Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Reader Photos
From the TakeFive mailbox …
“Lorjas” & son spots Leonard Traffik (Leroy’s brother) who also hates sleeping on the pavement. 🙂
If you plan on motoring west to Disneyland this summer, the HoJo’s across the street has put up a mini pirate water park …
“NascarBroncoFan” sends us this link for a sale at Disney Store …
(note – this is NOT the Mattel 1:55 CAR)
The Disney Store also has new CARS, you can them check out in our FLIKR pool courtesy of JadaFiend or better yet, some really cute kid who’s dad really, really, really likes Ramone 🙂
And “John in Mo” notes, from the MegaBlok TJ … Collect Them All!
How many different ways can you arrange 6 letters to nearly mis-spell it all? 🙂
And speaking of Collect Them All … more bootlegs of fakes … photos from Altan.
‘Cause what’s the point of making one fake when you make the entire line – adds that air of legitimacy …
They are “lovely” as bootlegs go …
It is a lot of plastic.
Sally with free hat accessory …
See, Sarge is readily available.
And these might even pass for Disney Store sculpts 🙂
And these are intriguing … almost like a Fisher Price line …
Maybe the International division of Mattel should try and sell more CARS – or they need sales reps as good as the ones selling bootleg CARS? 🙁
Rumbler74 sends us snaps of his nice stacking box display …
It looks like they are marked for 1:64 scale CARS but seems to fit fine.
Very nice … if you’re collecting these, what are they again? 🙂
So thanks, Altan, John in Mo, Buckland-Blowouts, jadafiend, Lorjas & Rumble74 for the photos.
Always looking for more – so snap away and keep us entertained! Thanks!
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The International Story | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Real Tow Mater … You Was There! » |

does anyone have tach-o-mint that will send me some photos of, please let me know thanks
Hello fellow take5ers. That is my little loose racer collection you see there. I should have included my TRU Sidewall Shine and N2O Cola. I got my mirrored display cases directly from Protech Products Inc. The ones commonly found at Hobby Lobby are not mirrored and much cheaper. I have not been able to find these mirrored cases anymore, not even at Protech. I am glad that when I bought them, I bought enough to to cover all 36 racers, and then some.
buckland-blowouts ain’t gots nothin’ to do with this postin’!!!!!!!
If anythin’ – I owe all of yous some pics of the super star car that Dude-Met-Dude sent me as a qualifyin’ goft for doin’ a bio on this blog…
Love yas!!!
PS – Cars rock – and I is waaaaaaaay to lubricated to discuss anythin’!!!!
cool! so when the Mattel distribution stops here (which it pratically has anyway) I can switch to all those pirated cars.
Wake up Mattel!
Here is the link for the 40% off coupon.
Go to the Hobby dept to find the display cubes for cars, baseball, large haulers, 1:24 scale cars and more.
I use these all the time
I love those display cases. What are they and where can I get them???? Thanks!
DUDE….read my First post…!oh…did I mention it ws the FIRST post (I’m a dork)hehe
No arguement here….
I remember the Mater Bowling Game stacked up at the KB toy outlet in Centralia, WA. Bought mine for $15 or less. 🙂
Wish I bought more!
Yeah…they had them near be too for 5 bucks when they were all closing down…hind sight is 20-20
I love how the Blue Ray car is displayed in the baggie.
First BTW.
Where can i get those cool acrylic individual cases?
Anyone Know?
Hobby Lobby has them, but sometimes not in stock. Get 40 percent off coupon in Sunday Newspaper funnies or sign up for coupon weekly at their website.
(MET: Hobby Lobby – that’s funny … I guess they ran through the alphabet of words that rhymed with Hobby and stopped at the L’s … Hobby Aobby, um, no … Hobby Bobby? um, no, we’re not British … Hobby Cobby, now you’re just being silly … Hobby Dobby? No, sounds like we would get punched in the mouth a lot … Hobby Eoody … ten minutes later … 😆 ).
Met i have never in my whole life heard someone refer to a policeman as a ‘bobby’, its like me presuming that most of the american posters eat breakfast at mcdonalds!
one thing that annoys me is when america tries to do british, especialy in american tv, you just cant pull it off….
(MET: How about Sean Connery’s Irish accent? 🙂 … and I’m presuming the % is lower now but at one point, of people who ate breakfast not at home, 25% ate at McD’s … and you’re probably going to tell you didn’t have kippers for breakfast?).
no, i had a strawberry and oat cluster cereal….so there! 😛
Hey, don’t knock the Hobby Lobby! They sometimes have alot of cool stuff for around the house. Plus, my hubby works there as an off duty job!
Doing a cross border Raid on Monday, holiday here, and Hobby Lobby is one of my stops…both for these little Display boxes, but also for business purposes…we use some of their hardware in our cabinets!
Link for coupon