Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Kmart CARS Collector CASE K UPDATE #3 – MORE PRE-SALE COMING!!
June 4, 2009 9:45 AM PDT UPDATE
600 more cases are on their way to’s warehouse!! Just got the news – CONFIRMED!
So SOLD OUT for now but check back … NascarBroncosFan got word from a customer service rep that they show they are coming in today to Kmart’s warehouse. Whatever their internal processes are so that they show up and available to order are another question – it’s it’s quick – maybe it shows up early tomorrow morning (like last time) or maybe it might take another day but it should be very soon. Last time it went on sale a little after 5:30 AM EDT (2:30 AM PDT) so it would not be surprising if that happened again.
It’s ..
The Kmart Collectors Day cases are now available to order.
Click on the graphic or the link to go to
If you click on the link, you get this page below – which is definitely weird – major web stores will list something as SOLD OUT or CHECK BACK but to delete the page, that’s weird so maybe they are going to re-load it elsewhere? Or put up a new URL? Don’t know. For now, we’ll have to guess it’ll be the same url as before but until something goes back up? …
Price by the way is the same for a case from last year – shipping is probably $7 per case but there is an offer of free shipping for purchases over $75 but no additional info or code required (it seems) s0 it should show up automatically when you buy some Martha Stewart dinner gongs and a case of CARS. 🙂
Now for a limited time only, you can purchase all of the actual Kmart Collector Store Event vehicles on We are offering a limited supply of the Cars Character Cars cases (18 per case) packed especially for this event online! Better grab ’em while you can as these cases will disappear fast! These cartons will feature a unique mix of Cars Character Cars and will feature Kmart Exclusive Cars Racers Vehicles with Real Rubber Tires including: #33 Mood Springs, #35 Shifty Drug, #90 Bumper Save, #79 Retread, #51 Easy Idel, #123 No Stall, #117 Lit Torquey, #121 Clutch Aid, #4 Tow Cap and other highly collectible Pixar Cars Character cars as well.
They only ship to US plus US territories. Plus tax but you’d pay that anyway … except for states with no sales tax, of course.
And great news – available for GIFT WRAP so if you want to be 7-years old and celebrate the year end holidays in June … 🙂
Some people have asked why are they doing this?
Because they love you with all the hearts?
Okay, a more realistic answer?
Why not?
They get to sell you a full case at full retail – saves them a lot of work.
And they probably noticed that in some cities & stores, they simply had too many cases for too few customers and those stores had to mail them back to the fulfillment center (save 1 case) to resell online after the event. So, this way, they can ship less to their stores and more directly saving and making them more money.
So, now – when will pre-sales be “up?” Last time, the “email me” feature was up for about a week before the CARS were available to order so check back … don’t fall asleep on us, soldier!
When will they start shipping? They seem to offer shipping info that it will arrive as soon as June 4th indicating it will ship out today but elsewhere says it won’t ship until June 20 … so I guess for those who ponied up for overnight, we’ll know in a couple days 🙂
Post with rest of details HERE.
Thanks NascarBroncosFan-Kevin for your non-shut eye for 72 hours? 96 hours? 120 hours? … and for being the lonely sentry at Kmart Hill. We salute you!
So how many did you buy?
As a CONFIRMATION of your order, you should receive an email that looks something like this (with your info, of course 🙂 ).
You should be fine if you received this email. But if you typed your email address incorrectly or you thought it be funny to give out a fake email address :-/ … you can always check on ORDER STATUS of order by going to the top right hand side of the front page at and type in the email address you listed and your order number.
Or as NascarBroncosFan did on one order, he received this email (with personal info removed) – clearly the order was canceled.
Dear Customer, Thank you for shopping at Unfortunately, demand for the item(s) that you ordered was so great; we do not have any more in stock. Consequently, we are not charging your credit card and canceling the order for the following item(s):Shipping Address:
Canceled Items for this Address: YOUR PERSONAL ORDER INFORMATION Order Date: 03-Jun-2009 If you have any comments or questions, please email us at or call us at 1-866-KMART-4U or 1-866-562-7848. Best regards, Customer Care |
UPDATE -SOLD OUT (for now?)
How many cases did they pre-sell – a thousand or two?
According to NascarBroncosFan, it went up at 2:28 AM PST (5:28 AM EAST) – and a sellout at 7:30 AM PST (10:30 AM EST?)? What’s the earliest attempt to order and you were turned away? Time and your time zone?
As Jericho1 points out, no email from – never received mine – anyone else? Last time, the email notification system seemed to have worked.
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Walmart “Deleted” Thing | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Lightning McQueen Mia Tia + 8 » |

Has anyone gotten their cases from the June 5th order date yet? My order status still says “processing”. Any idea what is going on?
I checked my status the other day……..
same deal
For the sake of argument:
Expected individual sales price of KMART DAYS II CARS based on last years aftermarket conditions (consider this years as well, which are higher)and current market conditions of new CARS as a whole:
Racers with Synthetic Rubber Tires (minimum price, not to exceed $25.00 dls).
Bumper Save $9.99
Clutch Aid $14.99
Easy Idle $14.99
Lil’ Torquey Pistons $14.99
Mood Springs $9.99
No Stall $9.99
Retread $14.99
Shifty Drug $9.99
Tow Cap $9.99
New Debuts:
Mini (Mrs. Van) $6.99
Vitoline Pitty $6.99
Mario Andretti (Red Rims) $9.99
Fairly New:
Patty: $4.99
Todd, Pizza Planet Truck: $4.99
Expected to be the regular classic:
Lightning McQueen: $2.99
Buying this whole set individually would cost you: $146.85
The case has 2 of each: Bumper Save, Mood Springs, and Shifty Drug, a $29.97 dollar aftermarket value for the extras. (All of this excluding shipping of course.) So we have here a total of $176.82.
Question: How much should a sealed CASE K be worth in the aftermarket?
Should put this on the newer one, right under slicepie’s comments!
Well said!
damit..thought i had…that was my inspiration for writing it. just for the record, i was among the many take5ers that psts/jake/slicepie consulted. ill put it again.
no wonder i could not find my own post..haha.
And I would think that these figures are somewhat conservative considering that the leaked Mood Springs with rubber tires is currently selling for over $30.
Success! Now to find my old Wal*Mart receipts to return some of the Cars that will be duplicated! Rest will be garaged sales this summer! We got free shipping by ordering some other items to push it over the requirement-Bird Seed anyone?? 🙂
Where is everybody?
So who got what? I got my 2 cases! But I would not care to go through this again anytime soon! I feel like I just gave birth!
Well, I see we are back in business! So who got how many cases?
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
I never got an email notification this time either. This is 2 times I have missed out on the event case. I spoke to a customer service rep who basically said the same things I saw here. So did anyone score a case or was it a waste of time.
(MET: Go to front page of T5 🙂 ).
I am waiting for the in-store event on June 20, but I had some fun with a know-nothing Personal Shopper today at
Victor L.: Welcome to our Personal Shopper Service. My name is Victor L.. How may I assist you?
you : Hi Victor, I am just checking in to see if there will be another Disney Collector Cars presale today?
Victor L.: As your Personal Shopper, I will be happy to help you out with that for you. Our goal is to be the one-stop solution for all your needs. Where did you hear this at?
you : I saw it was coming soon, and I signed up to be notified by email, but a friend told me it already sold out yesterday. I never got notified by email.
Victor L.: To be honest there is no Disney Collector Cars sale of any kind. If you signed up for that email, then you should receive an email a day before the sale will begin. I do apologize for any inconvenience. Are there any other questions I can help you with today?
you : It took place yesterday morning on
you : I signed up for the email alert earlier this week, but was notified when this event would take place.
Victor L.: They are going to be on sale on June 20, 2009. If there is a pre-sale you should receive an email regarding that. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Victor L.: Are there any other questions I can help you with today?
you : No, thank you. I am very dissatisfied with
Victor L.: I apologize you feel that way. At the end of this chat you may receive a Customer Survey. We welcome you to share your feedback about your experience. Thank you for choosing Personal Shopper today.
Victor L.: You could express how you feel in the survey. I apologize for any inconvenience and I am sorry you feel like that about Kmart.
Victor L.: Good-bye, and have a great day!
They have no clue what they are talking about! First there is no such thing as the Cars sales event. Then they just ignore the fact that they said the wrong thing and gave out misinformation. Then they don’t even respond to the fact that NOBODY received the email notification they signed up for. What a joke!
Any bozo could be a Kmart personal shopper – I think I will be one for tonight. Does anyone have any questions for me….
(MET: Funny you should mention ‘questions’ SEE NEW POST 😉 ).
Yeah, how much for a smurf??? HEEEEELLLLLLLOOOOOOOO SHELBY!!
For you – free of charge! What’s up jazzy? School out yet?
One day for kids 3 for me . . . Is it WEDNESDAY YET?!?!
How about you?!?! Gotta be close to closing up there too . . . or are you stuck making up all those snow days??
Last day with kids is Tuesday, June 23rd – ughhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
(MET: BTW, Shelby is a teacher and not abandoning children by the railroad tracks 🙂 um, I am correct, right? 🙂 ).
Did anyone select overnight or two day shipping?
If you picked overnight – did you get yours?
I selected standard shipping, due after June 8, 2009. Anyone received an email confirming a shipped status?
I ordered Next Day. Nothing as of 5pm. PST.
Thank you so much for all the info.
does anyone know if the preorder will show with the picture of the item before they actually go on sale? I can then atleast save that page to my favs.
The last time it was up it was at the following link
It did have a picture of the cars.
Thanks guys!
Since this appears to be the only thread people are watching at the moment…
Can someone remind me which case the Dinoco Showgirls are supposed to be in? I have found both the Chick Hicks Fans and Spare Mint Racing packs, but no Dinoco Showgirls. I thought that the Chick Fans were case E and Spare Mint was case D and both of those had Dinoco Showgirls in them. Did I miss an update?
They bumped the Showgirls and replaced them with Chick Fans Mia & Tia. I haven’t heard for sure when they will release the Showgirls.
Yep — check out these 2 posts:
Also, MET posted that the Showgirls are scheduled for Case E but he strongly emphasized that COULD change.
My comment has been awaiting moderation for about a half hour now. I had 2 hyperlinks to Met’s Showgirls posts, but in the meantime, just type Showgirls in the Take5aDay Search, and read the first 2 posts that appear.
They were also slated for Movie Moments, but there’s no way they would fit, unless they doubled the height of the bubble (and called it double bubble???). I’m not certain they would fit in a 3-pack either.
Perhaps Mattel is holding off and will release them as Mega-Sized?
NOT to be confused with Double-Bubble Mint Gum or Double Trouble Blondes….
oh wait, another 1977 flashback…Opps
I love double-bubble gum, the taste reminds me of the gum in the packs of baseball cards (do they still have those?)
(MET: Collectors didn’t like gum bleeding through to cards).
Kmart Day RESET List:
Kmart has NOT reset its sale on disney cars collector 18 pack.
But important news: You on this list get notifed FIRST as promised of the information below:
I had a phone call just a few minutes ago.
customer service supervisor told me that since the one order was placed less than 1 minute with another order (i had several windows open to hit comfirm purchase TOO FAST for each other window) ONE was canceled….flagged it as a possible duplicate charge.
I asked to replace this order and told her that I know that more are coming can you place the order now?, No she says, BUT I can check on when the restock will be in the warehouse……
So she told me that New re-stock was going to be in by Tommorrow morning, and after asking her what time, she said probably 6am, I asked what time zone she said I do not know which time zone they are in.
Again, as promised you on this list hear it first.
I have copied some overseas buyers and my USA wakeup call people on this 10 minutes ago FIRST. If you are NOT USA 50 states and have NOT paid and want your order, please contact me asap as I am here for the second coming of the 600 (sounds like Charge of the Light Brigade huh?)
You the man!
I was told that marketing reps ARE watching this site and i am pretty sure they reconized my email address when I chatted about my canceled order.
What do wanna bet they offer more Kmart cases?…maybe.
I bet people wish they had this reaction.
( I am laid off Hire me) See what you could get for free? bet you could get more if you had an actual person running it.
my .02
Didn’t know where to put this post so if it’s in the wrong place; sorry!!
Living in the UK we don’t have Kmarts. Could anyone trade Kmart Exclusives Vitoline Pitty, Clutch Aid, Easy Idle, Lil’ Torquey, Mood Springs and ReTread for my 2 FWDs new in Baggies…..please!! Let me know; or make a suggestion/offer on –
I’m desperate…help!!
Is the same link that we used for the first round of presales going to be the same for this second round of presales?
when i input my order number at it say i can not use this fuction. why? did my order go through? oh the pain of not knowing is killing me!
When Today? or yesterday?
you can check your own account by clicking on Order Status in the upper right hand corner on
I just checked my order. It says processing. It gives no delivery date. Should I be worried? Do you know if anyone has gotten there order yet (not next day service, just regular service)? Has anyone gotten a delivery date yet?
is there going to be a list of particapating stores for this event?
if so , where can i see it?
(MET: See first post – last link above).
did anyone answer the question about whether McQueen has rubber tires or not?
Met answered that one saying it almost definitely non-rubber.
Bareback McQueen?
Sheepskin McQueen?
I think Eminem wants one of those.
Has anyone who paid for overnight shipping received their cases yet? If so, then the others should be on the way. I am curious as to when we will actually get our cars.
Matt and others that paid for Overnight or expedited / faster shipping:
IF your credit / debit cards have been charged, YOU WILL be getting them. If No charges appear they have NOT shipped yet.
A D/P Collector wrote me to post this for everyone who had FAST SHIPPING:
Hi Kevin
I got my cases today, km sent me an email that I had them in my cart
and if I would like them, Of course YEA
Have people check there carts, if there in there, they will get them
Weren’t these pre-orders? Are they really arriving before the June 20th Cars Day itself???
Wow, the 2 Kmart posts this week are individually ranked 6 and 7 all time for most commented Take5aDay post, and combined will shortly eclipse the all time #1 post, which is
Wow this is an AMAZING job by Kev aka NASCAR . . .
Hey Mattel, I know you are reading this . . . GET MORE PRODUCT OUT THERE . . . WE ARE LIKE SHARKS AT A FEEDING FRENZY!!!!!!
CORRECTION: Get more NEW product out there!!
for those SHARK fans:
I was listening to the radio (WJNO Palm Beach, FL) in the car today, and I heard a teaser for a feature on how business executives are starting to turn to blogs about their companies’ products and services in order to be more in touch with the consumer. Unfortunately I arrived at work before the actual story aired and didn’t remember to sit in the car to wait and hear it – but obviously Mattel was not one of the examples used for that story…
(MET: You don’t say – what are you calling it – blogging?)
I’m not so sure Mattel is even aware of the Internet! If I understand it correctly, they’re using gigantic carrier pigeons to transport goods across the Pacific.
A big thank you to nacarfan for doing all that he does!!
And nascarfan too!
Darn Squirrels 😉
Just checking in @ 4:32 am
Disney Cars, Disney Cars Collector 18 Pack, diecast cars
no results.
Nascarfan & other board members
Thanks for offer of help to overseas collectors- my email address is
Have posted before but can’t seem to remember my user name so if Met can identify me would be useful as password reminder still requires user name.
Anyone still finding Wally’s available at Walmart as I’ll be hunting on my holidays if I can’t arrange a trade beforehand
Email sent
Nascarfan….has a man ever received so many plaudits in a forum !!
Sounds like you are the top man….
Any chance of ordering two cases for me (in the uk)?
Or do you know a man that can?
I will certainly try.
I have started Presale #2 List and take prepays buy paypal.
costs and shipping costs above somewhere..
Reminds me of Who or Led Zepplin Last concert tickets or similar….
if this were the mid 70’s we would all be sitting on the ground at the front door of the box office at the stadium…and passing around….
ANYWAY..sorry flashback there…..
110 Pacific, 310 Central
Site still down. Watch it pop back up when you least expect it with the pre order back on. See….they get you to let your guard down then BAM!!! Brilliant strategy. Make it as hard as possible to let people give you their money. I feel like I should have taken better notes in business school.
600 + 2 . I cancelled my first two orders that had single cases.
Now instead of selling out in 15 minutes, they will sell out in 15:02. 😉
and my 2 that were canceled… making it 604
Britt isnt it?
Yes sir, it is.
I haven’t had any cancelled yet…. maybe I should have hung on to those just in case… 😐
yeah i never received an email…
Holy Gazoonkas!!! over 300 posts!!! Are these little cars popular or something??? REPORT: Maintainence???
Mets link above and searched for disney cars collector 18 pack
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, [no address given] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Checked again 2:03am
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, [no address given] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Kmart Day K Case #1 Overseas preorders:
For those that were on My Kmart Day K Case #1 Overseas preorder list, check your email INBOX.
Thanks everyone.
If you missed this #1 List and are Overseas, I have started another list. Details are posted above.
Pre-pay is a MUST.
Just added a ile of numbers to my cell for wake up call lists.
If anyone wants to add me as well that would be great.
Thanks for the generous offer Nascarfan! Email with phone number is on the way. i would post more. i have to lurk during the day because my company’s system at work wont allow me to post messages. All of you have been a great help in my kids cars collection as well as giving me a healthy addiction. you all rock. thanks to all!
Thanks for the update Met and thanks for the offer on the call list Nascarfan.
If anyone knows when the next pre order event will be. could you please help me out. Its a surprise for my son.
I keep getting from kmart customer service, don’t know when or if well have anymore. Thank the lord for take five a day. Any help would be much appreciated!! Thanks! oh by the way I did not get an email either.
read upwards a few posts if you want on a call list
Thank you for adding me to your call list. Hope this time around i get these!
***damn Kmart! No email or nothing…. :-/
Hopefully Kmart will learn from this… they tried to limit three cases per person but they do not say anywhere on the page that three was the maximum you could order. Kmart also had the problem of posting it during a free shipping promo… great for customers dumb for them. They also did not anticipate the power of collectors with coupons. I am sure if they have another event it will be processed differently.
hey, this reset of 600 more cases… did we recruit the Hong Kong Couple to help out? giggle
Here is the email I got from Kmart after I thanked them for not emailing me:
Dear Mara,
Thank you for contacting
We appreciate your interest in the Disney Cars Collection Set and apologize you missed the presale. This item is a very popular item and there was only a limited amount of orders that could be placed for presale. The item will need to be ordered on or after 6/20/09. You will need to keep checking on to place the order once it comes that time. If you have any other questions, concerns or comments, please feel free to contact at the telephone number listed below or email.
Mary N.
Kmart Customer Care
1-866-KMART-4U (1-866-562-7848)
see!! exactly, they dont say anything about the email at all, and completly avoid your question.. .i posted earlier my husband called in to see what they would say and they couldnt/ didnt respond to anything he said about the email.. so i think they are right maybe it is just because it doesnt come out until the case is physically on hand to sell, not including presales? i dont know but its aggravating thats for sure. 🙂
so to me that makes it sound like the pre-sell isnt until the 20th or after. Not really a pre-sell then, eh?
as Met posted above:
June 3, 2009 1:30 PM PDT UPDATE
600 more cases are on their way to’s warehouse!!
Just got the news – CONFIRMED!
ATTENTION… Anyone overseas/USA, yes everyone… that missed out… that slept in etc… I am going to start another WATCH. If you want on this list. email me.
You can be “USA wakeup-on call list” to get your own or overseas on the “Overseas BUY LIST”
you got it! 🙂 lol im going to try to watch haha but i only make it until like 1 hahah 😀 thanks a bunch!
USA Wake Up Call list–I will need cell phone and email addy….I wont need pre pays from USA since USA addresses can get their own.
…………..OVERSEAS BUYERS!!!!!…………
Overseas buyers: I will need DEFINTE quantity. Pre pay a MUST.
Approx Cost of case, after tax = 71.00 each case + shipping
I will charge Paypal fee, 8.00 per 75.00 to 100.00 spent
Shipping estimates from the POST OFFICE in Utah:
Average case of 18 Cars weighs:
from 3 lbs. 8.0 ounces to 3 lbs. 12.1 ounces (this is the average of the 4 sealed cars H cases I had on hand to get tested)
SHIPPING 1 case of 18 cars is 31.40
to most of France, Germany, Netherlands, Austraila
(requires the small green-white label, not easily trackable,if at all trackable, NO inclusive insurance)
SHIPPING 2 cases of 18 cars is 48.60
to most of France, Germany, Netherlands
SHIPPING 2 cases of 18 cars to Austraila is 61.35
(requires the large white customs form, easily trackable if lost, 89.99 inclusive insurance)
SHIPPING 3 cases of 18 cars is 60.50
to most of France, Germany, Netherlands
SHIPPING 3 cases of 18 cars to Austraila is 81.95
(requires the large white customs form, easily trackable if lost, 103.03 inclusive insurance)
SHIPPING 4 cases of 18 cars is 69.50
to most of France, Germany, Netherlands
SHIPPING 4 cases of 18 cars to Austraila is 97.40
(requires the large white customs form, easily trackable if lost, 103.03 inclusive insurance)
Forgot to add:
Shipping Costs is GUIDELINE only.. It might be 1.00 or 2.00 more or less.. Use as a guidline.
Email on the way, thanks for everything you’ve done with this.
Now, about that job opening at…….
Nascar….I won’t get shut out again….Let this serve as my official request for a wakeup call. I got permission from Mrs. The King to have her sleep interrupted to buy sweet toys for my son (no wonder why I married her). My phone number is on its way.
Any idea how many cases they had this morning?
ok…Kmart removed everything from the site…even the location where the pre-order link was…that doesn’t seem promising…
I had it one minute..hit it’s gone…:(…and a new search resulted in nothing…aka bupkiss
BTW, now that we fortified our spam filter with more rocks and duct tape … if you try to rapid fire post, the filter thinks you’re trying to spam us versus being a helpful CARS commentator (though hopped up on caffeine, licorice and CARS fruit snacks) so you might need to wait :30 seconds or a minute between posts, I know that sounds crazy …
30 seconds??????????????????????
That’s what SHE said!!!! hahahahaha
Clearly I picked at bad time to move! Having little access to a computer is really crushing my groove
You are complaining about the chance to hit EVERY WM , Target and TRu across the USA….sigh…..have I taught you NOTHING???
You don’t have an army of scrubs to do your bidding and stay online for you? 🙂
sounds like Airplane movie reference:
I picked a bad time to:……….
quit sniffing glue
I’m going to sit in front of the Kmart website on my computer and hit refresh till i see something positive…a bright red K burned into my retina…anyone with me?
Way ahead of you, I’ve been seeing red since this morning. 😉
This page…Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Kmart CARS Day Case Pre-Sale “Email Me” Up – 354 comments …where NascarFan first told us about the presale, plus this page, currently 239 Comments kicks all the other records bumpers… of course though, it does not work that way!
woohooo i fell asleep and just woke up to that wonderful surprise!! anyone on a calling list that i can be added to hahaha i will keep watch as much as i can 🙂
(MET: See, being at Take5 is like being in a dream … 🙂 ).
haha yah i have been glued all day today
Row Row Row your Boat,…..gently down the stream… Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, TFAD is but a dream
Looking for a US board member willing to buy an extra case for a collector in the UK. Happy to tranfer funds via Paypal as soon as required or happy to part trade – have several 4WD’s available.
Will be in Florida early July so possibly ship within US to keep costs down.
PS looking for Wally to trade for 4wd
Check for My presale list #2.
anyone have EthansDad email address?
Met, are these cases intended for the post sale? Or will these also be presale quantities? And did your source give a time frame?
(MET: They are leaving Mattel’s warehouse as we speak to Kmart’s warehouse – not sure how far it’s going but sholdn’t take more than 2-3 days … my guess is Kmart wants to make sure it’s in their warehouse and inventoried before selling? So, yep, more burning the past midnight-closer to 2AM oil … you are still using whale blubber or kerosene? 😆 ).
Texas Tea silly…..
Excellent news on the extra cases becoming available. I guess I’ll be checking bright and early for the next few mornings.
Anybody in take5 land have an extra case or two? Missed it all, like so many different cars in Arizona right now. I don;t even have a Todd yet….
Nobody has any cases at all yet. That’s kinda the point. 🙂
Okay you got me with that one! I meant to say, can I get in on a pre-order with anyone:).
Pre order gonna happen again…be vigilant…you are on first watch…from now unntil Friday midnight,,the Holy Geek Boy from Midnight till MOnday 6 am…if you guys fall asleep at your post, you are still responsible for getting me a case!
Now if we can just get a definite day and time.
Hey…Saluting Sarge is on Ebay for 40$…hahahahaha
This situation is stressful 🙁
(MET: You should ask the guy if he obtains merchandise the same way he obtains photos – by lifting them from another website? 🙁 ).
no kidding!
I WANT 2 CASES!!!!!!!
Comment 226!!! is that a record?!?!
Not anymore 🙂
Lets hope those on the west coast get a chance to wake up before they go on sale. I say we give MET and nascarfan our phone #’s and for a nominal fee they will call us direct when they hear the news
You should just do what I do – have your son wake you up at 3:00 am because he wet the bed and needs new pajamas, sheets, pillow, comforter, etc.
I think I have the same son as you
Met wrote:
June 3, 2009 1:30 PM PDT UPDATE
600 more cases are on their way to’s warehouse!!
Just got the news – CONFIRMED!
I just hope there are some left for the stores on June 20th!!
If anyone has an extra case to sell, please let me know. Please contact me at
Thanks in advance
You realize you’ll be paying twice for shipping & PayPal? Is there not a Kmart near you for the June 20th event?
yes, there is but I have my cousin’s graduation party to go to that day. I’m was hoping to to make it to Kmart, but I don’t think I will.
Though with the news of more cases comign to, I may still have a chance at getting one.
190 comments that fast!>?
and to think, we did it without MEGAHEAT!!!!!!!!!
Lot of first timers, and lurkers too….
Definitely hit a nerve with this one Met & Kevin (NascarFan)!
There hasn’t been this much traffic on this site since MET posted those naked pictures of Sally…
I still say those were photoshopped using a different model Porsche, but Met insists they were from Sally’s early days in L.A.
weren’t they originally featured in PlayCar Magazine?
I thought her first expose was in Hubbs…
I was confused, I thought he posted the error pictures of Slicepie
nooooooo….you’re thinking of that other website you frequent.
Actually, Slicepie’s Avatar.
ahhhh those CONES!!!
they sure seem cozy.
Always knew you were a Cone Man PD!
YOU MEN! Always thinking about the CONES!!! 😉
What about your Maine Cones Cat?
or is that Coon? Sorry, I have Cones on the brain…
We also appreciate a nice BUMper!!
and to think like 20 messages hooked on to mine about sally naked where did that come from…wheres sally?…”sally with cones”…LOL!u guys are funny “how bought that bumper!
well sally did have a nice tatoo “pinstriping” on her rear BUMper, and you know dem ladies with tats back there like to get buck wild. and you all thought mater was joking when he claimed that sally just “wants him for his body”. mcqueen lubricated with rust-eze or mater all rusty..dont make a difference to her.
I was one of the unlucky ones this morning with the whole order cancellation thing, and I will be out of town on business during the K-Mart Cars day.
If anyone has, and is willing to sell me one (1) case, please drop me an email to
Thank you in advance!
Does that mean that you had an order placed, received confirmation and then they cancelled it too?
Met, the sellout was earlier than you posted in the blog. It quit working around 9:00 AM CDT, 8:00 MDT, 7: PDT for me. Kevin alerted at 4:40 AM CDT (5:40 Eastern). Quick work Kevin!
Uh oh. I have a confirmation from 8:47am. No cancellation yet. showing order still active. Here’s hoping I get my one box. 🙁
I missed out. If anyone would like to help out a CARS enthusiast I would be willing to pay extra to get my hands on 2 cases (1 for son to open, 1 to relive his youth by opening when he’s 35) unless I have another chance to buy again online. Please contact me. Thanks and congrats to the lucky!
PirateDad will be more than happy to…er…no wait, he can’t anymore…
Okay, I think I’m done now.
Got it out of your system now?? LMAO!!!!
YES (unless I think of something else funny).
Dont stop now that was the best one yet
Somebody must have sent them a picture of you…it wasn’t me, I swear!
BOY am I ever feeling the love !!! I am laffing my bumper off right now and PirateSon is giving me the “what is wrong with you look?” but you replies have been HILARIOUS!!!
I’m sorry to take unfair advantage of a situation that is obviously not too funny to you, but I just can’t help myself…it’s like scratching an itch 😉
Ironically, had you sent them my picture, I SHOULD have got my order…after all, wood you want me coming in YOUR store????
LMAO…hadn’t thought of it that way…too true…
That really sucks PD…. I think the big question is, had you gotten the confirmation email first, and then the cancellation one, or just the cancellation one…. If you got confirmed first, then I think we will all be on pins and needles.
BTW – my favorite comment from Daddy O is the Main Coon Cat name and that in iteself being cabable of killing someone. Although I do agree that it appears to be the intent of the cat to kill poor old Fiddleheads.
(MET: I think if you only got the confirmation email, you are good to go by now).
I did get the nice confirmation email…then 8 hours later the one above…hopefully they just don;t like Cdn Pirates…how they saw through my 123 Fake St, Springfield USA address I will never know?!
Confirmation Email 8:14
Cancellation Email 2:44
Mocking comments from DaddyO 3:15
Paying with Mastercard: Priceless
Just got this…
Dear Customer,
Thank you for shopping at Unfortunately, demand for the item(s) that you ordered was so great; we do not have any more in stock. Consequently, we are not charging your credit card and canceling the order for the following item(s):
Canceled Items for this Address:
Cars Collector Event 18 Pack
Item #: 004W025571110001
Qty. Canceled: 3
Date Canceled: 03-Jun-2009
Price: $197.97
Order Date: 03-Jun-2009
Payment Method: M
Subtotal: $189.02
Discount: $-8.95
Tax: $16.83
Shipping Fee: $8.95
Total: $214.80
It is because I am Canadian and they found out right??!?! WTH!?!?!
I’m sorry, I specifically told them afterwords that I was only kidding when I told them to cancel your order…
Maybe it’s a problem with your credit card…give me the credit card number, exp. date and CID number and I’ll let you know if that’s the issue…
LOL on both of your replies DaddyO!!
Uhhh, but NOT LOL at you PirateDad 🙁
My order # WAS 76931474…. hope this does not happen to everyone…
All jokes aside PD (although I do reserve the right to make more jokes) I wasn’t going to go to KMart on 6/20 but I will go and to try to get you these Cars.
DaddyO, once again you have blown my mind with your generousity…. thankfully L8rM8r has a case for me… so although I find your offer truly wonderful, it is not necessary! I was grabbing these cases for chuki_mama and her sister and another Cdn Collector, so hopefully they can get there….DAMN this sucks!
Okay, so I will re-revise my re-revised plans for 6/20…
WTF…what time did you place your order? Was this the only order you placed? This is unreal!
I’m happy to hear most of you guys were able to order cases and hope the folks who couldn’t will get another chance to. 🙂
The weird thing about this whole Kmart Cars case ordering thing for me was that I was waking up at 5am eastern time without an alarm clock for the past several days. Now I NEVER do that…I tend to sleep until at least 6-6:30am. Last night I brought my laptop into the bedroom so I could check during the night. I get woken up several times a night by my Maine Coon Cat who likes to lay down across my throat to sleep. At 11 weeks old she’s no light weight so needless to say I wake up gasping for air! I seriously think she’s trying to kill me. Anyway…last night she slept at the end of the bed and I ended up sleeping thru the night. My eyes popped open at 5am and in a panic I checked I was sure I had missed ordering the case. Boy… was I relieved when I didn’t see that “add to cart” button. Tried to go back to sleep. No dice. Got up, made coffee and refreshed the page every 30 minutes or so. Around 6:15am I saw that the cases were available for pre-order. My hands were shaking as I went thru the process of placing my orders. I thought I was going to be waiting ages for pages to load because of customer traffic but it was all smooth sailing. I didn’t catch the $25 off coupon but I did get $5 off plus free ship. I think I might have done my ordering a$$backwards but I registered with using three different email addresses. I got three of those $5 off offers. I used all three be placing three separate orders. Got confirmation about 5 minutes later for my orders. I really hope they aren’t canceled…as well as anyone else’s orders. What a let down that would be.
I still plan on taking my son to the KM Cars event. We go to all the Hot Wheels events and went to last year’s Cars event. He had so much fun! Not sure if they will get as many Cars cases this year as they did last year but since I have already pre-ordered the cases I won’t have to worry about that. It will be fun just to go to the event with my son and meet other collectors. 🙂
Anything with the name “Maine Coon Cat” has to be capable of killing you…I don’t even need to see what it looks like…
Actually Maine Coon Cats are very sweet. They get HUGE though. They can reach up to 20-30 lbs in weight. If Marnie gets to be that heavy she is banned from sleeping on the bed! I don’t want anyone reading about me in the obituaries…”Maine Woman Dies, Smothered to Death by Cat”. 😉
(MET: You sure Maine is not an island? – you have a lot of funny critters and plants there 🙂 ).
A cat THAT big could swallow LMQ whole!! Rubber tires and all!
It’s like having a really furry three-year old kid that only says Mew.
PD, don’t you have a Maine Coon Cat hat?
the paragraph above is the same story for me…. when I was entering my credit card number I felt like if I did not do it fast enough I would miss out.
Glad I got in to presell the case… Last year was a fiasco…
Arrived just before 11am with my 4 year old (who was in a cast having broken his arm the week prior)
3 count ’em 3 people were already in line holding all 6 cases that were made available to this store…
I actually asked all of them if they would be kind enough to give 1 of each of the new cars to my 4 year old…
Not ONE would offer anything. The manager of the store clearly had no intention of doing this offer correctly and just shrugged his shoulders saying he could not do anything about it… HOW ‘BOUT stopping these people from buying ALL of them!?!?! They were still in line!!!
Going to go to this store again this year to see what happens…
That has to be the saddest Cars story I’ve ever heard. Should’ve gottemn your son to knock someone out with his cast…he would only have been tried as a minor and at most gotten six months probation…easy time. And of course his record would get expunged when he becomes 18.
I’m the type of person who holds a grudge, so if I were you I would make sure I was first in line this year and buy all the cases and wait for the same three people to show up so you can show them what revenge is. Of course if those three people bought their cases online today and don’t show, all of your efforts will be for naught, but hey, you can always return the cases…
It was really miserable that scalpers wouldn’t share Cars with a 4 year old kid, but encouraging your child to assault strangers over such a minor slight would be much more trashy.
Good luck at this event, UncleSkippy! Hope the scalpers have developed a conscience in the interim…
Sheesh, even if you had asked me in the parking lot for a spare set, I probably would have GIVEN them to you that day! I cannot believe how unhuman some of us are!
I know… it was LONG ride back to my house that day… Luckily I had some other items in the house to appease him…
But he never forgets those Cars from that day… I had shown him pictures.
I was able to get them some months later and it made a HUGE hit at his birthday recently. I wish I got his comments on tape… “remember Uncle Skippy… last year… those people were mean to me…”
In the end he got what he needed Carswise and I didn’t loose my shirt to get them… and hopefully Mickey learned to be kind to people in the process!
(MET: Glad it ended well … but that day, just too sad 🙁 …).
damn… I would have offered them to your kid… wow some people
I never got an email saying they were available! And I put in 3 different email addresses!!
glad i missed out on the pre sale now i can just go to the store and buy the cars i want.NNOOOO JUNK!!
That’s what I’m telling myself too. 🙂
Ditto Ditto Ditto!!
JUNK??? just 1 mcqueen, the rest are all pretty much new or exclusive. there is no junk here in this case assortment. hence the success of the CASE presale. now you can go to the store and HOPE to buy the cars that you want. whatever cars you may need after the event, i am sure many of the fine folks around here will hook you up.
I agree…even if Rubber Wheels are just a gimmick, it does make them collectable and different…AND if MQ has them too…no JUNK at all!
Lightning McQueen (no Rubber Tires)
Mario Andretti
Middle of the Road
Lightning McQueen (with Rubber Tires)
Bumper Save
No Stall
Shifty Drug
Tow Cap
Never Seen in the Wild in These Here Parts
Vitoline Pitty
Clutch Aid
Easy Idle
Lil’ Torquey Pistons
Mood Springs
So you see, I really just need 7 of the 18.
(MET: On the 20th, you should set up a table by the CARS line and take a Craftsman hammer and smash 11 of the CARS … and shout, “Damn, these are good hammers … John … SMASH! You got anything else you want me to hammer?” Be sure and film it for YouTube … and if they try to arrest you, just yell – Fukudomo to you!” 🙂 ).
Okay, I will give you Mario…but if he has Red Rims…then he is NEW…and since I don’t have Todd or Patti, they are NEW to me…now Bumper Save and the other racers are pushing it with their rubbers, but they are grooved for your pleasure!!
don’t you think the rest that you dont want or need would be great trading value for future releases, like..well current salutin sarge. gotta look at the big picture…not just immediate needs..but future..get extras if you can because one mans junk is another man’s treasure. dont you think if i had an extra..say transberry juice or view zeen..that i could trade it right now for a chase salutin sarge?
Oh no doubt, I will fill the ol’ Minivan that day if I can!!! 🙂
First make room in the garage…sell the pitties and blimps!
(MET: It’s your fault for collecting 1:1 scale Pitty’s … same with your blimp collection? 🙂 ).
Someone say blimps????
<~~~~~~ Still having blimp nightmares… 180…
LMAO…both Indy and Met’s comments!!!
I missed out on the kmart pre sale. Does anyone know if any of the kmarts in the southern california are having kmart days ive been to a few and they dont seem to know what im talking about. Thanks guys.
(MET: Still too early but we should see a mention in the Sunday circular that goes on June 14, 2009 AND you should see a poster by the 16th).
For the last KMArt day none of the stores here knew anything about the event either, yet miraculously, the day of, they all had the Cars.
The stores probably don’t even get the cases until the week of the event so they might not even know anything about it until then for the most part anyway…
one of the 2 kmarts i called today said that they just got the information today .. the other one knew exactly what i was talking about
What are you trying to say? That your KMarts are better than mine?
no hahahaha i was just saying you were right that they have no idea whats going on lol
Glad you cleared that up…’cause otherwise you and I would have had to have a little chat out back… 😉
lol hahah
I’m sure your Kmart is BIGGER than mine!
you know what that say about guys with big KMarts….
Does anyone know if the cases will be available on on June 20th? How did it work on the last Kmart day?
(MET: Last time, they went on sale a week after … presumably what was left over .. it remains to be seen what will be left over after this pre-sale this time … and on the other hand, how many people here will NOT be going to the stores on the 20th?)
Last time there was no pre-sale that I know of; there was a post sale on a few days after for the cases that were not allocated to stores for the event.
To this day my local KMarts have huge stacks of Dinoco Chick Hicks. 🙂
Same here!
last year it was available after the event
Is it too much to hope that someone at Mattel will take notice of the success of this offering and realize what factors contributed to its success (i.e., reasonable case assortment, price and convenient method of purchase)?
Also, I’m sure this question was probably asked and answered someplace where I missed it, but does anyone know if McQueen will be wearing a rubber…er…I mean have the rubber tires?
I agree Daddy O, I mean, except for the last cars day, which was nice, and the first ever desert back case of cars, have you ever seen such an assortment. Can you say Jackpot!!!
Yup Matt, don’t think this would have been sold out if case K looked like case H.
Maybe he will be called Protection McQueen
Martin, I hadn’t read your post above until now. So someone at Mattel has made a note of the success of this offering… If I was the CEO and found out that whoever was in charge of Cars sales didn’t try to make 10 more successful offerings like this one before year-end, I would fire them, and then I would tar and feather them.
In fact, maybe I will go to the next shareholders meeting and bring this issue up…although I might have to wait a bit since the last one was just in May I believe.
Ladies & Gentlecars,
Just heard from my Marketing counterpart that this prebuy K-Mart online offering sold out in one day! Wow, the power of Mattel/Disney/Pixar Racers with Real Rubber Tires!
Sure wish Matty was here 🙂 Imagine these in a display case available to ship Internationally……….. Yuppers, let’s see what happens with our ’10 SDCC Rescue Mater offering on Matty. Another sell out meltdown?
Lucy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Youre Welcome Martin.
Now if we can get them to understand it wasnt A DAY but hours..litterally.
Another 50 cases for our sleepy heads???
As poorly as the whole thing was pulled off, it’s hard to believe Matty didn’t have a hand in the whole thing.
How many cases were actually made available? Not enough obviously.
LOL I am gonna pee my pants!
“Eight Is Enough”
I hate to say it but it is not due to “rubber tire” which aren’t rubber it’s synthetic. It’s becuase we don’t want to fight each other for the cars. LOL or wait a year to see spare mint. 🙂
It’s the assortment selection!
Is that the Marketing guy with the degree from the University of Duh?
AHHAHAHAHAHHAAA U.W.D’uh…too funny! But seriously…if you assort it we will buy!!
University of Duh… classic
IT WAS 4 HOURS and 20 minutes by my estimation to SELLOUT.
question: we didnt get to go to the first kmart day last year because we were on vacation in disney.. soo this year i am curious what time should we get there? because i just called the 2 kmarts that are closest to us and they said they dont start it until 10am? is that true since they open at 8?
They open at 8:00am, but the event should take place at 11:00am.
lol so should we be there at 8 hah 🙂
(MET: Keep in mind, you draw numbers so you could show up at 10:58 and draw #1 or you could be there at 8:01 and draw #20 … not saying you shouldn’t get there a little before 11 AM but it all depends on the # of cases and the # of other people at that store).
At least and hour early
dammit, it sent to fast……. at least and hour early but i recommend 9 9:15
ok awesome its an hour and 10 min away hahha so 9 sounds better than 8 hahah
didnt someone say before that it doesnt matter where you are in line though even if you are first that they randomly give out numbers or something??
yes thats true about random numbers but Tom hanks will steer you in the correct “direction” If he doesnt show up send hubby to sporting goods ilse
umm? seriously or joking hahahahah not about tom hanks hha about the sporting goods aisle????
Hey John, they make great football pads for the whole family right? PERFECT for these “outings”
baseball bats GUARANTEE GOOD TICKETS and a place in line
I’m bringing the Keg ‘o Mace again for this one!
lol we have some experience .. haha Day after thanksgiving for the last 4 years hahahah those people are bad are these people worse????
I’ve heard pulling the fire alarm minutes before the event begins works too.
(MET: Looks kids, we get to move up in the line because that police are taking that man away 😛 ).
I got there way early last time and all we did was stand around. I was first, and I didnt get “picked” until the 4th go-around so didnt even get to go thru a fresh box. Im getting there about 15 min early this time.
yeap… for Your Kmart Date Kit:
cell phone
munchies for the kids.
baseball bat from sporting good dept for the smartass ol man that yells DONT BEND THE CARDS
and various other umpire gear also available in the sporting goods
got it thats what i thought you guys had said before
If anyone gets an extra case they are willing to post to the UK, I would be delighted. We will never get to see these over here.
We have only just got the haulers!
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Anyone have an extra case?
I’m in Los Angeles, and if I didn’t work market hours, I don’t think I would have gotten any either. Thank goodness I make it a habit to check takefiveaday before I head to the office at 6am PST. I did order next day shipping, so we’ll see if it gets to me tomorrow.
Free shipping over 75 dls, basically buying at least 2 cases? Did you all notice that Delivery Charges charge? They include the Free shipping charge on the Additional Savings Line, only to add it again on the Delivery Charges line. So you still pay for it. Am I confusing this?
I am confusing it. The Delivery Charges line only mentions basically what you would have paid and it is removed essentially on the Additional Savings line.
🙁 not fair for people on the west side… i never got a chance to buy it online.
This is ridiculous, I got no email, and if anyone has an extra box I will buy it from you. I will be in Florida and out of town, so I will not make it to K mart. This sucks. Please email me at Thanks
we have kmarts in florida too you know! 🙂
I placed orders about 3:38- 3:40 am mountain time and there were two others mmaybe three others right before me.
lol so my husband called kmart just to be sneaky hahah and said we didnt get the email and its already sold out just to see if they would do anything.. and they put him through to a supervisor lol and wouldnt let him do anything … so he said ‘i dont want to give my business to kmart if they cant follow through with things they advertise will happen’ haha just to see what she would do and all she said was ‘well thats fine’…. not so nice lol oh well it was worth a shot haha and she didnt say anything about the email whether or not it was or wasnt supposed to be sent out 🙂 of course we are going on june 20 now lol but we will have to watch the site now … 6am central? geeeezz lol i dont get up until 830 and i woke up late sooo darnit lol 🙂
I’m very interested to know how you said this to them because depending on the tone of you, the customer, I may have done the same thing. I work in a call center and no one ever calls to say thank you or good job. And the process of sending an email is 100% automated and it gets old to have to transfer people to supervisors because most know less than the actual employees. LOL and I am sure I make more than my immediate makes.
i actually work for Disney and get crappy people all the time that yell for supervisors lol we dont even have supervisors the people we transfer to are actual people that are just regular cust service people that actually work in orlando… so no he didnt say it as a jerk he just said it to see where he could get with it.. not sure where you were going with that, but we were just trying to find out why NONE of us got the emails and noone from kmart could even answer that.
and he didnt ask for a sup 🙂 she just transferred him there.. why?? because she didnt know the answer lol
I am sure they didn’t know the answer. Seems like web centers and store always have two different answers. I wasn’t saying he was a jerk I was just asking LOL 🙂
Supper sad about working for Disney, I have a dream to do that but am second guessing myself after visiting CA. It was a dump and the customer service was horrible there. I would never go back to Disneyland.
i believe the preorder may have gone live around 5:30 am central and may have ended by 9:00 am central, estimated.
Sounds about right. I refreshed my screen around 8:43am central time and it said out of stock.
Actually it went live just before approx 4:40 AM Central CDT. 4:40 AM Central CDT is the exact time stamp on my cell phone when I received the call from NasCarBroncoFans. He was quick on the call. It went dead around 8:50 AM CDT but like Josh said a little earlier (8:43 Central).
A total of 4 hours to order.
And when I ordered the first time it would only let you put one case in the preorder.
I had to order twice to get my two cases. Later on it let you order 3 at a time, but not at 5 am.
i believe the “email me when available” feature is supposed to be sent on june 20th, when they are phsysically and readily available (in physical stock, no preorder) to ship upon ordering. it might not get sent on the 20th because, well, the item sold out via preorder, it will not be readily available anymore by that time. the only way you would get an email notification would be, if by june 20th, they have physical and readily available stock.
If anyone was able to get an extra case – I would love to buy an extra case for my boys! I am in Canada and sadly cannot make it out on the 20th.
sweet, glad I got mine this morning. I am so happy!
Thanks NASCAR and MET!
Checking this site first thing in the AM paid off. Now I don’t have to run to KMart on 6/21.
By the way I used the code KMART5OFF50 to get $5 off and went through ebates to get 2% cash back. Total came to $70.21 and I’ll get another whopping $1.40 cash back.
Well congrats to those of you who were able to get orders pushed through, I can’t believe how poorly KMart has handled this whole thing.
Wow that was fast – Nascar when did it go live? I think I ordered mine around 6:30 and it would only let me order one at a time. I wonder how many total cases there were? That might have been faster than the MSOS sets sold out!!!!!!
yah i never got the email either 🙁
That is strange I did get an e-mail telling me that they were available for purchase at around 6:45AM EST.
Never mind I was wrong the e-mail was not from Kmart
oh haha i was like LUCKY lol 🙂
Kmart canceled one of my orders, anyone have extras?
What did they say when they cancelled the order? Did you get an email about it?
(MET: See second update at bottom of post with example of confirmation and/or cancellation email).
It really should have been limited to one per customer, per address.
Those of us who can’t stay up all night watching for a website link to go “live” can now read things like “I got my 3 cases!” and “Oh no, they canceled 1 of my cases!”
Plus, I never received the email notice that they were available.
I dont think anyone got emails. I remember last year, after the event when they sold some online, they had the “email me when available” also and NO email then either.
I didnt get an email either. I was devoted to helping EVERYONE and I am sorry that some couldnt get theirs. This wasnt a last minute post. I tried to break the story asap without to much doubt BEFORE shooting my mouth off.
However, I am concerned that iamspeed is upset with me?
So apparently, signing up for the e-mail that was supposed to have been sent to notify you when product was avialable was just a waste of time. Classic K-mart.
Our nickname for Kmart here is Kame-apart for exactly these reasons and more!!!
Yah – I missed it! I can’t believe Kmart didn’t send the email notification. I am so upset!
Even if Kmart had sent the notifications, doubt that it would have made a difference anyways; because if you had time to check your mail for it, you all would have had time to check the kmart website and take5 to know it was up to preorder. The only notification to have signed up for was with NASCARBRONCOSFANS, whom imediately notified MET to post to TAKE5 in time for us all to preorder. The only culprit here was the early time that it went up. Most of us where asleep. You know what they say, you snooze you lose. Hopefully the second round of preorders will be up soon. Just keep checking both kmart and tfad sites or send your info to nascar..he is always glad to help (though he could use some rest). What a dedicated trooper. We owe alot to him. I can’t thank him enough. I think I read here somewhere someone kind of knocking him for ordering too many cases that there were then none left. Remember, all those extra cases are for tfad members nationally and internationally that asked him for help and paid him in advanced so he could have the funds to do it. Not all have paid from what I know so he is financing some still. He is helping everyone out that ASKED for help. He is not making a single cent on this. It is in his pure nature to help.
now the item has vanished…….
for those interested in last years kmart exclusive racers. good deals i think.
eBay link 1
eBay link 2
getting better….
According to sources, on June 20th might be getting more online.
I hope so because I completely missed it. With 3 little kids, I was sleeping at this time. Ahhhh. Now I have to go to K-Mart day.
It won’t even let you click pre-order now. Does anyone think they will let people order again, or is it completely hopeless?
I would say very very likely we will see these pop up again.
And if not, you should find about 2,000 of these on the trading forum 😉
thanks guys:
got myself 2 cases. didn’t apply for the discount code. But still a great buy since there are no K-mart here in my states….
thank you again…
Hi All,
First post…but I’ve been lurking for awhile. I missed out on ordering a case of these for me & my son. If anyone ordered an extra case and can help me out, I’d appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
Great PhotoShopping on the “Up” photo Met!
It shows out of stock as of just shortly after 10:00 am
it wont let me order either its saying item not avail, but on the main page it still says preorder do you think its because im trying to order 2 at the same time?
Looks like it was still working for me. I just tried 3 cases and got all the way to PayPal. I did not order them but I think it is still working.
It lets you get all the way through entering your credit card information and address and then it says they aren’t in stock.
oh ok
Any consolation. The Hot Wheels collector case sold out 3 different times over the course of several weeks.
I ordered my case and received confirmation. I have not received any shipping info yet.
(MET: The new shorter red card is FERRARI F430 – Mario is only avail in CASE K).
Most likely, I don;t see them doing a separate Chase Card for each case…Chase BS Fred was the same at last years Kmart Day!!
Looks like they have sold out
I think some more will be released when they reset all the cancelled orders etc….
Thanks PD, I got my order in at 5:21 CDT this morning, thanks to Kevin’s alert phone call. But did not remember the fat wallet post until now, and tried to order again. Oh Well at least the first order was confirmed. No big savings for me.
Thanks I did, but tried to order two through the Fat Wallet discount. Did you use that discount? No I see you ordered one case. That may be the reason Fall Wallet?
Just tried to order and it says this:
The items requested below are not in stock:
Product Requested Qty. Available Qty.
#004W025571110001 2 0
Looks like you guys already bought them all up. That sucks!!!!!!!!!
Keep checking…some of us bought cases, then learned about the $25 coupon and had to re buy the cases, but our first cases may not have been cancelled yet…keep checking!
I tried the first time to buy 2 cases and it gave me that reply. So I thought maybe if I only ordered 1 case, it would work. NOPE! Still didn’t work.
I’m so bummed. I’ll keep trying though.
I also got that message the first time, when I tried to order more than one at a time. I used the KMART5OFF50 code which at least got me $5 off. Try again ordering one at a time!!!!
How can they just learn about it when I posted the $25 off link several days ago.
I know. I kept that site on my computer for the last 3 days. I just kept refreshing it. It worked . Thanks!!
too much “fluff” in the posts to find a link… people tend o read the last few posts and not the entire thing.
I just hope the $25 off coupon does not cause the order(s) to get canceled since it seems the coupon is a erroneous one. (at least in my view)
it was a fun 5 hours…. party over
maximize your money… use the $25 link above (you need two cases to qualify) and then the 3% cashback at FW
case comes to a fun $53 per case plus tax (and you get back 3% of the total price) … shipping is free
Thank NascarB. ordered one case and of course my son, wife and I will be at Kmart for the experience and to get another set of racers
Nascarfan, or anyone else for that matter be willing to send a case Australia bound?
Email is
Any help would be greatly appreciated. 🙂
Also, not sure if anyone has caught this or not, but the first teaser trailer for Toy Story 3 is up. Not to long, but great nonetheless.
how many do you want Seanus
Just one would be more then enough, Nascar.
You’re certainly a life-saver for us overseas cars collectors. ^_^
Seanus I ordered two extra to help with Nascar’s list. If he doesnt need one its yours (cost + ship + paypal) if you want it.
Yeah, that would be great Lorri.
I’m about to hit the hay (it’s 1am, :P) so I’ll go over everything in the morning when I can concentrate a bit better. 🙂
Thanks again guys!
Thanks Nascar and Met!
I bought one case and used a $5.00 off coupon code that worked: KMART5OFF50
Also, you can get an additional 2% cash back (don’t spend it all in one place) if you go to the KMart site via
Hopefully this won’t be like the Amazon/Target Hauler presale.
As I was typing that I bought one case it reminded me of a scene from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory when the teacher (Mr. Turkentine?) asks Charlie, for purposes of a math exercise, how many wonka bars he opened and Charlie says “one” and the teacher assumes he means 100 but Charlie corrects him and says “not 100, just one” and the teacher gives him a look of utter contempt and disgust and says “what do you mean you only opened one?”…
I ordered multiple cases… there seemed to be a limit of 3 cases per transaction. Thank you everyone… Now I can just have fun at the event and meet friends from Indianapolis after… it will be nice not to worry about getting the Cars at the event.
Kevin the CARS MAN!!!!!
i oredered two also. still going to get a few extras of some cars. Thanks nascarbroncosfan for all the detail!
OK. I got my 2 cases ordered. (One for my 6 year old and one for me.) Now, I’m looking forward to September (or is it October) for the next KMart Day. Any word on the cars that will be offered then?
This is what I have heard regarding the 2nd KMART CARS DAYS EVENT this year, KMART CARS DAY III. It will take place on October 17, 2009. The exclusive cars will be, also with Synthetic Rubber Tires and exclusive packaging:
1. Leak Less (classic)
2. N2O Cola (debut as a carded single)
3. Octane Gain (previously released as launcher)
4. Rev-N-Go (debut as a carded single, most sought after)
5. Re-Volting (debut as a carded single)
6. Trunk Fresh (previously released as launcher)
7. Vinyl Toupee (debut as a carded single)
Let just hope that Kmart doesnt cancel multiple transactions now.
$$$ is $$$ dude…they won’t care…
there could be a possibility of cancellation because why would kmart limit the amount to three cases and make it a preorder?
Limits are always set in place to allow for the most amount of people to be able to buy the product, just like concert tickets, etc….
I hope there is NO cancellation… but after the Target thing, you never know!
read first post of mine
Bought 2 more cases…I just had to…besides my buddy’s nephew will love them, along with my kids, oh and my carded “Collection Wall” as well!!!
i am going to the event with son… he is too excited not to go. (even though I ordered 2 case)
I’m still going to attempt to go to the event, but this is perfect for me.
I guess my next online trial by fire will be the Rescue Squad SDCC adventure. I’m guessing it too will be a hurry up & wait deal.
Awesome news for everyone! BUY BUY BUY
Got a case shipped to cleveland for $69.75 (was $4.95 shipping and I have a $5 off coupon.)
Retail price is $69.15 after tax, so it’s pretty much a push!
Yeah big thanks to Nascarfan and everyone for the humor and excitement around getting these. I ordered 3 cases. It was too hard not to resist. I am toying with getting more as I am sure there will be people who need them.
It will be interesting to see if they ship these on tim, but as long as they come I don’t really care if it is before or after the event. I am still planning on going for the experience and I am sure my son will love it.
and thanks to L8rM8r, my US address!!!! Being roomates is FUN!
I ordered one, and yes, I still plan on attending the KMart event… so my question to you is…
If you ordered any cases, will that change your plans for attending the KMart event?
Can;t make it this year, so this was a PERFECT alternative!
I’m still going to the event. There are a few I want 2 of so I’ll (hopefully) pick them up at the event. But it’s nice not to have to worry about getting all of them.
Oh yeah… I forgot to add a THANK YOU to Nascarfan for looking out for us!
I want to so my kids can participate, but it is also my daughters sixth birthday. That and a birthday party might be too much in one day (for mom) We’ll see how organized I am that day!!! At least now I have the option of not going.
(MET: Ask them to hold the party there and shut down the store – or rope off toys for your daughter’s birthday 🙂 ).
Same here – my son’t 4th birthday is the 24th, the party is the 20th. I am *hoping* I can order a case online, and not have to figure out how I can be there at 11am on the day of his party !!!
Thanks for staying on top of this!!
I just ordered my case which will be fantastic, we have a family trip planned on event day & was trying to figure a way to get these puppies.
I’ve never posted before, but enjoy keeping up with the sickness here on tfad.
Hope everyone gets in to add to the their own collection(s).
Just ordered mine!!!! Thanks everyone!!!
GOT MINE! If going to Florida for five weeks wasn’t enough to look forward to, I will now have a nice package arriving in the mail when I’m there!
Just want to add my thanks to Nascarfan. What a trooper! Sarge has nothing on you. 😉
Hey friends – save yourself $25!
be careful with the coupon ..they may possibly cancel your order saying it was an invalid coupon???
coupon works…..thanks Samuel
the $25 coupon looks stackable with the 3% cashback too… at FW
2 cases are heading to my doorstep…
Woohoo…sorry but I’m estatic since I didn’t get a chance to get any last year…no K-marts!!!
He is “the wings beneath our feet” LOL. Bette Midler would be so proud!
That would be… “wind beneath our wings” LOL I guess I should have looked that up before I tried to make a joke.
Wood knot that be “Wind beneath our Tires”??
“Simulated” Real Rubber Tires 😉
LIVE FROM NEW YORK..its Saturday-Sunday-Monday-Tuesday Nite Live!!!
And now….I’d like to thank the Academy, and the fans in the stands….
WOOO HOOO (doing burnouts on the front stretch!!!!!!)
To Our Overseas Collector buddies that placed orders from me….
Your Cases ARE ORDERED, Billing Confirmation from Kmart is recieved. Once Shipping Confirmation is recieved I will update everyone.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake City Utah Disney Pixar Collectors Club
Overseas customers:
I initally sent out PP invoices a tic light on total amounts. I will review all of them one by one and send out paypal invoices accordingly. Some, not at all since I corrected the amounts after discovering I forgot to add sales tax. (damm squirrels)
There is two Overseas Customers that have not got back to me and PLEASE HURRY, these will sell out FAST. I did order an extra case or two BUT if you dont pay, someone will.
If you do have an extra case left, let me know and I’ll take it. I can pay today if needed.
NOTE: See 2nd Chance List for Over seas Buyers an USA Wakeup Call list below for KMART Restock
thankyou!!!! as we say downunder, “you bloody legend!”
Thanks a lot for everything (and I do mean everything !!!).
Looking forward to hear from you !!
Again, thanks a lot !!
Wilgert, canceled an order that was for your order.
I partially refunded you. lets give the checking account a day to rest and I will see to it you get the difference. Lorri has promised to get you one case she has.
My apologies.
Anyone have extras so we can get Wilgert his order?
Wilgert could use 1 extra if anyone has one.
Lorri is helping with one