Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Nathaniel B. TakeFive Hauler
Surprise, when you take three great artists & combine their work – it’s no surprise, really – MASTERPIECE!
Martin A. helped create the Wally Hauler it once was …
Nathaniel B. created the TakeFive Piston Cup racer out of a blank metal canvas (all we did was supply the logo):
Jason P. animated the TakeFive racer to fit into the CARS World …
Nathaniel B. took Jason P’s art and incorporated it into his latest custom masterpiece, the TakeFive Hauler!
Nathaniel B. upgraded a Wally Hauler to a TakeFive Hauler … original paint scheme, original design and hands on customizing …
Dazzling, brilliant and flat out cool.
Thanks Nathaniel! Thanks Jason and thanks Martin!
We bow before your greatness and for bringing rolling art into a world of squares
To ask Nathaniel about this, other fun TakeFive customs … email him HERE.
Don’t forget to enter the latest Jason P. Win Your Own Custom Contest HERE or contact him directly HERE!
And thanks to Mattel, Pixar and Martin!
i need this hauler
Man! Once I get some free cash for more cars and cars, this is on top of the list! Looks great Nathaniel!
I need one of these haulers for my set and a Take5 Piston Cup racer in package with real synthetic tires!
Ok, to who do I need to PayPal some money to put these guys in my display case?
They are relly cool! Very nice work!
Great work Nate I always like to see what you guys can come up with and this is pretty awesome. Funny I didn’t see this post before I put in for what I wanted for a custom was THIS.
One of the hauler pics Takefivehauler is not showing up
(MET: still?)
Not working:
Should be:
sweet! Nate should get a job at Mattel!
I am eagerly waiting for MINE to arrive!!!!!
LOVE the Take5 crew!!!
Oh man..just really looked at the Packaging…WONDERFUL!!! Only at Nate’s…nice touch!
Met the pic above the top view is knot working for me.
(MET: I should mention I photoshopped the packaging
but the custom CAR is all hand-made and art real
:blush: ooopppsss…see how confident I am in N8’s work !!!
There it is…that is the one I was looking for!
nice good job