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Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Lenticular Review & Surprise Variant!

The new mainline is now the lenticular CARS … so if you’re just joining in on collecting this line, what are the differences?  (besides the eyes lenticular effect and windshield area, obviously).

Clearly if you’ve been collecting all along, whether you will collect these or not is your call. But for newbies who only want to buy the townies as singles – some are not easy to come by so this might your first or infrequent opportunity (like Sally) or while easily available in other configurations but not necessarily as a single.

And for collectors who are ‘openers,’ it’s not exactly a crushing blow to have a lenticular version in place of a “classic” version as clearly these are all readily available so there’s not exactly huge value once it’s been opened – that you’re not exactly going to get huge value out of selling a set opened so having a mix of the two is not going to change anything by very much – value wise. Of course, sealed on card is a completely different story.

But a quick review …

Most are essentially identical … Chick looks and weighs about the same.

ChickDoc Hudson

While the right side is 2006 Doc and the mold has been upgraded, Lenticular Doc definitely has a more pronounced different in the windshield area.


King might be the best of the lot with good lenticular eyes positions. CAR is essentially the same.


Mater might feature the worst of the lenticular eyes – it’s hard to find a position where he eyes are not closed all the way – basically any angle other than straight at a 25 degree angle produces mostly a brown closed eyes effect or mostly brown over open eyes (as above). Interestingly enough, Mater lenticular actually weighs about .08 ounces more than the last regular Mater. Guess the lenticular sheet weighs more than paint …

RS McQueen

The Radiator Springs has a gorgeous Ransburg like paint job – the eyes are slightly different than regular RS McQueen but a solid option here.


Sally is another case where my 2006 Sally mold was upgraded when production shifted to China so much more detailing versus my 2006 so not really a fair comparison. The lenticular eyes effect is one of the better ones.



The Sheriff (along with Sally) is definitely one that is more rare as a single only by the fact it generally only gets one release so it’s a pretty good version (or placeholder). Mine been around for 3 years so the new lenticular is nice & shiny …

And now for the BIG SURPRISE.

Front Side 2 Piece

The latest release version of #1 Lightning McQueen (right) with the new lenticular McQueen. I was not surprised they switched to a front piece plastic facial expression plate – it weighs about .3 ounces less … not much but if make 4 million of them, that .3 ounces of zinc starts to add up …

However “TG” gave me a heads-up that it’s not all as it seems …

Len Side by Side


Yep, both lenticular … yep, variant – lenticular Lightning McQueen is available as 100% metal body McQueen (left) AND as plastic front expression lenticular Lightning McQueen.

How about that.

But wait, it gets odder.

The Metal Lenticular Lightning McQueen has a production date of 1389.

The Plastic Face Plate Lenticular Lightning McQueen has a production date of 1429.

So far, pretty logical, somewhere after the first batch, they decided to switch from 100% metal to 92% metal … while not our first choice, you can certainly understand some bean counter making the change …


I have other 100% Metal Lenticular Lightning McQueen’s with a LATER production date of 1459.

So, have they switched back?

Based on this evidence, the two-piece McQueen’s are the variant and in fewer quantities?

I can’t say for certain because in my case with 9 Lightning McQueen’s, it seems about 50-50.

Until more evidence starts to roll in and either contradict or corroborate, hard to say …

We need one of those German words where they cram a phrase into one word …

In other words, what’s German for “Is Mattel just ******* with us?”

Len Top

As the old cliche goes, “If you can’t beat them to join you … make it a variant to clear the shelves.”

Collect Them All.


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19 July 2009 diecast, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 60 Comments


  • beast1997 says:

    I would say from watching the movie the lenticular line where the eyes move is more like the real character but i see the point in not liking them since the older toys dont have them that way. its just another way mattel thinks up to get us to buy more.

  • babychristianscars says:

    Does anyone know if they put out more of the lenticular will the originals still be sold?

    I stupidly only bought a few and was going to go back they are now all gone, nothing on the pegs at all but 3 lightnings.

    I need to get all the lenticulars even if I don’t like them, don’t want to be without any cars LOL.

    And if I hadn’t been looking closely at those would not have seen the showgirls and chick/mia & tia sets sitting on the shelf behind the Cat tractors that were stocked wrong LOL.

    Great find.

  • Jack says:

    Hi all. Have to tell the story. My 5 year old son John likes to collect every variant, Hauler and Pitty ever made. He
    also loves his SDCC Lightning, Bluray and Rollin Bowlin Mater(he dosen’t even play with those because he dosen’t
    want to damage them). He also likes all the Mega size except the semis(calls them half a hauler). If you ask him his favorite, he will tell you he likes them all. So Dad picked up a couple of lenticulars for him. The result: he threw them
    in the garbage(I took them out and he still has them) but he hates them. He does like the name that someone on take 5 came up with though. Googly eyes. He said not to bring him anymore. He said they stink. “no more lenticulars”. Well I
    guess the best thing to come out of this line was kids learning a new vocabulary word. The jury has spoken. Bad idea
    and creepy too.
    Jack(John’s Dad)

  • BMW says:

    Its crazy. Last weekend the pegs were clogged of Lightning Mcqueens, at Walmarts and Toys R Us. Some stores got cases of all single diecast McQ, some got the segmented front end,
    It seems to be 50/50.

  • babychristianscars says:

    I am thankful that the only duplicate car I saved and didn’t sell was Sarge, really thankful after the recall to find out ours are non-recalled.

    I bought some lenticular eyes for 2.97 each and than went back for the rest NO more on the shelf but lightning.

    Guess I go in search of the variant lightnings now LOL.

  • Michigander says:

    Our family decided to drive north to “the big city” which has one Wal-Mart.

    Nothing much for toys including Pixar “CARS” – the pegs were empty except for 11x lenticular “Lightning McQueen” at $3.97 each + tax.

    10x of them were the “plastic” front end mouth and ONLY 1x was the “all metal” version of McQueen!?

    The stamp on the back of the card is #1249EAA.

    These were the first and ONLY lenticulars we have seen here in Northern Lower Michigan.

    The only other major store was a K-Mart which had several of the Pixar “CARS” Event singles left but, NOTHING else.

  • Tiffany says:

    this may already be posted somewhere else, if it is..my bad. i found in walmart the lenticular DJ..along with two lenticular sarges. The DJ is different from the original..has a green graphic down the side of it..?

  • TarheelBill says:

    Lenticular eye Cars…Definitely Mattels worst move yet in this entire line. 😳 Stores couldn’t give em away around here.

  • Eric says:

    MET and BMW:

    I don’t think anyone cares as I have read the lack of support for the lenticulars… 🙂 However, I received two cases of Case B, and all 10 of the #1 LMQs are two-piecers. There wasn’t a single solid metal #1 in either case (5 per case). Odd or sign of the times? $200 later and 2 Chase Piston Cup cars, I have a question to ask … anyone want some lenticulars for a decent price? haha

    • Terri says:

      Actually, I still care. I know I am the odd one here but I like the lenticulars and with the exception of the poor chose to put too many McQueens in the cases, all lenticulars I see are selling and selling fast. If they had done a better job with the case assortment we would not have clogged pegs with McQueens.

      When I get too many McQueens or any other character I give them to my brother to hand out to kids at work while on calls. He works for the police department as a PSO officer and the kids love it. Many times it is these kids who get nothing. Anything new puts a smile on their faces.

    • BMW says:

      Hey Eric, some care as you can see, and it always helps to understand the diecasts and how they are made and released.

      Who knows in a hundred years on a future Antiques Roadshow, some expert might state:
      “Oh thats a rare single cast Mcqueen, with intact plastic lenticular eye lenses which haven’t faded and still show good color change, we don’t see many of those.”

      Or “Oh thats a rare two piece diecast and plastic Mcqueen with lenticular eyes….” “Lets consult our antique toys experts to determine a value.” 🙂

      • Eric says:

        Yeah, well … I’m of the who cares about a hundred years from now mentality. 🙂 I will throw one of each in the collection and call ‘er good for now!

  • “Ist nur Mattel ******* mit uns?”=“Is Mattel just ******* with us?”

    Hey MET I got my mojo back.

    (MET: Glad to have you back!)

  • BMW says:

    Steve great points. Now that lenticular Sarge is out, classic regular sarge is going up even higher. current auction at $66.00 for Desert Art Sarge. I have a feeling that since Sarge is not a new car casting, we will only see him on lenticular from now on, and hence the higher prices.

  • Steve AKA: Poppa says:

    The lenticular Cars do not do anything for me. The concept of opening and closing eyes without any sideways motion or independent blinking does not really represent eyes, but, Mattel is limited to what technology allows. Collectors new to the hobby may find it increasingly difficult to fill in the early editions. I am betting the crisper lines of the new molds will transcend into the Target line once the old castings are sold. Molds have to be ‘refreshed’. There are just so many times the mold can bang out a car before it wears out.

    It will be interesting to see how the price point between the two lines holds. Kids smashing the Cars on the floor are not collectors and they may exhibit a distinct preference for one over the other. Of course, if there is no Target in your area, the choice will be easy.

    Personally, I intend to only add the new castings of the lenticular line to my collection with the exception of Sarge (#30).

    I noticed Sarge (#30) is available on eBay with the lenticular eyes. I await the Target line to see if Sarge (#30) makes an appearance.

    Of course everybody makes there own decisions. Some collectors will want to obtain any and all castings, lenticular or classic, and all packaging variations. It will be interesting to see what Met has to say in fifteen years, when all the kids are driving dad’s car and all the dad are playing with the kids’ Cars! 🙂

  • John says:


  • Bob Eckel says:

    I think the price says it all… BUYER: The price was marked up in hopes that we would go WOW something better and rare… It won’t last, better buy a couple million more of the same old things while the maker is holding off on making the ones WE ALL REALLY WANT THAT WAS IN THE MOVIE; Of course the seller says later when they BOMB…I can still reduce them and still make money on that piece of MORE THAN BEFORE plastic junk.

  • CaptainChunk says:

    Gorgeous is *never* a word that should be spoken in any regard to those god-awful googly eyed Cars. Not to mention all the RS McQueens I’ve seen have been pink.

  • Dunroamin says:

    I decided to only collect the towns ppl in the lenticular. We’ll see how long that lasts..I think I need an intervention. The den where my wife and I work is slowly becoming my den where I will display cars 🙂 Victory is MINE!

  • unimog says:

    The whole idea of creating a collection is this: The items within the collection have something in common, something that binds them together as a group. The common factor here is that these are really cool die cast cars with eyes painted on the windshield and mouths molded into the bumper. Then all of a sudden, the eyes are no longer painted on the windshield but molded into lenticular plastic behind a facade of curved clear plastic. This simple does not fit the collection definition. They do not belong.

  • Ace says:

    Mein Gott! DoppelgängerMetalGesichtSpielautos!

    (MET: It sounds like we’re on the right track 🙂 … How about a translation 🙂 ).

  • BMW says:

    Met, based on the Sally sculpt alone, it looks like Sept 2006 is close to the date when the production started in China.

    My Thai Sally looks exactly like yours. I also have a later 2456EA (Sept 2, 2006) China Sally that is the upgraded sculpt with the sharper detailing, like the new one in your picture. The two Sallys are clearly different, the bottom of the China car has high relief, and the different Carrera tampo as you have noted in the variant article. Best I can pinpoint so far for the country change.

  • Roswell says:

    who doesnt like the plastic mouth bits?

    think it makes them look cheap, theres a very noticable gap between metal and plastic and i know it costs less and means changable expressions but..
    …it looks cheap!

    lenticulars look stupid, mattel change them back!!!
    if the film was the originals then the lenticulars would be a puppet show about the film put on by robots directed by a gameboy…or sumfin.

  • BMW says:

    Heres another date 1359 EAA for lenticular LMQ with single metal front. But there is more. Its a different sculpt all together. Look at the front wheel wells compared to #1 ROR L. MCqueen. The wheel wells are shaped differently; higher more U shaped on #1 and the front tires stick out, where the lenticular wheel wells are more oval and the tires fit under the wheel well.

  • LUCA says:

    I WANT ALL THEM………….sigh.

  • Matt says:

    I for one think the new “mainline” will be the Final Lap – koodos to Target for this still. Also, is anyone particularly “surprised” at a new variant, especially involving Lightning McQueen that comes 9 to a box..?? Let’s see.. how do we get rid of 25 LM’s sitting on a shelf… I know, let’s make a limited run variant.. whala…

    I have absolutely loved this line until now, and will continue to buy the Final Lap. The lenticular serious is a mess, and should be put to rest already. I’m hoping the big gorilla throws some weight around and stomps out this line… Boycott this line, and it will hopefully go away.

  • hostile takeover banker says:

    I am still yet to see one but just looking at them baffles me. If it ain’t broke, don’t try fix it.

  • rpag says:

    what is the story with the numbers? can someone explain what they mean to me pees!

  • PirateDad says:

    Just cannot bring myself to Recollect them all…my kids think the eyes are stupid and I have to agree, still VERY dissappointed in this switch!!!!

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