Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: 3-Pack D Case Shipped But CHANGES?
“Marcus G.” seems to have gotten the first case and it looks like Mattel has moved Chick Hick Mia & Tia to CASE D and presumably moved the Showgirls to CASE E?
The new CASE D as opened by Marcus G.
And he sends along some nice photos …
With Chick #86 stickers …
Second release but first horizontal version.
And the first official US release of Sparemint & Team …oh pardon, Spare O Mint & team …
So, original CASE D was this …
And is it a straight swap into CASE E?
Unconfirmed – especially since today is Sunday. But if it is a straight swap, here is what CASE E will look like … but will try and get more info next week.
Thanks for the update, “Marcus G.”
My comment? Squirelly …
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Just found this case last night at Walmart (South Dakota) and the case contents are just as Met listed – Chick/mia/tia x2, Mater with pitties x1, Finish Line Mcqueen x1, Shiny Wax w/ crew chief and pitty, and Spare O Mint w/ crew chief and pitty.
We just got the 3-pack case D in the Philippines. It went in with Shiny Wax team, Spare O Mint team, Chick with Fan Tia & Mia and the Finish Line Mcqueen set.
It retails for US$28 which I think is a bit pricey. How much iare the 3-packs in the US?
(MET: @$10.99 – Cheapest, some places are $11.99+)
10.97 plus tax at Walmart.
I just scored an Elvis RV!!! At a Wally-world store!!! Yay!! Ok now for the answers.
The reason I call the Green Mia and Tia the “Kachigga Girls” is that my 5 yr old Autistic son has been asking everyone he is in contact with, “where’s the ‘chigga girls?” for many months now. He is perhaps a bigger Cars fan than any of us, and has memorized every line and detail of the film. Yes Actually. –And of course all versions of our famous “girls” (miata’s) are talked about and asked about. He wants the showgirls (he calls them the Dinoco girls) too, but the haulers are hotter than anything on the planet for us, except the #84 Apple car. Save the Kachigga girls.
PirateDad, ’tis good ta see ‘nother sailor of fortune here. Are ye not the Pirate they call Dad? I am the Pirate called Cheese, hence the name PirateCheese. Hey, it’s possible we could all have been called worse at some point by someone, but that’s another volume of walk the plank.
Now if there was an actual Apple Hauler….
Pirate Cheese or Pirate Double Cheese burger, you can call them whatever you want as long as we dont ahve to see all capitals.
nice job on the Elvis.
Oh and I have custom Made Apple Haulers coming
“We’re only simple pirates”.
In search of the miata girls is what we be Yarr!
Welcome PCheese!
Enjoy the seven seas and the be sure to share your treasure! (notice I did not say booty) 😆
Not to be confused with Shake your Booty….
getting confused on who is whos pirate children and copycatpirates
Hey speakin’ of fittin’ thing into places they don’t belong…
(This ain’t goin’ south – don’t worry)
…I picked up an oversized Chick trailer for the lil one… And it was fitted with a hole where the trailer is supposed to get hitched.
Am I wrong or were the oversized Trailers made WITHOUT the ability to tow a trailer?!?!?
(MET: Only oversized Mack Semi comes without trailer hole – can anyone say ‘variant?).
Trailers do not have hitch holes. Semis/Cabs would or should
I heard Matty put the moves on the showgirls and they are all livin’ in sin…
…Pluggin’ up tail-pipes and leavin’ track marks where they don’t belong…
PS – Matty still sucks bananas.
we need proof ! lol
…. NOT
You really wanna see that!!! LOL!!!
A bootleg video on you tube of Matty gettin’ stuff jammed into his trunk…
Ladies & Gentlecars,
Just let me share some info that you are not privy to.
If, for some reason the sculpts we submit are not dead on and we need rework/resculpt to get them perfect in order to please you, they have to move out, hence the switch…………….
Please be cognizant that we are generating Charcaters that were on the silver screen for brief seconds.
Who knew that this Line would still be going forward todate? Nice problem to have so please be patient. Some of these Characters did not even have a name, so forget about a digital file that would let us generate that Character chop, chop…………..
Thanks Martin,
Its kinda like winning the lottery and having a PILE of people show up that you dont know….
(Wheres the ones ya EXPECTED to show up?)
It all will work out I am sure.
Now we have to get Richard Clayton Kensington and Reg Sarge….
thanks for the note martin
Oh my load people u will get your cars.
My buddy dealornocars made an interesting point…the showgirls will probably be too tall for the 3-pack packaging. They’re definitely too tall for the Movie Moments packaging so for sure this will not happen.
Perhaps they will be mega-sized (please be 2-per-pack!), or lying down in a 3-pack?
…or maybe they will come with “some assembly required”?
If anyone knows when the Kachigga Girls… errr, the green mia and tia will be on the shelves , or if you have an extra, kindly let me know. YARRRRRRRR! After the doldrums of not having much new lately, ‘it be good ta feel a bit o wind in me sails…
CTC is supposed to have this Case in by the end of this week.
PirateCheese?? Seriously??
yea but that doesnt mean that it will be showgirls.
Maybe the Showgirls feathers were painted with lead paint??? 😀
Yea hell, for all that can happen they could be the “Saturday Night Fever” “Mcqueen n Dancefloor Girls”, wh the hell knows anymore
I think he means the Chick Tia & Mia by “Kachigga girls”…. NOT the showgirls! 🙂
Yeah what is Pirate Cheese? Or do I want to know?
It’s kinds like frumunda cheese, but for pirates! 😆
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala….tmi…tmi….tmi….. 😉
If anyone ends up with an extra Chick Mia & Tia, let me know – I’ll take it off your hands!
You know I’ll have them!!!
Wow Mattel, thanks for the advance notice to all of us who shelled out big bucks for the showgirls…. Just me, or have they done this before with the 3packs?
Can you say Team Sparemint vertical 3 pack?
Yeah, CTC has had this money of mine, for two cases now and each time changed or cancelled, so about 6-7 months I think…don;t quote me! Not CTC’s fault, but sure don;t want to preorder anything again…
I feel the same way…. The preorder business is tricky, obviously, but this many repeated disappointments in a row is really screwing the poor small retailers over. Angry customers are going to be killing the messengers for sure!
I am trying to stay calm about it, this is the only preorder I made, and of course I should have known better (especially after the hauler debacle). It’s my own fault, but still frustrating! I just want my cars to ship! I just wish I could be in the mind of Mattel distributing for 1 week to see what the hell is the purpose of all this. They must have reasons….
I feel for you Traver and Jake – Mattel is definitely not doing you guys any favors!
ditto ditto ditto…..
Yeah, I meant vertical Team Sparemint…. I noticed that PD: maybe that guy in distribution that has heard about you knew you pre-ordered those cases and purposely screwed you up…. And yes, this is why I never pre-order: this type of thing happened on my first pre-order, and I make sure it won’t happen again.
I only pre-ordered that darn case for the Showgirls!! What a rip off! Now I am angry, wasn’t with all the other crap they threw at us but this takes the cake!
Tia and mia… Much better a car to have than the showgirls in terms of Cars the movie goes… Those two cats are waaaaaaaaaay more important!
BBBBBUT!!! Those showgirls are SWEEEEET!!!! and I miss them already!
Lot of people upset – but I’m thrilled! If I see these guys on shelf, I’ll scarf ’em up (and I won’t be ticked off about having to buy another Chick either)
What does burn my bumper is that Mattel couldn’t go the extra inch and include tool boxes with the Pittys in these boxed sets.
Were these found in a store or was this an individual that recieved the case? Just wondering if they are going to start hitting the shelf soon.
I know this sounds sad, but I feel like I am falling way behind with all of the new things that should be on the shelf in the next few weeks!
Todds, Pattis, Mood Springs, Easy Idle, Fiber Fuel, Retread, Trunk Fresh Hauler, Frank and now Team Spare – cannot figure out how to spell me- mint and Chick Mia Tia!!
Needing 3 of each and still running 1/2 speed economicly . . . I am going to need a lot of help . . .
I feel the same way. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I find it.
More bad news: Mattel sold that bridge to a Chinese conglomerate, and is having it dismantled and shipped as we speak.
Figures, they change one letter in the word and there goes my royalties!
While I wanted the Dinoco Showgirls with the new McQueen, the Team Spare O Mint is the one I really wanted from this case, and it’s still in the case. It’s too bad there aren’t 2 Team Spare Mint and 1 Team Shiny Wax in this case, as Team Shiny Wax was widely released in the WOC cardback, and Team Spare Mint only made it to Singapore. The Green Mia & Tia will be a nice addition at this time.
As a previous poster said, let’s just be glad there are new Cars and hope that we get them.
I wouldn’t call vertical card Team Shiny Wax “widely released”. Fairfield County Conn. gets pretty much everything eventually, and I have never seen this set yet.
Chomping at the bit for more racers….
If you need a Team Shiny Wax set, let me know, as I’ll have 3.
I agree, I think I saw ONE Team Shiny Wax in all my months spent looking.
I’m done ordering cases if Mattel is going to change things midstream like this.
I ALREADY HAVE the 3 pack of Team Shiny Wax, now I’ll have TWO EXTRAS.
I DIDN’T BUY the Finish Line pack in the stores because it was supposed to be in this case…… I have to buy one anyways!
I DON’T need TWO Chick/Mia/Tia sets…..WANTED TWO Showgirls sets.
Might be worth the 30 percent cancellation fee from Traver to avoid owning this “joke” of a case.
To each his own opinion, but I just don’t think this case selection is so bad and I hardly consider it a “joke.” At least they are substituting the 2 showgirls sets with 2 items that are new and Sparemint is still included, which most people do not have. On a positive note, you should be able to pick up a Finish-Line 3 pack in just about any Walmart if they look anything like mine.
It’s frustrating when they change case contents without notice, but would it kill anyone on this forum to stop bitching so much about EVERYTHING!
I’ve had the order in for this case for months, based on the original contents. Now, as the case is almost in hand, these changes are announced.
When you order a case based on it’s expected contents, it would be nice to have it fulfilled as stated. Am I supposed to order ANOTHER case to get the SHOWGIRLS that I based the first order on?
While it’s true that all orders should be “fulfilled as stated” (in a perfect world), you have to remember that these case packs are NOT packed out for consumer purchase. These cases are for retailers. The retailers around me do not have any shiny wax or chick 3 packs, so it will fill their shelves nicely. And remember, we all know how little Mattel cares about the retailers having extra or too much of anything anyways (tumbleweed LM?).
Right on Samuel!!! And I have to say thanks for Patti, I think she looks waaaayyy better in person than I thought from the pictures. Love the paint color!!!! And Todd is awesome too.
I also ordered these cases (last two with changes), and each and every time it has said “subject to changes” and really this is the first time so I guess I have learned they might really mean it! It is disappointing but there are new ones included.
Never have to worry about constipation coz Mattel distribution give me the squirts.
I have not got the Finish Line LMQ coz it was coming in this box which I pre-ordered. Now I have look for the bloody thing.
Fair dinkum useless.
I love the way you put it my friend… I too have to find Finish Line, BUT, I have seen it in Canada, so there is a silver lining!
These have been on preorder since March or even late February. darn it
Really wish Mattel would stop screwing things up for their retailers.
I am AMAZED that they are rereleasing Gold Mia and Tia and poor old Bling Bling MQ…those 3 clogged the shelves, pegs and cage bins of death for MONTHS here, finally being given away at $3 Cdn for the set of 3 of them… and now, here they come again!!
Put some REAL spinners on Bling McQ and I might buy it!
Only blue blue blue single here in Quebec.. have a look :
Looks like they changed Sparemint to Spare O Mint.
Another variation. Hey Met, How many can we list. Pace car to Charlie Checker, Fillmore to Filmore, Cruisin Ramone to Old School Ramone, Abominable Snow Plow Yeti to Yeti,…………..
Ohhh lets just take it in stride and know that change with cars is inevitable and embrace the early release of chick with mia and tia—- yahooo cant wait to see them
More screwing about by Mattel, big surprise. At least we’re still getting some nice new cars. Shame about having to wait for the Dinoco Showgirls though.
Is Chick gonna have “thunder”?
kachugga kachugga
PirateDad is NOT going to be happy; he really wanted the Showgirls!
You are VERY correct Collectormom…PirateDad is NOT happy!!! 👿
First they cancel case J, now this. What the heck is going on with these people?
damn mattel!