TakeFiveADay Tumblr Backup Plan … It’s All Coming Together
Hey all, first have fun tomorrow at Kmart-land. May the two people in front of you load up on Lightning McQueen’s! 🙂
We are beginning our move and just as the post office forwards your real mail, when you type in www.takefiveaday.com or click on your bookmark to us, we might not be immediate present as the DNS (Domain Name Servers) around the world have to be updated. We are going to try to do this at night but but of course, it might be day where you are and it might take anywhere from a few hours to a day before ALL the servers are updated.
So, if you get essentially a BLANK page or “can’t find such an address,” don’t panic, please! 🙂
They just haven’t found the front door year yet but check in at:
(Um, don’t forget to bookmark it as this page with the url address will be gone during the transition 🙂 ).
We will post there until the official front door to www.takefiveaday.com is re-opened.
Again, have fun at Kmart-day, send your unoboxing and happy day pics to me at metroxing (at) mail.com or post at FLIKR and link to our pool.
Unless you get a box like “Uncle Skippy.” Sorry! Definitely ask Kevin-Nascar to write to Dev to see if they can resolve that one for you …
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Early Kmart Case Unboxing Pics | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Your Kmart CARS Day … UPDATE » |

I Had a GREAT experience guys… My Kmart sold out in less than 15 minutes because There were enough cases for each person to have one and we didnt follow the five minute rule LOL we each grabbed about 12 each and then the ebayers bought up the rest, it was funny tho I notice that NO STALL actually sold out first! There were like 10 todds left on the table but all the No stalls were gone! isnt that weird? I thought it was weird. I met a SUPER nice man who drove in from houston. we chatted till the start of things and he brought extras! so I bought a frank from him for 5 bucks. Super nice guy. So When we got 2 of the posters I gave him one because it just seemed right. LOVE you PD! :* Anyway We totally broke all the rules and there was this one family there who bought as many as they could get their hands on and it was histerical when we got to the checkout and one girl asked if there was any left I said probably less than 10 and she was like SHEESH its only 11:13!
I did…. and gave it away….. 🙁 Dont hate me! It was to a very very nice man who gave me a Frank
Did ANYONE get an extra poster??
At our kmart there ended up being 10 of us and they got. 3 master cases they didn’t do numbers and said we could tAke whatever we wanted also they let us take a promo poster ! Yay great day!
My wife is at the KC Kmart and just reported the same thing, no one is there…..anywhere. Apparently there are “bins” setup next to the snack bar. Sounds like a “tasty” time. I hope that means she will get whatever they want.
sorry email me yankees2008champs@gmail.com
scoreedddd!! for sale if anyone needs 15 cars in all together $160 free shipping
3 mood springs
2 retread
1 mario chase
1 mini
1 vitoline pitty
1 no stall
1 bumper save
2 clutch aid
1 lil torquey pistons
1 shifty drug
1 easy idle
We are the only ones at kmart right now and it’s 1030
See you all at the NEW place… don;t forget your poor old poor old geograohically challenged Pirate coaching PirateSon;s soccer team in the RAIN while you are lovingly caressing your Lil Torquey Pistons!!
Just wanted to let everyone know that Wal-Mart had Frank yesterday.
ahh… I fail…. 😛
*…. I hope I will be the FIRST to have fun!! ….*
Have fun with the move and good luck to everyone tomorrow at the event.
I hope I will be the FIRST to have fun!!