Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Answers to Your Questions ….
Last week,we asked if you had some questions, now we have some answers.
I only have one question. Are Cars 1 cars done forever?
Well, forever is a long time … but for the time being, yes.
Will Lizzie ever be rereleased as shes not on the buying matrix?
Apparently she will appear in CARS 2 but as for a diecast release, it would seem logical but lofic also would dictate she would’ve been re-released by now.
I would like to know where do you think all the cars the retailers took from the shelves to make space for Cars 2 wave will go. I mean, what discount stores are more likely to have that stuff once Mattel cleans the wharehouses?
I think most retailers have been winding down CARS for a while so I’m not sure there were a lot of return items. I think the last 30-75% off took care of most of the rest. As for anything left? We’ll know eventually …
Do you know how all the cars loose that are on e-bay leak from the chinese factories.
The short answer is that they are either lifted from the back door or production rejects that were supposed to be recycled. Mattel seems like they are tracking them more closely by the stamped bottoms so they seem to be stealing them before they are stamped so no production dates.
Another question, searching for some information (on T5) is quite desperating some times.
Yea, unfortunately, the blog software is not really designed for archival retrieval. We are planning on adding some features. Feel free to ask any questions if you can’t find any answers.
Yes we need another 100-year war over this. 🙂
Why is there no release of Cars 2 or even Cars 1 items this year at SDCC 2011. Should we expect a “Surprise Release”???
It does not look like there will a CARS SDCC Car.
Why did Mattel distribute some Cars 1 as International releases only? Chuck, Stu Bop, El Materdor. Will these ever be released stateside?
I would imagine El Materdor will make it into the next batch of Toon releases but Chuck & Stu Bop?
Is K-Mart going to release the last 4 rubber-tired Piston Cup racer singles (Apple, Lightning, Chick, and King) or what?
Kmart Case contents coming soon.
Met, will there be an international set, like the “Speedway of the South” set?
I wouldn’t count on it. It’s just too complicated doing an international only special offer with language requirements. It’s just easier to do a Us release but available to worldwide buyers.
What is going on with the assortment of deluxe cars and RVs that we voted on that were supposed to be an online retailer exclusive?
Either KM wasn’t interested or interested in the right quantity so as of right now, they are not on the schedule. And with CARS 2 going full blast, it’s definitely not happening in 2011.
Are we EVER going to get the N20 Cola and Mood Springs Pittys from the Collector’s Book?
Almost certainly not likely in 2011.
What happened to the supposed Clown Cars set that was supposed to be a MattyCollector exclusive?
With CARS 2 going full blast, it’s most likely not happening in 2011.
Are you guys working on guides and checklist magazines for Final Lap, Toons, and Lenticular series and when do you think these might be available?
The Toon one should be done soon – then look for the Final Lap one.
Are there going to be any “chase” cars with any of the new releases?
They seem to indicate they were going to continue but perhaps in later case in 2011.
What percentage of metal must a car drop below to not be considered a diecast anymore?
Technically, the “diecast” metal injection into a mold was once only available to metal so diecast became synonymous with a ‘metal process’ but now, you can use polymers or ceramics using that process so in theory, almost any material can be considered diecast. So, in collector terms, nearly everyone associates ‘diecast’ as metal but now technically and legally, it simply means a material injected into a mold so technically-legally speaking, everything is a diecast.
My question is the following: If we align all the existing diecasts CARS 1 back-to-back, can we reach the moon?
The moon is about 238,857 miles away or about 15,133,979,520 inches away from Earth. Presuming that each CAR is on average 4″ – we would need about 3,783,494,880 CARS or about 3.78 BILLION CARS to reach the moon. So, sorry, not quite there yet.
Are there any more tall tales being planned?
There seems to be at least 4 discussed at one point or another – another rocket-spaceship one, a pirate one, a baseball one and an IRS agent one (kidding about the last one). My guess is that they will pick up again this Fall? Maybe with a new one attached to the DVD for CARS 2 this November? I would presume more diecasts are coming – maybe not until early 2012 but maybe as early as this holiday season?
Are there or will there be any exclusive Disney Store Cars in plastic cases that will not be made by Mattel also? (Ramone Union Jack? Ape?, ?)
I would think the Disney Stores will do some exclusives.
Will McQueen’s Biggest Fan, Albert Hinkey, ever get released?
Hopefully one day but nothing scheduled as of now.
will kmart have a display case for the rubber tire set
I doubt it.
Why did the last round of haulers NEVER show up anywhere in some cities?
The distribution was definitely strange. I think it was a combination of poor assortments for retailers in early 2010 so they lost interest in re-ordering, and them preparing for CARS 2 that they decided Haulers were just not worthwhile so only a few small retailers and supermarkets ordered any.
When you eat your smarties, do you eat the Red ones last? Do you suck them very slowly? Or crunch them very fast? Eat that candy coated chocolate, but tell me when I ask, When you eat your smarties do you eat the red ones last?
The SMARTIES in the US used to be fizzier but they stopped making those so I have not eaten any smarties in many a year. Bring back the CO2 Smarties!
Will they be using some of the Toons characters in Cars2?
It certainly looks like a bunch of Toon CARS are in CARS 2 – especially Tokyo Mater.
How do you get you information?
By reading Take5ADay.com and just copying everything onto TakeFiveADay.com – shhh, don’t tell anyone.
Why are you keeping your identity a secret?
It’s no secret. Once I take off my red metallic flying suit, I’m just another guy who lives in a glass house.
Why do all cars have plastic eyes!??!?!?!?!
If you have your cataracts removed, you too will have plastic eyes. See, we are becoming CARS.
When did they realize that they were going to stop releasing new cars (however temporarily)? If they are relaly done releasing new cars, why did they number the Chase Guido and Luigi the way they did – why not use them to fill a hole in the numbering system?
Well, there’s a schedule but nothing ever goes according to plan. Hence, the gaps and holes. Personally, the CARS numbering system is/was fairly pointless – you either number everything or not at all. All you do is create confusion or as with CARS 2 already, error cards.
Why would Damaged Hudson Hornet not get a release? It seems like such a great die-cast for them to play with.
Yea, I think it just lost in the shuffle to CARS 2.
why do hot dogs come in 10′s and buns in 8′s?
Well, apparently since bun bakers and hot dog makers are not the same companies, they don’t care very much about syncing. Apparently baker molds are/were created to divide into 12 – their standard unit of measure from many other 12 duodecimal measurements (inches to foot, 2 x 12 hours in a day, etc, etc …) while 10 hot dogs equaled a pound so they each worked in the parameter of their trade … and apparently unlike the peanut butter jar guy walking down the street who ran into the guy holding a giant hunk of chocolate, 10 guys who walked around with hot dogs never bumped into 8 guys holding buns so until that day …
How should Chuy be pronounced?
Chewy. I believe it is a nickname for guys who have the name, Jesus.
Will Mattel put out a 2011 collector’s guide as they did for 2009 & 2010? If so, will they include odds on an actual release?
I’m going to say no because I think they had to seriously scramble to sell off the few they printed in 2010 – once WM said no, I doubt they want to go through that again since it’s a lot of work to get everything approved before it’s released.
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 2: Target.com Taking Orders + Free Shipping | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 2: Walmart.com Getting Started … » |

i dont know about the kmart deal–by now we should start seeing the backdoor stuff on ebay, and i see nothing. i have been using rubber tire hicks or king and get nothing. i even put in disney cars rubber tire and scrolled through 700 plus cars and saw nothing new. looks like another collection that cant be completed. im not getting my hopes up and it looks like nascar was right on about apple. we would have seen him on ebay by now..unless for some reason the backdoor stuff is under lock n key but i really doubt it. it sucks that there will be no disney cars at the sdcc this year as an exlcusive. if kmart does the new racers i may go for that but im not even going to start with any of the new cars 2 line otherwise, just another set up for the huge chase and let down. more than half of the cars released from the first movie have never met my eyes in the stores and i travel 70 miles a day through 4 cities and have been to all the stores on the way and there is no way im doing that again.
patience K.R.
I have been in contact with Kmart reps about promos for Kmart.
patience bud….patience
i trust you kevin–i’ll be a good boy
Thanks Met! As always….. very interesting reading!!
MET – Any ideas of what a 98% complete set of collect-one-of-each Cars 1 set would be worth? (Includes all StoryTellers and half the Car Toons).
(MET: That’s the hardest question since there are so many variables involved …).
A big thanks to Met for all the time and the answers (even if some sound like a politician). Was very entertaining. I look forward to the next round
There were only 100 characters in the Meet the Cars book.
And Mattel could have, but did not finish making them.
alarm clock, Mildred Bylane, RM, Larry, Albert Hinckey, Kit Revster.
The Convoy Brothers.
Kids read these books,and all these characters have stories attached to them. Why not finish what you started Mattel? Its a huge mistake not to release the iconic Brian and Chuck Cables in the book to the USA.
Rant over for now but not forgotten.
Hear, hear. Make them, we will buy them. My son had actually brought up the Alarm Clock character a few times. I’d love to buy Chase Tattooed Sally with Alarm Clock accessory for him.
I’m kinda bummed that more RVs won’t be made. Some of those prototypes were awesome.
So CARS 1 Are really really dead.. They won’t come back ..
Good answers to most of these.
em que dia lançara mood spring pitty e os convoys brothers
hey syd vanderkamp not cast
Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions Met. Now that Cars 1 is done for the near future, we are looking foward to starting Cars 2 collecting. Please keep this site going. I was dissapointed when one of the other Cars blogs shut down last year. I can’t log onto carsthetoys at work, so this site is the only one left. Also, this site is a lot easier for me to navigate than the yuku site.
Yep- not feeling at all guilty for paying extra for Chuck, Stu, or Brian. Heck, even paying extra for Leroy and Miles. I knew they would never see release in wide swaths stateside.If anything, give it 3-4 years before we’d probably see anything ‘Cars 1’ related…after we’ve grown tired with the Cars 2 lenticulars. 😛
Oc-tow-berfest, anyone? 😉
Gotta love those 3 pittys!!!
Did you notice that they’re drinking Dinoco LIGHT? Even Cars are watching their waste lines?
Yeap.. 😮
Looks like a tall tale…or a true story?
Check out Mater’s wooden wheels and the belts holding up his bumper! 🙂
And this one
Hiliarious and highly informative as always – thanks Met!
Well done Met!! Loved the funny questons/answes.. 😀
Questions/answers..sorry 😛
I think Questons & Answes are the two French racers. 😉
LOL you must work for Mattel Met… Might be you never know probably maybe next year but dont count on it answers. This sounds like Mattel to me, you’ve been rumbled…
sorry been out of town for the past 2 month’s. I have 1 question, any more storytellers being released ? The river is high and there are no cars to be found in my area.
(MET: Holiday Storytellers? Yes, they are scheduled to be back).
I am surprised MET took the time to answer my “moon” question… Well I got the answer… I was too lazy to do the math myself. Very good job you did to answer all of us! Thank you.
thanks for all the info/answers Met and of course the humor…got some good laughs here today.
My local Post Office guy gives Tyler a box of Smarties every time he goes to the PO with me. Not as good as M&M’s but hey, what do you expect from Canada? 😛
Maple syrup? or maybe poutine!!!!
The all-knowing Met-master rules!! 😀
Regarding Smarties, Met I think you are remembering that there used to be things that look just like Smarties that were called Fizzers. You can still sometimes find them in places that sell “old fashioned” or “novelty” candies. Fizzers were way better than Smarties, I don’t know why Smarties survived persisted while Fizzers didn’t :(. Also, do you love Zotz? They used to make packets of just the middles that I looooved.
Regarding the question Met, will there be an international set, like the “Speedway of the South” set?, I thought the reader meant an international racers set with the likes of Max, Raoul, Francesco, Jeff Gorvette, etc.
That’s what I thought too
Yeah, wasn’t the question regarding whether Mattel would make 1 complete set of Cars2 racers, much like the SOTS set, and not regarding the distribution of said product? But, why would they do that if they’ve already made many of the racers available in multiple formats – singles, launchers, 4-packs, 7-packs…. It would be cool though.
Take5 is the greatest website ever!