Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Hinckey & Fake
And the close out our day of hinckey, some serious bonafide hinckey … these could not be more fake if they were stamped with the words FAAAKKKEEE!!!!!!!!
Pics supplied by “Leofti,” doesn’t look so bad until you actually look at it and it’s mostly in English but it’s totally true what they say, “Blue is real, the word blue is conceptual.” … Yep, it’s a “Cross Car,” from my favorite animated Pixar film, “Series.” Is it out on Blu Ray yet or better yet, is it out on “Blew Ray?”
I can never remember, is the “Interest Car Series” before or after Supercharged.
And it’s technically all true – it is a TOY.
Another way to counterfeit is to try and convince that it might be a toy car but otherwise, hardly any similiarities … this is #98 – nothing like that car you say this is a copy of, what was that car again?
Not Red, Reed the Fire Engine.
Who you gonna call?
I think I remember Todd, the Pizza Planet truck in Ghostbusters II, was Mater in it?
My question is this – are there water decals of Ghostbusters II just laying around? Or did the factory go, “Finally! We can get rid of these, these have been sitting around for 20 years!”
Also available in red variant – collect them all!
Also available with Teen Wolf II logo.
Mattel is just painting the same trucks over with different colors, we’ll cut out the middle man – besides, everyone’s favorite truck from the movie is MACT. People really just want him in different colors.
And Altan sends us these on the shelves in Turkey …
One of these might not be legit …
So, do you suppose the people at RUSH-SOA people are mad at the CROSS CAR people? “Hey! These guys bootlegged our counterfeit!”
When will the madness end?
These might be legit. I have seen light-up pens and who can resist a pen called jiggly … plus it’s the perfect pen to hand a Teamster when he asks if you have a pen he can borrow 🙂
There’s no way they could sell this in the U.S., you know some idiot will hammer open the top, drink it and eat everything inside before saying, “I don’t feel so good … I foresee a lawsuit coming …”
And here’s Altan’s son not quite enjoying the “Under the Sea” portion of CARS where McQueen gets the narco bends …
Too smart – he realizes it’s a fake memory 🙂
So remember kids – you can’t fake fun!
Of course, only a huge monster succesful line could spawn 1,000 fakes … no bootleg Speed Racer, The Movie CARS 🙂
Hope you enjoyed “Hinckey” at TakeFive …
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: “Hinckey” CARS Photo Preview | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Pit Row Launchers CASE C Arriving-Arrived » |

hey Met..just saw this post..the first two pics was from MCL Sydney not Leofti 😛
I like how the tires on fake McQ are “Newfangled” brand.
Rather than lawyers, Disney should just hire SWAT teams to go around and incinerate these cheap knockoffs!!
**Disney/Pixar film, “UP” in 3D, in theaters on May 29, 2009 !!!!!
Woo hoo!!! Where’s Todd going to show up in this film???
Hmm, wonder what a search of ebay under disney pixar cars counterfeit will turn up?
P.S. Tach O Mint is over 202.00 dollars right now on ebay, along with Gask-its. A seller parting out again his SOTS. Apple only around 135.00.
All those counterfeit, knockoff, seconds, reject, Apples flooding the market has caused the original Apple to drop from his former highs. This is a real consequence to the collecter. The fakers flooding the market.
Mattel needs to get after these again. Backdoor KMart Cars on card also on ebay from Denmark. Bent cards? Who cares, they are going for 20 to 30 dollars right now.
Ghostbuster Mater is kinda cool. Now we need an Airwolf Ron Hover. 🙂
Mmm deep sea water.. not as good as Picari Sweat though…
Too funny, “bootlegged our counterfeits” the Jiggly pen is genuine Disney. Have one, they were one dollar at Big lots. Actually it is a darn nice pen, never fails to light up when you write with it.
Some one somewhere probably should have or has a great collection of counterfeits.
Those must be Mact “rucks” ?
so fake