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Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Switchover Is Beginning

At your Walmart, here is the last look at the entire gang … the mainline singles will be at Target-only soon as well as the Movie Moments. There are rumors the MINI’s may go exclusive also ..


And yes, there is some confusion at some Walmart’s. It is not the current overall plan to mark down the “classics,” but some stores are – seeing that they are DELETED on their plan-o-gram … and other people are reporting that some stores do not have the UPC’s for the lenticulars in the system … since all UPC’s are entered at the corporate level … it’s hard to say why that is – especially since other people have had no troubles purchasing … but here are the lenticular UPC’s if helpful … Couldn’t find the Crusin’ McQueen one so ask for that one by name 🙂



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  • Will says:

    I’ve seen the lenticular Cars, but not any that move their eyes; they have only opened and closed. Has anyone seen the eyes move? Thanks.

  • babychristianscars says:

    Our walmart will only carry 6 pegs of single cars, the shake and gos 3 pegs, 3 pegs of the minis, the 3 packs one row of those and the haulers 1 row of them and that is IT.

    I don’t do ebay and now will have a horrid time getting any new cars, its stupid to only go to Target when there isn’t one around here.

    I did get one hauler for $5 on clearance and the mini fire station thing for $10 but now I can never get the mini playsets, haulers, trev NOTHING new.

  • TJH-AZ says:

    Of the 13 WM’s around me, only 2 have not put out the Lenticulars yet. And, No Sarge or Chase Ferrari’s at ANY of them. Hmmmm, Ebay must be flush with them. The pegs are full, full, full of lenticulars, but no chase cars. And all those people out there laughed at the chase Chuki. Ha ha ha. That one will be worth at least, hmmm, I don’t know, $3.70, $3.80 in a few years. Probably be as popular as the N20 Cola when the pegs are full of it later this fall or early next year. Luuuuv ya Mattel.

    • PirateDad says:

      I am really curious to see what happens…will people, kids and collectors buy them all?? OR Will they ignore them and then no NEW cars cuz the pegs are full?

      • TJH-AZ says:

        Just my opinion, but since the only difference is the eyes, and the price went up to $3.99 here, WHY would any NON collector buy them? I’m sorry, but if my son and I were at WM and he said he wanted Chick Hicks or LM or any of the other ‘repeats’ that are hanging up, I would just say let’s go over to Target and buy it for $2.69. Sure, it wouldn’t have the lenticular eyes, but does the kid really care, or does the parent? Basically paying $1.30 or something like that just for the lenticular eyes doesn’t seem like a very good value. Plus, the current batch of lenticulars have already been represented so unless you are a collector, what’s the point?
        The entire concept of the lenticular releases should have been saved for Cars 2, or even the Storytellers or the shorts. They should have been made to represent something SPECIAL, not just cars that have already been released, re-released.
        And the price. So Mattel says “hey look, we can add lenticular eyes to the cars and we’ll upcharge our customers $1.30 or so”. O.K., so what was the deal with the Storytellers? Regular releases EXCEPT for a few but tack on an additional $2.50 or so JUST FOR PACKAGING?
        Mattel proved they could change the car and make it more interesting and get away with it for $1.30. Hopefully the person or team that priced out the Storyteller line has been FIRED.
        My final thought is that the pegs will stay FULL for a long time. Regardless of how cool or not cool the lenticular feature is (depending on each persons opinion), the $3.99 price tag is going to be just too much for MOST shoppers. Plus there’s just not enough marketing around to promote them. No new movie, or books. Is there anyone IN the Cars section that ISN’T a collector? Do parents give their kids a $5 bill and say, “go buy A car”, or “go buy SOME cars”? Money is tight. Wrong timing. No backup marketing. Bad economy. (cue the sound of a spiraling fighter plane plummeting towards earth)

        • A Screamin What? says:

          I did manage to score a Sarge and Ferrari at a Gilbert Walmart this morning, so I just wanted to let you know there are some out there buried in the Lenticulars. I was trying to look for the “old sized packaging”, when in reality, they are on the new shorter cards…

          • TJH-AZ says:

            I know, I went to that store also, last Tues and Friday. Must have been there after you because just like most of the other WM’s, there was nothing BUT all the lenticulars hanging there. From what I gathered on Friday morning, most of the WM’s I shop had already been cherry picked. Sarge will be the hardest because he’s bringing in the most $ on Ebay. Plenty of people will leave the Ferrari because the Chase packaging isn’t bringing in much additional money and I think most collectors aren’t really sure that the Chase versions are anything special because additional LM’s are out and that seems to put the production number over the speculated 20K. Besides, ALL the chase versions were very easy to find and in large numbers. Milton Calypeer, Sally w/ Cone, Not so much. Plus, the newest non lenticulars will be VERY slow in coming I think because all of the Targets are either full of pegwarmers or running lean and mean and not ordering much. (Baseline & McClintock for example)

            • A Screamin What? says:

              You’ve got that right. I haven’t found a thing at Target as of late. It’s getting to the point (with the price of gas going up again) that ebay is a bargain compared to hunting everywhere across the valley.

  • Bombero1956 says:

    I found a mess of Lenticulars today but not one Sarge or Ferrari. The list up above mentioned Cruisin McQueen. I found Lenticular Radiator Springs McQueen.

  • A Screamin What? says:

    3 Walmarts with Lenticulars (two with fresh cases), but no Sarge or Ferrari. I did find three Franks though. Franks RULES!

  • NicoleH says:

    I was just at a WM that looked like that but it had about 3 cases of the Lenticulars instead of the “classic” singles. Of course not one single Sarge of Chase Ferrari. So I stopped at the WM closest to my house and they had 3 LMQ lenticulars and not much of anything else. Luckily, the toy dept manager was there and she scanned one for me and said she had 2 cases in-transit. She told me to call her every day until they showed as in stock. Thought that was pretty nice of her, now maybe I will finally be able to get that 2nd Sarge so we can play with him!

  • I-LUV-RACE-CARS says:

    This is most disheartening 🙁

  • jason says:

    what hauler is that behind the Kings one

  • NiroadeFan#28 says:

    I see one car on the pegs that is worth getting, the person who gets it right wins a cookiee (or a Googlie-Eyed McQueen which ever is easier to find lol)

    Long live Target!

    • jestrjef says:

      dude, everyone knows it is the GHOSTLIGHT RAMONE on the far left . . . he is super RARE! 😉

    • racerguy says:

      I see a Chase Ferrari…. Do I win a googly-eyed McQueen? BTW, we all got excited about the new cars, but it’s a bit disheartening that Mattel packed all of 9 McQueens in one box…. One would have been plenty. I’ve seen every lenticular except for the Chase ones, but they don’t really count. I’m not super impressed with the lenticulars: as someone else pointed out, the eyes don’t move; they blink.

  • BMW says:

    Ah, that is what Mattel wants you to do. Get a few, then more, then well get them all. Resistance is futile. So far haven’t seen them here.

  • L8rM8r says:

    I am thinking I will collect some of the lenticular line. I was thinking like the original 12 or 16 something like that, but I am not going to get them all. Or so I say

  • Ryan says:

    Does anyone like these? They don’t do very much. Seems like the eyes are either there or not, like the eyes shut. They eyeballs don’t really “move” on the ones I’ve seen.

  • Rick says:

    Where do you find Walmart’s that look like the one pictured above?
    I would give my left two lug nuts to have any of the Walmart’s around where I live to be that well stocked.

  • rumbler74 says:

    When I was fortunate enough to find a sealed case about to be put up at one of my Wal-Marts this last Friday, the stock lady mentioned that these CARS are not supposed to be up until (Week 19, Sunday June 7th) according to the instructions on the case itself. Maybe that is why they had not been appearing in the system on most Wal-Marts. The only reason I got to purchase them was, first, I asked to check if they did scan, and they did, and next I asked a supervisor if they could sell them to me since they did appear in the system, and she said yes. However, funny thing, only the Chase Sarge and Ferrari did not scan, only the regular lenticulars. So I asked that they scan 2 Lenticular McQueens so I can purchase both Chase vehicles along with the other 4 regular lenticulars that I purchased for my kids. They did and purchased them that way. My kids seem to love the lenticulars by the way. My son Dylan can’t stop playing with McQueen and my son Derick with Chick Hicks. I also got them Mater and I forget, Radiator Springs or Cruisin McQueen, I keep getting those 2 confused. Anyways, they have not opened those yet. I will probably not collect the lenticulars, but so long as my kids want them, I will buy them for them to play with. After all, it is because of them that I collect them in the first place so who am I to decide right?

    • jestrjef says:

      I wonder what my two kids will think of them. I have not shown them yet. I do not want to start a tidal wave of GIMMIE those new ones with the eyes. Once there are more characters availible, I can see a possible problem for our WALLET! 🙂

    • Aaron and Jeanne from Joplin Missouri says:

      yes you are right! they will all scan except the chase! i stood there and told them to scan something else too hahah this was 2 days ago they still wern’t scanning

  • MaterJr says:

    I got two Fillmores yesterday and one has the new eyes and the other looks like the old fillmore with the old eyes. Both are new packaging.

  • CaptainChunk says:

    Our local WM red tagged the classic singles down to $1 over week ago and now has blank pegs just sitting there with nothing on them.

  • Daniel says:

    Long Live Target!!!

  • jestrjef says:

    8 of the 10 Walmarts that I have called in the last week do not have these in their system yet. I think it is based off of how many mainline singles they still have on he pegs.

    The two stores that were nearly empty with classics were the stores I found the CRAZY EYE cars!!

    Don’t get to excited for me, there were NO Sarge to be seen!

    • Aaron and Jeanne from Joplin Missouri says:

      when we found our first sarge it was hanging on a peg. but the second walmart they had the lenticulars crammed on the pegs and no sarge or ferrari to be found and we saw some laying on the shelf buried and thats where we found 2 more sarges.. so not sure if someone was hiding them or what 🙂

  • Chris says:

    the last post should read at the begining “are the newer cars…..

  • Chris says:

    are the newers going to come in the mainline singles and lenticulars?
    example funny eyes todd and regular todd.

    (MET: Yes, eventually).

  • Matt says:

    Still not buying the lenticulars….

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