Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: The Quixotic Quiz
So you know your CARS the movie and CARS, the diecast, here’s a quick quiz … only you know if you peeked 🙂
See if you can answer them without peeking at the film 🙂
1) How much in legal fees does McQueen owe Mater?
2) Name at least 3 names that Doc calls Lightning McQueen?
3) What is King’s actual name?
4) When he’s in Radiator Springs, name all the things that fall on top of or on McQueen?
5) When McQueen falls out of Mack sound asleep, what is the first CAR that passes him by?
6) What company made the Tractors?
7) What is the official name of Doc’s clinic?
8) Name all the CARS that cry?
9) What character has the most lines but only one in English … and it is?
10) Name one other store in Radiator Springs (not manned by a townie).
11) What movies played at the Drive In?
12) Bessie stands for?
13) Name all the Piston Cup Racer sponsors that have a round logo?
14) How many years has it been since Mater has seen “this thing?” (What is it and the # of years).
15) What does Flo offer Mini & Van?
16) How many CARS are chased by Frank?
17) If you were a CAR in CARS land, name 4 brand name liquids you might drink?
18) McQueen loses a tire in several scenes while racing – name them in order of which tire goes out (left, right, etc …)
19) How many rooms are available at the Cozy Cone?
20) Name one of the “working titles” of the film, “CARS.”
Here’s the portion of the quiz that directly relate to Mattel Disney Pixar 1:55 CARS …
1) Name Ramones without a flame job (man)?
2) What is Ferrari Fan Luigi missing?
3) What is the 2nd shortest diecast (measured from front to back)?
4) Name all the McQueen’s with Tar on him?
5) What is the most (incorrect) Out-of-Scale CAR (based on the evidence provided from the film).
6) Name all the CARS with license plates.
7) Name the three Pitty’s wearing hats/caps of a different than their “bodies.”
8) Name at three CARS with flame jobs (man)?
9) Name ALL the “official Mattel” launching devices for the 1:55 series CARS?
10) Name all the CARS characters that have appeared in other Pixar films?
11) Name at least 4 McQueen’s that have a tow-piece hood & expression?
12) Name 3 CARS with spoilers but are NOT Piston Cup racers?
13) Name at least 3 CARS that appear on cards in a scene from Radiator Springs but were never see in the film in Radiator Springs? What was the first CAR to appear on a card in Radiator Springs but not really appear in Radiator Springs in the film?
14) Name the two CARS with the presumed lowest production of all Supercharged cards based on the evidence?
15) Name the DESERT ART card & the SUPERCHARGED card CARS thought to be CHASE CARS (unofficial). There are two answers, one for Desert Art & one for Supercharged.
16) Name all 5 versions of the Mack Transporter and the CARS included (one is not out yet).
17) Which diecast has the biggest wheels?
18) Name 5 branches of the CARS diecast line … for the ultra geeks, name the names that Mattel internally calls them.
19) Name 5 Retailers that have sold an exclusive CARS 1:55 item – and name the at least 1 exclusive item each from that chain.
20) Name all the released version of Doc.
Good luck.
Let us know your score and every comment gets entered in our WE HAVE A WINNER BUT NO PRIZE CLAIMING contest … so since no one claimed the Elvis RV or the Wally Hauler, we have draw two names from the COMMENTS this Sunday to win a prize!
« Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: If You’re Bored And You Know It, Look at Your Milton Calypeer Rear | Mattel Disney Pixar Diecast CARS: CARS All in Germany » |

Who won?
I got a 45!!
I’m sure we all went “Whoo Hoo” when we saw the title about a quiz, I’m sure that we all list ourselves in the expert category considering that we’ve seen this movie 80 million times, but I would have to say, a few of them have me stumped!!!
Only a few? This quiz is the REAL reason I am quitting Cars, its TOOOOO Hard!! ahhahahahahaha
oooh, not so good…only scored a 29 🙁
COOOl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 what time does it on sunday?I need to schedule some study time!!
what time does it end?WOOOOPS!
42 😉
need to go watch it again…..
I think I got 35, but we’ll have to see.
What happened to 8?
When you put an ‘8’ and ‘)’ together their powers combine to form Super Sunglassed Smiley Guy.. 8) .. .
I will have to check, but I was sad that I was not able to answer more of them. I think it is time to watch the movie again.
Wow, without “cheating” I answered 20, with “cheating” only 34.
Can’t wait for the answers. To see if I’m right.
weired, the other week i thought of making a cars quiz to send to met to post, just been too busy to do it, did have a few questions tho,
1)in the first race, its a 3-way tie between McQueen, King & Chick, but who came 2nd?
2)When the press finds McQueen in Radiator springs, how many helicopters are with them?
3)name at least 7 characters who are real life celebrities or parody real life celebrities who feature in the film.
4)name 3 (probibly more) characters who dont seem to be able to talk in the film.
5)how many characters from other films are seen in the film and who are they?
6)name all the airborne vehicles in the film (by name and/or what they are, dont include cars that fly thru the air)
7)How many Paint Jobs does Ramone get during the film?
8)How many cars does Chick Hicks Bump and who are they?
9)When was Radiator Springs Founded?
10)How many times does Snott Rodd Sneeze?
11)In LMQ’s Rust-eze commercial, what colour is the rusty car, what does its number plate read and how many weeks does Rust-eze take?
12)At the first race, how many Pittys does MQ have?
13)Before finishing the race at the start of the film, how many points did King, Chick & LMQ have?
14)What are these characters first lines?
Have fun wih that 😛
(MET: Nice!)
cool! now this shows I really need to watch the movie.
yeah, not so much a quiz as a test of your research skills! 😀
so Met, you all-knowing all-powerful cars being,
do you know the answers without looking?
email me
ill mark ur answers!
(MET: Your quiz. I can answer some but not all. I can’t remember as well after the Red-Chuki CARS snowball fight. Now, in hindsight, I should have begged to be on the RED team …).
4) I know one is Stanley, don’t think I heard him speak a word the whole film.
ha, i actualy forgot about him, you get an extra point!
yeah i need to watch the movie again…
Are we supposed to put our answers here?
(MET: Please! That would save me a lot of time 🙂 ).
I actually knew more than half of them…. Well, actually, maybe…. What was this movie about again? Seriously though, I’ve watched it so many times I’d better know at least half the answers.
Is there a hidden point in here somewhere? Sounds like someone venting about not having a life. Get a work permit and work at McDonald’s. Also, use proper grammar at least onece please. If you feel lost and not found, please vent somewhere else. No, not my blog either.
What I wanted to say was – Great quiz, Dude-Met-Dude!
Can’t wait to have the time to do it justice…!
You still upset you don’t have an avatar?
That is a Quiz and a half!!!!
Thanks for not postin’ the answers here – I am gonna need a few quality moments to take this quiz in… And I didn’t feel like rushin’!!!
LOVE it loVE IT loVe It!!!
I hope Met posts the answers, maybe next week! Some of them will probably drive me crazy by then!
Met wipe this post will ya?
Tell him to go to and wait – that’ll keep em’ busy…
I was not asking Met to wipe the Quiz, but something silly posted, I LOVE this quiz!! Except the #6B one…name all the cars with License Plates…WOW without looking?? I doubt even John in Missouri got that one!
(MET: By that one, I think you can look at your collection but not pick them up … 🙂 ).
I feel dumb!
I’m right there with you… Um, how do we score this thing? Not that it matters, I think I’ll try for “least best”, that way I’m not disappointed in the outcome!
Hopefully we’ll be graded on a curve.
So, this tells me that seeing the movie 600+ times, and having all the currently released Cars, including variants, does NOT make me an expert on these two quiz subjects… wow, great quizzes!!!
WOW, I thought I knew a lot about the movie…boy was I wrong LOL.
I like this quiz but we need answers just so I can see how stupid I am. 1 or 2 questions really confused me.
q#9 could be Guido, or perhaps even Schumacher (for speaking Italian) but I’d have thought McQueen says the most lines.
Also q#8, we know Red likes to cry, but is Sheriff really crying at the end? when asked by Ramone he says he is just upset. So I pick just Red.
(MET: Two part question – what has the most lines not in English but one line is in English – what is it).
met i know! i didnt look its either “pit stop” or “okay” i say its okay i know it is (D
i go with Guido and say it is ‘pitstop’. He clearly asks this at the time when they are all racing on the dirt track as well as at the end when he completes “the fastest pitstop I’ve ever seen”.
thanks for that Met. Than I say Guido and the line is “pitstop” heard clearly twice in the film if I remember correct.
Guido also says “Buy, Buy, Buy!”.
As far as the crying CARS, don’t forget all the cars that shed a tear when Lightning helped King down the track, when he was wrecked by Chick.
Great Quiz Met!
Psssttttt John, what did you get for #13??
These double posts are getting more frequent~!
Which #13?
Great Quiz! John, what did you get for #13??
“Pencils down!”
“C! C! C!”
emil me at
oh my… i need to watch the movie again…
Wow, great quizzes! Where are the answer keys anyway?
(MET: I figured you were going to score 40, why bother? 🙂 ).
Sorry for the duplicate posts, I forgot to sign in first.
That has been happening to me lately too, doesnt matter if you sign in or not. Then later, the original post that “went missing” shows up.
Not sure why – ?
(MET: Evil twin?)
lorri, if you mailed me a package for the kids, will you email me at
Sorry for the duplicate posts, I forgot to log in, and the first one disappeared.
and again…. He really is rainman!
Wow, great quizzes! Where are the Answer Keys anyway?