Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Spare Mint or Spare O Mint
Do you have a mint to spare?
For the variant o mint?
Spare us some Variant Mint?
What was once Spare Mint is now?
O, Spare us!
We once had names and apparently now taken over by the Tach-O-Mint corporation? … Or it’s a Scottish ancestry thing?
Thanks for spotting the name change, MackDaddy or is that fellow Scot, MacDaddy? 🙂
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I also think this team is the untimate collector’s team…
One spare and one mint!!!
But for right now, It is Rare-mint…
Let us not forget about the #84 conflict between the Apple car & Re volting. How will they ever explain that screw up!
Oh, that one is easy:
They just never release the Apple car to the main public.
TADA, no conflict whatsoever… 🙁
Met is slipping,, ha! Where is pic of SpareMint single KMart car!
I was just about to post the very same thing
He’s too busy hitting the stores with an eraser getting rid of all the O’s on these packages!
Sparemint has always seemed to be a spinoff of “spearmint” I have never heard of “spear o mint” DUH!
Good point, Dude-Mackdaddy-Dud!
It’s funny, when this debate began a while back, I asked my wife if she remembered the tv commercials for Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum. We both kinda had the jingles in our heads and I swore they said “spear-a-mint” in the song. She said “spearmint”. Tomayto, tomahto.
Found it:
Depends on your ear, I guess. Either that or I’m just nuts. Regardless, a quick check to Wrigley’s site shows the word never is broken up.
You can even check out old packaging, too! So, either the legal department got nervous and “advised” they add the O, or some dufuss decided there should be an O because he thought in the old tv commercial they said spear-a-mint. Either way, why is it that we can pick this stuff out lickity-split, but big fat Matty corporation appears to have no quality control? It’s called spell-check, misers.
I believe the “O” in Spare Mint is to represent a “spare tire”…….that the “O” is silent.
I hate the new three packs and wish they had kept the blister-pack design. We buy two of each, one for my daughter to open and one to display in the TV room still in the package. Blister packs give you more display options
Regardless of the name, I’m looking forward finding the new 3 packs. I read of a WM sighting in Cali, anyone else find them already?
This is just another in the long line of name changes:
Filmore ==> Fillmore
King ==> The King
Chick Hicks ==> Chick ==> Chick Hicks
Leakless ==> Leak Less ==> Leak Less No. 52
Nitroade ==> Nitroade No. 28
Cruisin’ Ramone ==> Old School Ramone
Piston Cup Pace Car (Wal-Mart) ==> Charlie Checker
Dudley Spare ==> Octane Gain Pitty
Luke Pettlework ==> Dinoco Pitty
Yeti ==> Yeti the Abominable Snowplow
Roman Dunes ==> Chief No Stall
Tow ==> Race Tow Truck Tom (Not To Be Confused With Race Official Tom!)
and of course most of the McQueen’s:
Dinoco McQueen ==> Dinoco Lightning McQueen
Radiator Springs McQueen ==> Radiator Springs Lightning McQueen
Cruisin’ McQueen ==> Cruisin’ Lightning McQueen
Bling Bling McQueen ==> Bling Bling Lightning McQueen
Dirt Track McQueen ==> Dirt Track Lightning McQueen
Tongue McQueen ==> Tongue Lightning McQueen
Bug Mouth McQueen ==> Bug Mouth Lightning McQueen
Cactus McQueen (Wal-Mart) ==> Cactus Lightning McQueen
but yet these all remain simply “Ramone”:
Purple Ramone
Green Ramone
Yellow Ramone
Any others I left off the list?
Cars => Cars 2
John in Missouri => John seriously considering leaving Missouri
Toys section => Gardens section
Lightning Ramone & Wedding Ramone
Nice stuff Dude-John-Dude!!!
Since you have a lot of spare-_-Time… Come up to canada for a beer => 2x US beer!
I have one WOC sparemint in box ouf….,cb1c41232c9fe55122faa4e664dac1c1.jpg.html
seems it would be less expensive to keep them on the blister rather than the window box – but then again, change the look and change the name in hopes of better market appeal….makes no difference either way when you take them out of the packaging 🙂
roll roll roll my cars, gently ‘cross my desk
merrily merrily merrily merrily….oops, it just rolled off the edge and bounced across the floor….
I know the price went up here for the 3 packs, did it go up in the US??
I liked Sparemint better than Spare O Mint… 🙁
Nicer 3pk gift packs of third pic.
Is there any diference in the actual car (paint scheme, etc.) or just the labeling on the package??
(MET: No change, I think if you glance at it without consulting some master book, it looks like Spare O Mint …).
I swear if I could fix anything, after curing cancer and solving world hunger, I would create a device that popped out of your computer and punched you in the nose for typing “first” on message boards. Just makes no damn sense to me at all!!
I was so proud of us as a whole, a concerted effort had been put forth to rid us of the dreaded, Numero Uno post….so dissappointing…it is like the 378 days without an injury signs, having to change it to 0 days without an injury….hope no injury befalls the First poster…..
hmmmm…perhaps I spoke to soon….Tag team Samuel??