Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 2: ChargeUps Charged For Fun
Lost in the opening day shuffle are the ChargeUps. They are plastic but they hold a charge and zoom around a track or in random direction – since they have no RC controller, they just go forward at a high rate of speed … which is not so bad … 🙂
The big Kahuna track set comes with (plastic) Lightning & Francesco.
Assemble. Then charge up Lightning.
Then Francesco …
You get ONE of these blue chargers in the Charge ‘n Race Speedway. You can also buy the more gas pump like version separately.
You can of course can also buy the singles and this charger above if you want to skip the track.
The single ChargeUp LM is the same as the one included with the Charge ‘n Race Speedway version.
Also available as singles are Jeff Gorvette, Max Schnell, Shu Todoroki and Nigel Gearsley. That is the entire list on the release – presumably if it does well, other racers will be available.
These are a Target exclusive. They are not yet available online at
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Oh, also got the track for $25 at Ross. No way I would’ve bought it for full retail.
Just picked up a Charge Up Raoule Caroule! His graphics are tampos, not stickers and he has a 2012 production date. Anyone hear of any other new Charge Ups?
(MET: I think Lewis was the last other one? So, you might be complete … not sure if line will continue, I think this Xmas will determine)., Why Not Use The Speedway For The Piston Cup Racers?
U Could Put A Pit Row & A Crowd & Why Not Use Haulers?
There A Challenge For You.
I Am Up For The Challenge.
Are You Up For The Challenge?
Kenneth, what is the frequency?
Excuse Me, What Frequency?
What is the frequency of the challenge?
Oh, The Reward. I Don’t Know. What Do You Want?
That My Cue, Gotta Take It—Kingchoo
I had Hot Wheels Sizzlers. When they first came out.
We opened our Sorry Sliders game last night, and for fun I ran our Shu Todoroki Chargeup on the Sliders track and IT WORKED! We tried it with and without the oil slicks and bumpers, and Shu ran around several laps before crashing. But keep the orange cones off when running Chargeups.
Of course it took me 30 minutes to set up the cardboard and plastic track, and the stickers were a BEAR to place. But we’re MUCH happier with our dual-purpose game and track than having yet another separate track lying around.
Has anyone actually tried these at home with the provided track? I think the set-up at the store is pneumatic, not electric. Could the electric ones really be this fast? I have seen 2 of these on display. One was broken and one worked.
It looks like the only way to get Francesco Bernoulli is to buy the track set; anybody know for sure?
Given that the cars are $10 each and the charger is $12, it’s gonna cost you over $20 just to get one working car. I’d have preferred that they sell at least one combo pack with the car and the smaller charger for a more reasonable price. I found all of these last night, but by the time you added up the cost of the cars and charger, you’re over $65 with tax! Sad to say, I had to leave them; I’d rather put that $$ toward the Micro Scalextric slot car set when it hits Ebay after it’s released overseas…
The track looks similar to the Piston Cup 500 set my son has so Im guessing these would run ok on that?
We probably wont get them here in the UK anyway but I can hope.
10 feet!! this may be great. i wonder how long they run for after each charge. plastic is lighter and that means faster. i think mattel relized how much everyone loves the 1:55 line. id be nice to make them bigger than 1:55 but then theyd be out of scale with the oldies.
me gottem too!
I bought the track and the other 4 singles yesterday… I’ve not opened it yet. I told my grandson we could open either these or the Ridemakerz Lightning Mater tonight – he chose the Lightning Mater.
It says on the box that D batteries are required… I don’t think the charger runs off an AC adapter.
I bought the sizzlers (including the track and chargers) the last time they were out and we still have them. They are pretty fun! I may pick up a few of these Cars for our track.
Dang! I must be the only one on the Charge Ups band wagon. I like them. Yes, they are a bit costly, but what the heck. It was this or try to complete the short card set. It does take one back in time a few years to the Sizzler days. I guess you can say they are different, but the same.
I’ve been to about six Targets, and only one had the cars working…the others were “stuck.” Not good for sales I bet…
Maybe Bigfoot is jealous that this took over his spot, and has been beating the Cars display after hours.
Wish I could upfist that comment!
My kid was scared of that thing. He thought Bigfoot was going to bust out of the box and get him!
Johnny Lightning (Playing Mantis) bought the rights to Sizzlers
maybe 10 years ago and produced a bunch of cars and some track sets.
Then a few years after that Hotwheels regained the rights and started making Sizzlers again.
Both attempts were pretty much failures. Now it looks like they will
add Cars 2 to the doomed motorized cars parade. Given my past experience
with Sizzlers, I think waiting for clearance is a good idea.
Wow…did you see how fast these go in the display?? They seem like they would fly off the tracks!
They are as fast as LIGHTNING …. well …. right up until Francesco gets a little too close on the bump drafting … it causes McQueen to get his spoiler JAMMED in the clear plastic lid that holds the cars on the track!! LOLOLOLOLOL
I talked to the electronics dude and he said they had already taken the entire display apart 4 times to unjam McQueen!! 😆
Display was already broken at all three Targets we visited. Looks like there a section of the plastic track cover at the back-upper-left that is supposed to be removed to insert the cars. At two stores this was left hanging and snagged the cars, at the third the employees apparently didn’t or couldn’t figure out how to set it up as Lightning and Bernouli were set on top of the raceway’s clear roof. (I guess that one wasn’t technically broken..)
No freakin’ way — those are Sizzlers! I still have my 1970s Mattel Sizzlers cars somewhere! Mattel even reIused the tooling for the chargers; the smaller one was the “Goose Pump” (2 D batteries) and the larger gas-pump-style was the “Juice Machine” (4 D batteries)! Oh, I have GOT to get me some of these!
Mattel did have a Sizzlers charger called the “Power Pit” that plugged into the wall. It would be cool if they would reissue it in CARS 2 form, but given that Mattel even packages their slot car sets with a battery power pack, I doubt we’ll see it. But those who want one can probably find an original on Ebay.
The singles I looked at seemed to be plastic also. Some of the wheels are different from the diecasts.
This set looked neet however for what you get it is very expensive. The price will have to come down on all the pieces for me to get for my boy.
I think I’ll wait until the after Christmas Clearance. I have a feeling they overproduced these just like the 9 packs.
Dis brings me back to my yute!
Hi,Has any body seen or bought the double decker bus carrying case yet ?
Only been to one Target so far and they did not have it yet.
Saw these yesterday at Target, cute. Haven’t made up my mind about them yet. I could say oh maybe one or two, then my kids would see how cool they are and will want more! Still working on the die-cast list so these will have to wait
I saw this set up yesterday. It looked really cool. They tricked me into getting color changers last year. They looked really cool until they stopped changing color. They tricked me into getting yet another McQueen with a metallic paint job on Sunday. They tricked me into getting a Mater that talks and has machine guns mounted on him yesterday. At least if he stops talking, he still has machine guns. I will not fall for this one. I don’t want to have to buy another set of these race cars for $10 a piece. I don’t want to get anything where the charger uses batteries. Does anyone know if the charger has an AC adaptor or just runs off batteries?