Mattel Disney CARS 2: Toys R Us Roundup July 2011
The Action Agent cube-pallet drop has arrived at my local Toys R Us also … and the now named Stunt Ramp Getaway playset has also arrived.
And the 8-pack erasers are on sale with $20 purchase of CARS 2 Back to School stuff – ALREADY? REALLY? Aren’t we closer to OUT OF SCHOOL than BACK TO SCHOOL?
Our previous post on the erasers … now, collect ’em all!
And this interesting LM lamp … looks amusing but I’m guessing like 9 watts of light?
Maybe there’s a Rod Torque one that uses a 250 watt light bulb ONCE to recrete your favorite pyro scene from CARS 2? (kids, just kidding – do not try this at home without one of the Mythbusters on hand).
Apparently they will leave no tree standing and no CARS 2 character non-woodified …
And this should shock no one …
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Good post on some CARS 2 toys. I think these may become somewhat popular.
I don’t remember Rod escaping.
I always thought he was killed, which made me personally disappointed. This gives me hope that he escaped, just offscreen. LONG LIVE RTR! Hahaha.
They should have had Rod “rise from the supposed dead” and help Mater to save the Queen.
Maybe he will in Rod “Evil Dead 2” Redline, the new straight to DVD Disney Pixar movie.
Of course, I am in the majority, very disappointed that Rod was supposedly killed. Maybe he did escape, but wasn’t shown, another non canon playset, like the Piston Cup garage. The last possibility is maybe Pixar did not finalize the plot when these toys were released. Mattel seemed in such a hurry to release these, and pushed them on so much. Maybe there was a deleted scene with Fred, Tyler, and Petrov, with Mater using spy glasses. They might have also changed what happened to Rod. That’s just what I think, and Rod is still alive to me. Really wish he was in the movie more.
I don’t think Rod was actually killed. In the movie you could see Rod in the reflection and his engine blowing up. If I recall correctly the same thing happened to some of the GP racers but those same racers were still in the following races. I think I vaguely remember Carla Veloso’s engine blowing up and then her being in the next race.
Of course, I could be wrong and could have possibly been dreaming, considering I fell asleep twice during the movie! 🙁
no!!!!! you could not !!!!
it was decent action movie.
Oh, I definitely did. It was too Bond-esque and I’ve never been into the 007 style.
agreed, very much so. Having 3/4 of my house hold into JB, Batman, and Cars is definitely not making me lean towards other interesting girly stuff…
well, may be just some Monster High…. not sure if it is girly, or freaky…
Same here…all boys stuff! Funny about the Monster High 😛
It could have been error pack as well. Darrell????
Why would you give up darrell from cars2 ???
And it just barely came from Tokyo rivalry. It would be soo much easier to put more common cars.
No I am 99.9% sure not an error pack. Actually it looks like three cars were replaced. The dancers and Wasabi Mater.
I believe they gave back Darrel because they didn’t care about any slight difference in Darrel but wanted Brent.
They Raul probably came from the two pack with Lightning with traveling wheels two pack. I believe that’s the other car in that one and Wasabi Mater was replaced with a regular Mater from another pack or set.
Way too much coincidence that it’s those three missing from the set.
By Raoul you mean Francesco I believe, which gives away that it is not an error or alternate version, it is a swap-out for sure. Two Francescos in one pack is not what Mattel would do (although they do love their pegwarmers!).
Of all the playsets the one I saw showcased at the Toy Fair the one that seemed the coolest, was the Tokyo Spinout one where the cars crossed in mid air.
Why did they not put both cars in the set? Was going to buy it but realized it was incomplete without both plastic cars.
anyone who has this set can you reply as to how well it works, and what car should be used for the second car. I am not going to buy all 4 sets to connect.
And yet we have no 2011 SDCC release, shees
I saw the 8 pack of erasers at an Indianapolis Toys R Us on Sunday… Had I been able to find $20 worth of Cars2 items I didn’t have I would have bought them… However, all I could find worth buying were 2 Nigel singles from case F… there were over 30 of the Porto Corsa Welcome 5 packs – I was hoping I’d find the London Chase set with “Mater the Bomb”.
(MET: I’m not exactly sure what qualifies but it might mean only backpacks and school supplies?)
We have got the Cube here too (in Austria), everywhere but in TRU. Of course the prices as always. Launchers for €14,99, Kingpin Nobunaka also same price, the Play set with Rod for €21,99 and so on….. It was nice to find them tough 🙂
Does Acer the “accessory” not have rolling wheels maybe? Strange…also, the playset is a bit hopefully named; I don’t remember poor Rod “getting away.” (Ultimately he’s the accessory.) After I saw the movie, Rod became the only character I was moved to start collecting (that I wasn’t already collecting before I saw the movie). Such a tragic and gratuitously discarded character, and so odd to have toys of him, including a diecast in mid-destruction.
Seeing how they made Rod, I’m surprised they didn’t do Leland. I’m predicting we’ll see him soon and will be shown at SDCC.
Why is Acer being considered an accessory?
They also have this at called rods escape track. It is out of stock on line but they do have it in target stores .
That’s a funny name, because I don’t recall Rod ‘escaping’.
In my version he does, and he should’ve in the real one. That’s the one thing I’m still stuck on.
I can’t wait to find this playset. It will look really cool next to the Barrel Blowout. We have had that set up for over 2 weeks now and my kids play with it all the time.
Unfortunately my son would also enjoy a 10 pack with 2 more Francescos.
Are there originally 2 Francesco’s in this box?
Or did someone replace him with another car supposed to be in there?
If so which car is it?
Supposed to be the two Kabuki dancers in there. Someone bought the set took the dancers out replaced them with repeats from the two packs and returned them.
Your going to see this often with this set as collectors feel Mattel us trying to rip them off by putting two cool cars in a set with repeats for 50.00. I don’t endorse the practice but can honestly say I feel Mattel does partly deserve it by tying to take advantage of collectors.
Had they put these in a two pack this wouldn’t happen and they would sell many more. So as Grandpa used to say only a fool sets himself up for trouble.
This doesn’t get back at Mattel, this sticks it to the retailer that is dealing Mattel’s wares. Whether we condone/endorse it or not, it is slimy. Buy them loose on eBay if you can’t afford the multi-pack or choose not to buy one. Don’t leave TRU holding the bag for your disgust at Mattel. You don’t want to be the collector, parent, or kid who thinks they just found the 10-pack they were looking for only to see those 2 cars missing. C’mon folks
But why exactly should we care TRU? They are elitist owned company owned by a group of billionaires that sold out America long ago and sell hardly anything made in the USA.
First the company went public and they made mega millions selling the stock. Then they put out some bad reports, closed some stores and sank the stock price. Bought the stock back cheap and made the company private again. Reopened stores and now are planning to sell stock again.
Why is it that regular people bicker among themselves over petty issues and stand up for huge corporations that are killing the American middle class but ignore the sins of these big corporations?
How about all the former factory workers that lost their jobs because the elites decided communist countries should be rewarded for their lack of human rights and be given all the middle class factories and jobs? Is that not a bit more important?
You want to talk about ripping off? Look up NAFTA and GAT. Where billions of US Tax payer dollars actually funded these billionaire companies to relocate their factories.
A huge part of the problems of our county is because people simply don’t look at the bigger issues and instead focus, judge and get worked up over things that mean nothing to our society.
While at the same time issues that mean so much to our children’s future go totally ignored.
Unfortunately if it’s not on TV it isn’t really happening. Only when someone like Dan Rather tells the people to be concerned are they.
Just like that swine flu garbage they tried to scare everyone with. How so many were going to die from it and you should take these dangerous vaccinations if you want to be safe without even knowing what’s actually in there.
Glad I didn’t put that garbage in my children’s body. Obviously just another false crisis. Too bad so many parents fell for it it and allowed big brother to put dangerous chemicals in their children’s bodies They will fall for the next one too. At least on the people that don’t think for themselves.
We should care because what’s wrong IS wrong. Regardless of how much we disagree with Mattel’s actions. In the end, this practice only hurts us and our kids with higher prices to account for the shrinkage.
Doesn’t make it right. Don’t teach your kids that it is okay to be a thief. Also try to keep from teaching them that it is okay to assume you are a better person full of wisdom and wordly tidbits worth sharing on a Toy Car site. Many of us are plenty educated and aware Jack. I don’t follow most of your conspiracy claims, so I can neither validate them nor declare them lunacy. I’m sure that like most things, the truth is somewhere in the middle.
All I know is you tend to come off very elitest yourself. It’s hard not to just sit back and laugh sometimes at the drivel and contradictions. The topic was stealing cars and repackaging different ones in order to return a product to the store and receive a refund. Do I condone that? Nope. Do I give a rats hind end about the history of TRU and their executives? Not really. I was speaking only to the character of the individual that would do such a thing and how Mattel isn’t penalized by those actions … it is the retailer (and eminently the consumer as another member pointed out). In order to keep up with the toys my children (and I) want, I am forced to shop in many places that I don’t necessarily want to. Believe me, I would never step foot in a Wal-Mart of K-Mart if it wasn’t for Cars and Legos. Did I vaccinate my children against swine flu? Who cares? Didn’t Dan Rather retire before the first Cars movie even came out??? LMAO!
ONe of our tfad moms thinks it is okay to just that Eric.
Go figure
Lets get back to Cars and not theories and International Trade.
Lets stay on Cars.
Please refrain from these Theory Teachings on TFAD….
I get emails weekly and sometimes daily about this junk. There are several people are getting sick of it. Really
Well Kevin please understand I only post because I care about people and try to alert people to some harsh realities that we are living through.
Believe me I know there are many that would rather not discuss relative issues even though they do impact our lives and hobby so dramatically. Unfortunately most are just happy to entertain themselves and ignore much. That is until things go so wrong that they can’t ignore any longer.
However there are in fact many others that do like to be alerted to things they may not be aware of.
So my advice is if you don’t like to read what I have to say just don’t read.
It is never a good idea to stifle free speech though unless socialism is your thing and your against free speech.
Please remember what our forefathers warned. All it takes for tyranny to take over is for the good people to sit back and do nothing. That’s exactly what’s happening now. No one is speaking up. We are just letting big brother do whatever they want as things get worse.
I fear for the future of our children. I want them all to live at least as good as we did or better but it doesn’t look good for that here. That’s the reason I am here in the first place. To share this hobby with my boy. I love my children more than anything. All kids for that matter. That’s why I manage little league as well.
On this issue I never said it wasn’t wrong and of course I raise my children to be the best they can be and so far they are excelling way above most of their peers. I can’t help but believe part of the reason they do excel is because I have taught them to believe in themselves and think for themselves. As well as reading and teaching them as much as I can in every free moment I have.
My only point on this is why do people care so much about an insignificant wrong and not care about much larger wrongs that have much more of an impact in our lives. It’s like caring about putting at a match and leaving the forest fire to keep burning.
Lastly I am not a people pleaser. I speak the truth and tell it like it is. Some enjoy it and others hate it but that’s fine because I am speaking from a good place, trying to help inform others.
I am well aware you can get along with anyone by just keeping it light, discussing entertainment and other trivial topics and telling people what they want to hear.
I have to do in in business all the time. However in leisure time I like to discuss reality. Again only because I care about people.
So Perhaps it’s ok to some that the big AGRA food companies to things like spray roundup on the crops we eat nowadays to some, but there are others happy to learn this or they at least than look into for themselves and see it’s the truth. So as far as I am concerned if I help even a few live better than it’s all worth it.
To those that just don’t want to hear the truth I’m sorry but really sorry for you more. Believe me if I was in charge you wouldn’t have to worry about it but I’m not so you do and even if you don’t worry about eating roundup for years will take it’s toll.
Funny thing is when things do go wrong or people do have a problem than they start asking questions and want to know. Like the fellow I work with who didn’t want to hear my friends warnings until he got very sick after getting a series of flu shots. Now he listens and wants to know more. Just too bad he didn’t want to hear it before like the people that write you.
Ok enough said. We can get back to the cars now and I did buy the set with a 15.00 worth of coupons and I won’t be returning with switched cars either. The Kabuki dancers were too cute to pass on.
Peace! Wish we had nothing but.
Not that I agree with everything but it doesn’t take a whole lot of research to discover that none of it is beyond the realm of possibility. Whether people believe it or not is obviously their choice, but to scoff and through a nose up in the air is just plain ignorance; and the ignorant will be the ones begging for help when it’s too late.
So I say Preach on, Brother!
crickey almighty mate , you must have a lot of time on your hands if you can write all this, incidently Icouldnt be bothered reading that second post, mor important thing to do
I was trying to tell a friend that some things are better left off the Cars threads. It did not work.
The First Amendment to our constitution protects free speech. Jack is free to say anything he wants to on this board as long as he doesn’t slander anyone. If you don’t like what he says, no one says you have to read it. Very simple to just scroll down to the next comment. You calling him names just makes yourself look bad.
I came to this site to hopefully trade for some cars our family needed but I do not think I will return
Maybe Take5 should have a forum dedicated to politics, religion, human rights etc.. for Jack to write on
That way it would leave the cars threads free from non cars opinons!
Funny that I have never saw you post on the trading forum if you in fact came here for cars. Interesting also that this is the first I am ever seeing any post from you period. I’m guessing a big brother monitor trying to silence anyone from speaking up on websites.
However if you are here for trading feel free to list your haves and needs. I will even send an extra car for you to for free.
I do tons of trades. How about you?
Didn’t realize that you ran/owned this site.
Thought it was Met…
So this is still happening over there.
I do not understand that stores do not check these things cause A trained eye would immediately spot that the box has been opened up.
Have to say I have never seen something like this over here in Belgium,empty packs yes but not returned packs with wrong cars!!
A trained eye getting paid minumum wage and no health care does not care about silly toys.
I have predicted that since day one…. The only way to minimize that issue is Mattel having the same exact picture of the content on the front of the box or each cars having the shape draw around the car… Like “carstastic”mentionned, you cannot have employees knowing each component if they are the right one unless they have something to compare… “AT” the customer service counter.
Hey that’s what happens when you name something the Tokyo Spy Mix-Up — the contents do exactly that! 🙂
“Apparently they will leave no tree standing and no CARS 2 character non-woodified”
good one 😉