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Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Mater Tall Tales Singles Case B & Case C

After you see the next two case assortment – you can relax if you have not seen the MTT singles … plenty to go around.

Car Toons Singles CASE B
Okay, there’s still a possibilities that the 4 Pitty’s with Torches will really be Nurse Kori … so it’s not 100% guarantee but it’s possible since there is switch in CASE C …

Car Toons Singles CASE C

Now, we probably have to presume it’s the Doc Mater with the Mask On since there are proto photos of him and where else would he go? But not absolutely certain – just speculation. Wait and see. Happy shopping!

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18 September 2009 Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 41 Comments


  • Glenn H. says:

    So if a guy was to stroll into a Walmart and, let’s say, happened upon a polite employee; what numbers could a guy convey to the polite Walmart employee to see if they by chance had case B singles in stock???

    (MET: UPC’s? The WM 280-CAR endcap is coming in two weeks)

  • John in Missouri says:

    I found Lug & Nutty this morning at my Wal-Mart in Jefferson City, Missouri. I do not see torches though.

    • collectormom says:

      That’s what I’m wondering; is Pittys with torches supposed to be Lug and Nutty?

      (MET: Maybe … yea, not a useful answer but we don’t really know until they release more but my feeling is there are Pitty’s holding tiny electronic torches).

  • Albert Hinkey says:

    Wait a minute…I think Mattel is learning! They are Case C has less Lightning Mcqueens in it than Case B! Now if only they will apply this strategy everywhere else;)

  • iamspeed says:

    Off-topic, but has anyone seen any sign of the CARS pack that is supposedly coming to Costco Warehouse clubs?

    Our nearest store had no knowledge of the CARS set, recommended keeping an eye on the website to see if it’s offered there.

    If anyone HAS found a set, how about an item number from the receipt?

  • Edge says:

    Met, the total for case C as listed here adds up to 17. Aren’t there 18 cars in these cases? I’m gonna make a safe bet and say you forgot an extra Burnt Lightning McQueen? 🙂

    (MET: Yea, probably right).

  • jestrjef says:

    Ti like that they are putting MULTIPLES of Cars in each case . . . for some one like me that tries for 3 of everything . . . this is AWESOME!!

  • CaptainChunk says:

    For once repeats are welcomed since I’ve not seen a single one of these in stores yet.

  • Uncle Skip says:

    Repeats in these cases… and complaints about it??? I thought people were having trouble getting these without having to resort to eBay like prices to get them…

    We are into Holiday shopping mode soon… stores are prepping for it and the toy companies are as well…

    These repeat heavy cases will hit the stores October or later I presume…

    They will sell… they will sell well and then hopefully the stores will restock based on these sales with newer assortments moving forward…

    Or would ‘ya all rather cases packed full of the regular McQueen???? At least these will look new to your everyday mom and pop… and they will sell.

    While the collector market does factor into Mattel’s business plan, I would have to assume that the everyday purchaser i.e. mom and dad who are not in the “know” as the collector group is factors rather heavy into the business plan…

    Everyone gripped about the amount of googly eyes McQueen in the cases… around here? Yeah, they sat for awhile… but now they are gone and new cases are coming in…

    • cars-in-your-eyes says:

      I think some people just can’t help but complain – too many, not enough, too expensive, too much rain, not enough rain, ……..

    • BMW says:

      Good post.
      since these are new it makes sense to put them in several cases for the Christmas shopping season. The new packaging will be eye candy to parents looking for new toys for the holidays.

  • michad says:

    I’m completely lost. If anyone reads this post that can help me understand how to complete a moderate collection unopened for my son and where to purchase the Tall Tales sets and singles (I live in Abilene, Texas it’s NOT a Mattel Cars mecca)….email me.

    I started a database off the excel checklist here but it doesnt seem complete.

    I’d really like a complete list of all the Cars that are out there and some idea of how to “get” the ones we want without having to resort to Ebay and pay $15 a single.

    Oh yeah, I have a SOS Mac car 🙂 Wife bought it for me without knowing it was as rare as it is.

  • Stephanie J says:

    I guess I don’t mind the selections beyond the over abundance of Burnt McQueen and the Trooper. I am still looking for the rest. Since I don’t shop everyday and I have to hunt after work or at lunch, a small amount of beg warming is a good deal for me.

  • Roswell says:

    The giant Disney Store Frank…is it only available in the US?
    or will i be able to find it over here?

    (MET: I would think so but there are some selection differences … do the Uk stores carry the Disney 1:43 CARS?)

  • jmularczyk says:

    So does this mean I can stop going to Walmart and Toysrus for a little while and just concentrate on Target? I mean Target is getting the final lap cars and the rest are getting the Lenticulars and Mater Tall Tales plus the wheel launchers. I suppost I should stop every once in awhile to see if they have a Nitrade hauler. This should really save me some time. Hmm is there anything else that they are getting that is going to be hard to find? The one thing I’m having trouble finding at this point is the pit row launcher case that has Mood Springs in it. Stupid me I saw it once and passed on it since I thought we already got it only to realize later that Mood Springs was a rubber tire Kmart car. I haven’t seen that case at any of the stores since. Isn’t Target the only store that is suppose to carry the pit row launchers going forward?

    (MET: I’ll update the shopping list … yes, in theory pit row launchers are exclusives now).

  • carscrazydd says:

    Ok, my turn!

    We are Mattel, we will repeat you to death!
    Learn is not in our vocabulary!
    We do not compute, we produce CARS all day,
    then we scan at the end of the day!
    Oops, not enough cases left today,

  • John in Missouri says:

    The “Most Commented Posts” list is back!!!

  • PirateDad says:

    TRU and WM must have been thrilled with the waythese flew off the shelves, now they will clog the pegs…

    Todays word of the day… LEARN: –verb (used with object)
    1. to acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience

  • lou says:

    LEARN Mattel, LEARN. stick the extras in the back of the warehouse and release them later after some time has passed.

  • Edge says:

    Again so many REPEATS in the cases!!!! Won’t Mattel ever learn??

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