Disney Pixar CARS: A Return Visit to the $.99 Store
Since it was after Memorial Day, the place was pretty much stripped clean of interesting foods … but there were some new CARS items …
Lunch bags … and a tiny spot to write in your name.
And a good deal on these … I’d seen them at Target for like $3.99 – seems like of spendy for a tiny cold pack but $1 seems reasonable. As noted, FAST RELIEF from BOO-BOOS, BUMPS & BRUISES. For external use only … (yea, good luck swallowing this if your pancrease could use a cold pack) … and do not microwave … as the instructions note … should it also mention that it is not an actual car and may not be driven on public roads?
And of course, the $.99 Store would not be the $.99 Store without some oddities …
I know mustard isn’t exactly a high cost condiment but aren’t these paint bottles?
Um, maybe that’s why they didn’t sell so well?
And hey, for $.99, we’re not going to invent some highfalutin’ name, it is what it is …
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Butt aid – Isn’t that on of the new Radiator Springs Cup Racers for Cars II?!?
Your know when your car makes that funny sound, you need BUTT AID!!!!
at least its not tailpipe extention chrome cleaner
I want those lunch bags.
For my daughter of course!
When I used to work as an Accounts Receivable Clerk, I once had to phone a Numbered Company for money….a Numbered Company is just a LTd co and no name is listed….anyways when the secretary answered the phone she said “Urine Erase, how may I help you?”
Taken aback, I said “Pardon?”
She repeated, “Urine Erase, how may I help you?”
I asked what her company does, and said that they had developed a product that wood get pet and human urine odour out of any material….
I asked her if she was embarrassed answering the phone that way, and she said not at all, the owners of the company were going to call it “Pi$$ Off!!”
LOL! That got a chuckle from me!
Thanks Nicole, I love that story!
We too have used our Mcqueen coldpack a few times – of course my little guy still calls Mcqueen “Ka-Chow” so our cold packs are referred to as Boo Boo Ka-Chow and the Winnie the Pooh one is Boo Boo Pooh.
Boo Boo Ka-Chow, I am the Walrus!
To my son, McQueen will always be known as Ka-Chow!
Home Depot carries WORM POOP(To feed flowers). Yes that’s the brand name. They should sponser a car. 😀
Do you think that would be a “poop-u-lar” race team?
“Well Darryl, the Worm Poop car performed great today, I really have to give props to my Worm Poop engineers for providing me with such a beautiful ride!”
“Yea But getting into the corners can be as Slick as a Button”
Movie reference… anyone?
That store needs to spend some of the profits from the Lightning cold pack to repair the floor down below the packs.
Those are just the 99-cent tiles.
Yeah, that’s about right.
I think the mustard is in what would normally be used for bottled water!
And the other bottles normally hold I Can’t Believe It’s Not Buttaid!.
I bought one of those McQueen cold packs on clearance at Target for $1.24.
Us too, used it a few times too. 🙁
Oddly, since I bought my son a new owie pack he hasn’t needed one! The one he had was a fabric bear and he used to suck on it so it needed replaced!
Queen gave one of their best performances at Butt Aid. Long live Freddy Mercury!!
Yea, and the 2nd runner up American Idol Adam Lambert and KISS showed up too.
Butt Aid…Rusteze Medicated Bumper Ointment…coincidence???
Probably their “backup” car, made for a new rookie who was fired for using controlled substances.
Where’s the Car number on the Butt Aid?