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Dude, Free Bowling!

If your kids prefer the great indoors this summer where there’s hardly any danger from bears or skeeters the size of bears, kids bowl free this summer at AMF!

And the rest of the family can bowl for $29.95 all summer …

Each AMF Summer Pass allows you and three other family members ages 16 and up to bowl two games per day all summer long! That’s less than $7.50 per person! You’ll be able to print your bowling passes any time from May 14 through September 3. Bowling available until 8 p.m., 7 days a week. (Shoe rental is not included.)

Details HERE.

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30 May 2012 Sports 4 Comments


  • John in Missouri says:

    Not to be Debbie Downer, but it says shoe rental is extra. Not neat.

  • Jack says:

    Yes a good deal indeed. Too bad most kids nowadays would rather Wii bowl than to actually have to pick up a ball and roll it.
    I miss the simpler days before cell phones, X-box, Facebook, twitter etc. when most kids would always be playing something. Playing Pool and bowling etc. was always fun. The kids today are soft. Even the wimpy kids back when I was growing up would play tackle football. The kids today are afraid the might hurt a texting finger. Then what would they do? LOL.

  • Tom says:

    That is a good deal, but the nearest AMF Lanes to us are about an hour away 🙁

  • cac1959 says:

    Nice…I’ve been bowling in a league for 22 years, the last 12 as secretary… the number of members has dropped – perhaps this can help reverse that trend.

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