Article Archive for 13 December 2010

Posted in Retail, Toys on 13 December 2010
Stats: and 16 Comments
Hot, hot, hot. (thanks, Jimmy D.) The Wave 3 Lego Minifigures are out now … As you know, in the last wave, Lego decided for internal inventory, they wanted some way to tell them apart so they added a mystery barcodes to the right but people quickly deciphered them so this time, they decided to […]

Posted in Retail, TV, Uncategorized on 13 December 2010
Stats: and 8 Comments
If you want “internet video” on your TV, there are four main choices.* The first two are mainly for the average person who wants minimal fuss and the other two choices are for those who enjoy the fiddling. As you know, there are hundreds-thousands of TV networks (both old school and internet only) “broadcasting” on […]