Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Canadian Collecting Mental Health Help
We might need to load up an RV of CARS to the Great White North …
Me thinks all is not well beyond the Great Lakes …
And since, there does not seem to be mainline singles, movie moments, launchers, haulers, 3-packs, promos … they have resorted to either collecting these or have mistaken these for the new high holy and ritually do this dance as a clarion call for more CARS …
BTW, I did NOT raise the decibel on this thing – it is set to 2,000 decibels. HEARING WARNING! HEARING WARNING!
Thanks, PD-Shanon, er I think … I hope spring comes soon to Le Canada …
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We here in Northern Lower Michigan are NOT finding much either!!!
We seem to be in a “Toy Deadzone” because the few stores that stock toys do NOT stock “NEW” product or even their own exclusives!?!
The nearest K-mart is a 30 minute drive and they ONLY get the minimum cases for each event to be divided by the DOZENS of collectors who attend.
The nearest Wal-MArt is a 40 minute drive and the store Manager said they are a “Resort Store” and do not have to stock a lot of toys because they do not sell a lot of toys???? This store does not even stock it’s own Wal-Mart exclusives???
We too are disgusted and disappointed with the lack of prodcut here!
We are so far behind in our collection of many series of figures and die-cast that we have pretty-much given up.
ESPECIALLY, with the extremely bad economy here (high gas prices @$3.00 gallon and highest unemployement rate), we want to continue collecting but, cannot afford the fuel and do NOT want to pay the OUTRAGEOUS prices online!
We feel sorry for the Canadians but, they are NOT the only ones missing out!
You should solve your lack of cars issues proactively like us poor Canadians do…buy them from the little guy, forget the big gorillas…
PitStopToyShop formerly slicepie has provided me and hundreds of others with hard to find cars and new releases!!! He not only buys direct from Mattel now, after months of wrangling, but he is also the best case stalker in the business… yeah, better than even me, cuz he actually has cases to stalk in NY!!!
Yeap, that is what I say, I’d rather SUPPORT an INDEPENDENT SHOP either locally in my town (Legacy Comics), on the web like pitstoptoyshop, or an ebay shop (alot of goods ones so i dont get why alot of members hate on them), even if I have to pay an average of a dollar or 2 above retail, rather than support the so called Big 3. I want my money to go to these “mom and pop” type shops, rather than the Big Corporations. I know alot of people can get scared off by some prices listed on ebay or on the web; but have any of you even tried to contact the actual seller to make a deal to both your liking? I have contacted shops like pitstoptoyshop and various ebay and other web shops, and 99.9 percent of the time, a deal to both our likings has been reached. You can’t get what you want at a reasonable price if you don’t even try! Since jake/slicepie has been a member of this forum for quite a long time, (he was an average dad collector like us you know!) well he still is, only he has gone legite and now has a shop to support collectors like you and me, because he is one himself. Don’t be scared of by his prices. Contact him directly, tell him your from Take5, he will give you a good see…tfad membership has it’s priviliges. 😉
I don’t know where you’re getting your info…
“And since, there does not seem to be mainline singles, movie moments, launchers, haulers, 3-packs, promos …”
Movie Moments — Got ‘Em! (In ROR packaging, which are Target exclusives,
showing up at our Walmarts)
Launchers — Got ‘Em! (Tank Coat, Shifty Drug, Vitoline, Easy Idle,
Fiber Fuel, Mood Springs)
Mega Size — Got ‘Em! (Chick Hicks Semi, Dinoco Semi. waiting for Elvis)
Haulers — Got ‘Em! (Mack, Chick Hicks, Dinoco, Octain Gain, Leakless)
3-Packs — Got ‘Em! (Team No Stall, Mater & Chick Pitties)
MINI — Got ‘Em! (Bob Cutlass & Darrell Cartrip, Leakless & Nitroade)
The only ones that we don’t have are the classic singles or any
TRU Mail-away promos, as TRU Canada operates differently than TRU USA.
Oh, and we apparently ARE getting Lenticulars as well…
Pirate Dad, you got some ‘splainin to do……..
I KNEW you wood LOVE the squirrel….esp once I covered his nuts with Mattel’s logo!!!
pouahhahahhaha… lol
Daddy and PirateSon wanted you to have this….because it was so ANNOYING!!!
Honestly I don’t know where you find that stuff. It seems like poor strung out McQueen is having a seizure in that YouTube clip. Maybe it is time he checked into the Methadone clinic.
Just wondering if anyone is in Alaska and gets Cars. I truly feel sorry for the Canadians. I live in the most isolated Capital City in the wolrd and we still get these things.
Entirely too much time on your hands! 🙂
Not even getting Lenticulars?
Yes, in July/August. But we will not be getting any ROR singles.