Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS 2: CARS 2 CARS – Street Date 5.15.2011
Psst, pass it “Brian O” of “Nowhere Toys,” says the official street date of CARS 2 diecast is May 15, 2011 …
So, sometime in March, we will have a contest to see who and where the diecasts are available in a store that breaks the embargo … 🙂
Thanks Brian.
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Are we there yet!??!?! Are we there yet!?!?!?
Yay! It’s right around the corner 🙂
Have you already switch to a Cars 2 Avatar??
I wish it wasn’t until at least July, better yet August ore even September for these ugly imports and Radiator Springs cars that are the same except for 95s on the doors.
I’m sorry, but Cars 2-themed avatars cannot be displayed until 5/15/2011….
I’m keeping my Cars 1 avatar for ever. I don;t want the surprise spoiled. Plus, can’t you see I’m drinking here?
whats up pd..
5.15.2011 — I wonder how many folks overseas think this means the 5th day of the 15th month on American calendars? I prefer the dating system of YYYYMMDD. I save a lot of work files daily, so for instance “Inventory 20110114” , “Inventory 20110115”, and so on. When I sort, they’re in chronological order.
BMW, why do I remember someone telling us that there would not be any cars in a 6 month window before the movie?
Copy of the exact email sent to all Mattel Retailers on 1/14/11:
The CARS 2 Theatrical Release is 6/24/2011. Please note that Cars 2 products cannot be presold or put on-shelf until 5/16/2011.
WM in CANADA, Quebec have already made their Toys Reset .. out off 30 Pegs for cars ..
3 are left for Cars 1 and everything else is CARS 2 ( pictures as proof) .. So either WM is really stupid to reserve pegs for the next 5 months .. or there’s something I don’t get !
Where are you in Quebec? Parlez Francais?
Oui je parle Francais .. je suis de Montreal
I’m from Montreal .. and like I said WM have already reset and Cars 2 space reserved on the shelves .. 5 monhts ahead ! ??? .. I’ve posted pictures on .. if you don’t believe me !
Je suis de Montreal aussi, mais je suis en Arkansas depuis maintenant plus de 4 ans. Contactez-moi on pourrait s’aider dans nos collections. J’ai des compagnons de travail ou des membres de ma famille qui font le voyage souvent. On pourrait sauver sur le shipping.
Salut j’ai pris bonne note , I took good note of your email !.. You may be the better than me at the game help me out .. since Montreal has nothing to offer ! lollllll
Souvent je constate que vous avez des CARS que nous avons pas facilement ici. N’hésitez pas a m’écrire si vous avez besoin de quelque chose en particulier. Vous avez-vous mes listes sous le Trading Forum?
May 15… that’s a Sunday… and the movie starts June 24… that’s a Friday… must wait 4 more months for Cars 2 toys…
That would give the factory more time to put out new Team Crew sets and Pit Row Race-off launchers and get those to stores, but I’m not going to hold my breath on that one… Guess it’s time to find the 4 newest Final Laps that were found in Missouri, Tennessee, and Idaho in the last 2 days.
Anybody have px of the 4 new final laps…need them for my phone shopping list :)…MET?
What are the 4 new final lap cars
Coriander Wide Track, Swift Alternator, Hooman, and Derek Decal Dobbs.
ain’t that them?
Awesome…. nowhere near Perth I bet. 🙂