Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: New Piston Cup Racer 4-Packs ONLY at Target
More ONLY AT TARGET shopping … the Piston Cup Racer 4-packs will now be a Target exclusive … so maybe it’s likely they will re-use the current 4-pack box?
And yes, now that they are calling him Spare O Mint, I’ll list him as such …
Yet another Rev ‘n Go
Maybe they will mix in some of the Aggro McQueen’s with regular McQueen?
I would also imagine they will raise the price … $17.99? $19.99?
And since this will likely be boxed as the current Race ‘n Chase 4-pack, the DPCI number will probably continue as before for these 4-packs so it might be hard to tell when they show up but they should arrive by the Christmas holiday in early to mid November.
I expect that I will buy at least one of each of the first 2 even though I already have the individual Cars… I’ll add the ones I need to the display case, and send the extras to Cars Cares.
Totally of topic and just an FYI
But the first asst. of Cars Toon mega sized
has landed @ toysrus(.com).
Yeah, but they show out of stock! how about the RS Chopper – Dinoco BLue-Jay variant error!!
Wow that was quick. I did manage an Ambulance myself.
Beauty! I checked my e-mail.
“we’re over-sold blah, blah, blah… ship it when we get more…” has them in stock, and no, they are not sold out.
They wasted a golden opportunity with this style packaging…
Could had them all displayed side by side like they were on one long straightaway…
but having multiple McQueens, Kings, and such on the same track wouldn’t make a lot of sense..
I still think they will sell fairly well, but I am not picking them up unless they are on clearance…
Oh man! What a great idea that would have been! I didn’t even think of that. Too bad they don’t put 4 new ones in each box.. what a GREAT display… Maybe I can still make my own home SOTS with these little boxes… thanks for the idea 5oclock!
That is a brilliant idea!!!
That is also why you don’t work for Mattel.
Okay, Fiber Fuel in the first one? Cool. If I wouldn’t have bought a case of launchers several months ago off eBay, I never would have gotten him since that case has yet to make it stateside that I am aware of. I think Sparemint/Spare O Mint/MintySpareO has now had quite a run with this being his 3rd non-MSOS release.
Rev N Go in the second one? Cool. Considering how hard he has been to find in the new launcher, this is a good move … now … as the Lightyear Launchers start showing up in more places, he will become more common and then this set loses all of its appeal.
The third pack is just throwing 4 pit row racers into a new packaging, but it has been a while since many of those old launchers have been around. I guess I better unload my extra Trunk Fresh launchers now!
Maybe they should have just done a new Dinoco 400 with these 10 racers and sold it for like $35-40. People would definitely, maybe, possibly, consider buying that… I would, might, maybe…
Fiber Fuel is state side I have seen him with Mood Springs in a couple places. I have had mine since May.
Where are people finding these launchers?
2-3 months ago, I just finally saw Vitoline, Shifty Drug and Tank Coat at a Target…and people had reported first seeing those Stateside last December!!
The distribution is enough to make me want to get some Lenticulars, go to the front doors of Mattel, and lob them at their lobby windows. I had the idea one time of sending them a giant box full of McQueens.
I actually first saw the Tank Coat/Shifty Drug/Vitoline at a Macy’s in December. Haven’t seen any other Cars there since they sold out of that case.
I just wish to see launchers in real life someday.
Yeah…me too!
Pass, pass and pass. Though, if I still haven’t seen a Fiber Fuel launcher by the time that first one shows up, I’ll consider it.
Target exclusives are a complete waste.
HMMM No don’t think I will be buying these. I still need Fiber Fuel and Rev-n-Go. But I am sure the launchers will show up here sooner or later. Plus Rev-n-Go is rumored to be part of K-Mart Day 3 with rubber tires. I can wait if I have to. Now if it was Sidewall Shine, Faux Wheel Drive, Gaskits and Tachomint we would have a set worth looking for. Throw in Apple iCar and we would have a riot worthy of Black Friday.
I can’t help but read your post as a low pitched dog voice! I guess it’s the avatar!
Didn’t think that the avatar would have that affect. But OK
RIght Raggy!!!
Target wouldn’t know what hit them! Unassumingly putting out a little 4 pack racer.. only to see hoards of Take5ers storming the store!
it’s just Mattel sticking it to us again and again. they can say it’s for new kids, new collectors, etc., but we all know that’s a bunch of %#^@. they know we will all moan and complain, but in the end they also know that we will buy 3 old ones just to get 1 new one. they can say whatever they want, but they are full of it, otherwise they would have 4 packs w/ Sidewall, Fiber Fuel, Tach-o, Rev-n-Go, etc. It’s just marketing, not clever marketing, just plain, old stick it to the consumer marketing. thanks Mattel for showing real loyalty to your most loyal and dedicated customer base.
I’m starting to dislike the guy who steals the new car and swaps in
another to return it just a little less now! Thanks a lot Mattel.
LOL I agree with both!
sadly, i thought about that too when i saw these packs
It would be interesting to see what they’ll substitute with in the returned box. We’ve seen some very funny and disturbing ones before… like a cheap plastic car.
man o man… sadly there are at least 1 in each pack we dont have, and have never seen in stores
maybe we will end up with each one and give the extras to friends for christmas, lol… it would be nice if they jsut put 4 racers in there without mcqueen, king or chick!
As nice as that is, it just wouldn’t be the Mattel way of doing things
(i.e. 9 lenticuar Mcqueens to a case!!)
Well, we are short a Fiber Fuel and a Rev’ N’ Go, and I can’t fine either at any of my local stores. My guess is if that I saw either one of those packs, I’d buy ’em.
(reaches for screen)
Fiber Fuel…come to meeeee.
I second jestrjef- A Sidewall Shine is what’s needed. Or 2, or 3, or 4.
Here is a non-related mathematical question that I need a hand with please!
If I have $43, how many cars can I buy and send to the UK? (The $43 has to cover the total value of the cars and the shipping)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
(MET: Are the CARS loose? I think the small Priority Box is $12 to the UK flat rate but it’s basically the size of a VHS so loose or just a couple on cards …).
All would depend on which cars you wanted, as they vary greatly in price. Common ones go for 2 and up
with the rarer ones going for much more than 43.00 for just one. The last time I shipped to Europe it cost
12.00. So if it was just the common ones that can easily be found anywhere I would say about 7 or 8 cars.
I have shipped multiple times to the UK. First of all, if you are talking about buying retail, you are going to spend on average $4 per car. Target singles are a little cheaper, but TRU, K-Mart and Wal-Mart are right at the $4 range with tax. Shipping is where it gets a little crazy. 6 Cars puts you at the 1 pound mark unpacked. Assuming you put them in a decent box with packing materials, your 1 pound becomes more like 1.5 pounds. Shipping First Class 1.5 pounds is almost $15 to the UK. So now you’re at roughly $39. I would say you are safe with 6, but no more than 7.
You can fit 5 Single carded cars, well protected, in a Priority flat rate envelope for about $13, so that would give you $30 to spend on the cars themselves.
Alternatively, if you can get someone to ship 1st Class International it would save you some on the shipping but you cannot get insurance and there is also no tracking available.
I typically estimate that the 1st single will run about $6.95 to ship from the U.S. to the UK. After that each one usually adds another $1.65 to the cost. Each car averages around $4.00 after sales tax is added in, so the answer is 6.
If you’re in Canada, you can probably ship 1 Car.
$6 (taxes incl for the Car) and $37 for shipping with Canada Post (by camel, no tracking no insurance).
AND they hired the WM gorilla to sit on it AND deficate!!!
Couldn’t agree more. It is time to make us happy. Hey Met all John wants this year is a Tachomint
in his stocking. What do you think? any shot of Tacky making an appearance in time to make all
of us homemade SOT set builders happy? Maybe we need to send some people to Matell about this.
Make them an offer they can’t refuse. Either they make a Tachomint in time for Christmas or Mater sleeps
with the fishes. LOL
(MET: Tach o Mint is scheduled for the TRU promo … presuming it’s still happening, they should start shipping in November-December …).
Isn’t Tachomint speculated for the October TRU promo? If not, maybe the launchers but I doubt they will surface before the holidays.
Well, if there was a Tach-o-mint car in there, or even a Sidewall Shine, these would seel GREAT! I would LOVE to see a pack of WRECKED Racers from a scene in the MOVIE!
Looking at those assortments . . . I think that these will fall by the way side . . . especially if they keep putting MCQUEEN and KING in there AND RAISE THE PRICE! WTH . . . we already have 100 each of those!!
I don’t think they planned these very well. Every racer is out already….
My thoughts EXACTLY . . . I see SHELF Warmers . . . but there will be some unsuspecting grandparents that buy them as gifts for the grand kids.
I agree. I was somewhat excited about these becasue of the Rev-n-go but now that I found him as a lightyear launcher I have no interest. I’m sure there will be people that need Rev-n-go so that one will prob sell but not the others.
The Fiber Fuel launcher hasn’t hit this area, so I may go for that one for my son if I don’t find the launcher first.
jeff,you know that i……..NEED THEM!!
I think they were well planned…I don’t have to buy any just to get 1 car. LOL
LOL HAHAHA That’s true!
Not everyone is a hardcore collector. I haven’t seen a lot of these releases on the shelf in the LA area. People forget that there are a lot more non collectors than collectors who must have every release within minutes of being released…
Amen, Cyclops- There are many little kids entering the marketplace. If you don’t have any racers, why not have grandparents buy you several four packs. I know you’re stuck with multiple McQueens, but, hey, what if there are siblings. You don’t have to fight over the main character.
There is a plus to having multiples if your kids play with them. I’ve thrown away some of the chipped and bent-wheel Cars my son plays with and given him the new ones. I also keep some in the car and at the grandparents.
You are dead on. Nobody is going to want to pay $18-$20 to get yet another lightning extra and 3 other Cars that are already out there. The Rev-N-Go pack will sell, but not nearly as well as ReVolting did.