Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Last Mater the Greater 4-Packs Out Now
“Markk17″ found these at a TRU.
These are the final 2 Mater the Greater 4-packs … this seems like a slightly different expression for LUG.
These do look like repeats on LUG & NUTTY.
These are not on the TRU website yet.
Thanks for the nice pics “Markk17.”
the daredevil mcqueen in the 4-pack is w/ OUT teeth and w/OUT flames, i believe an earlier post said that this was with teeth and flames? just wanted to make sure my 4-pack is correct and not a variant. can you verify? thanks.
(MET: Not sure your question – there are two other Mater the Greater box sets …).
1/16/10 post shows set #4 (w/ BUCK) Daredevil Mcqueen with/out teeth but w/ flames, but I have 2 set #4 Mcqueen’s w/out teeth AND w/out flames. I know set #1 (w/ props mcgee) has mcqueen w/teeth and w/out flames. So i’m just curious are my set #4’s correct, and mcqueen with flames is coming later? thanks for the help.
I just received my #4 set and it contains McQueen w/out teeth and w/out flames. So the one with flames has not yet been released in any form (as far as I know).
I love this pack!!!! Tia and Mia are so cute!!!!!
When will Mattell release El Materdor (dont know if the spelling is right) cars because they are already releasing Tokyo Mater cars and no el materdor.
Because I want a bulldozer or two or three for my collection. 🙂
so any word on what the 2010 SDCC Car(s) will be this year?
Was checking old messages, and saw where the 2009 set was announced in January.
If I could take the time and wish for… Double-Ransburg Hydraulic Ramone with movin’ parts and in the color purple with flame job…
That OR a lenticular Bessie. That is just about the only car I would by with googly eyes.
But Bessie doesn’t have eyes to start with, how does that work? 😉
I was thinking more along the lines of:
Ransburg finish 2-pack consisting of Gask-Its and Tach-O-Mint!
Or, a 3-pack with Gask-Its, Tach-O-Mint, and Apple 84?
I’d take that three pack even without the ransburg finish! 🙂
Nice thought on the Gask-Its, Tach-O-Mint, and Apple 84–We can only dream, but hopefully not for long. Maybe some day soon they will appear.
sweetness!! they should just keep doing 4 packs and forget the singles lol instead of duplicating! 🙂 love them!
Ahhhhh, but there are those who like to have them on their own card backs, so it’s nice to have both. The sets can used for “openers” and the slight savings over singles, then the singles can be kept MOC.
Very nice! Can’t wait to find these at a local TRU!
Ok the Mia and Tia set are a MUST HAVE!! COMPLETELY AWESOME! If we can find the Daredevil Lightning with flames and the Vendor in the Megasized …. the second set will stay on the shelf to look pretty! 🙂
At $25 + tax, they can have it. I don’t want them at this price.
If you’re near Meijer stores, their MTG sets are only $19.99. I know it’s not much, but $5 per set adds up.
Yeah, and their playsets are $20.00 (mater the greater, tokyo mater etc.) except their piston cup starter set is around $30.00. If you want night vision mcqueen with 2009 collectors guide (I know that there are a lot around or were a lot around) it is on clearance for around $5.00. Happy shopping/collecting
WM is down to about $3.00 and Meijer is around $3.49 for the 2009 Guides.
Is this the Rocket Mcqueen with the fuses or the flames?
I think Met said that this one was with flames! 🙂
if anyone has the mater the greater or rescue squad mater opened, and still has the package, please let me know, thanks
looking for empty 4 packs. need 2 of the rescue and 1 mater the greater
Are Mia & Tia be release as a sinles too? Or just in these 4er pack?
Only in the 4-Pack. I BELIEVE Lightning with Flames will be Megasize, but would’nt bet the farm on it.
Are the Mater the Greater 4-Packs Toys R Us exclusives? Because I have not seen *ANY* anywhere else in NY.
Also, are Lug and Nutty supposed to be generic characters or specific ones? Because I feel like I’m amassing an army of them now or something…
I have found a few sets of 4 packs at kmarts down here in florida.
No, they’re not TRU exclusives.
I found the MTG sets at Meijer stores here in the Midwest before Christmas, our TRU stores didn’t even get them until after the holidays.
Others have found them at Kmarts in some areas.
Speaking of kmart, I hope they dont have any more collectors days for a while because all of the kmarts in my area are closing down 🙁
No the 4 packs were at Target before for $17.99. Waiting for new ones to show.
Funny, when I went to target, they were $21.99.
Wow, looking really foreward to have these 4-packs!
It will be “hunting on the internet” again for me, ’cause we don’t have any Toys R Us shops here.
I already have all the other 4-packs (and most of the other cars) so I really want these 2 sets …
btw, The version of daredevil mcqueen (without teeth) in the 4-pack is it the same one as in the single pack ?
Peter McQueen
Great; it’s snowing today, and the roads are horrible (already been out, not gonna try it twice). So no TRU runs today…
Gotta get the one with Mia & Tia at some point, though; my daughter collects Mias & Tias.
I have only seen one of the other 4 packs with the Mater the Greater sign.
I think that makes 6 total, but not 100%
You have the rescue squad 4 packs and there were 2 of them. Then there were 2 other 4 packs out and now these 2 I believe.
I concur
Does anyone know off the top of their head how many 4 packs have been released in the “Toons” line? Are there 4 or 6?
I believe these make 6 now (7 if you count the SDCC exclusive).
Thanks for the info!
I count 7 with these now…
Dr. Mater/Nurse Mia/Tia/Burnt LMQ
Rescue Squad Mater/Dalmation Mia-Tia/Rescue Squad Chopper
Mater The Great, Lug & Nutty, High Dive Mater
Mater The Aviator, Daredevil LMQ with Teeth, Lug & Props Mcgee
And these now… Nice… I don’t own any of these… Will these be around for a while? Should I try to get these ASAP?
If you want to get them (with the exception of the newest ones) they have them online between TRU and the Mattel website 😉
the tooth salesmen in the second set is going to be released as a megasized single right? If so I’m gonna have to pass on the second one. So how many different Lug & Nuttys does that make? 7?
I agree. I’m going for the Buck single, also. As far as I can tell, there are two versions each of Lug and Nutty. Between the first four pack and the two pack, we have both versions. I believe there are three versions of Daredevil McQueen, though, and thid four pack may be the only way to get one of them.
You are right, the tooth vendor has been released as a single, the McQueen also. I happened upon these a few days ago and from what I can see there are no differences.
Two Buck teeth for One Buck!!!
…I’ll take four!??!
Nice, very nice!!
Gotta have these!!