New TakeFive Tip Jar Available Using PayPal
You may have noticed the recent addition of a PayPal logo on the upper right side of the TakeFive website that says “Donate” similar to this:

You can now donate to our site using PayPal!
I have added the PayPal Donate link on our site for those so inclined to help us ensure Metroxing stays hopped up on pocky and Jolt to keep pumping out the TakeFive news update goodness!
On a more serious note, while we are not starving, we could use some tip jar love until some of the new advertising begins (stay tuned!) to roll in to help us pay for the new overhead and development costs associated with keeping TakeFive your favorite Mattel Pixar CARS news and information destination.
So for those willing to drop us a few greenbacks, a fin or two, or even a couple other dead presidents, we would be grateful and on the behalf of TakeFiveADay, we thank you!
Please note that you will need a PayPal account to send us a donation. You will note once you click on the icon on the right, that the donation goes to my (Tizmanian’s) PayPal account since I work on a lot of the ‘under the hood’ maintenance and it makes it a bit easier to process this kind of stuff but the proceeds will go toward paying things like TakeFive’s ongoing monthly web host fees, studio lights and camera gear, product, travel (hello, SDCC!), contest stuff, t-shirts, etc.Β If some of you would like to donate but don’t wish to use PayPayl, just let us know and we’ll work up another avenue for you!
MET: Thanks you ALL for the tips! We will throw your names into an electronic hat at the end of each month and draw some winners for t-shirts, magazines or the special custom of the lost scene where McQueen drives through a glue factory, a feather factory and a macaroni factory …
hello sergio that this page is super but be lacking something to hang the videos of toons but ponerian cars pictures of cars, I have an inquiry to and a museum of cars? if he would have to take pictures of the entire collection of cars I would talk to pixar to make cars 2, cars and more videos of toons I have some ideas but I better not say it.
I am a fan of cars, I like each design of the cars I have almost the collection of cars but I’m missing those toons and UFO cars and kill me coming to peru sugieria cars cars that cost less because it costs 100 soles and ca inother countries have little to talk to jen Peruvians who collect cars trucks. Meet hana montana, she one day I sing in my birthday. was very super
You know, I was thinking that this SHOULD be one of the most posted pages…tons of thank yous and what not… let’s hear it for Met and Tiz, and put out money where our addiction is… everyone should be able to afford a car or two;s worth of donation to keep this site viable and Met hopped up on Squirrel nuts!
(MET: Thanks for all your support. Our current webhost is about 5 times what we were paying before but unless the West Coast gets blacked out, they pledge to keep us up … I guess we’ll get a full test of our bandwidth next Wednesday π ).
You’re absolutely right PD! Everyone should dig in and help out!
I read this blog several times a day, but don’t post often. I love coming here and would miss it greatly if it were ever to not be available to me!!!
I too gave, but decided not to post about it, because I am generally private about personal support, but I love seeing and hearing from others about giving!
Go TFAD!!! (Favorite line from above from PD “and keep Met hopped up on Squirrel nuts” heeheeheehee)
π That was my favorite line too!
Donation made! Now go out and buy some Lenticular Lightning McQueens at the Lakewood, WA Wal-Mart to clear them off the shelves! π
Thanks guys for all your hard work. Tip done and hope it helps and hopefully I will be able to do more donations for this great site.
Word of the Day
len-tic-u-li-tis || [ len – tik – yoo – lahy – tis ]
1. inflammation of the triceps and/or forearm following numerous and repetitive searches of pegwarmers at retail toy stores.
2. the state of mind following consultation(s) with toy department managers.
3. the result of driving store-to-store only to find pegwarmers.
4. the tingling sensation in one’s fingertips pleading with others on the Cars Trading Forum on the website.
2006-2009; the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, the Netherlands, and other such countries that sell Pixar Cars diecast toys.
disappointment, disapproval, uneasiness, torture, misery, torment
LOL! You weren’t kidding you like wikipedia – this could be a new entry on their site π or even better on !!
interesting how many times Montana is referenced int he Missouri one….. and I didn’t know our senator Conrad Burns was from Mizzourah π The links are hilarious!
Colbert cracks me up!!
In 1993, the town of Ismay changed its name to Joe in honor of former NFL quarterback Joe Montana. In 1996, the town then changed its name to Crapville after realizing that nobody gave a crap about the initial name change.
Principal imports: Montana and Minnesota water
Population: Pre Tornado Season: 5,600,000
Post Tornado Season: Only the people who have basements
I have a basement, woo hoo!!!
Yeah but it is FULL of Cars!!!
Sadly, you are correct. Well, at least THEY will all survive the tornadoes!
And I need your address so I can raid your basement after the next tornado… I mean, so I can check to make sure you are ok after the next tornado π
Donation made. Keep up the good posts! Be nice. Keep it clean. Stay on topic. No spam. π
π I hope you are only directing that at MET, because I don’t think I can honestly commit to any of those rules! Especially no spam – what else am I gonna eat when they run out of potted meat? π
How about slow-roasted squirrel with a fine TFAD demiglaze?
I couldn’t begin to tip an amount equal to the value of this site and the work it takes to create it but…….I hope my little bit helps to keep you on the air!! Thanks and Thanks.
I check this page more than my stocks and more than my wife is on Facebook! Thanks guys.
Donation made. Other than my bank this is the most important website I go to daily.
Same here. I also need YouTube, Wikipedia, and to survive as well.
Well I am pretty much just hooked on Take5, my email, facebook, and craigslist π
Take5 is definitely the most interesting and most imformative of them all though!
Yup, Take5, gmail and Facebook, esp since there is a VERY large number of overlaps in all 3 categories!!!
ditto!!!!! All 3 tabs are always open, switching back and forth between all 3….
I guess the Lane Mates are not gone after all. I was in Kmart this morning and they had Lenticulars on Lane Mate cards. π I guess that’s another indication that WM was never really going to be the exclusive Lenticular seller.
Great…. what a combo… Lane Mates & Lenticulars – two things I am not particularly interested in. And KMart is wondering why they are having financial difficulties……
Next we’ll be hearing about Mini Shake ‘n’ Go Crash Talkin’ Lenticular Lane Mate Launchers.
LOL! That is the funniest thing I have heard today… actually this week. HAHAHAHHAHA!
The sad thing is… that sounds interesting enough to actually buy π
Seriously, I’m actually waiting for the Mini Shake βnβ Go Crash Talkinβ Lenticular Lane Mate Hauler Launchers.
oh they are peg warmers in Canada, they are a choking hazard cuz we like to put gravy and cheese in them, they are called Cartine!!
LMBO! It is probably a good thing I am not going to SDCC, and neither are you guys because I would have a very sore abdomen the entire time from laughing too much :LOL:
If I win the lottery in the next few days, I’m flying the entire Take5 Community to SDCC!!
Did you buy a lottery ticket?? Hahaha – maybe that Carsma from dontating will kick in π
Could you imagine if we were all on the same plane (obviously not happening because we live all over the world.. but hypothetically…) : The flight attendents would probably want to jump out the windows!
I’ll fly the plane.. who is going to be co-pilot??
Lenticular eyes are comings to the 2010 General Motors line in an attempt to boost sagging sales! π
At least, maybe, Saluting Sarge will start showing up there. As for the Lenticulars…I’ll be leaving them on the pegs.
Now a Lane Mate Saluting Sarge chase would be cool!! Let me know if you find two π hehe
Of course the Lane Mate Lenticulars I saw at KM were the same peg warmers that WM has on the regular Lenticular cards.
Well I hope my tip helps a little bit – because I am more than happy to donate to this site. You both do an amazing job keeping us up to date and entertained. This is by far the best Cars blog and I don’t even bother looking at the others. Keep up the good work and don’t spend it all in once place π Love you guys!!!!
(MET: Thank you & all for making it fun!)
There are other Cars blogs??? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? π
Exactly! They are more or less repeats of what MET said two days earlier π
Imitation is a form of flattery, right??? HA!
This is the only Cars blog as far as I am concerned π
Glad to help. Wouldn’t want to go a day without Take 5 π
Hey is this tax deductible? just kidding worth every penny dudes!!!
I thought this site was funded by a witness relocation subsidy from the State of California.
Oh… Nevermind.
TIZMANIAN: There are days that make you wonder…
I just left my tip — is it wrong to hope that maybe it’ll bring me a little Carsma now?
TIZMANIAN: Thanks, John! Definately some good Carsma coming to you from Guru Lasseter all the way from the top of Mt. Pixarius.
heh… heh… heh… heh…
(This is the best I could come up with to emulate Fred nervously listening to Lightning McQueen give his marketing pitch int he Rust-eze tent.)
Well it’s 100% official Kohl’s has Cars toys. They are carrying mini’s, 3 packs and lenticular singles. They have them now! Go go go go go! Sign up at to have your email sent a 5$ coupon off your next purchase!
I just got a call from my boyfriend who went rummaging for a friend and I! LOL Good luck they have everything new right now!
Let me take some wild guesses here…
____ Mini’s are $9.99
____ 3-packs are $14.99
____ Lenticulars are $7.99
How did I score?
Three packs are 14.99 and lenticulars I were 4.99 They were all buy one get one half off putting lenticulars at 3.74 a piece. That’s all I bought.
my wife gets a 30% off coupon for Kohl’s about every other week through the mail. Might bring em down somewhere near regular price….
is that like the Coles we have in Australia? (more of a grocery store than a department store). I have recently seen Mega sized in our Coles over here.
Wish we had more Kohl’s around here. Lots of the old Mervyn’s are becoming Kohl’s but it’s slow going.
Kohls out here in Utah has always had them
Not in my town, they don’t…
Thanks for the post – I finally found Sarge!!!! I’ve seen the lenticular cars at 2 dozen different stores but never with the Sarge still there. So sweet – thanks again.
I really owe this site. Without it I would have half a collection. But I have a whole one so least I can do is throw in a tip.
We don’t tip here in Australia and I remember the first time I went overseas and was in London. I was at a cafe and the young lass I was with said don’t forget to tip. I asked where and she said they have a tip jar. No worries says I and as I walked out I saw the cup near the waiter at the entrance and thought theres his tip jar. Pulled out a pound coin and flicked it with precsion from a couple of feet away straight into the cup. Feeling pretty good I gave the old two down finger signal ala a basketball umpire.
The bloke just looked down at his cup, picked it up, then looked at me and asked why I had thrown a coin in his cup of tea.
Anyway I have tipped and no need cups to worry about this time.
This tip was made with much love and thanks
TIZMANIAN: Many thanks, Jeaks! And all the way from Down Under no less. We’ll throw a shrimp on the barbie for you next time.
Sounds good, we were all willing to donate to Kevin for his help with Kmart, now imagine our lives without Take5?!?!!? Yikes!
Count me in!!!
Donation Made, thank you to Tizmanian for all your behind the scenes efforts and of course, to Met, for his countless hours entertaining and informing us!
Bring on the news and the new advertisers!
Thanks, PirateDad! We really appreciate it! Gratz on your recent contest too btw.
I do want to thank everyone again for that. Using it for a few days expenses at SDCC, and thanks for that too.