Disney Pixar CARS 2: $8 Billion Dollars, 200 Million Diecasts & Emily Mortimer Crushes on John Lassetter
Here’s a shock – Emily Mortimer (Holley Shiftwell in CARS 2) really, really, really enjoyed working on CARS 2:
“Mortimer quipped that she has enjoyed the process behind the movie so much that her husband thinks she has a crush on John Lasseter — “and I think he might be right,” she added to laughs. After every voice recording, “I just can’t shut up about the whole world of Pixar and how the whole world should be run by Pixar,” she said to more laughs. “I have completely converted to the ethos of Pixar.”
She then expanded on her expression of love for Pixar on Valentine’s Day. “If only everybody made movies the way they do,” Mortimer said. “They are just total perfectionists. They love what they do. It’s completely collaborative in the best way. And the process is just very organic and makes complete sense. You can build a performance together over time in a way that [makes you think] if only that was possible in real movies, because I think they would be much better. I think Pixar movies are some of the best movies around, and when you do one, you get to realize why.”
And $2 BILLION a year – $8 BILLION CARS merchandise & 200 million diecasts sold …
Merchandise tied to the Cars franchise has generated global retail sales of more than $8 billion, Walt Disney said Monday.
That makes it one of the company’s top franchises at what are now $2 billion in global retail sales annually.
Disney detailed the merchandise strength of Disney/Pixar hit Cars, which has grown its retail business since its launch in 2006, here on Monday as the entertainment giant unveiled what it expects to be its largest licensed film merchandise program ever for Cars 2.
Over 200 million die-cast cars tied to the franchise have sold to-date, the company said.
I AM SPEED says I Haz Diecast CARS and I think I know a few people with a couple million diecasts also …
Via Hollywood Reporter.
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 2: The CARS 2 Track Sets | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Ben Crankleshaft & Oliver Lightload Shipping Now » |

Have enough showgirls?
i understand wanting to have the correct amount but all of those extra mqueens! Ohh, yikes.
They could have sold 5 MM diecast if they had done it right!
Do you mean 500 million?
Yep, whoops, flyin fingers.
Have you seen this one?… Miles Axlerod! Check the mags WOW!
Really great to see your collection I AM SPEED! Love the Rust-Eze section on the bottom shelf. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Man-I-Fold! You have a good eye, picking up the RustEze crowd!
has anyone seen these yet?
(MET: Covered yesterday).
I must Must MUST catch up with cars 1 before Cars 2 comes out!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice collection, I AM SPEED. I love looking at other collector’s setups.
Thanks! Of course, after I sent the photo to Met, I added Leroy Traffik(snow tires) and Miles, Coriander, Derek, Swift, and Hooman to the set.
The scary part is that you still have to add the “mint on card” version of most of the singles, which are safely stored away, to get an accurate count.
Tucked in with the racer display is my Apple 84 car, a treasured piece to be sure.
Nice! Yeah, I assumed you had a stash of carded cars somewhere, but it’s so much more fun to look at an open collection and how it’s displayed. You should’ve put Apple front and center, though, if for no other reason than to rub a little salt in some of our Apple-less wounds….(:
Maybe someone at Apple will finally wake up to the success of this line and grant permission to make the Apple iCar en masse!
how about someone at MATTEL waking-up first?
pitchers and catchers are reporting!!
If only Pixar could buy Mattel…. 🙂
Yeah! And Emily Mortimer could go on tour to host KMart Cars days….
Brilliant idea!!! She can signs some Holly Shiftwell cards too…
That’s a lot of Cars and a lot of money… think how many more would have sold had distribution been like we wanted… and had the Cars been widely available… if more Pit Row Race-off launchers and Team Crew sets would have been available… had we not had to rely on friends in other countries to help us add to our collections.
And to think I’m going to do this again in 3 months when Cars 2 diecasts are available.
Don’t forget Haulers! Even though I believe their scale is WAY too small, they are SO FAR BEHIND in making them it’s ridiculous!
As usual very well said Chris. Too bad someone with more sense like yourself doesn’t control distribution.
It’s going to be a long 4 months. Let’s see if we average 2 posts a day on Cars 2, not counting advertising, previews and all the other Cars 2 related stuff we will be subjected to, that comes out to hearing about the movie approximately 750 more times before we actually see it. Yep a long four months indeed.
I hope it doesn’t disappoint. With so much riding on this movie and with the incredible build it has to be really good. Ok is not going to cut it. God knows they had enough time to get it right.
750 times over 4 months? Jack, I see where you’re going with this, but please check your math! 🙂
Keep in mind the diecast should hit the shelves mid May so in 3 months only!
I have found a very old dusty book in a “garage sale” along road 66… The cover says…
“NostradaCars’s Prophecies”
Here are some excerpt prophecies and their meanings in parenthesis.
In the middle of Taurus month in the year of the two towers, great waves of joy will flood several cities including three major ones: Tozarous, Taraget and Walton City.
(May 15th 2011 will be the release of CARS toys at Toys R Us, Target and Wal-Mart)
New era will plunged in great darkness five years of occupancy, confusion, erratic and unfinished strategy of the controller.
(Line 2 will end the bad Mattel marketing administration of a incomplete line 1)
Over the world great storms of lightnings and thunders will strike doesn’t Matter when.
(Again, multiple versions of McQueen, Chick Hicks and Mater)
Countries will cheat and exchange green papers using Evil force.
(Again, collectors will buy unavailable or backdoor cars from different countries using Ebay)
Leader’s advisors will maliciously substitute material and turn product into gold.
(Mattel will reduce metal quantity and add plastic details to make more money)
Propaganda and promise land near Maya’s calendar end will built strong army for several generations.
(Cars 2 movie and Car’s Land in California due in summer 2012 will ensure millions of collectors and customers for a very long time)
I bet 125 Million are McQueens
…and only 20 Bye Bye Kar
Amazing numbers there!! You would think you could find any car you want any where you went … if it were only so easy!! 🙂