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US Congress: All Problems Solved Except Singing Copyright Songs

Apparently Congress has solved all the issues before them and we’re all doing great so it’s time to finally put all the people who sing copyrighted songs on YouTube to prison for FIVE YEARS.

“Congress is currently weighing new legislation (S. 978) that would make unauthorized web streaming of copyrighted work a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.”

I could swear there might be more pressing issues for Congress to resolve but hey, it’s great all our other problems are all fine and we can finally end this national nightmare.

The first person to go to prison might be Justin Beiber … while I’m not a huge fan of his – would my tax dollars have to pay for clearing teen girl riots that would make Occupy-Tea Party rallys look like chess club meetings? Or would Congress have to reconvene to legislate and work out new laws on conjugal visits.  😆

BTW, Congress who apparently actually only works-is in session 119 days a year wants to cut that down a little more … now I’m torn, are we actually better off if they actually “work” less? 🙂

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3 November 2011 Internet 7 Comments


  • bbright20 says:


  • carscrazydd says:

    This is utter non-sense, no matter how this S. 978 reads – our country has been in a tail-spin for quite some time and I am quite past the boiling point and am as fed up with Congress as I can get. Send them all packing their bags – they’ve all out-lived their usefullness.

    To quote Jack, “The only thing that could return this country to its former beauty is to throw every darn Republican and democrat out and elect regular middle class citizens. Normal people who actually care about our country and it’s people. Not these hand picked puppets to the elite we currently have”. This was well said, as was his whole reply! As I take time out of my day to read about current events in Washington, I have been commenting in the news article response sections on alot of the actions of Congress, specifically but not limited to the House of Representatives – as it doesn’t seem that the Senate can figure it out either. All they want to do is cut, cut, cut – this will not pay one plug nickel towards paying down our national debt, or get our country going forward again. Seems it is not just us grown-ups that the politician’s don’t care about, but also our children who are going to be burdened by this long after we are gone.

    My comments on the news sites are pretty much in line with Jack’s quote above, retire all representatives and senators (I have to put this in here) and as a penalty for letting this country go so far in the hole while they watched their contribution dollars pile up – no retirement or medical coverage upon their terminations, and put them all on trial for treason against our once great country. Then, start over with working class street smart people in Congress that know what needs to be done to get the country moving again. There are alot of people, SMART PEOPLE – who know that you have to spend money to make money, I have done this all my life – our Congressional politicians keep saying no to everything that is even worth a chance to try to get moving forward. Also there is a hatred for the highest office in this country – that of the President, beyond anything I have ever seen – what shame this creates for our country for the world to see.

    So, Met – while there is an amount of sarcasm in your words that is acceptable to my eyes, you are one of the street smart people that know there are more important matters at hand. Congress just keeps throwing up smoke screens to try to hide from sight the more important things that they are not getting done. In answer to your question “are we actually better off if they actually “work” less?”, I would say YES, if this is all they are going to do instead of doing real work and moving the country forward. Or, perhaps we could put them on a middle-class work schedule until they actually decide to help American’s, not just Corporartions and Banking Institutions. Maybe they would all rebel and quit – might be the best thing to do, let the American People take over. I bet we would do better!

  • D J says:

    you know what i want for thanksgiving? a metallic orange doc hudson.

  • 5oclockshadow says:

    I thought this was for original material? Basically aimed at people who stream movies, TV episodes, Pay-per-view events, Car Toons, etc. Guess I will have to read it a little closer.

  • NascarFan says:

    maybe he will get his hair cut and out of his face once an for all in the pokey

  • Jack says:

    How ridiculous that this is what Congress is spending their time on. However I’m sure they are doing it because the wealthy elite entertainment companies that are among the real rulers told congress they want their interests protected.
    For a long time now the politicians have been working for the corporate and banking elite, not we the people. That’s how the politicians get to that position in the first place by being loyal to the right people who in turn fund their campaigns.
    The only thing that could return this country to its former beauty is to throw every darn Republican and democrat out and elect regular middle class citizens. Normal people who actually care about our country and it’s people. Not these hand picked puppets to the elite we currently have. However the corporate owned media would never give regular people the coverage needed to be elected. So we are pretty much S**t out of luck.

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