Disney Pixar CARS: CARS 2 Coming June 24, 2011
There were some questions whether CARS 2 is confirmed for 2011 and not 2012 as originally first announced.
Yes, 2011.
More specifically June 24, 2011.
In Disney 3D.
Via the Hollywood Reporter:
“‘Cars 2’ racing to theaters in 2011
September 24, 2008 – Pixar is pushing the pedal to the metal on its sequel “Cars 2.” The follow-up to John Lasseter’s 2006 film “Cars” was originally set for release in summer 2012, but Lasseter, Pixar’s chief creative officer said at a Disney presentation Wednesday, that the film has been moved up to a summer 2011 release. Brad Lewis, who served as a producer on “Antz” and “Ratatouille,” is directing the film, which Lasseter said takes its inspiration from cars from around the world that he saw while doing publicity tours on behalf of “Cars.”
Most likely, it will mean “Newt” gets pushed back to 2012.
The plot?
“Racing star Lightning McQueen teams up with his best friend Mater for an international adventure as they go up against the world’s fastest cars.”
Some of you question picking a day so far in advance? It’s a common thing in Hollywood. Studios will first stake out the big weekends – Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, etc, etc … 2-3 years in advance with the mega movies so everyone can plan around them and give everyone proper spacing. For instance, an action film might open the next weekend after CARS 2 but an animated film or kid’s film will either open earlier or much later because they know the weekend that Disney-Pixar has already picked … and everyone wins.
And hopefully, they will convert CARS into 3D in the near future …
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I am really looking forward to Cars 2. My son should have lost interest by then, I can start to sell the whole collection that Christmas on Ebay. And I have every new release and the lot of extras when I purchased cases to get 3 to 5 of the new releases. I also have the special released ones as well.
I will then place the funds in his 529 plan of course. Now, my only question on my game plan is how sound do you believe it is? For example, If I sound the case of every varation of LMQ, used and played with, what would it be worth?
I assume you’re being sarcastic. Just in case you’re not, the answer is nothing. With the exception of a few limited editions, the Cars diecast are worth less than you paid for them and will be for your lifetime. Buying toys is one of the worst investment strategies in the world. You would have been better off buying GM stock. There are hundreds of thousands of these things made. There are only thousands of serious collectors. You do the math.
(MET: That’s because he has 10 complete sets and wants you all to open yours 🙂 ).
Normally I am very sarcastic, but, in this case I was not. And yes I buy GM stock too. For real.
As a father I have looked to get some of the same toys I had to get for my son. With matchbox cars being one of my all time favorite. So I started getting the Johnny Lightning line, due to they were the closes that resembled the matchbox cars I paid with in the ’70s. Then came along the Disney cars line. So, the about 100 JL cars I stocked on when my son was born are now under his bed. And he plays with the 170 so Disney cars.
My bet was this line would attract a whole new group with the release of Cars 2, my son will go up to the JL line as a favorite. Making my complete collection valued to other fathers.
Please tell your opinion.
You are correct that the line will always have value to collectors and parents. What you have failed to account for is the realities of supply and demand. A 1968 Hot Wheel redline still in the blister pack can be worth thousands because it was made and sold as a toy and almost all were opened. CARS diecast are made and sold to the collectable market and are also sold as toys. Therefore a large percentage of them are bought and held by collectors or dealers or speculators. Like I said, the numbers that Mattel is making are in the hundreds of thousands of each toy (except for a few limiteds) to cover both the collector and the toy markets. They over-produce (like they always do) and they under-distribute (like they always do). The under-distribution creates the initial surge of demand and the over-production eventually creates the bin full of these things that end up in Dollar General, CVS, your local supermarket, or other resalers. There just aren’t that many people out there that collect these things compared to the number being made.
Don’t listen to the skeptics man!!! That collection will be priceless… Just not by the time your ‘lil one needs money to go to University…
Heck – You should be lookin’ at somewhere around the time Wall-discovers live on planet Earth again!
Sounds about right!
I sold an old Hot Wheels for $500 not that long ago… Stick with it! This line is going to be worth at least something in the future. BTW, “pwschuh”: how about a comment every now and again that isn’t completely derogatory?! Come on dude!
BTW, “racerguy,” how about reading my first comment in this very post where I mention looking forward to seeing the new movie. Exactly how is that “completely derogatory”?
Very good points from both sides. From what I will take away from this is; the true value is in the toy part of this collection. Seeing my son get excited every time I find a new car and dreaming of the day he gets Frank. Priceless!
GM stock is up $0.01….
That’s exactly right. That’s why I collect them with my daughter.
falta muxo para q se estrene ojala q balga la pena la espera 😉
mientras disfruta de los “disparates de mate” hasta que salga la pelicula. coleccionalos todos!!! (in the meantime, enjoy “mater’s tall tales” until the movie comes out. collect them all!!!)
Ladies & Gentlecars,
There will be more Tall Tales coming, just can’t say what yet. They will be good/funny. Standard issue.
happy happy day!!!! I love these!!!!!!!!!!! That means more new Cars, even better!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆
Mater goes to Pasir??? Taht would be Sweet, Dude-Acuransx-Dude!!!
…Or maybe Canada?!?!
“Mater Orders a Poutine”… 😀
Definitely looking forward to the second film. Not sure if I will be collecting the diecast from that movie though.
well, all i gotta say about that is that the current diecast line based on the current movie has taken about 3 years currently (5 years till new movie) to complete(mostly because of the lack of NEW Cars that should be coming out constantly and at a high ratio per case!!!!!!!!!!!!)and this movie only took place in the U.S. (Radiators Springs mostly, California, and Georgia?)this new movie CARS 2 is suppose to take place AROUND THE WORLD!!!!. geez, how many CARS do you think will be released!!! and at the same pace and current ratio? i think the NEW line, if we let it, will probably be around for..i don’t know..till the end of the WORLD!!!! some people think we are complaining now. wait till then. i’m giving in after this first line..i really just want to complete my racers…and my haulers and my pittys and my crew chiefs….DAMN IT!!!! i hope i can stop…is there a CARholics Anonymous???
You are in Carsoholic Anonymous, Met provides the church basement and you are responsible for bringing the coffee….
My name is PirateDad and it has been 5 months since my last “in the wild” score…but thanks to enablers like chuki mama and TJH-AZ, I have 2 complete sets of addicting Disney Pixar Cars!!
ahhhh, snap!!!!!! I was hoping it woould be Jun 12…. I will be in Disneyland then….. maybe I can change my dates….
Wow I havent even planned vacations for 2009 yet……!!!!!!!!!!
shoot, this trip has been planned for two years…. my sister and I are celebrating significant birthdays together in 2011, and decided that we would spend it together at Disneyland…. should be so much fun!!!
Sweet 16s for you and your sister, I presume? LOL
Long live Cars!!!
Seems like such a long ways away. Can’t wait! Never been crazy about 3-d movies. Will probably just watch it on regular screen.
Hopefully we will get some more Cars Toons in the meantime.
All I can say for the negative backlash, is try and turn it in to something constructive. Email, and call Mattel, Pixar, JL. Send post cards or letters(keep the death threats to a minimum). Post it on Mattys facebook page. Have Martin slip a note under the marketing departments door. If its worth fighting for, then do it. Let the masses be heard. Hounding the issue over and over on Take5 is not going to get you very far.
How about we finish the first set first – then worry about the second…
Or is the first already done??
I have ALL sixteen, don;t you??
Sixteen!? I thought there were only 12. Which ones am i missing!?
Do you have Nada, Zip, Zilch and Bupkiss yet? They are available in a 4 pack from Matty.com!
Nope, scratch that. I just got an email from Scamazon.com indicating that the 4-pack has been cancelled.
I have all 4 but I just found out they are counterfeit LOL 🙂
Now that’s funny.
hahaha. keep them coming guys.
Nice!! I can’t wait.. then how many years of Cars 2 diecasts?????? This is insane and I love it!
Embracing the insanity is a smart move, especially with recent developments. I’m with you!
At least we are getting a date for the end of our line…. although it looks like it is getting shorter by the minute.
Wasn’t June 24, 2011 the date for K-Mart Day #7…. The case pack is 12 McQueens, 5 Green Ramones, 4 Yellow Ramones, and 3 Dinoco McQueens. All with lenticular eyes, real rubber non-rolling tires, and a push button sound effects short from the movie.. i.e. McQueen – KaChow; Ramone – Low and Slow or Hey Maaaann
there here everyday folks!!! silly and hillarious comments from many take5ers is what keeps these posts interesting and enjoyable to read everyday despite the lack of any new much needed positive information relating to CARS. love the way you guys just keep them coming one after the other. what a team!!!