Article Archive for 4 August 2010

Posted in CARS, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS, Music on 4 August 2010
Stats: and 13 Comments has a nice slideshow of many of the wacky, weird, and quirky roadside attractions that were built alone Route 66. They also include other interesting bits of Americana that while not on the Mother Road, they are bizarre or interesting enough to merit a look. I have to say that during my travels throughout […]

Posted in Mattel Disney Pixar CARS on 4 August 2010
Stats: and 5 Comments
“Rippers” reports a nice bonus … When he bought the 1:43 scale Frightening McMean with punching action, he got a free DVD of Tokyo Mater! “Had a nice suprise today, bought a Frightning McMean (big plastic version with sounds and punch action) from Argos in the UK today £12.99 (each) and it came with a […]