Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: On the Road – San Diego
I’m moseying down the road towards SD.
So, last post before I get there 🙂
I will try and post to TWITTER:
Or under the TWITTER button is our Twitter feed (right hand side – front page of Take5).
Since it’s easier to add photos and such.
There are two panels at SDCC to check out …
Friday, July 24
12:45-2:15 Disney: Animation Panel Walt Disney Pictures, Disney Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios present a director panel with previously unseen footage from its upcoming animated slate, including Toy Story & Toy Story 2 – Double Feature, Beauty And The Beast, Toy Story 3, Prep & Landing, The Princess and the Frog and Ponyo. Special guests include Lee Unkrich, Kirk Wise, Ron Clements, John Musker, and Hayao Miyazaki. John Lasseter hosts the panel, with Patton Oswalt moderating. Hall H
Categories: Animation | Kids | Movies
Sunday, July 26
2:00-3:00 Art of Pixar’s Cars, Martin Arriola (Mattel), Ryan Gleason, (Mattel), Alan Porter (BOOM! Studios), and KC ( present an inside peek at the art of the Cars world from the big screen to diecast to comic book series in this inspiring slideshow and Q&A session! Room 5AB
Categories: Action Figures, Toys and Collectibles | Animation | Comic Books | Kids | Movies
If you’d like to help us promote the panel discussion Q&A event, we have some t-shirts designed with the art on the back so all they have to do is follow you around to room 5AB on Sunday afternoon 🙂
I hope it’s not too subtle.
Find me at the show in the next few days and if I have a t-shirt left, it’s yours to wear! 🙂
I wanto give a SHOUT OUT to the Hotwheels people for handing us hot pass after hot pass to get to the front of the line over and over.
Hw Ryan, thanks for trying to help
Reggie at the sales booth THANKS
Girls behind the counter: Cathi, Mary and ESPECIALLY the Mattel girls upstairs handing out line tickets, hope you liked your starbucks deliveries…
some other Hw peeps werent so nice, i wont mention them. But if you want stuff to move, HELP SELL IT !!!
hw peeps kept telling us NO BULK sales, but the other hw peeps keep giving us fast-hot-VIP PASSES, BECAUSE THYE WANT TO SEE STUFF going out the door.
thanks to HW Chris and Reggie at the Hw booth and just like last year the girls behind the counter, Mary, Cathi and the guys are GREAT
2009 SDCC Red Randsberg Mater and Dalmation Sets:
we did fill EVERYONES orders.
We did get everyones buzz lightyears
We will be going back thru the lines today, you MUST be a tic patient because our post office boxes went to Utah and not San Diego as we tried to get that changed, but couldnt.
other lines and stuff maybe today and part of sunday.
Lets Go mens… all the Nascarfan’s picture from sdcc are here :
Thanks To hif for his kindness…
Lets Go mens… all the Nascarfan’s picture from sdcc are here :
Thanks To hif for his kindness…
Greg from
has posted the pics of mine in a movie.
thanks greg.
I will be in and around the Mattel Booth and sales booth they are adjacent to each other ALL DAY so you can call me to get your TFAD badge.
phones are crappy,
801-688-5336 ( I have an old battery,)make it quick
gray shirt, black Ogio hat, jean shorts, glasses. LOOK for TFAD badges!
I did invite Alan Porter the author of The Rookie hardcover to our BBQ on saturday…. I DID see him make a note on his Iphone for it, maybe to avoid it?… anwyay…
Plenty of those books around.
Keith, Boom Studios assured me that they WILL NOT sell out BEFORE the end of SDCC so MOST everyone can get one
One of us 4 can probably get one for anyone
Go Nascar! Your efforts are appreciated even if you end up not getting everything. Hopefully you will have some fun too.
Also a big thanks for getting Pirate dad all his My Little Pony stuff. He’ll be real happy. I heard he has an awesome collection.
Not pd, but Samuria60 wanted it, but PD probably wants one now
What is the SDCC My Little Pony? My daughter probably wants one!
Lorri, I am NEVER telling you my secrets again!!! humph!
don’t you think that it is time for little pirates to be in bed???? 😉
Yes’m !
I have to thank Chuckimama and Trisha, for “jumpin in” and helping getting Maters n buzz’z, Tommorrow.
Class meeting at Mcormicks 6 am.
There is NO WAY one or even 2 people can fill the 200+ that we need to get everyone what they want. Not the way they are running it this year…
Thanks ladies….
Jake and FF should be rolling into twon about then….
powerbuying at its best….(I hope)
Oh and Tricias husband stood in line for samurias stuff.
I didnt get his name but THANKS.
NOTE: Transformers were a tic higher as was some other things. Taxes added on and rounded up to the nearest dollar. We forgot that California was .0825%
Oh yea, hotdogs 5.00 and cans of soda 3.00.
want heatlamp heated cheese whiz on that dog? 1.00 for 3, maybe 4 table spoons
Hw peeps claim that will work…. uh huh… So why is it that LSMcQ has been up for a year?, Well we like to show people WHAT we DID have, …….Uh huh…. so why havent you hired someone to do this job?…Oh thats the Cars side…
uh huh….
Well I volunteered 3 times for that job…..
OH? well guess what Mattycollector peeps will get to answer first hand for me tommorrow.
Give em Hell NF… and smack Matty in his bobblyhead once for me on the way out!!
2009 SDCC 2nd report:
worse than last year.
I spent 2 hrs in a line for Green Lantern for SOMEONE and then lost the SDCC Maters.
Chucki-mama was two people in front of me and over me talking to Jake….
she switches places with this lady between us and then THE LINE CAPTAIN CUTS IT OFF RIGHT IN FORNT OF US..
Rescue Mater – 01
NascarFan – 00
thanks to Tricia she got some tranformers for our canada buddy, and another person…OH yea… our Canada Buddy, YOUR ummm MY LITTLE PONYS ARE SAFE N SOUND…HEY SAMURAI60 did you see my note
Mispleaced Tricias badge so I made her a new one.
I dont want to hear any complaints about over-costs charges. Anyone who DOESNT GO TO SDCC at least ONCE shouldnt complain.
That SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just got back from preview night. Madness. New cars are amazing. Could not get rescue mater today. Line capped by 6:20. Spent most of my time in the hasbro line where I managed to get everything people wanted. Tomorrow I will work on the Mattel items. I did manage to get an exclusive autographed cars hardcover book with the 4 issues of the rookie from boom. I got books #1 and 2.
You ROCK for doing that for people!!!
Packing to go as we speak!!!!! I might have a little room left in my suitcase if anybody wants to climb in!!!!
Climb on in!!!!! It’s going to be so much fun!!!
You got room for a Pirate I hope!
Have a blast!!! Give Met a giant BEAR hug for me, will ya!
I will always have room for a pirate!!! You and jestrjef will just have to get cozy…no laughing at my underwear!!!!! hahahahahaha wish you were going!!!! 😆
Hey FPG, I am going to call you tomorrow also, but make sure you go to the “Professionals” registration line as they have probably cancelled your other passes (they did mine).
packed and ready to go!!!!! Just waiting for the hours to tick away til to get on the plane…. I checked the weather and it looks beautiful!!!! oh and btw PD, I will give Met a bear hug!!!
Woo Hoo!!!
be looking for you for a shirt and my badge for Sunday. We drove by and scouted out the area and patking last night. so damn exciting. How possible is it to get our group of seven whipped throught registration. You would be my hero.
Met doesnt have the badges, I do,
I read on CNN that there are a bunch of people dressed up as zombies. You see’n those types? I bet there are some interesting people out and about, and that’s not even including you.
Have a great time ya’ll…!!!!
Say hi to Lightning McQueen and the whole gang for us!!!
Does anyone know when will have the mater and dalmation set available??????????????
5th or 6th repost:
August 3rrd
also when gets them will you need to have a membership to order it – similar to past matty exclusives? How much is that membership again?
no membership fees on matty
I am so jealous………eagerly awaiting info and pics!!!
SDCC did not even start yet and there are almost 600 eBay offerings for any and all exclusives. For those not attending there are many websites offering exclusives also. Hasbro usually puts their exclusives onto their retail site the day after the event closes. Worth a look!
The SDCC Stormtrooper Commander is available on now. About 175 left. They started out with 300 about 5 days ago.
The rest should be available after the show. But would expect the GIJoe and Soundwave exclusives to sell out within a day.
Also search ‘comic con’ in TRU. Their exclusives should be available when the Con starts.
TRU’s minimates exclusive 2009 SDCC is available now for $19.99
looks like hasbrotoyshop added more Stormtroopers – currently 307 available. so much for these being rare.
Halo Grifball Spartan figure now available at TRU.
T-Minus 36 hours until I board the plane San Diego bound!
Have Fun!
Visit My Website
Please, It’s Updated!
Hey, thanks for the shout-outs!
Sooo, while Met is gone, that means the stores in his area are going unchecked, right? 🙂
Sorry, no, Met has the GPS in the Robot set to continuosly loop between WM. Target, TRU, Meyers, Kohls, Sam’s Club, SWM, Hobby Lobby, Taco Sand on the corner, and the Brazilian Model Photo Shoot on the beach! He has it covered!
Liar, there’s no Hobby Lobby in California!
Darn, I knew I pushed it too far … Now if only Future Robot wood jump down and zap that par, then all wood be well!
If that’s the case, PD, then I’ll just put all the pegwarming LM lenticulars on a single peg at my WM…maybe a stocker there will get the hint…but I doubt it.
PD will running the site and will use this opportunity to auction his wooden Cars cars.
(Oops, did I just set some wheels in motion?)
Great idea Daniel…someone out there must want my wood!
keep your wood at home pirate!! I thought it had been widdled down to nothing by now anyway! 😉
Not sure I want to know what widdling is – 😯 or did you mean whittling?
I dunno you really think people are into old drift wood that has been eroded over years of neglect. 😉
I am going to be handing out YOUR SDCC attendee badges too. I have plenty made up and you can find me near the Mattel Booth with a PILE OF TFAD badges around my neck.
Got fed up with the Cricket wireless broadband internet card and got a new one from Verizon. So internet shouldnt be a problem.
My cell number is 801-688-5336 it has a message on how to find me.
please call that number in the message if you cannot find me for YOUR TFAD BADGE only as this is the wifes cell and VERY LIMITED MINUTES.
My local cricket cell phone service from Salt Lake City, Utah doesnt work out here, but in San Diego it might. I will post here about that tommorrow. So the 801-688-5336 might work, might not.
I will be pretty busy getting SDCC exclusives. But contact me and I will get you your TFAD 2009 SDCC badge as soon as possible.
Martin has said he would autograph them if you wanted. Some have asked and I will get them done as fast as possible.
Martin Arriola also has mentioned that he is going to try and get some of us expedited thru registration and SDCC badges.
I also have his number should you be a 2009 SDCC attendee and want it.
SDCC Exclusive Red Randsberg Mater and Dalmation sets:
If you havent paid by now, and some haven’t, you are at the bottom of the list. If not paid by 23rd of July 12:01 am, you are off the list completely.
We will be filling orders down through the list ONCE, then twice, then 3rd time, 4th time etc to make sure everyone gets at least one or 2 of what they preordered.
Tricia and Jake and I ARE COMBINING some orders to help on shipping costs.
Also posted before all items are PLUS SHIPPING. (I forgot to add that on one of the postings).
WE are going to try and get the ones shipped every morning BEFORE SDCC at the local San Diego Post Office in lobby drop off bins.
Since we have to get into the same preline for a ticket and then the Mattel line over and over and over for about all 4 and half days and other prelines and then actual lines throughout SDCC there are NO DISCOUNTS for multiples. 10.00 over cost for EACH item applies. Yes 2 different lines for pretty much ANYTHING at SDCC
I will be getting some Hot Wheels Exclusives for myself, Star trek Enterprise and Batmobile-Batpod. We still dont know what the actual prices are on these and the Wonder Twins. I will post what they are when we know.
Autographed SDCC Exclusive Red Randsberg Mater and Dalmation sets:</
We are still working on how to get all of these done in four days but I think we have a process worked out.
Priority autographs are going to be the ones for Rachel Malynn and her sons and late husband. I personally, hopefully will get them done Wednesday at Preview Night.
I have enough supplies for 5 badges/lanyards left. I will not be getting anymore supplies and if you want one and ARE NOT attending 2009 SDCC I will start a standby list for those that want one as a momento.
Sample TFAD badge…
Your screen name
real first name
city and state
I have enough for 5 people.
My email address is:
MOTUC He-R0 = $20.00 (version with SDCC stamp available only at the show)
DCUC Wonder Twins = 40.00 (Gleek is only available at the show)
TS Buzz Lightyear = $15.00 (chase version with “ANDY” on foot only available at the show)
CARS Firefighter Mater = $30.00
GB Egon with Slimer = $20.00
DCU IH 3 3/4″ Anmti Monitor = $10.00 or Free at the Marketing booth with 50 points
JLU Green Lantern 3 pack = $20.00
oops – Anti Monitor even
4 badges left.
3 badges left
My cell phone works in San Diego. If you need to find me today for your TFAD BADGE you can call me.
I do not any more spare badges they are all gone
i am here infornt at section c doors of sdcc
if anyone who needs TFAD badges
Damm the beer is cold over at McCormicks across from SDCC
Stop it, stop it, stop it!! I want to be there!!! Arghh!!!! 😆
Is McCormicks the one where they have all the outdoor seating? I think I’ve been there if it is.
Yes it is, very nice place, WONDERFUL maple syrup, comes in tiny glass bottles
Darn, up until now I’ve been resisting this whole Twitter thing. I guess I’m going
to have to be a tweeter now. Thanks alot. LOL
Yep, me too, finally joined yesterday!
I am NascarnCarsFan on twitter.
has regular updates and just posted this for all of us who are bringing laptops:
WiFi is being sponsored by google. It’s available at the center but not the exhibit hall
They are also posting links to current pics of areas being currently setup.
lol yeah I just updated mine as well L8rM8r is on there as well
Have a great time (I know you will) 🙂 Too bad Florida is soooo far from CA 🙁 Looking forward to seeing lots of pics!
That’s what I am saying! ORLANDO COMIC CON, anyone??
We’ll be waiting eagerly for pictures of the promised new cars. Have fun all who are fortunate enough to get to go!
Yeah I wish I could go so badly! just not in the budget this year!!!
I am jealous too. I want to go! WAAAA 🙁
I am sooooooo jealous.
Me too!! Will they release a DVD of these panels?
Youtube? Live feed? Bootlegs from slicepie’s trunk?