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Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Sarge, TJ & The Sarge Boot Camp (Early Proto)

Yea, it’s Sarge, TJ and three SUV’s Box Set … yet again …

Oh wait, it’s not 2014 … 🙂

sarge boot camp sign

So, if it’s still 2009, you might want to add this to your list … it’s just a prototype so you’ll have to envision it all gussied up with paint and trim …

Sarge's Boot Camp Proto Box(and obviously a box cobbled together from a HW items as a MOCK UP).



Of course, it’s the new RIGHT SIZED Megasize TJ …




Sarge Screen#2
Of course, you can name all 5 CARS, right? Sarge, TJ, Bootcamp Orange SUV (Murphy) , Bootcamp Pink SUV (Frank “Pinky” Pinkerton) … humm, okay, I am too lazy to go look up the light green dudes name …

The greatest diecast line ever + now greatest spilling in the next dimension.

DEFINITELY NOT LENTICULAR – I do NOT believe it’s an exclusive.


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10 July 2009 diecast, Mattel Disney Pixar CARS 67 Comments


  • acuransx says:


    Thanks for the thanks, we’re trying to do it right :)……….Speaking of which.

    Thanks for the talk this morning. What you are doing with your Cars Cares Program is off Mater’s tow hook. May God Bless you for all your efforts in helping sick children.

    I will also keep you posted on the progress of my Original Watercolor of MCQ and Mater that we will auction off for Orlando Ken who suffered a stroke about 6 months ago. He was the writer of the Alternator Valley blog. Let’s all hope for a speedy recoverey.

  • Steve AKA: Poppa says:

    This is destined to be another AWOL Sarge! 🙁

  • acuransx says:


    You are @ about a 5o% ratio there…………not bad 🙂

    member, Pitty’s are a tough sell here, like pushing a rope 🙁

    • Indykjt says:

      We are all so glad you are fighting the good fight, so we get to enjoy the spoils of your victories!

      With all these new box sets coming, with so many new faces in each of them, and all the other good stuff I am sure we have no idea about yet, this line just keeps getting better by the day!!!

  • takhari says:

    Mattel still has to make el materdor,bulldozers,sleeping lightning McQueen,tar splattered turnerz, more of the RV’s,the right model Dexter Hoover,more crew chiefs,mini and van(when they’re lost at end of film)chicks pitty without there mustache,thunder chick hicks,crying red,..

  • cac1959 says:

    Awesome news… Martin – thank you for your quality designs… Met – thank you for posting the information. My grandchildren think they’ve outgrown Cars, but I know I haven’t and I won’t. I’m looking forward to all the new Cars coming out.

  • Rich says:

    Hmmmm, let’s see………..should my kids go to college or……….. should I buy everything that comes out in this CARS franchise.
    God help me win the Lottery.


  • iamspeed says:

    “I’ve never been off-road before!”

    “I’ll get dirt in my rims!”

  • Mike H says:

    Eww, I can see their insides! 😛

    Well, at least it’s a boxed set with a repeat that many won’t reject: we can always use an extra Sarge out here.

    • iamspeed says:

      Wouldn’t TJ as we know him in his CURRENT form be “mini” once the MEGA size is released?

      Thank you, thank you very much! (Sorry, slipped into my Elvis RV impression)

  • I-LUV-RACE-CARS says:

    FINALY! TJ in his right size! My sister and I always called him the runt hummer! He is so small!

  • WOW! These are great! There are so many fantastic new Cars to look forward to. Can’t wait! 😀

  • Mara says:

    I love all of the new cars in one box.

  • acuransx says:


    As I sit im my office typing this, I just can’t believe we are almost at the end of actually producing EVERY die cast Character that appeared in this Awesome Film.

    What an montumental accomplishment this will be and I’m just glad I was able to be even just a small part of it. We hit some speed bumps, pot holes, dead ends, and car bomb or two but we made it.

    I have to also personally thank Met as well because I learned so much from this site he maintains, and I also learned from all of you as well. The good news is that if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t do it any differently.

    Thanks all of you for your continued support on this great line, and I hope to see you in Cars 2, it should be a hell of a ride……….

    • Patrick says:

      Are they still making the smaller Blimp and Dinocopter?

    • chuki_mama says:

      THANKS Martin!!!

      These cars are soooo SWEET! 🙂 We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of these in the store!!

    • Flik'sFriend says:

      Waiting almost patiently for their arrival!!!!! And gee, they’ve only taken up space on one wall in my spare room…. there are 3 more walls to go!!! Can’t wait to see what Cars2 will bring us….it truly is amazing the road we’ve all traveled in collecting these little guys, and having this great website, has given us the chance to meet some really cool people! So, thanks Met and Martin for everything!!

    • Mr. T says:

      Martin, I think I can safely assume that I speak for many. A HUGE thank you for being part of this wonderful community. Not only do we get to bask in the awesomeness of your presence, but the fact that you open yourself and share tidbits with us is great. It’s weird but every time I get a new CAR, I think to myself – hey, I have talked to the guy who had a direct hand in creating this beautiful piece of rolling art – not to mention that my girls and I LOVE these things.

      Open the floodgates – we are ready to receive the bounty of this fruitful harvest!!!!!!!!!!

      • chuki_mama says:

        I agree! And also a BIG thanks to MET who always has the best information and keeps us informed well in advance for these GREAT Cars. 😀

        • Mr. T says:

          How could I forget MET?!?!?!? SHAME SHAME – sorry, got caught up in the moment when Martin said

          “As I sit im my office typing this, I just can’t believe we are almost at the end of actually producing EVERY die cast Character that appeared in this Awesome Film.”

          Yes….A HUMONGOUS THANKS to MET for providing the pictures and words that fuel our addiction!!

  • Albert Hinkey says:

    I am not sure about those clear windshields….I sniff the foul breeze of lenticular in the air. Are we 100% certain?

  • Nascarfan says:

    I have actually considered selling mine, with the explict instructions that it be passed on to another collector, TFAD’er every 6 months-9 months, same price, so most everyone can enjoy it sooner or later.

    some iconic hotrods are sold this way to ensure that everyone gets “a piece of history”

  • John in Missouri says:

    Severe Drooling in Mid-Missouri right now!

  • Nascarfan says:

    Hey it must have been Texas Tea that took those screen shots huh? thats why he isnt in the picture

  • BMW says:

    These SUV’s have been long asked for, anticipated, by Cars Collectors.
    I am betting we will see finished prototypes at the Convention!

  • Nascarfan says:

    4th pic down is a bitmap, cant see it for some reason

  • Seanus says:

    So if the TJ in the boxset is mega-sized, are the other three SUVs mega-sized as well?
    If so, that is going to be a pretty massive boxset. 😛

    (MET: It will be be big – the other SUV’s are non “megasized.”)

  • NicoleH says:

    So I just showed all the new things coming to my husband and he says I have to get a job if I want to buy any. Anyone in the Des Moines area hiring??

    (MET: Can you or anyone get a job at Target? That would be helpful 🙂 ).

    • NicoleH says:

      I had a job at Target! I was a Team Lead-three positions lower than the store manager. But I still have friends that work there!

      (MET: We need DCPI numbers! 🙂 ).

      • jestrjef says:

        Time to work your way back into the system as a TFAD SPY!! LOL

      • NicoleH says:

        My friend is in charge of doing all the resets so he would at least be able to tell us when. Don’t know if he gets DPCI’s then or when they get the planogram for it.

      • Simba says:

        I do work at Target and hopelessly and obsess over Cars. The planograms for Toys come in about August but the DPCIs for cars usually account for more than one item, so trying to find one box set is hard. Also working there it is hard to stare at a shelf with all those LM’s when you know there are other Cars out there but my store wont get until those LM’s sell.

        • Steve AKA: Poppa says:

          Ever think about buying them from your store and returning them to another store about 100 miles down the road? That’s one way of cleaning out the wrecking yard. 🙂

    • Patrick says:

      Hey, I wood make a great Cars stocker! Just voulenteered yesterday! Restocked the whole Cars/NASCAR section

      • Mike H says:

        I do that all the time:

        One row trunk fresh

        One row cactus McQueen

        One row trunk fresh

        One row cactus McQueen

        One row trunk fresh

        One row cactus McQueen

        One row trunk fresh

        One row cactus McQueen

        One row trunk fresh

        One row cactus McQueen

        One row trunk fresh

        One row cactus- *cries like a baby* when will the shelf torment end!?

  • acuransx says:

    Ladies & Gentlecars,

    Glad you like this set and it will sell well, can’t wait to see the Characters all deco’ed in the proper printed diorama.

    Wait till you see the Christmas Special diorama, I sent Met photos of those early samples as well.

    Again, see what happens…………….. 🙂

    • TarheelBill says:

      Could you talk to the powers that be about increasing distribution of the Chase Cars? 🙂

    • CaptainChunk says:

      You and your team have definitely been burning the midnight oil to bring us great new things lately. Cannot wait to see a finished product on this one. Thanks for all your dedication to this line. 😀

    • John says:

      THIS IS THE BESSSSTTTTT THING EVERRRRRR MARTIN, you’re the best!!!! and met too!!

    • Nascarfan says:

      yea not only increase distribution, but maybe, maybe by chance when you open your briefcase in SDCC martin, those 36 mini trophies could ….could ……

      just fall on the ground??

      Id help ya pick-em up!!

    • John says:

      hey martin and met, are you guys going to make sarge smaller due to the ratio of how tj is so much bigger than sarge in the film? if you do do that, then I feel like you’ll get more sales because that means people who already have a regular sized sarge will buy the newly rescaled sarge (which would only be done to enhance the accuracy and legitimacy of the line of course), including everyone else who doesn’t have one.

      p.s. I have a WONDERFUL idea about more cars!
      you should make all the Bug’s Life Cars that appear in the credits (including flik and p.t. flea…that would be another super cool box set!)…you guys may have already thought of this as an idea, but I felt that it would be good to mention it just in case 🙂

      once, again, you have outdone yourself.

      go CARS!!

      (MET: Circus CARS?! … You’re just circus CARS, who would buy that?! … Guess well find out in 2010 … 🙂 ).

  • Aaron & Jeanne Scriven says:

    Wow they are totally continuing to amaze me with these box sets!! even with no paint on them right now i can tell how absolutely fantastic they will be!!!! now just to get them here!! LOL

  • PirateDad says:

    The light green ones name is PeeVee, short for PirateSUV, and I wood thank all of you to call him that from now on!!

  • jestrjef says:

    DUDE these box sets are going to KILL me! I am going to have to buy 4 of them! One for my boy, one for my Girl and 2 for me!! One of mine to open and one to keep in the SWEEEEEEEET display box!!

    Acura and crew have really done some incredible things . . . cannot WAIT to see them LIVE!!!!!

  • L8rM8r says:

    That is a pretty amazing box set. I just wish it was already out as I can’t wait to add these guys to the collection along with the rescaled TJ. Nice work can’t wait to see the finished product.

  • Matt says:

    Nice play on words Jason to say that you are the first post!?!? I think it looks great and can’t wait to get this set. The other SUV’s look a tad small though in comparison to the last picture shown.

  • bmc says:

    my son says AWESOME!!!!!

  • NicoleH says:

    The other guy is more yellowish to me…still not a clue what his name is though!

  • Jason says:

    Would love to be the first to get one of these sets— where did you get the photo

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