Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 2: Ready to Buy Some CARS 2?
You’re now anywhere from 10-24 hours from the official CARS selling season …
Cool look display (thanks Monica!)
This is from Australia but our TRU should look like this very soon (if not today!) where the entire front wall becomes CARS, CARS, CARS …
Now, I’d like to see someone put everything into a cart … though I’m sure some of you will try. 🙂
And of course, don’t forget the real reason you’re buying CARS … yes, the shorter version of you goes first. 🙂
Thanks for the nice pics MCL Sydney …
Same rules as ham hock eating, whatever you can lift your head is yours!
In Orlando – you can pay top dollar at the Disney Store (thanks Jestrjef)
Or in the UK, they get the cool POP poster with lights!
Go ahead and scratch your name on the back of this POP. 🙂
Thanks, “WOOKIE4828,” since they are in a galaxy far, far away, CARS 2 does not open until a month later so no official CARS 2 until later in May …
And everyone is getting ready, Dorvack1 sends in pics from Curious Things in Redwood City, CA …
Apparently the place to go for CARS 1 CARS … and following the rules – no CARS 2 products on the shelf yet …just in the back room …
Mmmmm, just cracked open sealed case …
So, now you have been enticed, get ready for the official flag drop, get plenty of coffee in ya … you have a full 10-24 hours as hunting season begins again. No more snipe hunting – it’s the real thing – do you even remember how it’s done?
Final, final checklists coming in next post.
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 2: Playset Trackset Check List | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 2: Final Wave 1 Checklist May, 2011 » |

Wow, awesome picks. Thanks for sharing!
Just got back from Jacksonville TRU. Spent about an hour there! Pokemon was up front; all the C2 stuff was where Cars stuff usually is. Picked up two-packs to get Tomber and Papa (loved the Tomber sipping but not worth a whole five pack just for him). Also the bus, and Professor Z. Already had a Finn, Grem, Acer, and Petrov from Kohls. Extras will go to my nephew but was able to keep them to a minimum. Got him a five pack with the main characters–on sale for $15.99. Great price for five cars!
Went back in for Geotrax Finn and Petrov. Too cute to pass up. My first Geotrax. Left the Lego set with the ship, but I like it. Unfortunately you have to look everywhere…it’s all spread out.
One more thing I got…and which I recommend if you want a large scale Finn. There were sets of Ridemakerz cars that you assemble yourself with add ons available for “tricked out” versions. It took me a while to figure out what they were, and I walked past them initially…not good packaging. But if you get basic Finn for $14.99 (on sale from $19.99) and a loose pack of silver rims, it makes a great supersize Finn. (There’s also a spy pack with weapons you can add…might get that.) The best part…the eyes are painted, not stickers like all the big Mattel stuff…such a shame. (I also spent plenty of time looking through the packs to find clean eyes…I don’t know how you all take chances buying online!)
Long post…sorry! But an exciting day!!
Hey Dorvack1, can you email me at please? I have a question and favor for you .
The Toys R us in Fairlawn, Oh had their shelves stocked but no display anywhere to be seen.
Kaboom there goes my wallet!!!
Mine’s been legally considered dead ever since the first case list came out…
What you need now is a defrabilator with two good source of energy (revenue) and apply the shock pads on each side of the wallet to re animating it…. “CLEEEEEEEEEEAR!!!” ZZZZZAP!!! 😉
Just put them on your credit card and not pay. The government will bail you out.
Don’t give the idea to too many people. We may endup to another recession… And all that because John Lassetire 😉
I went to Walmart yesterday and ToysRUs today and got them all already in Colorado Springs, CO. I did get the ToysRUs McQueen exclusive and he is really cool. They only had a few. I was glad that they put them out early so I can sleep in tomorrow. 🙂
You’re so lucky! The stores I always go to are not allowed to put out the Cars 2 stuff yet until tomorrow. I’m going to Walmart tomorrow so I can see the awesome stuff on the shelves and get a few things I need from there.
I sure hope you found everything you were looking for. I did find Race team Fillmore today at TRU which they didn’t have the first time around so I am very happy now. TRU is CO.Springs refilled everything for this weekend. Stock was full except Fillmore. I got the last two. 🙂
JC Penny in Danvers , MA already has the Cars out and is asking $9.99 each for them.
Holy moly! I’m gonna hit my Walmart tomorrow for some stuff!
Just got back from the TRU in Christiana, DE.
They have indeed put out their Cars 2 stock one day early.
They pretty much had everything listed for sale on their web site in stock:
So there are a bunch of Wave 1 singles missing/not out yet (Grem, Holley, Miles, Ramone, Rod)
Also, they were looking pretty picked over already… looks like there were some more ambitious collectors than me there when the store opened.
Yikes, I better jump in the shower now so I can get there by opening!
Sweet mother of mercy!! I’m going to have to collect ALL that??? I’m gonna have to sit down… it’ll be a couple minutes… Or days… Or 1 month 9 days and 18 minutes. 🙂
Ive not posted here before I believe my brother has long ago I have been lurking LOL and reading since the days of take2,,, I have a family member who works at TRU and I just came back from there picking up some new Cars2 the deluxe packs were 7.99 but the exclusive McQ was 6.99 and he comes in a case all by himself with 6 in each and they ony had one case, This may be old news but thought I would post. I remember my first car was only 2.49 now at TRU singles are over 4 bucks!!!
Welcome! Thanks for the info! 😀
Funny…I didn’t even think about all of this being in the front of the store! Can’t wait…won’t be able to hit TRU till early this afternoon, but I’ll be there hoping for a big surprise!!
I could use those last 4 Final Laps 🙁
Good luck to everyone cars hunting, I know you will all have a blast 🙂
Ok now I’m jealous!
I ask TRU Mgt yesterday if I could have one of the “OLD” (about 5 years) Cars 1 poster that adverstise CARS…. GET READY FOR THIS>>> SAME OLD LINE…. Sorry, they have to go back to the VENDER!!!! WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP!!!!
TRU has a basic policy that all of the items from displays end up in the compactor, that they cannot be given away to anyone, including employees.
I asked, repeatedly, about the huge Iron Man 2 display last year……got the standard “that has to be destroyed when it’s taken down” answer.
A huge waste.
They probably do not want to see any display items ending up on ebay…. Some people (including employees) could abusively makes profits from these and I understand that.
Oh, I realize that, plus they always say that it’s part of the licensing rules from the film companies that those displays be destroyed, not so much that TRU, Target, or WM would care if they’re given out, it’s just not allowed per their agreements with those film companies.
I love how MCL’s kid has hundreds of Cars to choose from, and he’s holding Fillmore!!
Yeah, my kid would probably pick a car he already had like Mater or McQueen too.
Mater, McQueen, and the original townies will always be the best sellers, those are the Cars that kids will always choose first.
Yesterday, I shown my son the CARS 2 display at TRU’s and I asked him: “Which car do you want ?”. He finger point the Double Deck Bus right away! This one should be the hot seller from now!
John..tell me about it..hahaha
I spoke to a TRU Asst. Manager yesterday and he told me that they had special permission come down from home office a few days ago to set up the display one day early!! Get out there today ladies and gentlecars!!!!! 😀
Does that mean they will be selling the cars today ??
In all the toysrus stores ??
If you look at TRU’s Sunday print ad, you’ll see the 16th in the upper right hand corner above the 5 pack, etc., as the available date.
BUT, look under the individual items and it shows 5/15/2011 – 5/21/2011!
We found one store near us that did not read the memo. Guy was a real jerk about it too. I even told him I called every single Toys in our area and all had put out besides him. He did not care. I guess he did not need our business anyway. Far cry from my morning experience. The toys closest to us put out everything and the manager was awesome. Super nice guy and he even shook our hands afterwards. Helped us with everything we wanted including the lego sets. Needless to say with my friends and I all arriving together he got some really big sales before the first hour of the day was up. Looking forward to trying my luck at wm tonight and kmart and target tomorrow. Good luck to all!!
I hope our local TRUs get this much stuff because I won’t be able to hit it until tomorrow night. I’m going to try tonight first, hopefully I get lucky!
BobbyJack, you need to send in the ASSAULT team at 10 am buddy …. TRU WILL have their display up at OPENING TIME today!! I was in 3 TRU yesterday and EVERY store was clearing the Cars Aisle for the set up and they all said it would be done in the morning …. hope your engines are ready …. VRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! 😀
It looks like it will only be the 5 packs that are 25% off. Hopefully someone will let me know because I plan on being at TRU tonight @ 7 PM eastern daylight time!
I plan to hit the FRNX TRU this afternoon. Will let you know what’s what.
Cool. If Fredneck sux then I can either go to Gaithersburg, Hagerstown or Winchester tonight. If they are regular price, I think the only thing I will want is Metallic Mcqueen. I’ll wait for the less expensive stuff at Walmart tomorrow morning!