Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Lenticular Fever – Español!
Spain has the Lenticular Fever!
Looks like CASE A has hit Spain …
In case you’re curious on how to properly say CHASE in Europe …
That FAZ one looks fun to say 🙂
I am the King …
Guess there’s not enough room for LOOK, MY EYES CHANGE so hopefully LOOK! will be enough … they all look fun to say but some might get you slapped in the US if you shout it and point …
Thanks “Strip Weathers” for the photos… of course, he would buy the King one 🙂
Opened up A fresh case in the store today in Antwerp and found A chase Sarge and Ferrari!I was very happy until I Had to pay,since they are in the case with the NEW lenticular there is also A new price,8 EURO each that is 10 dollars A piece!This is getting insane!!!
No compar coches con ojos lindos! Comprende?
hopefully I didn’t say anything bad up there 🙂
You did well, mi amigo!! 🙂
Michael Schumacher says Hey can your friend get well soon I heard that you two are fantastic!And Luigi faints!lol
You mean Guido faints after the Ferrari says that….Luigi tipped over first. Thanks for the translation!
Did anyone ever translate what the Michael Schumacher Ferrari said to Guido after Luigi fainted and tipped onto his side, before Guido fainted and did the same?
Por fin! Los carritos lenticulares en espanol. Estos deben de ser mis favoritos! Mentiras. Todavia prefiero los carritos sin ojos que cambian.
spreadin faster than the pig flu….
why do we have these in the uk now?
cant they just start bringing over more minis and get rid of 1:55 over here?(hides from 1:55 lovers)
Saw the new sponsor – nice site and cases!
Love the ticket with the picture of the car instead of the name!! That would be sooooooo cool to collect!!
Why do they even do that? It’s kind of obvious who’s in there! Is it the language thing?
Yes cause in Europe we have this annoying thing called dubbing!So the names are different in every country!
Example: Mater is called Martin in France and Takel in Belgium and Holland and so on!
So instead off trying to fit 8 different names on the ticket they decided(Smart move)to put the picture of the car on it!
With the supercharged serie they tried this resulting in cars with their name in French and Greek or French and Spanish and other stupid combinations on the front!
I think they just took they 2 most common names for each car out of the 8 languages and put it on there!
It became even worse by the time the world of cars cards arrived putting the name of the car in up to 8 different languages on the frontticket!
In the case of Race official Tom you need A microscope to read his name they put these 3 words in 8 languages on his ticket!
Very happy to see this change on the race’o’rama cards!
Lot off lenticular Cars but where are the others?Been A while since I have seen A normal single or supersized release!Please let us finish this line first!LOL
Thank you! And yes, please finish the original line first!
For Holland and I guess also Belgium the “regular” singles are now officially retired. Mattel Benelux is no longer shipping new regular cases and only shipping out the “great” lenticulars.
So I gues this will mean moving to the US and getting a job at Target…. 🙂
Like I said before Belgium is really small and as long as they keep selling them in France or Germany it is not that big A problem to keep collecting!Stupid Mattel acting as if we do not exist!
I can tell you Belgium toystores and toymarketstrategy is Lichtyears behind!
Ay Dios Mio…!!
You can say that again!!!!
The Lenticulars are taking over the world!
It’s the PLAGUE!!!
Poke ’em in the crazy eyes!
It’s the “weak” spot.
Argos who were our one last saviour for cars has now started stocking these ones!!!! the only good thing was thanks to met I knew to look for saluting sarge so when they opened up a new box I just grinned!!
I fear that the other saviour tescos will go the same..very close to giving up now!Got a whole list of cars required.