Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS-CARS 2: Buying & Selling & Shipping
Update from ChildrensToyCloset …
Coming this week, the J CASE Singles which includes 3 of Carlo Maserati:
Also 3 Lewis Hamilton’s on card – new?
What else is in the case – repeats. 4 Finn’s, 1 Acer, 1 Miles axelrod, 3 Francesco, 1 Grem, 1 Holley, 1 Prof Z, 3 Lightning McQueen’s and 3 Race Team Maters.
On Hand – Though Not listed on the website yet.
CASE E of the 2-packs are also arriving with 3 Finn Security Guard & 4 Sal Machiani (separate 2-packs, of course).
Sal comes with Mater.
Finn Security Guard & Acer
A few cases in stock, more coming next week (the number indicates how many in the case).
And of course, CASE G Oversized-Deluxe, 2 each of the Pope & the Popemobile. (arriving early next week).
Yes, the Pope fits inside the Popemobile (tested).
The photos here are resized for our template and not the actual size to each other.
This case assortment is a change from before and makes much more sense. The Queen has been moved to CASE J. Instead of splitting up the Pope from the Popemobile. The other two deluxe CARS in case G is Finn Submarine. I’m presuming you don’t need a photo.
So, CTC is accepting orders and pre-orders. Thanks for the update, CTC.
Also, CTC is still buying collections or extras in some sort of LOT. Drop Traver an email with a list of what you have to sell. Good luck.
On that note, if anyone is interested in the CARS 1 MINI ADVENTURES, I have a nearly complete set of open & on card (if you want either or both). If interested, send me a PM in the forum or email me at metroxing @

I spotted Case F Deluxe at Kmart in Frederick, MD yesterday. 1 Pinion,1 Kingpin, 4 peg benders.
Is Pinion Tanaka coming in a future deluxe case assortment in the USA?
(MET: Hard to tell since H & J are changed – unsure if these are the last two before “2012” starts).
Found my answer, its in Case E Deluxe.
Yes Case E does contain 2 Pinions but case F also has 1. As well as 1 Kingpin, 2 Double Decker buses and 1 each of Sub and Hydrofoil Finn.
I have had all the case assortments of the whole first wave for months if you need them.
I am working on trying to get the 2nd wave assortments now.
What are in H and J?
H is the last case of the first wave. I have it as 1 Sub Finn, 2 Hydofoil Finn, 1 Red, 1 Pinion and 1 Pope.
I have heard case J will have the Queens but am waiting in the assortment list for the 2nd wave.
I posted the assortments for Deluxe Case H & J on the Trading Forum a few days ago:
I have the bar code but I sold the last one so I don’t any longer. I have more coming Monday
10 cases of Deluxe B stacked above the bins at TRU this morning and the pegs were already filled.
We have the same here. It should be interesting to see how long it takes to sell off these early cases. The Finns and Holleys really hold them up.
With the Double Decker bus it should also be interesting see what happens. They aren’t scheduled for any other cases that I know of so I wonder if in a year or two down the road they will be valuable or were there just too many made to outlast the demand?
It also seems Mattel made many more of the first few cases in each line for the movie premier than subsequent cases. So I can see the releases like the Sumo wrestlers Pope, Security Guard Finn, Carlo etc. becoming hard to find someday.
Case A & B Megas have now replaced Case A & B Toon singles as the most oversatured products in the history of the Cars franchise.
I don’t believe the assortments ever changed or where the rumor of the Queen being in the first 8 cases came from.
The original case assortments I received that came directly from Mattel have been accurate.
I posted on the oversized assortment thread back on June 2nd that this case G were supposed to have 2 Popes and 2 Popemobiles.
I have case H at not having the Queen either.
It’s scheduled to be a dog of a case with all repeats. 1 Pope I believe.
It looks like case J after skipping I will finally see the Queen. At least 2 or 3 of them.
yippie, I cannot wait !!! !!!! Does anyone have bar code for CARLO ????