Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Lenticulars Googly-Eyed Case Assortments + First Card Design
The new card design.
It’s actually a very nice looking card – a nice change of pace and looks classy. Again, I have nothing against the lenticulars either in principle or for CARS, I just think it’s risky on many levels, including financial to roll up one line in the middle with no concrete plans while “switching” over. Conceptually, there is nothing with lenticular CARS and I’m presuming I’ll even like them when I see one in person …
But as I noted this morning, most companies don’t change horses in midstream or isn’t there some rule about dancing with the one who brung ya? 🙂
And, apparently the person who worked on the “classics” ROR Case Assortments applied the same brainpower, logic and all the savvy of a zombie monkey in assembling the lenticular cases …
The first non-exclusive release of Flo on a single card …. AND while I would not swear my life on this but all the info says that Salutin’ Sarge WILL NOT be lenticular because it is a “NEW” CAR …
So, I’m guessing where it reads LOOK MY EYES CHANGE, it will actually read CHASE?
The return of Sarge – as a lenticular CAR. In other words, eBay pricing for Sarge won’t change much.
And in CASE B, I’m going to presume Dinoco McQueen IS a lenticular CAR since he’s been released before – as only the inclusion of the Piston Cup is new but I guess we won’t know until CASE B gets cracked open.
Case C does mark the first time Guido & Luigi are packaged together as a “single.”
And again, Chick Hicks IS lenticular?
(UPDATE: Fixed box count – only 1 Flo)
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complain all you guys want. I like them.
I dont see a release date, or a projected release date
if everyone don’t buy this line then when they get marked down you can pick them up for pennies on the dollar
I think it will be interesting to see how many of these end up on the Trading forum… 🙂
(MET: The good old days when you get stuff to Europe cheaply by handing an oily bag to outbound travelers at the airport but now, all you get is tazing … however if you cover your body in bacon, a tazing can serve a different purpose).
And whose to say mattel ups the price for the regular cars and dumps the price for the lenticular eyes.
More parents would buy the cheaper cars, leaving the regular good cars for collectors/completist that would work.
I too think I would only buy if its a car I didn’t have.
I love sarge and am glad I have extras of him original non-recalled stored away. The only double I never gave away.
The eyes will be the only thing that moves…the cars will NOT…they will remain on the pegs.
I smell disaster.
I welcome changes that improves the classic line, rubber tyres are a good change. Replacing diecast with plastic, BAD. Changing the eyes into googly eyes, BAD. I don’t want my 100+ collection of cars following my every move.
Feel your pain, not my call.
We know, brother. I don’t think anyone here faults you. If you guys hadn’t been doing such a good job designing these, we wouldn’t be collecting these in the first place.
And honestly I think these will sell pretty well. Not great, but good. Especially the first few weeks they are released. Hopefully the number of McQueens will go down before Case A is actually released.
Any feedback on what the city is on the background? And what might be going in the lower right corner of the bubble? Looks empty over there.
OK, if it’s not your call can you at least tell us whose call it is, or maybe why they do things the way they do? You’re the closest we’ll get to a contact at Mattel but all you ever say is, “Don’t blame me”.
If someone who works at Mattel actually posts on this site, I’d like to see some insight as to why the case assortments are the way they are. The fans who’ve kept this line going have been complaining about this for years, yet it falls on deaf ears. Maybe if they knew why it was being done, they’d stop complaining!
(MET: The bottom line is the person/groups of people who work on case assortments think they there are doing a fine job ,,, and don’t think any help-suggestions is-are necessary …).
This line is going down in a fiery crash. What in the world is the market research team thinking? and where in world do they test these ideas?
STOP filling cases with so many older cars. That is why things are not selling through properly.
Sell the older pieces online for those that need to cathc up. 9 Lighting McQueens??? Great idea.
I would love to know what college they went to, and what was the average GPA on these marketing people at Mattel.
Complete the line, quicker! They will sell. What is so hard to understand here?
Pittys, Trucks, Pit Crews – So simple to make – basically just repaints.
JSorry for ranting, just a fed up consumer, that is soon going to be looking for a new toy line for his children to collect/play.
I definitely am NOT a fan of Mattel going googly-eyed. I will only buy new releases, and if I hear that they will be released as “regulars” then I won’t buy any googly eyed ones. Looks cheesy; I understand these were made for kids, but I think this might be going a little too far. After all, Hot Wheels were made for little kids, but you can’t tell by looking….
I’m with PirateDad. I will only be buying the “New” releases. I can’t and won’t re-purchase the entire line to get the 😯 eyes, which is exactly what Mattel thinks we should all do.
type in lenticlear cars youtube
in lenticlear cars youtube
oh wait… Simon didn’t say…
dang it ..I’m out =/
im sqrewed
Met, there’s two things I’m still confused about here..
1) is Mattel planning on remaking EVERY Car from the classic line into a lenticular version, or just the main characters? Like will we be seeing Trunk Fresh Pitty, Chuck Manifold, and other peripheral caharecters in lenticulars?
2)Is the “classic” line going to continue will ALL new characters, even if it is just at Target? In other words, will there be new Cars that will ONLY be available in lenticulars..
Cause I’m sure alot of us would like to just continue with the “classic” line but not if there are going to some new Cars that are only available as lenticular
(MET: Look for a new post in the next few days – which better explains it but then keep in mind, a squirrel dreamed up this change so a lot of it will be “Yea, but …” or “the first codicil of the first party will 🙁 … so get plenty of a malted beverage in ya and then we’ll talk 🙂 ).
Well ok, the cardback is nice looking, but I’m still skeptical on the new eyes…
Mattel raised the # of cars in a case……only to put more Mcqueens. Seems like their goal is make him the most common car and avalible everywhere
Cool! I will probally not get the ones I already have. 9 Mcqueens in the first case?
Met, it looks like that cardback is for the 2010 theme, “Drift”. Coming directly from Mr. Martin Arriola (I think that’s his last name) himself, “Drift” is the theme for 2010.
The background is Tokyo from “Tokyo Mater”, which is what the “Drift” theme is inspired by, leading me to believe that that is what this is. This could also give reason for “Toyko Mater” Cars not coming until 2010.
The card back looks very nice. It was time for a change away from the standard red. Would much rather have a Radiator Springs background though.
Is that a fictional city, or is it from the Movie, and I have forgotten?
They look like buildings from the backgrounds of ‘Tokyo Mater.’ Much of the office buildings in Tokyo have that ‘squared-off’ quality.
I’ll pass on the piston cup variants. I’ll take Doc’s philosophy regarding them: ‘All I see are a bunch of empty cups.’
Looks like Tokyo (from Tokyo Mater) to me.
I was thinking maybe it was supposed to be L.A. or something in the movie. Would have to go back and watch again.
(MET: Well in theory when he’s leaves the Speedway of the South, that city could be the BG but then he’s inside Mack … however, many cards feature CARS on a Radiator Springs street or at he Cali Speedway who were not at that location in the film … 🙂 ).
I don’t want these either. I will only collect the Cars they haven’t made before, like Saluting Sarge. I also want a Piston cup, so I would buy one of the LMcQ or Chick or whomever with the Piston Cup…hopefully these won’t stay around very long. Why would they make these when they can’t keep up with their own release schedule of the new Cars?
Looks like I’ll be saving up some dough! Except for Saluting Sarge and Sarge (my personal favorite) it’s a rehash of the present line. I suspect Target will be offering the ‘classic’ version until Mattel’s old stock is sold. When I checked the offerings of Case H, I noticed none of the McQueens in that Case had updated decals on the spoiler. I do not suspect Mattel is going to throw away millions of red McQueens, if they can be sold, especially if there is a price differential that is attractive to consumers. Also, looks like another ploy to get the ‘completists’ to buy more duplicates.
Question: Is that the NEW Radiator Springs in the background of the new packaging, after Lightning moves his racing operation back to RS?
heh heh heh….mom’s will buy it if little johnny comes running down the aisle carrying it in his hands (the car that is)….
MET, I think that your spiral-eyed image is giving people the wrong idea of what lenticulars are really going to look like. I’ve seen eyes similar in design used on other toys, even dolls, and they do add realism…as though the eyes follow you.
I don’t think I’d duplicate cars I already have just to get the lenticular versions, but I think they’ll be much more pleasing to the “human” eye thank some people are believing at this point.
(MET: I’m hoping that my idiotic lenticular picture fake posting will goad Mattel into sending me a better picture? 🙂 Is it working? 🙂 ).
I hope you are right, and I am sure that the eyes will look kinda cool, but I wood have preferred that time and resources be spent on NEW cars and producing more cars not released yet, rather than doubling up on cars we already have with cool new eyes!
Reminds me of that Simpsons episode when Lisa gets to create her own version of Malibu Stacey and she is all excited about her Feminist Dolly and then the Original Stacey has a new Purse or something and everyone buys it instead!!
Mattel is betting alot on a purse!!!!
Hey, I’m with you…..why fix something that isn’t broken? Worry about staying up to date with what’s supposed to be on the shelves at a given point in time, quit worrying about gimmicky stuff like this……..but it the change is coming, so be it.
“Reminds me of that Simpsons episode when Lisa gets to create her own version of Malibu Stacey and she is all excited about her Feminist Dolly and then the Original Stacey has a new Purse or something and everyone buys it instead!!”
I remember that episode. The marketers of Malibu Stacy try to reinvent the doll, but all they do is just give her a new hat.
Girl 1: They changed Malibu Stacy!
Girl 2: Oh, she is better than ever!
Lisa Simpson: Wait, don’t be fooled! She’s just a regular Malibu Stacey with a stupid cheap hat! She still embodies all the awful stereotypes she did before!”
Waylan Smithers: But she’s got a new hat.
(and that’s all the words needed for the little girls and Smithers to grab the ‘new doll)
I agree that this feels like a cost-cutting method to just reuse old product but with some ‘new spin.’ It’s just like the myriad McQueens with different little paint applications. If you look at some companies over the last 10-20 years, they even ‘recycled’ some vehicles into other lines. Like a pizza-throwing vehicle that came out for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in the early 90’s, was reconstituted into a pie-throwing vehicle for the film toyline ‘Chicken Run.’
In my opinion, the cardback is nicer than the Car… I might buy a single if it’s a new Car… but I’m not going to be buying cases of these lenticular Cars…
25 Cars listed in Case C… A bonus to get me to buy the case? I don’t think so. Sorry Mattel…
(MET: I must’ve add something …)
I agree with PDad the new card is nice but why have a whole new line of doubles when they cant sell all the peg warmers we have now?
I see a LOT of pegs being warmed…. sure sarge will fly, but does anyone feel the need to collect all these too??
Please leave a message after the beep!
PirateDad will NOT be collecting the lenticulars, unless they are new unreleased cars! I do not need anymore duplicate LM’s even will piercing soul searching eyes!!
I was just going to write “looks like my wallet will get a rest pretty soon… no new cars in case B AND case C”.
this is crazy! this time theve gone too far,they waited this long to trick us in buying everysingle frekin variant,and now were finding out they expect us do it again just becuse the eyes move!??!?i can already see the end of the worldd..
I for one would think that it weird that they create a new “lenticular line” pushing the “normal” cars to an exclusive distributed, but in the case of lenticular cars, they have one car that does not have lenticular eyes b/c it is a chase. It just doesn’t fit to me………. oh, that’s right, were talking about Matty and the cars line. How could I forget?
im in
me too
Something tells me “lenticular eyes” are going to cheese up the line.