Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: Kmart CARS Day 2 Update
It’s June 20, 2009.
There will be more details as we get closer but on the morning of Saturday, June 20, 2009 – thousands of Kmart’s around the country will get this EXCLUSIVE case:
You will each get to draw a number and then you go in the order of the number you selected. You will be allowed to buy 5 CARS. Then it will be the next person’s turn. After all the people who have drawn numbers have finished selecting their five CARS – any CARS remaining will be available for everyone/anyone.
Most stores allow kids who are old enough to pick a number to qualify as one so if you have more kids than OctoMom, this is your small reward before your kids owe $2.3 million in student loans after college. 🙂
In some/many Kmart’s, the number of people were fewer than the number of cases available so it was an easy collector’s day. I was at a store with 24 boxes and 30 people so it was a little more work for me personally – you simply have to choose an appropriate Kmart store and which one would that be? No obvious answers. Again, as we get closer, there will be a list of stores but it’s best to call and check – BUT NOT YET. wait until at least June 10, 2009 🙂
(if you’re still collecting CARS then, that is). 🙂
And yes, the Piston Cup racers listed above will ALL be available with synthetic ‘real’ rubber tires … they are soft and pliable like real vulcanized rubber but not real rubber in the technical scientific sense … I’m not sure why anyone would care about that distinction for an item that’s 5 mm across but hey, we have rules against this but someone can open a meat plant without inspectors, go figure.
And yes, the 6 NON Piston Cup racers will still have the regular plastic tires. I’m presuming Lightning McQueen is plain ole ROR LM … though just be safe, if you’re in line in front of me, buy the McQueen or better yet, buy 5. 🙂 Those not in line directly in front of me may look more closely. 🙂
“TH” was kind enough to send along some preview pics …
First appearance outside the MSOS set.
Look for Wrecked Mood Springs in 2010 🙂
The cardback explains why early listings on eBay think it’s a Matty exclusive. It’s not. It’s merely an ad for – and ALL it promises is “Exclusive Toys, News and More!”
And that’s no lie.
It does NOT say anything about CARS at Matty.
So, if you plan on collecting CARS in 2009, be sure and do as the movie studios do and block out the Saturday in June. In your calendar app, make sure you schedule that block of time (morning – brunch time) – exact time coming. Go gather all your wayward kids. Make sure there are no weddings in your future – you can get married anything anywhere. 🙂
Well, that’s all the info for now.
« Canada: Happy 100th! Have Cake! Um, Ketchup Cake? | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS; Check Lane Short Cards, Check, Please! » |

Hi guys I’m very new in this posts, I’m from Chile in South America.
I saw some of the cars, Mood Spring and Easy Idle plus other in yellow call Fiber fuel, but they came in a blister with launchers, I have and excellent feedback at HWC, if some one want’s to trade some for other new pixar cars, lmk.
Okay, probably off-topic but that’s why I picked the Kmart Day post. Does anyone know when the next Hot Wheels day is? I missed it last time. I usually go and talk to some of the collectors, because they also collect Cars, and they’re actually very friendly.
Have you checked on the the Hot Wheels Collectors Club site? I just looked on their calender (it’s on the bottom right on the home page) but it doesn’t have anything for the next few months. Usually it’ll be a story in the upcoming events section too as the event gets closer. Hope this helps!
Yeah, I checked, but no dice. Some guys on the message board said that since the Cars day is in June, the usual Hot Wheels one then will be canceled and the next one will be in September. Thanks for the advice though!
I finally found a post from December with what I think was the first listing of what’s to be available at KM Day II; listed is Vitoline not Vitoline Pitty. Do we know which one it is? I guess I would prefer the Pitty since I have the Vitoline launcher but curious.
(MET: Should be V. Pitty).
Great! the 20th.. hope to travel to NZ on the 22nd.
Can’t wait. Only have to figure out how to do K Mart cars and and 2 birthdays in the same day.
I have one birthday that day too, my daughters! Her 6th. Guess she’s getting Cars!
can’t wait to get the 10 new cars! just in time for my son’s birthday too 🙂 last time we got to take the whole box home… hopefully the rule hasn’t change for my kmart.
Last KM day we got very lucky; I went to one store with my son Ethan and my husband went to another store with my son Jack. Only one other family showed up to the store that I was at so we were able to go thru as many boxes as we wanted and take as much as we wanted; no limits. My husband’s # was called also so we had a lot of extras. I don’t think we’ll be as lucky this time though because we’re moving to NY next month. I’ll have to scout out the stores in the area; and send my mother and mother-in-law again (they made out like bandits too)
For months afterwards I would find KM day Cars at KM too; seems like someone couldn’t offload them so they just returned them to the store.
“For months afterwards I would find KM day Cars at KM too”… I sincerely hope this happens again this time, as I will be arriving in Florida on June 25. Hope there will be some leftovers!
I hope so too!
If I were you, I would call the nearest Kmart from your destination, and let them know about your arrival date and ask them to put at least 1 set aside! Tell them PD say DO IT 😉 lol .. I’m pretty sure they’ll understand ! pouahhahahahhahah
collectormom…which K-Mart was that (with only 2 collectors)?
it was in El Paso, TX on Montwood
Thanks. Just a bit too far a drive from Montreal.
You wood have to drive ALL night! ALL night? All Night, but I wood stay up with you!
Hey guys .. count on me !!.. When do we leave?? That could be an wonderful trip! Dan and I are already trip partners, PD ask Dan about our last trip to Plattsburgh, NY but ended to Vermont .. with a 12 minutes Ferry.. lol (Was a fun adventure with Dan! …)
Edge and I were trying to figure out how we could go to Kmart together but being 8 hours apart, it just doesn’t work!!
I wood love to see the customs border dude though…”Uh, yes sir, us two adults, one biker and one Dutch Resident, would like to enter your fine country to go buy little toy cars at Kmart!”
pouahhahahahahhahahh lol ..
I see the image already;
.. and you to tell the Officer : Of course we’re telling the thruth! We woke up this morning at 2am to attend a Kmart Cars Day in Texas for our little ones! …
Sir: please take the 1st right lane, get inside we are not done with you guys! ..
There is a KM is Plattsburgh, NY; not sure how far that is for you but might be a fun road trip. Last time I was there we ate at IHOP!
So, not every Kmart does this? I asked the guy at our Kmart a while back and he said they did the hot wheels collector days, so does that mean they will also do Cars?
(MET: Most likely. If they do the HW Days, they will almost definitely do the CARS Day).
Here’s the spreadsheet that Kmart had last fall, showing participating Kmarts, broken down by state, city, street address.
“My” Kmart was on the list last year! Yeah! I hope it won’t be too busy. Plus, I’m going to use cars day as an opportunity to intimidate anyone who seems like an ebayer. I am very intimidating.
I know I’m scared of you!!
Me too… But I like bein’ scared!!!
So can anyone help a man and his boy out this year? We won’t get these in the UK. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeeeeee!!!
If I can score a couple cases online, I will try and help you out. Whatever cost for these things will be.
Please don’t beg though.
Cheers that would be great and ok i’ll try not to beg. 🙂
Does anybody know of KMart Cars day happens in Canada too? Or is this a US only thing?
(MET: Don’t shoot me, I’m on a messenger but no, Canada is part of international and apparently further away than Europe, Singapore, Turkey or even Australia … you must be pretty hard to find on a map … 🙁 ).
they have Kmart in Canada?
You still have a Kmart where you live?? None around here for years!!
No offence Unimog, may I have a puffffff, good stuff you have ! lol
Really like that one MET! lol
The problem for the east valley of Phoenix is that 2 of our 3 K-Marts closed. So now we only have 1. K-Mart day should be very interesting. Last collectors day was a complete bust for me. I guess I’ll have to get there early and hope for the best.
The OCTOBER Kmart CARS Day is supposed to have:
1. Leak Less
2. N2O Cola
3. Octane Gain
4. Rev-N-Go
5. Re-Volting
6. Trunk Fresh
7. Vinyl Toupee
It could be that Kmart will end up being the saving grace for the CARS line, at least to complete our racer sets.
Thursday is our TRU delivery day……..I didn’t even have any interest in running over there, to probably find “nothing” anyways.
They didn’t follow the direction for out Kmart Day 1. They just dumped all the Cars in plastic bins, told us to wait for a countdown, and then let us all go at it. Nobody was rude or pushy at all though. It worked out really well, and was very fast.
Our stores moved them into bins after everyone that was in line with a ticket had their chance to look through the cases.
Here’s hoping we’ll be able to order the cases online at like we did last year… There are too many new/good Cars in this case to be limited to 5…
But remember that the cases were gone in seconds! I missed out entirely.
Hopefully the Hot Wheels Collectors Day cases are an early indication. They were available for at least a week before they were sold out. $36 for 36 cars, with one being a Treasure Hunt. I think there will be a lot more K-Mart Cars cases available this year. Thats just too easy of money for Mattel to pass up.
Hope you are right, but these cases were sold on I alerted Met to that fact, he posted about it, then when I finally got on the website, the cases were sold out.
Very true advertisement pertaining to Matty. Exclusive toys SO exclusive that they are no longer available and haven’t been since 8 months ago! 🙁
Awesome! Thanks for the info Met!
I loved KM Day! My KM ran the event perfectly. I’m really hoping it goes as smoothly this year as it did last year.
I’m also hoping that some of the Kmarts that ran the event badly last year will do better this year and that the adults will behave like adults! The poor people that posted that they had to fight for their Cars was terrible to read. Grown men and women yelling at each other, pushing and shoving. I even remember someone posted that they took an elbow to the eye! What was worse was the kids witnessing the adults acting like jackasses! 🙁
I’m going into KM Day 2 with the same attitude as last year. Don’t expect too much. What ever happens happens. I tell you what…thank goodness that there are great folks here on Take5 that will help a person out if they come up empty at the event. 🙂
Well…I wish everyone good luck and…uh…don’t forget to bring your pepper spray. 😉
PD .. you should contact Zellers or even Canadian Tires head office .. and beg them to do a Cars day in Canada, June 21st !
It would be wonderful to get cases with :
Ramone, Ligthning McQueen !!!!!!
Daniel…we have a job for YOU!!!!
pouahhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. Dan where are you when we need ya!!! lol
I right here baby, and I got over $300 in Canadian Tire money waiting for that event.
Please make it “held” at Canadian Tires in Chateauguay 😉
It was all resellers at the KMart day I went to last year. Only one person had kids there, and he was using them to get extras. They had no interest in them at all. After that, I was the youngest person there at 30, which felt really creepy. All us old guys waiting around for toys. I am staying away this year. If I get some online, cool. If I miss out, then I will wait them out out when interest is low and prices are retail or less on eBay.
I had fun at mine…there were resellers there, but I put them in their place and made sure everyone who wanted some got some….
When my kids found out they were really excited, the novelty of KNOWING that there will be NEW Cars is TOO much to pass up…go fishing, come home with fish…Very COOL!!
btw, it seems that the Kmart Cars have only gone up in value since the day from my observations, so keep that in mind!
I was in the minority that day. Although technically I DID resell some of the extras I had. lol So that does put me in the group.
I am talking WELL in to the future. Historically, except for a few pieces, most collectible toy values will go down. Because of eBay and online stores and people wanting to make an extra buck, there is just too many items available on the aftermarket. If you are collecting hoping to make mint on these in the future, then you are in for heartbreak, unless you plan on waiting 30-40 years.
(MET: Well, “making a mint,” is subjective 🙂 … there a few dozens CARS items that sell for 10 times its original cost … and with CARS 2 coming … and honestly, I’m going to say there will be a CARS 3).
Well the good news is there is a Kmart Cars day 2..
but since there’s Lightning mcQueen in each case too.. is it too early to say that you can cross mark Kmart for a year after that event! .. ( 20-30-40 extra lightning Mcqueen will go right back on their shelves just after the event). So once again Mattel is playing it like DUMB A$$..
Another Store to avoid after June 20th!
Takes a lot of gall to put Matty on the back of a Cars card.
Wonder what the ‘more’ could possibly be.
“more” = ’empty promises’ + ‘bupkiss’ + ‘squat’
wahooo and yet again the UK misses out the ones from kmart 1 are still not here yet!
Don’t hold your breath either Mate-Dude-Mate!
What is Matty doin’ on the back there!!!
That’s it… I am done collectin’..!!!
I was wondering too! Yikes, just don’t turn the cardback over, or put some blue painter’s tape on Matty. The gaul of Mattel. Or is this the promise of things to come? 🙂
Promises to P&$$ us off!!!
Matty standing there with folded arms, defying us to find Cars on his website! And no mention of Cars! Just toys as Met said. So Mattel is using Cars cardbacks to advertise their other lines?
(MET: Well, at the time the cards were designed (5-months ago and printed, a few months ago), they had plans to make Matty a beacon of shelter for the empty CARS land out there … since that time, they simply decided Matty can’t be bothered with CARS … is that logical? No … But Matty is not singing ‘The Logical Song.’)
What is up with taht!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!
If Hot Wheels is settin’ the whole CARS thang aside ’cause they ain’t cool enough… SOD ‘EM!!!
Or maybe they hope this is only a fad driven by parents hooked on a toy that will only last to see the next Pixar Masterpiece…
I thought MATTY was gonn a have the next SOTS or Factory set for that matter!?!?!?
What gives?!?!
I am already upset I bought an RLC Membership that I presume will be my “frivolous” purchase for 2009…
I really enjoyed Kmart Day I…have to get a passport now, so I can go to Day II…my wife says I can go, but I am not allowed to buy so many cars this time…she still thinks that I had too many SPutter Stops!!
PirateDad.. buy as many as you can .. Dan and I will take them, in Quebec! 🙂 Just give my phone number to your wife .. I’ll explain here everything! 😉
Are you hitting on my wife??? hahahahaha
It may be easier to collect the wife of all Canadian collectors that keeps hitting each stores everyday for nothing…at least their wife should be at work or home!
…..I’m having trouble with my memory…what was those little things we used to Call disney cars back in time.. you know those little pieces that made us crazy until last summer when we received our last SINGLE CASE ! pouahhaaaaaa
I hope you’ll be able to get a set for me…I’ll start saving some money now!
I have my passport, so I don’t mind a road trip!
those cardback don’t really hold much for ‘collectors’ do they? they all like very much the same wxcept for the small logo change. I open them all anyway. Apart from that slight blemish they all look great. Here’s to hoping I can some through a trade member as Australia is a bit too far to travel!
i’ve got you covered bro!! providing i can get at least 2-3 of each!!
WOW, the gall of putting MattyCollector on there BLOWS my mind!!
You do you spell TOOL…M-A-T-T-Y!
I bet that Matty likes Ketchup Cake!
Punch Matty in his big stupid head!
Nice update Met. I’m looking forward to completing my collection of racers. This will put me very close to completion. Now where is Tact O Mint?
Heinz has hidden one inside every 100th bottle of ketchup!!
I’m going to get in touch with my friend John (Kerry) and ask him if he’ll send me one. Shall I get one for you too?
Oh yes please!!
10-4 good buddy.