Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Kmart CARS Day #8 TODAY – Don’t Be Late!
The most important thing to note for this in-store event is the time is now 9 AM and not 11 AM as it’s been for the previous 7 times!!
So, don’t be late, mate!
Also, it’s likely they made a lot fewer diecasts than last time so in many cases, it might not be as simple as just striding in, picking out everything you and leaving – hopefully that is the case but just in case it’s not, it might be closer to the olden days of CARS collecting.
How Does it Work?
Generally around the toy section, they will set up a table – you will also see some people gathered about (from some to hopefully not too many). At around 9 AM, they will begin letting people draw numbers. The rules are that ANYONE who is capable of physically drawing a numbered ticket is eligible to draw … meaning pretty much anyone from the age of 6 month and up … they will then call out numbers randomly from the draw – if your number is called, the will start to cut open a box for you – you are allowed to select up to 5 CARS in the first go around.
Will I get the CARS I want?
See below for checklist of CARS in this case. It all depends on what you are looking for and it will all depend on how many boxes the store receives and how many people are drawing tickets. Now after everyone who has drawn a number has picked their 5, some stores hold additional drawings – other stores just open it up as a free for all.
As noted, this time, there are probably much fewer CARS available in stores so you have to look around. Each master carton contains 4 boxes or 96 CARS so you can divide by 5 (the maximum number you can choose with 1 draw) and the number of people there – if you want all 6 racers and the two exclusive CARS, then obviously you will need two turns at least. Since most people who purchased boxes are going to wind up with extra Lightning McQueen’s – it’s safe to presume you can buy that later and since there are also 4 Francesco Bernoulli’s in each case, that is the second easiest to find. The rest will mostly likely be equally sought after. There is a checklist below listing how many of each CAR are in the case.
Also, note, if you buy 5 racers, the 6th is free.
How early should I go to the event?
OFFICIALLY, they are supposed to draw numbers at 9 AM and in the order of your drawn number. Most KM’s probably open at 9 AM but some might be open earlier. Even if there is a queue outside the store, it means nothing as it should depend on the number you draw.
WARNING – there are stores that aren’t going to follow the official, guidelines so they might go by when you line up.
Good luck and have fun.
So, drop a note if you attend, how did it go., how were crowds?
Also, they should offer up more cases for sale after the event:
« Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2 Diecast: Ultimate Chase Sweden in EVERY G Singles CASE? | Mattel Disney CARS 2 Diecast: Kmart CARS Day #8 In Store Event » |

Hola Amigos!!!
It’s been so loooong since I logged in and seeing so many familiar names it’s heart warming that you are still into this! Time to catch up!
I do miss these K-days as well, it was such an adventure and fun for the whole family.
Back when they had these K-mart events, my wife and I would plan the entire weekend traveling from one K-mart to the next! At the time they were $2-3 dollars and we had the whole collection! There was the San Diego Comic Con Cars toys, The D22 events and Cars toys, the Star Wars Cars toys and many others. We have the old Cars Case P that Met told us about. It has all the Chase and Super Chase cars in it! Not so much if that lately either.
Those were great times and lots of fun! Cheers to Take Five a Day!
Oh man do I ever miss these days!
It is so cool when people look at old posts and comment on them, that way we all can see these from the past.
I had collected right away when Cars first came out and had around 50 or so and never gave it another thought. I had not heard of those collector days at K-Mart. I sure would have enjoyed that. Oh well.
Has anyone found any Errors yet? Wrong nametags, no eyes, decals missing, etc.
I just realized my celine dephare is packaged backwards compared to the rest of them. Would this error be worth not opening?
I wouldn’t open it. It’s just a normal Celine if you do.
Anyone who has opened their Shu Todoroki from the event – do you think the back axel is a little loose compared to a RT Shu from the last event? I have opened two and they both seem to have a little bit of a wobble to the back axel when you lift them up while other Shu’s don’t.
And I thought mine was the only one! Glad to hear it’s normal for a Silver Shu to do that.
Oh good, yours does it too. I thought it was a screwup so I compared it to another, but they both had it. Good to know I’m not alone. It’s not a mistake, just low quality wheels I guess.
My KMart had a great grasp on the event, everything set up at 9:00 exactly. Got 4 sets, a 2013 poster, and an in-store poster. Thanks to Toy Mgr. Carol at the Doylestown PA Kmart!
2012 poster, not 2013. DUH my bad. Comment editing isn’t working for me.
Frederick, MD:
The event went great for us. I was very pleased with our Kmart, they did an excellent job. There was one master case. Myself and one other father with a daughter wearing a Mater shirt showed up about quarter ’til 9. There were two clerks with a folding table set up in the outdoor furniture section. This worked well as I got to sit on a nice deck chair to wait the 10 minutes or so. The clerk said they weren’t going to fool with raffle tickets since there were just the two of us. The other father/daughter went first and got one complete set of 8. I gave the clerk my checklist and he made up a set for me and put it in the case box. He also gave both of us one of the posters. The other poster he had taped up to a screen tent. As the clerk was making up my list another family with one young son showed up. I gave them my checklist to use, they grabbed what they wanted and left. There were at least 2-3 of everything remaining when I left as there was one case that hadn’t been opened yet. For the grand finale, I asked the store manager if I could have the event poster and she gave it to me as well.
We showed up to Kmart at about 9:15 and had to remind them there was supposed to be a Cars Collector Event going on. My kids and I were the only ones there, so we bought a set of 8 and got a poster. Better than the last 2 Kmart days, but not as cool as the Cars 1 rubber tire racer events.
I guess I have been out of the loop a bit, didn’t realize the time had changed and that there was Chase Celine.
Didn’t go to the event because we had a conflict, but went to the Billerica MA KMart at 4:30PM. Didn’t see any signs of the event. No Cars Days #8 on the pegs. Was leaving the store and saw an employee and asked if they had had the event. He said yes, a big disappointment (well, there was no advertising) but there were some boxes in Electronics. My son was able to get all the Silver Series as well as Acer w/Torch. No posters, but we still had our Cars Day. Bummed I didn’t know about Celine.
Nice to have something new-better than my newest hobby, counting how many Finns are sitting on the pegs (my record is 62!!)
Was pretty easy for us this morning. One box for each of us. 4 persons including my 5 years old son! Got all what we want including the 2012 poster and I win the draw for the main entrance poster. By the way I believe this is the most beautiful one of all 8 KMart days event. I wish to get the next one. Logically that will be the silver series part 2. Having both posters framed will be nice on the gameroom’s wall. 🙂
PirateWife and I both thought this was the nicest poster of them all too… We have the in store poster from every event except the last one, Kmart Day 7.
Went to my first “event”! Even though we were a whole hour late I still managed to get who I wanted (Acer,Celine,Silver McQueen and Raoul)! My Kmart just put all the cars in a shopping cart in the car aisle, which made it easier for me! Since I rarely shop at Kmart I also purchased the Exclusive Pit Crew Mater and the Lightning McQueen and Fillmore (with headset) 2 pack. All in all a very nice day! Planning to go later in the week to pick up the rest of the Silver racers (and a rubber tire McQueen I saw)!
Wow…I feel so bad for you all who were at stores this morning with other people, lottery tickets, drama, etc., etc…as a lark, after work I went by the same Kmart I went to this morning, where I was the only one and the nice manager let me take what I wanted from three of the four boxes, including both posters and the outer “do not open until” case. Well, 12 hours later…that unopened fourth case was still sitting there on the table, along with what appeared to be every other car I left there on the table (this morning I only bought five and got a sixth free). So I opened that last box, got another five-get-one-free, and left just as the store was closing. Unreal.
Well it’s a good think attendance was low at the stores I went to as it wasn’t easy getting all the sets I needed for some overseas friends. Fortunately I was able to just get enough.
I definetly believe they cut production levels on these as most stores only received 1 master. 8 Cars of some models is not enough for a whole store.
I suggest picking up extras for those that can. I have a strong suspicion many of these will become hard to get pretty quickly.
By the way I am not crazy about no winsheild eyes on Celine but otherwise a very cool car.
I just noticed that her windows really are slightly translucent…hold them up to the light to see inside (sorta)!
I assume the Cars Day #8 event was a sad or a nonevent at 9am this morning at my local ‘Big Kmart’ (Somerville, MA).
Sad for them, great for me. I had my pick of the boxes, so I bought 2 Celines, and 2 Acers with torch.
This was at 6:30pm tonight!
I didn’t remember about the ‘buy 5, get 1 free’ deal, else I would have scooped up some more. I didn’t spot the posters, but I didn’t think to look for them.
Kmart, Pixar and/or Hot Wheels must not care too much about the Pixar Cars brand.
Where was the advertising?!
Where was the management education of the Kmart employees?!
And it’s not like the store was empty of people: the aisles were so crowded with bodies, I had to zig zag around them to get to the electronics area.
I had come from the toy area where the toy stocker had no idea what event I was talking about. I only knew to head to the electronics area, because I then remembered reading something about it on TakeFiveADay.
The guys working the electronics desk similarly had no idea what I was talking about, but eventually we spotted the cardboard cases stacked on a nearby washing machine floor model.
Then I had my pick of the Cars2 boxes…at 6:30pm tonight.
Even at 6:30pm I felt as if I could have drummed up sales for Kmart and Pixar and Hotwheels had I merely walked around the store informing parents about the new Cars2 racers they could buy for the kids!
Well, what can I say other that DISAPPOINTED?!?! 😕
First time that these 2 stores are disorganized!
My husband went to one and my son and I to another one.
He got there early and what he finds…all the cases on the floor are opened! Almost no chases left and no body there to run the event. Luckily he found a couple of chases in a lost case and got enough racers as well. A family came late and were able to get what they needed too. He told the manager but wasn’t in the mood of doing anything since he (the manager) doesn’t understand those events! Ay ay ay 😡
In the other corner of the city, we got some “newbies” that had no idea how to run this event, they gave us the ruffles #, but they didn’t use them and said “first come, first serve” so a guy was there first and started grabbing whatever he wanted, and of course I had to say something and explained the “rules” which later the employee after reading them said, yeah you are’ve got to grab 5 at a time! 😉
After that it went smoothly but with less master cases than the previous events, and not enought posters, it wasn’t very fun!
Later in the afternoon we went out and passed by another Kmart and grabbed 5 racers that were left, and claimed and 6th one, but wan’t granted that one, the manager told me “it was only free at 9 am”…what?? The poster says June 16th only I said, not “only 9 am”, well it didn’t worked out after arguing because he didn’t give me the extra car, so this store really sucks in customer service 😛
So hopefully next event will be like the old ones, organized!
I really just want to say that K-Mart sucks, but I suppose it is better to elaborate than just throw a negative blanket statement out there…
So I go to three stores this week in anticipation of the event. Never see an event poster in any of them and two swear up and down there is no event happening this weekend. The third has no advertisement but says they are doing the event. Cool. We get all crazy like and go to one of the stores that says they are not doing the event and I am crazy to think there would be something happening on Father’s Day weekend… My oldest and I are the only two there at 9, but they are so disorganized that by 9:15 when they are ready to go, 6 other people have now shown up. Guess who doesn’t get picked for the first round at the only master case in the store? Yup, the only two people who were actually there in time. Not so big of a deal, as we still got a few Cars, but not what we needed for ourselves and our bud who got mildly screwed at a different K-Mart.
Okay, so we go to the next one that swore up and down there was no event. See the empty master carton under a folding table with all of about 8 McQueen/Francescos laying in a clear bin… No event, eh? You guys stink.
Right, so let’s now go to the only store of the three that said they actually were having the event… Guess what? Apparently only 3 people showed up and there were enough Cars laying around for us to finish the couple of sets we needed plus pick up a few extras for our local amigo. Thank goodness. Not one store in our area ended up with more than one master case. I guess we can all expect some hiccups since this is the first Cars K-Mart event.
No biggie. Maybe they will get it right in time for K-Mart Cars Day 2… I MEAN 10!!! Can we just give the exclusive events to Target for Cripes sake? I realize K-Mart is a “partner” of this site, but you guys are the worst of the big retailers. On-line and in-store, you have yet to get it right. At least your inability to differentiate racers from non-racers netted us an extra free Car today.
If anyone grabbed an extra poster they would like to trade for something, let me know. We would be happy to trade something old, new, borrowed or blue.
Oh yeah, hey TFADers! Long time no see!
Helloooooo amigo!! 😀
I saw a lot of what many others have reported…
I was the only one at the first Kmart store I stopped at… I helped them set up the table and bought what I needed… at the second store the service desk told me they didn’t take part in the event… there were no new Cars in Toys… on my way out between registers I saw 4 opened cases and bought more Cars that I needed.
At the 3rd store I bought a few more – there were only 3 Acer with Torch there and no Chase Celine… I did fairly well at stores 4 and 5… skipped one of the stores… got a few more Cars at store 6… and to quote Supertramp, I “Took the Long Way Home” to stop at one last store and got a few more Cars I needed there.
I understand Kmart does not want many left over Cars… With only 1 master carton per store, a case assortment of 3 each of the 8 Cars would have been nice… but with this case assortment we’ll see McQueen, Francesco, Raoul, and Jeff on the pegs for several months.
I hope we see Kmart 9 in October… it would be nice to finish the Silver Racer Series, including Rip.
Our first time to an event was a huge success! Showed up a couple minutes late, and headed back to the toy section with my 4 year old Son and 15 month old daughter in tow. There were two employees manning the table and only one guy there. He had a whole case open and spread across the table, and there were three other unopened cases. I asked how it worked and they said that they would open a case for me and I could have whatever I wanted! Score!! Then after a few minutes of picking out what I wanted, they said “Doesn’t look like anyone else is going to show,” so the opened the other boxes and let us have at them. I took one empty box, a poster (there were three), and got a bunch of cars, bought twenty and got four free. Then on the way out, I saw the Event day poster, so I went back and asked if I could have it for my son’s room and they said yes 🙂 So excited to have these for our collection (my son is super excited too) plus got some for a friend who couldn’t attend.
Glad everything went well! 🙂
What color is Bernoulli’s helmet? It is red in the ad, see top of page, silver on all the Bernoullis at our Kmart today.
all silver here.
Los Angeles (Temple City), about 20 adults, 5 kids, that’s many more than at previous events. I think everyone got whatever they wanted, there were three master cases, posters went to the kids. All over in twenty minutes, just a small pile of Lightning McQueens and Bernoullis left. Six for five pricing was good on any die-cast singles, not just today’s assortment.
We were surprised that Acer with torch and Celine have Kmart exclusive stickers on the cards; same as the rubber tire exclusives. (The silver racers have the “seal” printed into the card artwork.) If this Acer and Celine are released at Walmart etc al at some point, the completists will need to buy them again.
Checking out was the only low point. No one at Kmart had planned to shift two checkout persons at 9:30 on a Saturday morning, while five employees lounged about at Customer Service, the lone checker gamely worked the line. It took 35 minutes to check out, longer than the event.
We picked up some extra mcqueens and James B from CTT, a local member of the Utah group as well, gave me some old carded cars. We are going to donate these to The Road Home homeless shelter for the kids.
If you bought cases from me and want to donate your extra Mcqueens let me know, I would be happy to do so.
How nice of you! Good idea!
We got there early, about 8:20. Went to the Service Desk to get info. Lady had no idea about Cars Day. She was very helpful and called a few people. At first no one knew anything and couldn’t find the case. About 15 minutes later a lady comes up front with one master case. One other family showed up (Mom, Dad, son). We all got tickets. Event started at 9. I was called first, picked 5. Husband was called second, picked 5. Little boy third, picked one Car. We got one poster, they got the other two. While I was going through the rest another family came (Mom, Dad, son). He picked two Cars. Since I ordered a case I just wanted the Cars to even up the sets + Celine & Acer. I got a few extras so after Tuesday when my case shows up, and all is well, I’ll either trade them away or return the extras. It started out looking like a disaster but ended up being OK. On the way home we stopped at another Kmart and got the store poster.
I showed up at 8:50am & there was nothing set up & nobody there. So I asked an employee who knew nothing. He called on his walkie & the man said yes, it starts at 9am. I asked “where?” so he asked and the man said toys, (where we were standing)
here they came with a table & case a few minutes later.
He said oops I forgot the raffle tickets. I looked around at my 2 kids & NOBODY else & said “really? do you think you need them?”
YES, me & my 2 kids opened all 4 boxes by ourselves!
hahaha. crazy, right!
I opened four Celines (bought six, I was the only one there) and all have a nasty curved scar on the front end from the plastic insert, and the attachment on the sides is not well-fitted on two of them. Also, one has gloppy clearcoat above one of her eyeballs (I also noticed that on an eBay one.) Crummy, but still love her. (Buy five get one free worked on any at my Kmart.)
I am totally frustrated with this event.
Well Damian got you taken care of Bmw. He has a rule sheet and poster coming to you.
Thanks Kevin.
Damian is a peach. 🙂
CAC is helping Outlawbak and me too, since the problems at his Kmart with the “family” taking all the cases.
Barbara, I am wondering if we, you, me and chris shouldnt start a list of those who didnt get a full set, maybe think about splitting cases for people, should the case sales go back live again.???
Another great event here in Tucson. I took the whole family (wife and 3 kids) and was initially scared when they only had 4 boxes out (far less than in the past) but luckily there were far less people there also. We got 2 of everything plus poster so definitely a success. What a great way to start fathers day weekend!
Me, my wife, my 2 boys & their grandma arrived at 9:03 just in time to get 4 tickets into the bucket as they wheeled out the two big boxes including 8 total cases and 6 posters. My 5 yr old son was the 1st ticket drawn out of the first four to open. He got both the Acer w/ torches, both Celines and a Carla. To be honest, they have never mentioned the rule about having to pick different cars at my Kmart (attended last 5 events there) and I didn’t even know the rule existed until I got on here to post my story and read it in somebody else’s post; but obviously they didn’t enforce it today either. Moving on, of the next four tickets (5th-8th) called – the last four to get to open new cases – my ticket was pulled and so was grandma’s. I also took both Acer & Celines and a LMQ. Grandma chose both Celine’s and one Acer. I didn’t do it to hoard them I did it so we could barter for a poster if we didn’t get one. Once the tickets were pulled for the bins (9th-12th) I was able to identify the eBay hunters and could tell who were collectors. There was a boy and his grandma still waiting for their turn to go (obviously just collectors) so I went over and gave the boy an Acer & Celine so they didn’t have to worry about missing out on them (their ticket was probably called 15th-20th). Next, we got our poster and since we didn’t need to barter for it after all I looked around (raffle was over it was the ‘free for all” stage) and found another collector digging around the bins searching for specific cars, when I asked what he needed it was Acer & Celine so I gave him one of each too. There were a lot of people there (probably 25) but only a few were die-hard collectors, some were random shoppers investigating the event and then the omnipresent eBay hunters. It was nice to be able to help those who needed it – in all we gave away 3 Celines and 2 Acers to hopefuls who wouldn’t have had a chance to get them. We walked away with 2 complete sets of 8 cars (6 racers, Acer & Celine) and one extra Acer & Celine to have on hand to trade at a later date. A successful mission. The demand was definitely reminiscent of the days years ago when you couldn’t guarantee you’d walk with everything you hoped for. The bins that are usually full of the next 6 month’s pegwarmers were even picked down and almost gone. I was surprised a bit but honestly think these metallic paint cars are way cooler in person. I actually like them a lot and so do my boys. I deally want OCT’s Cars day tohappen so I can complete the set. I hope you all had a great time this morning too and got everything g you wanted!
I kept the written instructions again, but this one just says “five (5) Cars”, not five different ones. But the last two events did have that rule change.
I like how in Celine’s photo you can see what’s in a car’s brain. Rear-view mirror and a steering wheel.
Hit the Kmart in Buffalo. My 3rd event at this location. Only myself and 1 other adult, no kids. 1 master carton- 4 cases with 3 posters. They did the tickets thing like usual. Grabbed my 1 Celine, acer and McQueen. Took 1 poster and cashed out. Nicely asked and got the large event poster as well. Plenty of cars left for all.
Which KMart in Buffalo?
Hertel Ave in Buffalo, I know your Falls store is a hot bed for Hot wheels events and Canadians sometimes I have heard go to that location.
The last few events at the Buffalo store have had no more then 6 people. Let me know if you have any other questions!!
Yeah, we usually get most of the “north of the border” traffic. I’ll have to stop by the Hertel Ave store and see if they have any Celine’s left. What do you think about the Walden store? I don’t get out that way very often.
I could have grabbed anything you needed, I left ~3+ cases behind. I think Walden gets a little more volume of people but did not stop today
My email is I don’t know if I can get out there tomorrow so if you swing by and see any Chase Celine or Acer with Torch shoot me a message.
Our experience was pretty good. Already had two sets of the eight going in so picked up another full set today plus and extra Celine and Acer. If anyone missed out and is looking to trade let me know. More than willing to help out.
Astellyoung at
The event went without a problem in the electronics department at 9AM in Norridge, IL. They were sent 1 master carton, just like event #7. It was just me again, just like event #7. The clerk, who also oversaw event #7, her manager, and the electronics clerk were all very helpful and followed the rules. I even drew a ticket, just to make it official I guess. I got the Acers, Celines, and silver McQueens I needed for my 2 boys and their cousin, plus with just one more stop on the way to work I was able to procure the moon bean cakes and coconut juice I needed for my breakfast. Perfect morning! By the way, all the cars qualified for the buy-5-get-1-free deal, not just the silver racers.
I woke up late and got there exactly at 9am. Only 1 other family waiting there, so we got the posters and cherry picked through everything.
I ended up buying 32 cars and took all the boxes too 🙂
What a disaster it was at my Kmart. 25 people showed up. 2 master cases, Guy running event knew nothing about how things are supposed to go. At 9am started calling out numbers in order he handed them out. Everyone was unhappy with that and he said if you don’t like it go talk to the Manager. I was lucky to be one of the 1st 8 with a number, although it felt like I was cheating for not having my number drawn randomly. One thing to note and interested if anyone else saw this. The Case I opened Had 5 carla’s. Rest of assortment looked right, with fewer Mcqueens. Was lucky enough to get a Poster which is huge and very cool.
Hey I think we were at the same Kmart….are you the one who gave me the chase cars?! If you are, thank you! If not, a very cool person gave us one each of the 4 hard to get cars since the Kmart staff were so very lame. We ended up getting one of each for us, and one each of the silver racers for a friend overseas. Our experience was good only because of the kindness of strangers!!! Kmart sucks!
We had 3 Master cartons, or 12 cases. 13 people showed up but they made the last guy wait because he didn’t get there until almost 9:10 and the associates were late starting the event. So the rest of us picked our 5 cars, then the last guy got to pick his 5 cars, and then I asked if we could just have the free for all and she ok’d it so we all went nuts. I walked out with 12 Acer with Torch, 6 Celine Dephare Chase and 3 of each racer.
The lady running the event was a rookie so she wasn’t sure exactly how it was to go but we helped her out and I suggested that she hand out the master carton posters to all of the kids first and then if any were left the adults could it. Everyone agreed so all the kids were extra happy!
There were no Chase Celine Dephare or Acer with Torch left so another local collector and I organized the cars after everyone else was gone and laid them out nice and neat on the table for anyone who straggled in later.
Tyler and I went back after about 40 minutes because I forgot to ask about the store sign and it was still there so we got that too. One associate from the service desk walked up with a few cars for herself and mentioned that the table was almost empty so I am guessing there were a few people who walked in thinking the event was still to begin at 11am and they snatched up most of the remaining racers.
That’s so cool that you guys were looking out for the kids.
Was the only person there at my K-Mart. There was a very nice lady who I think helped us last event and let me look through the whole Master case. She was very surprised I was the only one there because normally there are about 4 or 5 other people here. She told me a lot of cool stuff about the Hot Wheels events, like how people fight over just to get the empty Case boxes! She knew quite a bit about the event too, like what Cars were in it and they were ALL Exclusives to K-Mart. Took 2 sets of the 8 Cars, then just grabbed an extra Celine and Carla (my favorite) to get the Buy 5 get 6 free. Pretty good day for me! 🙂
The Buy 5 Get the 6th free was only for the racers…
Not at ours, it worked for any Cars 2 singles.
I walked back in at 11:30 to see if any people thought it was still 11 and missed it but I’m guessing not. The pegs were filled with all of the Cars from the event and then some others. I walked out with another Celine, Acer, and a Rod Torque Redline Lane Mate.
As a lark I went to the other Kmart that’s near me around 5:00…it looked like they had every single silver racer but zero Acers or Celines.
On all my receipts today, the Silver Racers were listed under the category “Buy More And Save” and were Buy 5 Get 1 Free, whereas Celine and Acer were listed under “General Merchandise” and were at full price with none free.
Same here John in MO
reading the comments, sounds like most got what they wanted….My K Mart, which last event had 5 Masters, this time got one, and no posters announcing the event were even in the window… 5 people showed before 9, me, husband/wife, dad/son….Assist Manager saw 4 people, handed each one of us a case, did not follow any game plan….turns out the others were one family, supposedly from Houston, and the one dude bought all three cases when they got to checkout….refused to leave one CAR behind when I stopped him and asked if he was buying all three,since I was buying for myself and BMW…..another family showed at 9:15 with a special little boy…dad chased down the dude into the parking lot and offered him what ever he wanted for just one CAR for his special 5 year old boy who was crying….no deal, dude said he was headed for other KMARTs because he needed more CARS. I know the family, so I will try to help after helping BMW. Went back and talked to Assist MGR who apologized profusely, if she had know they were all one family, or that another family had traveled from across the boarder, she would have tried to do something different to make sure everyone would have gotten something.
Wow…I really hate that story. >8^(
that’s crazy; sorry to hear about it
Oh my gosh! 🙁 I feel so bad for that little kid. I hope everything turns out OK and he gets what Cars he wants!
It was sad – Outlawbak always helps me out when he goes to Kmart which is not even in our state of Texas, but he will make sure that little boy will get some cars, he is that kind of guy.
Luckily thanks to Kevin, Damian, and CAC I will get the Cars I need and Outlawbak will be able to share with the little boy and his family.
My grandson went to his Kmart in Albuquerque and they did not even have any event Cars. This store did not get a single Master case, nothing.
So off he goes to another Kmart arriving 20 minutes later and it was a buying frenzy. He saw people carrying out full cases. Went to the table and all that was left was a few Gorvettes, Francescos, Raoules. Not one Shu Carla let alone the Chase Celine. He found one Acer with Torch.
He then drove to Santa Fe NM (small town) to a Kmart there and found some Celines and a couple of Shus and Carlas. So even though we did not get enough for the 3 of us, thanks again to the guys above for their kindness we will get the 8 car sets after all.
That has to be the saddest thing ever to happen at a KM event. If there is anything we can do to help that family just let us know
BMW reported that some stores were buying frenzies. I am at an untouched Kmart let me know if you need anything
Nascarnbroncosfans AT msn DOT COM
NASCAR, call BMW, she may need help since we were unable to get everything we wanted
Went well for me, only 4 tickets pulled and got a whole set plus a few openers for the kids.
I grabbed an extra Celine and Torch Acer, if anyone out there wants to trade for em I’d take a Kmart Carla w/ crew chief even stephen.
BMW and I have been unable to score the extra CELINES (2), ACER WITH TORCH (2) and SHUs that we had hoped to get so if anyone can get extras to help, please do and let BMW or myself know
I would bet my life we see both of these cars again on a numbered card!! Also, because your store got one master, don’t assume you have 4 inner cases….our master only had 3 and 3 posters. Only me and another family so I was able to get as many cars as I wanted.!!
Got to my local Kmart at 830am. No one there!!. Table was setup with tickets and little bottle for raffle tickets. No one else got there until 10 to 9 when two more dads strolled in. We chatted and confirmed that we weren’t ravenous collectors or ebayers. We all got what we wanted. I got an extra Shu and Carla cause they seem to be the ones I think will be rare. Good experience for my first time. Spent less than 40.00 for 10 cars. Not bad.
Paul, Lond Island, NY
Hmmm Morristown NJ, case opened in front of the eyes NO Celine, only Acer. Not a good start!
oh no! not a good sign for those who only bought cases and skipped the event…my case is supposed to arrive on Tuesday:(
Great experience…got there at 8:30 on the advice of customer service who had clearly confused the Cars and Hot Wheels Day histories. Had a sweetheart of a manager who made me wait till 9 but opened three boxes and let me at ’em. She gave me both posters (they got one big case) and I also got two small empty boxes and the big case with the do-not-open sticker. Picked up a couple of Acers and several Celines. Wasn’t feeling the racers but though Shu was cool in silver so I got him. Haven’t looked at the receipt but I know they rang up under $3.99. Oh yeah…it was only me there 8^)
Our event in Boca Raton, FL was very well attended in comparison to the past. There were about 15 people there but only two were somewhat newer collectors, who said ”I found this great site called” I showed up at 845 and me my wife and son got #$ 8,9,10. They went in sequential order as opposed to drawing the numbers randomly. One master case for the whole store. Luckily the first three tckets were people who thought it was a Hot Wheels event so they passed on everything. Managed to get two sets and a few extras as well. Cars look really nice. Much better in person. My son already opened a set amd hasnt stopped playing with them. Then again, silver is one of his favorite colors so this event worked out well. Got a poster as well, it looks fantastic as well.
Well done White Plains KMart. I checked it out yesterday on a hunch and bunch were pegged (no Celine, Shu or Carla, only one Acer). Go back today and they have NOTHING. Manager didn’t know about the event, toy floor guy didn’t know. Another dad and son showed up, but again GIANT failure at White Plains KMart again. (They didn’t even have the event last fall).
I have a feeling we have some overnight guys there who are ebay sellers.
Went great for me! One other guy there and he’s a buddy of mine who just wanted one set. They put out all four of the small cases from the one master case and let us go to town! Got a bunch of cars, a poster and two of the empty cases.
One master case, my wife and myself. No one else. Got what I needed and they gave me the store front card poster. Kinda uneventful. They even handed us tickets at 9:00.
In and out in 15 minutes. Just me and another Dad and son.
We had to convince the service desk that the event was at 9am, then I bumped into the guy toy guy and told him what was up. then BOOM! table set up and a single master case rolled out…no thanks to customer service.
Overall a good event. Got what I needed and then some. I have some extras.
carsfan4rest (@)
Five minutes to go and my family of four are the only ones here so far for one master carton (four cases).
I never saw how many master cases they had, but they did have 8 smaller cases. Is that 1 master or 2? Regardless, that was what they had. There were 11 people including myself and some kids with other adults. Everyone pretty much got their own case to pick through since some adults were there just for the kids. (Which is really why I was there too, I just didn’t have the kids with me.) I got a full set minus the chase car, the kids didn’t care for it. But I got suckered into the buy 5 get 1 free deal so I got a few extras for myself. I don’t really collect Cars, but I see the appeal in them. I have to be honest, most of these silver cars look better in person than the pics. Lightning and Jeff in particular are really nice. The event was over about 15 mins after it started when 2 serious collectors hauled away multiple sets. But they were cool about it and let others get theirs first. The employee only had a small stack of maybe 15-20 cars to put on the shelf at that point.
Just got back, my son and I were the only people there so we got exactly what we wanted which suited us just fine! 🙂
Congratulations on your first event!!
10 minutes my friend is at Kmart, waiting
One master case at my kmart. Only two of us were there. They waited till 9:10 just to see if anyone else showed up.
T- 20 minutes in the Big Apple. Let’s bring on some new cars.
2 hours and 30 min to go here.
Good luck everyone.
Note, some Kmarts will let you take photos. If you want to share photos I would love to post a photobucket folder for you.
Multiple photos per email is fine but no more than 11mb per email please.
photobucket link will be here:
Uploading our Kmart Day #8 photos now, We went to a newly changed back to Kmart from Sears, it was a great store, Matt the manager was a rookie, we gave him a hand. Then we went to another Kmart and helped out a newbie to Takefiveaday who reads but does not post, Christina, Glad you got what you needed…. plus several others online until those two other master cases were allotted for others.
Great day here in Utah
If anyone wants to send photos to add to this link please do so.
30 minutes to go, heading to the store now!
Beginning a year ago with Event #6, the official instruction sheet from the Kmart corporate office has indicated that customers are to draw five DIFFERENT Cars. So if the rumors are true that most stores are just getting one master carton (four cases), hopefully this rule will be adhered to; otherwise both Celines and both Acers would be gone after the first four customers have drawn.
Strategically it is not good to jump on Celine and Acer since they are not KMart exclusive… They are only FIRST release exclusive… However we know the silver racers are and in low quantity. My target is to pick Shu and Carla first… There is only 2 per case…
My two cents!
Celine and Acer are Kmart Exclusives — get ’em while they last!!
Hmmmm. I am pretty sure I read somewhere they were First on the market like Ramone Hydraulic was last time… Well, I maybe wrong but I am sure the focus will more on the racers for most people…. especially because the but 5 get 6!
Celine will be the one to get. Exclusive to this event, limited quantities and Chase.
I knew I have seen it somewhere! The main poster in each store says “Also featuring First-to-Market Acer with torch & Paris Junker” Well Paris Junker is in fact Celine Dephare. These two cars have a KMart sticker not a printed KMart logo… So we should them later in other stores later this year or early next year!
1 hour and 45 mins! Woo so excited this is our first one, there are 3 kmarts in our local area that are all participating so I’m hoping that will help keep the number of people down at the store I’m going to. Keeping my fingers crossed we get one of each car.
Fingers crossed for everyone out there to get what they are searching for today! East coast is t-minus 2 hours 15 minutes and counting!!
Go get em Jeff!