Disney Pixar CARS 2: Sheriff (Michael Wallis) Says …
Via Route 66 News
Wallis is “almost positive” the fictional Route 66 town of Radiator Springs will be featured in the beginning and likely at the end. Most of the plot takes place overseas, where Lightning McQueen and Tow Mater inadvertently become involved in a spy caper. Roadies were concerned that Radiator Springs wouldn’t be shown at all in the new film.
— For the eventual release of “Cars 2″ on DVD and Blu-ray, Pixar is producing a short documentary about the impact the original “Cars” made on the real-life Route 66. Production will begin in the coming weeks, Wallis said.
“(Director) John Lasseter continues to be surprised by the impact ‘Cars’ has had on the road,” Wallis said. “It delights him.”
Wallis says he’s lobbying to have the Pixar documentary crew visit 4 Women on the Route in Galena, Kan., which displays the original 1951 International boom truck that inspired Mater; and the Rock Cafe in Stroud, Okla., owned by Dawn Welch, who inspired Sally Carrera.
You can read the rest of the interview at Route 66 News.
In addition to these returning characters …
You can add RED to the list even though he has not gotten a “page” and downloads yet.
It looks like Mater & Lightning McQueen will get most of the screen time.
And we know that Lightning’s Pit Crew is Sarge, Luigi, Guido, Mack & Fillmore so they will certainly pop in during pit shots throughout the movie.
There is also a shot of “Lime Green” Ramone painting McQueen in his new colors from the TV ad so we know Ramone will definitely get extra screen time.
So, we should probably get some townie scenes where Sally, Sheriff, Lizzie, Red, Flo & Ramone will be on screen or just in some flashback? … and like Michael Wallis says, they’ll most likely return home at the end so Mater can say, “you was there,” before we get hints of the next storyline where the DeLorean comes flying in … 🙂
And I’m sure somewhere in the middle of the film, Lightning & Mater will reminisce about Doc Hudson … and/or how the Piston Cup is now named the Doc Hudson Piston Cup.
Of course, for diecast collectors, the question will be whether there will be releases of Lightning in his CARS 1 look? And Mater, Guido, Luigi, Fillmore & Sarge in their non CARS 2 Lightning Pit Crew Team look (their CARS 1 design & look)?
Do you want all the townies as they always look (CARS 1)? Ready to move on?
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I can’t wait to increase my collection with all the variants of the same character. I WILL collect them all!
That’s will imply Met to release additional collector guides to help us to compile all the variant… It can become quickly very confusing… Well, I think it is already CARS land of confusion 🙂 But who cares for the ones addicted to “Collect them all” ???
▄▀▄█▓▒░ Cars 2 ░▒▓█▀▄▀▄▀▄█▓▒░ Just 115 Days Away! ░▒▓█▀▄▀
Wow, love the graphic!
Speaking of Cars 2, I went to Publix today and they had Loreal Kids Cars 2 shampoo. They had ones with Lightning McQueen and Mater. I got the one with Lightning McQueen. I left Mater because the bottle was sticky. There are 4 of them. I know the 2 of 4 are Lightning McQueen and Mater but I don’t know the other 2.
Dude, we are so starved for diecast that we are collecting shampoo now. Look what you have done Mattel.
Well, looks like the early indication on buying Cars 2 vehicles at a premium has occurred. Two 2011 NY Toy Fair McQueen’s (in the Cars 2 shell) spent $300 and over this week on Ebay for two convention McQueen cars. Tip of the iceberg I’m sure.
(MET: If only someone would offer one free as a contest giveaway … if only … 🙂 ).
‘quercy, dont agrre wif yer comment,
I only collect what I like and whats on the high street, if I dont have all the variants, then so what.
As for cars 2 this will be a different ball game completly, I plan to collect only the racers and a few others, as walt has got enough of my hard earned cash
well, after raising their prices by $1 at TRU( like it was not pricey enough to pay for small car 4.99+tax- BTW, hot wheels are still 0.99 cents)
I am not sure it will be as popular as old ones unless it would be so much improvement in design and colors and shapes that we will be all blown away and would be screaming in “ecstasy”:”GOTTA HAVE THEM ALLLL!!!!!”
I just do not see it in any other way, so far… And yes, we are spoiled by our cars….
You guys are funny… You are winning because nothing new on shelves and they should do all the haulers, do all th RV and so on… Now you will be serve by a numerous beautiful diecasts and you won’t collect them just because they are from CARS 2 but are fighting to get every singles from the shorts TOON movies??? Common! Doesn’t make any sense. Or you collect or you don’t. Don’t talk to me about half collection.
quercy, they don’t look at the fact that we’re STILL able to collect Cars from a movie that’s over 4 1/2 years old! Toys from Wall-E and other films sit on the shelf with clearance tags and little if anything new is being produced for those films, while we’ve been able to reap the rewards of the designers at Pixar, who created the characters we’ve all fallen in love with, and Mattel, whose designers have brought those characters to store shelves.
I’m grateful for all of the 100’s of Cars die-cast and the many other Cars items that have come our way.
Will I collect the line from Cars 2? You bet.
Me too Tim, I cant wait for them!!!!
Hey Lorri, how’s everything with you? 🙂
I am waiting to see if the quality of the cars are going to continue to deteriorate before I decide how hard core into collecting Cars 2 stuff I’ll be. Especially with the price going up. I’ve got a three-and-a-half year-old who’s pretty darn excited about Cars 2, so I’m sure I’ll be buying a bunch to open for him, but beyond that, we’ll see. There is nothing wrong with drawing the line if you are feeling like it’s not worth it anymore. One person’s half collection is another person’s complete one. Collect what you want. Whine about the weight or the distribution if you want. That’s what this forum is for, right?
More plastic .. for sure ….
May I ask …: Who really believe that Mattel will continue to release Cars 1 characters after the second movie comes out ????
I do…
I believe they will. Heres why… It just makes sense (atleast to me) in order to have collectors keep buying Cars, they would keep producing Cars 1 for those that want to complete their collections. And those that say that they arent going to collect Cars 2, will go to the pegs and look for the cars there missing and see the new line of Cars and lead them to temptation. Making us and our kids want to start collecting the new line. Ands most of us (since we’re kids at heart) will be tricked into buying.
I don’t. I think we’ll see the rest of what’s made dumped off on stores like Big Lots or Ross and that’ll be it. Not counting Cars 1 cars that are repackaged as Cars 2 cars, I think we’ll see plenty of that action.
I dont think the items will be repackaged. But I do think some items like the toons and haulers from the first movie will still be around when Cars 2 cars will be released. As mentioned, tempting us to buy the new releases.
I know when I go shopping with my son for Cars he will see the new releases and want them. Its something we have been doing for years and then to tell him no just wont make sense to him. Although we will be getting less metal and more plastic he wont notice the difference. He just wants to have them all and play with them.
Now if they are going to dump them at Ross (which is not here in NY I think) and Big Lots (which the nearest one to me doesnt carry Cars) then it will definately be a bummer for me and my kids.
Sandy, the Big Lots nearest me in the Chicago area has Cars sometimes, but then doesn’t for a while (months) once they sell out. Perhaps yours could get some at some point.
Make sure you look in every aisle too. For months I would only look in the official toy aisle but would never see Cars. Finally I checked along the back wall and there they were! I had this terrible fear that I must have missed some goodies all those previous visits.
Yeah, my kiddo doesn’t care how much plastic is in it either. That’s just me. But I’m also the one that’s spending tons of money for a carded collection as well…..
Look, I guess I just don’t understand the concept of keeping random haulers and whatnot on the shelves to entice people to buy Cars 2 stuff. Why would that even be nescessary? Cars 2 will be the hot new thing. That’s what kids are going to want. It’s not going to be “oh mama, well if I can’t find an Oliver Lightload, I guess I’ll go ahead and pick up this new Jeff Gorvette”. There’s going to be an onslaught of product for Cars 2. Why would they waste valuable shelf space on stuff that hasn’t really been selling, anyway? So that we can complete our collections? I just don’t see it happening.
Yes, I think some of the characters that will be in Cars2 ( even pick, background – anything…from the movie Cars2) would be definitely there.
The rest of cars from Original movie – would be “collectible items”.
or VHTF on ebay .
As far as “Oliver” and “Ben” and the rest of them?! Even my 15 y.old said that he could not recall seeing him or remembering his name. Could not tell him to watch movie to find out- no TV during the week- house rules….
I’m planning not to buy Cars 2 out of protest for how the previous line was. There’s a basic rule in customer service that if you treat someone with poor service/goods enough times, they’ll turn away.
I will admit that the body of the new diecast of McQueen for Cars 2 also is a bit off-putting. It looks like they bulked up McQueen, and he’s not as sleek and aerodynamic as he was in the first film or in the promotional photos from the film frames.
Wallis is “almost positive” Cars 2 will start and end in Radiator Springs??? Um, seriously, can anyone say “DUH”? 🙂
I’m not buying any CARS2 toys, so I don’t really care if the main characters from the new movie end up being variations.
My first thought is they are going to give us a ton of variants on many characters old and new. They are making this movie with all minds on the merchandising possibilities.
Oops you bear me James. Thereby making me have 2nd thoughts instead. My belief stays the same though. Mattel, pixar and Disney are going to make the sequel to Cars knowing every car and variation they make of any car will mean more dollars later.
It’s been said that they didn’t know the Cars merchandising lines would do this well. No way they expected Cars would bring in the most merchandising money in the history of Disney movies.
Now they know what they have so they will make sure to make enough characters. Look at how many characters they made in the 5 minute short of Tokyo Mater. A whole other movie. Fugggetttt about it.
There going to go nuts with the cars this time.
More characters and variants= mo money. So look for the different releases of everything to be high #. Think we are going to get the animated movie of the year this time. Happy feet won last time thanks to it’s global UN connections. So Cars will go global this time and probably win.
Ramone looks pretty slick in that green (not the old green)
Hope he has twenty different outfits!!!