Stop the Presses! Take5 Has A New Advertiser! And You Will Want To Know For This Saturday… (UPDATE – COUPON LIVE) (UPDATE ON COUPON DETAILS)
I just confirmed the details about the coupon for this weekend’s CARS event at Kmart. Here is the response to my question about whether we can use the 10% off coupon on CARS 3-car gift packs, playsets, etc since the coupon prohibits using it for a singles CARS purchase:
“The coupon only excludes the “Cars Singles”, and not other Cars Pixar related items. Hope this clarifies.”
That is straight from the Kmart/Sears HQ folks. This is good news and I hope this helps to ease some of your minds about the details about how we all can use this coupon.
BTW – Here is an image from the email Kmart sent out about the CARS event this Saturday:
We now return you to our original post with its respective updates:
Great Googly-Moogly! There is huge news here at!
And here it is:
Kmart is now an official advertiser here at!
You will see an ad that will start appearing on our site as soon as I can get the code from Kmart’s agency which should be around 5 pm EST or a bit sooner today. The ad will look like this:

Kmart CARS Day Coupon Launching Ad
Once this ad goes live (THE AD IS LIVE RIGHT NOW!) here (and here at exclusively!), you can click on that ad which will launch a coupon for you to print and take into the store for a 10% discount off of a single car purchase toy purchase (except for CARS singles). KA-CHING! Or is that Ka-CHoW!
We are very excited to see Kmart support their CARS program with their pre-sale case efforts as well as their in-store events for toy collectors and fun loving folks everywhere. I was going to put up a video post about this since it is such huge news but of course my imac decided it didn’t like its built in mic nor my usb mic input anymore. And just only one week after needing to replace the optical drive…hmmm…I better not be smelling lemons as this puppy is less than one year old.
But hey, we are in the making-lemonade-out-of-lemons biz here at Take5!
So, be on the lookout later today for that ad above to start running on our site. This ad will appear in the top ad position at very top of our site. We are beholden to getting the link to make the ad live from Kmart’s agency so bear with us as we push, prod, beg, and dance the mambo to get it up and running as soon as we can!
NOTE: This coupon is good for all TOYS and other CARS items except for the singles – really intended so you get a bigger discount on box sets & playsets OR of course, any other toys they have in stock.
Viva Kmart! Have fun this weekend and share your pics and comments about your shopping experiences here.
ok I’ll use the coupon, but only because it could help Met.
(MET: Thanks!)
I found it! I found it!!
(MET: Yes, you might have to hit SHIFT RETURN in your browser url window to re-load & refresh the page).
Oops, no direct coupon posting allowed?
(MET: Yea, we & Kmart want you to click on the banner – thanks for the support!)
Got it — a click-thru ad! I should have known!
I printed out several yesterday to hand out on Saturday — just like Samuel suggested.
Read the update I just made this post! It is some good news.
I think I’ll even print up a stack of the take5 10% coupons and leave them at the store on Saturday for others to use this weekend – maybe Kmart can track the coupon code and it will reflect positively for take5aday!
Great Idea Sam!!!
And thanks for the update Tiz – How long are those MTT 4 packs on sale? You could really get yourself a deal then!
If it’s the usual weekly ad, it SHOULD run through Saturday.
Use the 10% coupon, buy a nice toy and save 10%, and DONATE IT to TOYS FOR TOTS!
The tougher the economy, the more the Marines need your donations.
they already know you are going to buy up all the exclusive car singles while you are there, so why make a coupon for those …….. this is to try to entice you to buy a toy other than Cars (hopefully a higher dollar item) during your visit ….. simple marketing …..
A 10% off coupon for your entire toy purchase would have been ideal…. and i think thats what folks were kindof expecting….. but hey …. you take what you can get…..
who knows … maybe if this coupon is a success ….. better ones will come along….. so I say everybody use them….. even if its for a $1 toy…. this can only draw even more attention and future advertising to Take5 ……
at least you can print up some $5 off $50 coupons for the singles…..
where do you get the $5 off $50 coupon? Thanks
Thanks Sam..even better!
The $5 off of $50 coupon is essentially 10% off of the Cars singles if you buy at least $50 worth.. which most of us do! So there is already a coupon for 10% off of cars singles.. why do we need another one? I agree with what has already been said. Use the coupon, show our support and hopefully better things will come! No minimum purchase required with the Take5 coupon, nice!
(MET: Thank you! It’s a FREE coupon to save you 10% if you want to buy something else … and to show support T5 by clicking through it. Is it really going to kill you? 🙂 ).
Well said, MiaSenorita!!! 🙂
Might buy that other toy that the kids want. The coupon can also be used on the GeoTrax stuff!!
I thought MiaSenorita already owns all of the GeoTrax stuff!
We have all the GeoTrax stuff – but Aiden noticed there are 2 different McQueens, so OF COURSE he has to have both. I’ll be using the coupon for sure ! :o)
So if I print 12 coupons can I get in line 12 different times with my Cars singles? 🙂
I dont see how when it STILL says excludes cars singles
Refreshed the page like 30 times but didn’t see any Kmart Banner. Either way, without being able to use it on singles cars… 🙁
Same thing for me – I cannot find the coupon !
(MET: Yes, you might have to hit SHIFT RETURN in your browser url window to re-load & refresh the page).
cool. target and wal-mart next!
Pardon my lack of appreciation, but this coupon is completely useless for this Saturday’s K3 Day Event Special, in regards to the single pack cars that we all want. I mean, that is the main reason why we will be at Big K this Saturday, right!? To purchase single pack cars!? Hmmmmmmm….well, that certainly is lovely of them to do, considering how much money we shell out at their stores during these CARS EVENTS.
It’s not useless to Kmart.
They know we are coming in…
They know we are coming in for the Cars Singles…
They want to make more money…
They give us a 10% off coupon that may entice us to purchase something more than just the Cars Singles… perhaps something we were not going to purchase on Saturday.
They also know that this coupon will not make or break what most or us (please note that I did not say ALL of us) will buy that day as far as the Cars Singles go…
These negative comments about a coupon provided to this message board are ridiculous to me… If you were going to purchase the singles anyway, why complain about a coupon that is for something else!!!
I say everyone should buy something with the coupon… there is no “minimum purchase requirement”… pick up something cheap, get it cheaper and give some validity to the new Kmart arrangement with Take 5!!! Then donate the small item into the holiday groups…
A very scholarly assessment, Uncle Skip! I couldn’t have phrased that better myself.
I am checking for additional clarification with Kmart this morning btw. This deal came down so fast and hard that some details got glossed over that should have been discussed further.
I think the intent is clear: Kmart wants to find out if people a) read this site {oh, my…heh}, b) can they move the purchasing needle {check again} and c) will they use a coupon that only shows up on Take5 to purchase something else in their toy department {clarification coming}?
That last point is the main point. Granted, we all would love the major retailers to recognize the amount of time, love and money (pick your order here) we spend on this hobby (and what has turned into a de facto job for some readers here as resellers) but at the end of the day they are running a business and probably thought to see just how much extra they can goose out of a promotion which costs them time, money, and effort to produce a few times per year. Think of how many SKUs are in the Toy department alone…yep. It’s a lot.
So thank you for clarifiying a few points for me in my stead while I heat up the phone and email lines for us all. I will either update the main post here or even create a new one so everyone knows what the latest scoop is about the coupon.
I have asked for posters and flyers for the different forums for giveaways but have not heard about the results of that either.
I am sure Dev and his team are pretty busy
I don’t think it’s ridiculous when the ad clearly shows singles at this Saturday’s event, and then when you click thru it says Cars singles are excluded. Isn’t that bait and switch?
almost like an echo…. 😛
Yeah I gotcha, but just seems like better raport would have been established, had K-MART reminded all of us proven $$$ customers, of the $5 off $50 purchase coupons…that are already out there! And then follow up with this 10% discount offer as a way of saying THANKS blah blah…etc. Because now this just comes across semi-insulting and unappreciative in a greedy corporate’esque way, IMHO.
And yes, though most retailers now days LOVE to push CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAYS related stuff well before Halloween…I generally wait to donate/support Chistmas/Holiday groups until after Thanksgiving. But good thought though!
(MET: Is this your way of saying of thanks for the info & a coupon that you have free will to decide to download and print without affecting the FREE info you get on this site? Um, you’re welcome? :-/ ).
why does it say “excludes cars”??????????
They didn’t want you to print 200 of them up, and check out with 1 single car at a time…..
can everyone see the ad. I cannot.
oh there is it finally…
where ❓
Okay after reading the ad, here is my review:
(clearing throat)
10% off Kmart prices is still higher other major retailers.
e.g. At KM Mega size is $8. At WM, it is $6.50. You do the math.
And if you cannot use it to buy Cars product for Cars day, what’s the point?
I was hoping to buy a lot of stuff on Saturday. I guess not at K-Mart.
Wow – great attitude 🙁
Were you the kid that opened Christmas presents and then yelled at Mom and Dad for not buying you the best gift ever?
So you’re going to hit the other special Cars events at non-Kmart stores this Saturday?
Congrats guys! It’s great to see big-box retailers taking a notice to these kind of sites.
Bravo to Target and K-Mart for their commitment to Cars!!! Shame on WM for not knowing (or caring) about a good product.
sorry but the coupon is not appearing.
Keep refreshing this page, and the banner ad at the top will change advertisers. You might have to do it 2-3 times.
Thank you John. finally worked.
Big time baby!! That is so awesome – glad to see that all the hard work is paying off!!
Congrats guys and thanks for the coupon! 😀
congrats on the big score this site is going places keep up the good work. i love this site.
met’s the MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dev and his crew:
Now…. just no cancellation emails like last time
Well done guys! Ask them to put some rubber on apple icar!
The coupon clearly says excludes cars vehicle assortment, so wouldn’t that mean you CANNOT use it on cars items.
Seems wrong to give a toy coupon that can’t be used on cars items on a site for cars lovers.
At least you can use it on other collectible toys or just something fun.
(MET: CARS assortment as the name only applies to singles but hopefully we’ll get a clarification).
By the way… I don’t remember… how much are the singles at Kmart? $3.99 or $4.99?
$3.69 at mine.
Think last time they were $3.69 last time… hopefully they are still the same…
$5.99 here….but knot at Kmart, since Wal Mart KILLED ours!
It’s not Wal-Mart killing them — judging by the looks of EVERY Kmart I have been in the last 3 1/2 years of collecting Cars, they are intent on killing themselves!
Wal-mart coming to Canada really did help with the demise of Kmart here. They said they could do better in the US. Now they aren’t keeping the US customers happy and they have the Canadians knocking at a door they won’t answer. Don’t take pointers from Matty, Kmart…
One small step for Radiator Springs, one LARGE STEP for collectors!
Congrats! Well Earned!
And don’t forget the link that BMW provided earlier today
$5 off $50 and doesn’t expire until Oct. 31 – thanks BMW!
(MET: Pass the word along on both coupons – thanks!)
you are welcome!
yyyyeeeeeeehhhhaaaaww!!!!! ccooongradulations METROXING!!! you have just won our random drawing for $ 1,000,000 in cars moneyey!! wow! is it your lucky day or what! lol jk but… THIS IS REAL!!!!!lol
10% on one car. Don’t mean to complain on this one but what is that like a quarter. It will cost me more to print it.
Actually, it turns out the coupon is good for all toys but the singles which frankly is a better deal and would save you at least a dollar or two rather than 35 cents or so.
I will try to use it on singles nonetheless! 😆
Only 1 though as it says it will mark down the highest item of all items.
Not when you buy 100 of them!!
CLARIFICATION ON THE COUPON: I just noticed that as well and from what I can tell the coupon is good for CARS playsets, three-packs, launchers etc. Basically the coupon is good for all CARS toys but the singles.
Sorry about the confusion as it surprised me as well but since we will all be at the stores anyway we can save on something else during that same trip.
The coupon itself says it is worth 1/20th of a cent, so how many would I need to print to buy a case of Cars this Saturday?
(MET: Be sure to click on the banner 20 times and let us know if you get a penny back 🙂 ).
Maybe I’ll buy my baby boy something with it. 🙂
Met, that is SO cool!!! It really worked! A penny just popped out of the PC!
Was it one of those squished pennies with Mater and the Take5 logo on it…cuz we collect those squished pennies!!!
Where do you click to find this 10 percent coupon? Its not working for me.
What is not working..the Kmart ad at the very top of the page above the Mater holding the Take5 logo or the free penny? 🙂
(MET: You have to refresh the page sometimes – all the banner ads are in a rotation. Thanks).
Looked at the coupon…it says NOT good on Cars??? :/
Yeah, what is up with that!?!?!?!?
Way to go Met! Next you’ll be wanting sharks with frickin laser beams on their heads…
Or REAL torches on Nutty!!
Does this also mean the offensive ad for will be going away?
Did you get rejected again??
I’m not sure how that plentyoffish picture even makes any sense. Can someone enlighten me?
Cant be anymore offensive than someones avatar
Awesome, that takes off a bit of the sting from the disappointing case contents.
Cool! Thx CC!
Fantastic news!! Congrats Met and all at Take5 and thanks Kmart for coupon! SWEET!
Thanks, Glenn!
If you build a great blog with a great community, advertisers will come! Congrats to the T5 team!
Thank you, Ace! We have some other irons in the fire that will pay off for you down the road. 😉
Congrats on the new sponsor and looking forward to the link to help out on the big purchase this weekend at the event. Thanks for all the hard work you guys do and glad to see you are getting some rewards for all your work.
Thank you, L8r!
Tiz, your computer issue may have been caused by the “repair.” I have owned Macs for five years now, and had to send them all back once… but never have paid a dime, and all repairs have been awesome. So I’d take that puppy back in and I’m sure they’ll take care of you.
I should clarify that “all” equals three, and only two have been to the shop.
I hear you, Loolar! I paid for a 3-year AppleCare deal so the issue isn’t cost it is the idea that something you paid a premium for twice (once in initial cost and again for the added ‘warranty’) should need work within the first 10 months of its life span. Plus, the unproductive down time that ensues when they invariably need to keep the computer for an extra day or two. It could be worse. It could be a Vista based PC…*shudder*
wow !!! how awesome!!! 🙂
K-mart – don’t forget the Canadians! We love Cars!
wow that’s awesome!
Now…if we only still had Kmarts in Canada…!
Congrats on the Kmart advertising deal!!! Good to see two Michigan-based sellers(CTC & Kmart) joining forces!
This is indeed AWESOME news, congratulations!
Is that coupon for a single car purchase or a single case purchase? Right now, it says single “care” purchase above.
10% discount off of a single care purchase!
“single CAR purchase”, correct? I never bought a CARE before.
WOW! Gongrats to Met, Tiz and Take 5 . . . .you have hit the BIG TIME now! 🙂
Well, a major retailer is actually interested in this site. Maybe Wal-Mart will be next? Target? Mattel? Oh, that asking too much!