Mattel Disney Pixar CARS Diecast: Buying Sealed Cases & Oversized CASE R Confirmed
In a galaxy far, far away and in a land before time, you could go into a retail store and buy CARS on the pegs …
Well, maybe not this nice of a selection but at least something like this …
Yep, there was once a Golden Age of CARS … where we got selection, selection, pricing and distribution – crazy huh? Even if you lived a crowded populated area, every Target or Walmart received 3-8 cases of every case plus TRU would get one or two and even Kmart got fairly regular shipments. Add in plenty of stock on eBay and our trading forum, most people did not really need to resort to buying cases.
But for some collectors, especially when CHASE CARS arrived in 2009 (one to a CASE), it was simpler just to buy a case. Especially if you were a card completist collector, the cards were untouched after the factory packing. Each case of 18 were a mix of new and re-releases but again, for completist collectors, some were first time releases on a particular card or only appeared once or twice in a year. Case sales dropped off drastically in 2010 as Mattel went to lenticulars and 24 CARS to a case – and not as many people collected lenticulars. Final Lap cases alternated between 18 and 12 CARS per case but were only available at Target stores so no case sales.
In 2011, CARS 2 were 24 to a case but with the same CARS flooding the shelves in the first 3 cases – it was not particularly enticing to order cases.
For instance, if you bought the first three cases of CARS 2, out of 72 CARS, you would’ve had 11 Mater’s, 14 Finn’s, 12 Lightning McQueen’s and 8 Francesco Bernoullli’s … gee, I wonder why the shelves are full of these 4 and why not one was really interested in cases A, B & C.
BTW, the product number for CARS 2 CARS this year are V2796-998_ with a letter code after it. The V2796-999 product code was just for 2011 cases A, B & C which were not to be shelved prior to May 16, 2011.
So, now with Ultimate Chases, Chases and the fact that retail has cut back on ordering to a large degree, for some/many collectors, it’s again enticing to order a full case … such as with CASE G. So, this below is a listing for V2796–998G.
Nine of the 24 CARS are new (including duplicates, of course) and 6 of the CARS as CHASE CARS will never (in theory) be released again with the exact same look plus the low production of FLASH. Since WM seems to have cut way back in ordering, how much work will it take you to find the CARS? While gas prices have dropped, it’s still in the $3-$4 range and unlike 3 years ago where a drive to 2-3 stores would almost certainly net you the CARS you want, now? Is it better just to wait by the doorstep? Of course, that’s your call but it’s something to consider.
Yes, there are always repeats but some are not easy to find (like Holley or Carla) so they’re nice to have around to trade or maybe hold onto them …
And the next mega-deluxe case is listed – CASE R which looks to be:
(the purple number indicates the number in the case). Kimura Kaizo (aka: Sumo Ref), Funny Car Mater & the Queen
So, if you’d rather skip the hunt and either click or call, be sure and check with TakeFive advertisers Children’sToyCloset & Rob’s Palace of Disney CARS.
If they do not have it listed, be sure and call or email them to confirm what you want, if they have it in stock, if it’s coming and they’ll be happy to answer any questions for you.
And you can simply refer to the CASE code without the number as they know so you can simply say OVERSIZED CASE R or SINGLES CASE G.
Good luck!
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I think there’s enough McQueen’s in the world for everybody in the world to have 5 each.
The top picture wasn’t that from a Cars exhibition/sale?
These certainly were not on the pegs at a store – seeing SC, Walmart 8 cars, WORLD of CARS, Race O Rama, Cars toons and certainly not Storytellers (Target only) on a peg at the same time.
(MET: Yes, technically, the top photo was from a toy show but you get the idea. 🙂 ).
I never saw as many Story Tellers in a store as the top photo shows… in fact, I don’t think I ever saw several of the other Cars in that photo in stores – it was before I started collecting in earnest.
And as far as the second photo, I saw that special Walmart case a total of 4 times at 2 different Walmart stores… that case with Dexter Hoover with Yellow Flag, Spin Out McQueen, Sally with Cone, and Lizzie was a great case.
Today a store with that many Cars in it would be 90% Finn, 9 percent McQueen, and 1% whatever else.
Ah, those were the good old days!
I had such high hopes for Cars 2 when it all started (was that just a year ago?). Oh well.
At least I have Carsland to look forward to!
Awww….the good ol’ days!
Those pictures of the store shelves are amazing. As someone who has only been in the game for less than two years I have never seen anything like it.
Look at those Sallys, Leroys, Lizzies, Mega Al Lofts, Storytellers.
Is that really what the pegs looked like in the glory days?!?
(MET: That is a little nicer than usual as it was a special WM mega sidecap but I did pick up a Lizzie and Sally with Cone at retail from that case at some random shopping trip …).
I traded for the Queen, Kaiso, and Funny Car Mater with a collector overseas who wanted some older Cars I had months ago. Its too bad that these have been out in the Phillipines, Singapore, Mexico, Sweden and elsewhere and the stores here aren’t ordering new Deluxes. Case packing one queen per case makes it hard to split a case with another collector.
Mattel needs to rethink case packing. Mattel’s resellers/dealers/customers would sell more cases and Mattel would make more sales. Collectors don’t mind buying cases and splitting them if the assortment was equitable.
I think I would lose consciousness to see the pegs above in person – amazing selection!
i’ve been waiting for the queen and funnycar case sine feb. i havn’t heard anything about my order, from CTC for the pre-order on the case. does anyone know a date on when we can see this case? is anyone else waiting for CTC on preorder case? thank you for all the help.
Me too, Flop. I sent Traver an email.
I am waiting also. Haven’t heard anything.
Im waiting too Flop. My CC was billed also. Hope to hear something soon! I sent one email quite a while ago asking about status.
I got a set of the 3 Deluxe Cars from a friend in Singapore this winter… I still haven’t opened them… I’ve got another Queen and Funny Car Mater coming.
Nothing close to anything new in the county now that Kmart 8 has come and gone… except for perhaps a left over Silver Racer Series McQueen or Franceesco.
Anyone need Finn McMissile singles or Deluxe Submarine Finn McMissile?
Yes ordering cases is a good way to get the Cars you want early but for most collectors nothing beats the thrill of finding new cars on the pegs. Its too bad so many retailers are so backed up with repeats.
As for if hunting is worth it or not it all depends what the stores have. Sometimes the hunt isn’t worth the time and gas but other times it’s well worth it. Timing is everything and patience is a virtue.
I want to buy all those cars pictured!! Anybody?
It would be nice if ALL the stores would get at least 1 of these cases… But I’m not going to hold my breath…
I’ll be your hunter in Tacoma and surrounding area! 🙂