Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 2: 3-Packs & Buying CARS 2 Matrix Grid V2
For a while there, 3-packs were listed as a KM exclusive but it’s now available to all non-big retailers so as of now, it looks like you won’t be able to find them at WM, Target, TRU or Kmart but at all other resellers including most likely, online sellers – the biggest example – Amazon.
Presumably, they are using the current 3-pack box – just updating the art for CARS 2.
I’m presuming the submarine is this one …
… since it looks every 3-pack now includes a “Deluxe-Oversized’ CAR.
I don’t know who Zapor is but presumably some oversized minion? Maybe the “evil” plane?
You can generally presume the list order above is the order in which the 3-packs will be released but don’t actually bet cash money on it. There is also no set pattern so the last one listed might be out as early as August or as late as October. Or the famous, not at all.
So, the updated buying matrix of singles, launchers, 2-packs, and now 3-packs stands as follows:
Until they are released, at this point it’s hard to say if each release under the “same” character name will feature different eye directions and mouth expression.
The 3-packs with two signs indicates two different releases – again, whether the CARS are the same to another 3-pack or to another packaging is impossible to say at this point. If that doesn’t interest you much, you’re set for now.
Before you begin doing your math calculations though, two things to note, there are 4-packs, 5-packs, 7-packs, 9-packs and 10-packs to be added … so come back to TakeFive. 🙂
As noted above, the 3-pack release pattern is unclear so while the Finn Hydrofoil will probably be out as a deluxe-oversized by July – the 3-pack one will probably be timed to come out in September, much longer than you can hold out as it taunts you on the shelf and of course, the day you crack it open, it comes out as a 3-pack.
So, you can try your best to spend the least amount of cash but Matty is like a sea siren and you’re just a scurvy sailor out at sea too long without run or rations and when the big headed galoot beckons, you’ll think she’s a mermaid … 🙂
So good luck to you and holding out until you buy it all on sale and with a 50% coupon mint on card – it’s possible. You can DO it! You can DO it!
BTW, there probably will be a launch week sale but from the looks of it, every other person is complete already – more for us? 🙂
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So, are the crew chieves going to be exclusive to KM? And, will they make them all?
Hahaha- gotta have them all!
So after pouring over Met’s Matrix for several days, I’ve got a draft shopping list for Openers. I would really appreciate everyone’s input, did I miss anything, is there a cheaper way to go?
Buying List for Openers
Singles (buy anywhere)
Jeff Gorvette
Race Team Mater w/Headphones
Race Team Sarge
Raoul Caroule
Rod Torque Redline (there’s an unknown Double that might be a better choice)
Deluxe (buy anywhere)
Double Decker Bus
Finn McMissile Hydrofoil
Finn McMissile Submarine
Holley Shiftwell w/Wings
Red (if different than from Cars 1)
Pinion Tanaka (Sumo Wrestler)
Kingpin Nobunaga (Sumo Wrestler)
Launchers (buy anywhere)
Max Schnell
Nigel Gearsley
Shu Todoroki
Double (buy anywhere)
Brent Mustangberger/Darrell Cartrip
Finn McMissile/Tomber
Francesco Bernoulli/Lightning McQueen w/Party Wheels (there’s an unknown Kmart double)
Grem/Rod Torque Redline Damaged
Guido/Luigi/Uncle Topolino
Race Team Mater/Zen Master Pitty
Double (Walmart)
Acer/Race Team Mater w/Spyglasses
Finn McMissile w/Weapon/Grem
Fred Fisbowski/Holley Shiftwell
Professor Z/Tyler Trunklis
Double (Kmart)
Carla Veloso/Carla Veloso Crew Chief
possible Francesco Bernoulli/Lightning double?
Francesco Bernoulli/Francesco Bernoulli Crew Chief
Race Team Fillmore/Lightning w/Racing Wheels
Race Team Fillmore w/Headphones/???
Triple (buy Amazon or small store)
Acer/Holley Shiftwell/Zapor
Must buy 2 Grems & 2 Acers, or buy Zapor and Rod Damaged as singles on eBay or elsewhere.
Does not factor in larger packs, light & sound, cars not yet released, etc.
Wow thanks! I think you just saved me a lot of time and money. I was going to try to figure out my strategy while nothing was going on at work but you seemed to have done it for me. Much obliged!
I found a couple of Cars 1 3 packs at TGT with King, Tex, Clutches McKay. Is that the last one of the 3 packs for Cars 1 ?
(MET: Yep).
Thats a new one to me. Can you share a picture?
Here is a picture of one on Amazon.
HINT: DONT GO AFTER holly finn z mqueen and mater as singles. save money in the long run.
I cannot belive the megaover-deluxe cars are in every 3 pack mostly! save money??
If none of these 3 packs are going to be in the big box stores, how much will they cost?
(MET: It should be available on Amazon so I imagine in the $12.99 to $14.99 range?)
I think the “submarine” in the pic is actually a guided missile destroyer modeled after the next generation of stealthy ships (e.g. USS Zumwalt).
Submarine is Submarine Finn Mc Missile i guess, not this picture of a submarine.
You are right.
# 1 Submarine Finn McMissile (Deluxe)
Keep the checklists coming!! By May 16th, I might have a plan of attack that only nets 73 doubles!! 😆
Ha that’s funny Jeff. :). I still think you would be a few dozen cars short by buying all the two packs though. Think your going to have to supplement that with a few dozen sets of 3 to 20 packs. Then cross reference that for some exclusive one to a case singles, while factoring in cars only realeased overseas and variants, not forgetting mail in or promo cars and then you might be close to complete.
Yeah, I am going to need to brush up on my CARculus to make this all work out the most effective way. 😀
Any word yet on whether or not people who ordered the Shiny Wax hauler from actually got one?
My order of 4 arrived… as 4 Sidewall Shine Haulers…
Ah darn 🙁
Thornton , Co
I received sidewall shine instead of shiny wax. I think Toys R Us thinks we are stupid and that they are trying their best to get rid of haulers that no one wants. I took sidewall shine to a Toys R Us store and got a gift card for the amount I spent.
Does anyone know what Kmart’s event day cars are going to be? Something we couldn’t find from Cars 1 or an exclusive from Cars 2.
A far cry from the first movie with 12 singles and 4 2 packs.
Target has the 4 and 7 packs in their computer system.
I am going to try and save by buying the 2 packs and launchers. 7.99 at Target for the 2 packs, well maybe not save much over the singles, but trying to avoid repeats as much as possible.
The launchers are 12.99.
That’s for the list Met. Can’t wait for that opening sale!
Wow… even more to collect… Nice…
WHO IS SUMO WRESTLER #1 & #2 ??? Does anyone have a CHUCK CHOKE CABLES for sale ?? please email me at !! thx
Shown here:
and here:
They have been named :
Kingpin Nobunaga
Pinion Tanaka
Then there is Okuni, a Japanese Geisha dancer, and actual images of the Zen Master.
And if you go here,
You can see 3 new Posters that came out for the Japan part of their trip.
Marketing at its best! Keep Grem and Acer separate and double your sales volume!
Zapor is a little green-ish NSU-looking car. Its based on Russian ZAZ 968M which had a nickname Zapor, short of Zaporozhets (ZAZ stands for Zaporzhskiy Auto Zavod in Ukraine).
Nice one Alex!
Very interesting !!
Can you give a source please ? Its not that I doubt its true, but did you actually saw the Diecast ??
Its this guy:
Hmm, looks like Mattel is going to stuff us like a turkey with new Cars!
Yep, this is going to be just like when we first started collecting. It looks like Mattel has rigged it so we are going to get stuck with doubles of some cars because of the way the box sets are organized. Oh well, my son stays at my Mother-in-Law’s when my wife and I both work. All of his doubles are at her house, so I guess more doubles will be going over there.
Good call bobbyjack. my son is the same way. Mattel has made it, that there is a slim to no chance of NOT getting doubles.