see any case beyond the Petrov pallet case.
Target here is empty of singles. No restocking whatsoever and no gray dots for reorder either. All I see at Target is new endcaps for Mattel’s current summer movie toys.
Toys R Us IMO, is the best hope for new cases beyond D.
As a professional I.R.S. operative (Inventory Relocation Specialist), just this morning I completed my latest 3-day run, where I emptied all singles, 2-packs, and MegaSize from my nearest Walmart. I will soon be returning said items to other Walmarts that are still aplenty with Finn McMissile singles. While it does do the trick everytime, they usually reload with ancient cases.
(MET: Send us pics of you dressed in your giant scanner outfit. 🙂 ).
I’ve had 2 targets down to “critical stage” for weeks now and nothing has been ordered, or showen up. i don’t know when target will jump back on the train here? the system was ordering more it’s self (last year). but since the sell-off everything has came to a hult. i’m in need of some answers here!!!!!!!!
I am dubious of the quantity of cases being discussed here. Between WM, KM, Sears, TRU and Target there are about 9500 stores in the US and Canada. It is hard to imagine that each of these stores will not receive at least one case and some of these stores will receive more than one case.
I have no reason to make this statement, other than my natural inclination to be dubious.
No Finn! That’s the great news! I don’t think its that bad a selection, compared to case G its not so great but bring it on!
Prince Wheeliam is going to be one popular car, I bet I’ll never see one on a shelf at any of my local stores. Not only are the car collectors going to want him but also the people who collect all the royalty stuff too.
Even if there was a display with Prince Whelliem I still believe he will be rare and valuable. Unless they put out a ton of Princes this car will be hard to get enough to go around.
Case E was a good case… Case G was a very good case – replacing a Race Team Mater with the Super Chase was nice… What is Mattel thinking with this case assortment? I hope this was a preliminary case assortment subject to change that would be changed for the better… perhaps including Cars listed in case F.
So now we wait.
Cases now available for pre-order. Thank you to all of you that ordered the G case.
Take care, stay cool, enjoy the rest of the summer!
i’m wondering about the mega pre-sale case? when can i expect that case to be shipped?
(MET: Mattel has not announced a date yet … I’ll try and get a date but probably in a couple weeks?)
I’ll bet the case after this has like 4 or 5 Prince Wheeliam’s.
Love the fact that there are 5 or 6 new cars to look out for. Makes going to the store fun again.