Mattel Fisher Price Disney Pixar CARS: GeoTrax Are GeoCool! GeoTrax Visual Checklist!
I’ve watched the fun setup at the stores and envied kids who got the kids-friendly train, & car moving track …
When I was their age, I got a rock … and it wasn’t my rock, I borrowed it from the kid next door in the brown striped yellow shirt.
But now, it looks like I have to clear some room – thanks Victoria B, I think π
” …Lightning McQueen RC vehicle with an easy-to-use remote control. This RC vehicle also includes forward & reverse feature with fun sound effects and moves twice as fast as regular Geotrax RC vehicles! Lightning McQueen still works within the current Geotrax world so kids can use this vehicle with additional track & play pieces!”
But hey, cute RC CARS are nice and they work with the regular GeoTrax but it’d be fun to have Radiator Springs tracks and streets, right? YEP!
(Kid not included).
Too funny!
And of course, you need tracks to attach these to …
The Track Pack with Sally & the Stop Light …
The Track Pack with Sarge & the Route 66 Sign …
And a 2nd Trev set with Sheriff called Lightning McQueen’s Close Call.
Too nice!
Okay, when you get TREV set up, send us pics!
TRU seems to offer a mega set …
… that combines six sets together into a $100 set (save $20).
I have never seen these in the stores or maybe I’m not looking in the right places but Victoria B. points out, you can order them all online from Fisher-Price … (shh, don’t tell Matty).
Thanks for the heads up Victoria B. – I liked the Megabloks but it was too much work to have to push them round AND make my own sounds … now, this is living!

Does anyone know exactly how large this set is once all tracks and pieces are set up? Taking it won’t fit on a train table, but will it work on the floor?
I am 47 years old and now I want Geotrax.
I am going to my shrink.
(MET: That money you’d spend on a shrink would buy you an entire set of GeoTrax! Choose wisely … π ).
Right answer, Met….vroooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmm to the stores go I…
Oh, MET, BTW: I have health care. So shrink is free out of pocket for me.
(MET: But after you buy the GeoTrax, you won’t need a shrink, right? As you’ll be the happiest person on your block, right? π ).
who needs a shrink?
These look to be built better than real Geo cars. π
Being a fan of both, this is great news. Geotrax is a very slick setup. Very expensive though. The tracks are practically indistructible. I noticed that the tracks shown above have the grove down the center of them which are usually reserved for tracks that meet up with the elevation tracks. two questions – do the cars have the hook on the back so they can be used as trains? and since all the tracks shown above have the center grove, does this mean the cars will only work on these types of geotrack?
so the Cars line isn’t doing well which is why the classic line is becoming a target exclusive, yet Mattel keeps making new Cars items for different product categories??
Is the 3rd flash slow on the traffic light, as Fillmore pointed out to Sarge? “I’m tellin’ you man, every third flash is slowwwwwwwww!”
I LOVE THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had somebody to play with!!!! I would look really silly sitting on my living room floor by myself playing GEO TRAX!!!!! π
Oh man. This is gonna hurt my wallet! My son loves Cars and loves Geotrax. We’ve got 2 sets put together and numerous additional trains.
Hope we see them in store for his birthday next month!
Will the track that comes with the CARS sets attach to the current Geo tracks?
(MET: But the CARS are due in for a shock when they cross the threshold into the land where there are humanoids …).
I take it that is a yes π
I just ordered them – they are on backorder until late June. These are going to be a GREAT christmas present. Yes, I said CHRISTMAS present. My philosophy has always been “shop early and shop often!”
Can’t wait to see this in stores!!!!
My son loves geotrax and cars. This will be the best of both worlds in our house. I don’t think any of them are going to be available until next month. He’ll probably have to wait until his birthday (Sept. 1) to get these.Currently, we have a 12′ X 8′ area set up with the trains, up to three levels high. But, we will work these into the layout! Our Cars stuff is in the playroom, and he has almost all of it (1:55 and mini’s, and buildings, playsets). The only two toys he really cares about!
Oh, and typically, mom and dad play with the remote trains, and Will plays with the push trains and makes his own sounds! Geotrax’s are a great quality. We’ve had them for 2 years since he was 18 months. The same time he started collecting Cars.
We’ve been GeoTrax fans since Christmas ’03. They are absolutely fantastic toys. I’ve often wondered how many CARS fans are also into GeoTrax. I know of a few who are on both the CARS and GeoTrax boards. It’s pretty great to see these toy lines conbined!
Great, here goes the we have Thomas trains, we are not going to start over with a different kind of train track argument I have with my children in the geo trax aisle!
(MET: Line them to crash – like tug o war – winner takes all! π ).
We got the RC figure 8 race track that came with Doc and Lightning McQ which my son loved until McQ broke. Not so much fun just watching Doc race around the track by his lonesome. That set wasn’t made very well. I think he would like the GeoTrax Cars sets. Are they good quality toys?
(MET: Very sad …. ).
You know, if these are slot cars you’re talking about, Mattel sells a replacement chassis that may be what you need to fix Lightning. they’re only $2.98 – hard to beat that price.
The only trouble I had with the GeoTrax set was running out of battery life, because my grandchildren and I would play with them for hours on end. I’d make a track, and we’d have fun with it for an hour, and then they would say “Make another track, Papaw”…So I did, and we’d play it some more… They got to the point where they liked to take the rail off the curves at the end of the hill so the train would derail… We’d pick it up, put it back on the track, and they’d do it again.
I think the GeoTrax sets are very well made…
Great! Thanks for the info. π
My son has had all of his for almost 2 years and not one thing has broken from it. And he has pretty much abused it as much as any kid can!
My son’s bedroom has a huge Geo Trax train track set up in it everyday! His train stuff is in his bedroom and all his Car’s stuff is in living room closet. Where and the heck am I gonna find room for these??
Sounds like someone needs to demo the wall between the living room and the bedroom…
2 Story, can’t be done! Looking for a new house!
Wow… my grandchildren were into GeoTrax 2 to 3 years ago and I still have several although I haven’t set them up for awhile… I don’t think I can leave these set up, so as much as I hate to say it, I’m not going to collect these… 2 to 3 years ago, I’d have bought them in a heartbeat.
Great idea. Thanks for sharing the photos.
VERY funny post…the idea of making your own noises as exhausting cracked me up! Well written!
I feel Met’s pain too…I might just get them simply to kick Thomas (and friends’) bee-hind. π
wow these are cool! We have quite a bit of the train stuff, my kids still play with it. My kids liked the geo trax better than the Thomas stuff. The tracks stay together, they are bigger, and the remote control feature is cool. The only downside is the storage factor. It fills up a huge bin and when you set it up it can literally fill up a room.
Its too bad this didnt come out a couple years ago, they are too old to invest in all this now. But I would definitely recommend it if youve got kids anywhere from 18 mos to 3-4 years.
Anyone from the Portland OR area, if you want to buy a bunch of GeoTrax, let me know!!!!!!!!!
Yes…..My first First
Also, my last first. I feel dirty now and know why I have never done it before.
I guess we don’t need to send out the goons, hired goons then…. I think you have already been punished enough!